Regetsin ointment instructions for use

The description is valid on 15.09.2016

  1. Latin name: Regecin
  2. ATX code: D10AX
  3. Active substance: Zinc hyaluronate
  4. Manufacturer: Dionysus (Russia)

Composition of Regetsin

The gel contains the active ingredient zinc hyaluronate and auxiliary components: sodium hyaluronate, potassium sorbate, zinc chloride, sodium hydroxide, carbopol and purified water.

Release form

Regetsin gel is intended for external use, sold in tubes of 15 g.

pharmachologic effect

The ointment has a pronounced antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory And regenerating (restorative) effect.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Regetsin is an effective anti-acne agent and helps against acne due to its anti-inflammatory properties and antimicrobial effects. It is able to eliminate stains that form on the affected acne (acne) areas of the skin.

The mechanism of action is based on the ability hyaluronic acid interact at the molecular level with proteins and other compounds, creating together with water molecules dispersion matrix, replenishing cellular tissue, which adds more elasticity and firmness to the skin, restores youth and improves tone. The constituent components of the drug increase the rate of tissue regeneration and improve circulation blood. Thanks to zinc, which is involved in cell division, microbial cells and viruses are eliminated directly at the sites of skin inflammation.

Indications for use

  1. used as a means of prevention and treatment acne of various etiologies, including demodicosis And seborrheic dermatitis;
  2. cosmetic procedures;
  3. after laser correction, to activate tissue regeneration and wrinkles.


To determine the individual susceptibility of the drug, it is recommended to test the product before use: apply ointment to a small area of ​​skin; if peeling, redness or burning occurs, you should consult a doctor. In addition to possible hypersensitivity reactions, there are other contraindications:

Side effects

  1. feeling of tightness or tingling;
  2. burning and itching;
  3. hyperemia of the skin;
  4. manifestations allergic reactions: skin rash, hives, dermatitis, up to Quincke's edema.

Regetsin, instructions for use (method and dosage)

The ointment should be applied in a thin layer, evenly distributing and rubbing over the entire problem area of ​​the facial skin, which has previously been cleansed.

Recommendations for use in different cases

  1. acne:It is recommended to use the gel twice a day for 4-6 weeks, maximum 3 months. in the initial stages, monotherapy with gel is sufficient; in moderate or severe cases, combination treatment with other drugs is recommended, for example, antibiotics or hormones;
  2. acne prevention: It is enough to use the gel up to 2 times a week;
  3. severe form of seborrheic dermatitis: should be applied 2-3 times a day for 4 weeks;
  4. to accelerate regeneration processes after laser correction: Apply to the wound for 5-10 days until complete healing.


Has not been recorded previously.


Terms of sale

The gel is sold without a prescription.

Storage conditions

Temperature: +5° +25°С.

Best before date

Can be stored for no more than 24 months.

Regetsin's analogs

There is only one substitute on the domestic market - gel Curiosin, which contains zinc hyaluronate, other analogs have only similar pharmacological effects.

Reviews about Regetsin

On medical forums you can find numerous positive reviews about Regetsin gel. Many people use it for a long time for prevention and recommend it to friends. Despite the rather high price for a 15 gram tube, the drug is popular due to its effectiveness and unique composition.

In case of use for acne

Reviews of Regetsin for acne are positive and indicate its excellent healing properties: it does not dry, does not tighten or burn, and the acne problem disappears without a trace within a week after the first use.

To combat signs of aging and wrinkles

In the modern world there are many environmental problems, stress, imbalance and weakening immunity – all this negatively affects skin health. People have become more demanding of medications and want to have an effective product that will help relieve skin fatigue and restore its former beauty. Experts are increasingly turning to medications that act at the molecular level, which stimulate skin regeneration processes. Reviews of cosmetologists about Regetsin for wrinkles note its effectiveness with regular use: refreshes and improves complexion, increases blood circulation in blood vessels and restores the cellular matrix epidermis.

Patients who have used the drug claim that Regetsin as an anti-wrinkle gel helps:

  1. prevent folds from forming;
  2. increase skin tone and elasticity;
  3. put away dark spots;
  4. is an excellent base for makeup and as a component of masks.

Regetsin price, where to buy

Today you can buy this anti-acne drug in almost any pharmacy: the average price of Regetsin gel in the Russian Federation is 240 rubles, while the price in Ukraine ranges from 160-175 UAH.

The end justifies the means - this is the slogan of women in the fight against wrinkles. To prolong the youth of the face, ladies use all kinds of compositions and methods to smooth out the skin. Among them there are also medications, for example, Regetsin gel.

What is the product used for?

The drug Regetsin can be purchased in pharmacies, since it is a medication used to treat the skin. The gel has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and restorative properties. Its direct purpose is as follows:

  1. prevention and treatment of seborrheic dermatitis, demadecosis, comedonal and papulopustular acne;
  2. fight against acne spots (post-acne);
  3. regeneration of the skin after laser exposure (removal of moles, warts and other benign tumors, hair removal, etc.);
  4. healing of wounds.

The main active ingredient of Regetsin is zinc hyaluronate. It is this component that determines all of the listed properties of the drug. Acting at the molecular level, zinc hyaluronate restores the extracellular matrix of the epidermis, and this increases the skin's ability to resist external irritants and maintain its elasticity. In addition, zinc takes an active part in the destruction of pathogens that cause inflammatory processes on the skin.

Regetsin also contains auxiliary substances that enhance the effect of zinc hyaluronate.


Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages of Regetsin, consumers note the following:

  1. wide range of applications;
  2. rare occurrence of side effects;
  3. affordable price (128 rubles for 1 tube of 15 g);
  4. fast absorption, which ensures the absence of shine on the skin;
  5. compatibility with other drugs;
  6. lack of photosensitizing effect, i.e. after applying Regetsin to the skin there is no risk of photoallergic and phototoxic inflammation of the skin under the influence of direct sunlight;
  7. no smell.

Among the disadvantages of Regetsin are:

  1. insufficient information about the effect of the gel on the health of a pregnant woman and her unborn child;
  2. presence of contraindications for use.

In what cases should you not use Regetsin?

The annotation for the drug indicates the following contraindications:

  1. asthmatic syndrome;
  2. oncological problems;
  3. burns caused by chemicals;
  4. deep wounds and other skin lesions;
  5. allergic manifestations to the components included in the ointment;
  6. individual intolerance.

Possible side effects

If you have not used the drug before, you should be aware that in the first days of its use, burning, tightness, itching and redness may occur. These symptoms do not require any treatment. Usually within two to three days all unpleasant manifestations go away on their own. But if this does not happen, it is better to refuse Regetsin and seek help from a specialist.

In extremely rare cases, the use of gels can provoke the development of dermatitis, urticaria and even Quincke's edema.

Why was ointment used against wrinkles?

If Regetsin was developed to combat medical problems on the skin, then why do some women use the product to smooth out wrinkles? After all, the instructions for the drug do not say a word about its ability to eliminate this problem.

First you need to understand the mechanism of formation of wrinkled folds on the face. The skin retains its elasticity thanks to a framework of collagen fibers, which supports and stretches it from the inside (like the springs in a sleeping mattress). Over time, collagen “springs” lose their correct position, and the tension of the skin surface weakens, the skin begins to sag, i.e., folds form on it.

To restore the necessary direction of the protein fibers, the space between them must be filled. Hyaluronic acid helps maintain the correct position of the collagen and elastin fiber framework. In addition, “hyaluronic acid” is a strong skin moisturizer, since it is very hygroscopic; one molecule of it can hold more than five hundred molecules of water. Therefore, a sufficient amount of this substance in the skin prevents premature skin aging and the formation of wrinkles.


The main active ingredient in Regetsin gel is zinc hyaluronate. Among the auxiliary components is sodium hyaluronate. These substances are derivatives of hyaluronic acid, and they can often be found in cosmetic products against aging skin and wrinkles.

It should be noted that hyaluronic acid molecules are quite large, and it is not able to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin. As for zinc and sodium hyaluronates, during their production the hyaluronic acid molecule is significantly reduced, and the substances easily reach the subcutaneous layers.


If a cosmetic product contains sodium or zinc hyaluronate, we can safely say that hyaluronic acid has a low molecular structure, therefore, it will penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin.

How to properly use the drug for cosmetic purposes

Do not forget that Regetsin is a medication. Therefore, in the fight against wrinkles, it must be used wisely so as not to harm your health.

  1. Before applying the gel, your face must be thoroughly cleansed. Attention! You should not use products containing alcohol, because Regetsin contains zinc, and its interaction with alcohol can cause irritation on the skin.
  2. Take a small amount of the drug (one pea is enough) and distribute it over your face by patting it. It is noteworthy that the gel can also be applied to the crow’s feet area. Particular attention should be paid to the nasolabial folds.
  3. After Regetsin is completely absorbed (2-3 minutes from the moment of application), use your usual facial skin care cream.

Many women may have a question regarding the third point: why else use additional cosmetics if Regetsin already moisturizes the skin well and contributes to its smoothness and elasticity?

Not all molecules of hyaluronic acid and its derivatives get under the skin. Some of them remain on the surface. It is known that hyaluronic acid is hygroscopic, and it absorbs water molecules from its environment. In heated rooms or in frosty conditions, the air is quite dry and contains too little moisture. Hyaluronate begins to draw water from the skin, i.e., instead of moisturizing, the process of drying the skin may begin. To prevent this from happening, cosmetic cream should be applied on top of Regetsin.

The drug can be used for 3–4 weeks. Then you should take a break for 6 months.

In the first 7 days, the gel is applied to the skin twice a day - morning and evening. Then the regimen for using Regetsin involves only evening application of the drug.

For 3 months after completion of the course, the product can be used once a week for preventive purposes.

How to use the drug for different ages

Regetsin gel is used for different age categories, but each case has its own nuances of use that should be taken into account:

  1. age 25–30 years. During this period, the drug should not be applied to the entire face, but only to problem areas: wrinkles around the eyes, nasolabial folds, corners of the mouth. In addition, the product should not be used daily, but every other day;
  2. age 30–35 years. Regetsin can be applied to the entire face, but once every two days in the evening before bedtime;
  3. after 35 years, the drug should be used according to the above scheme.

Experts' opinion

Different cosmetologists have different views on the use of Regetsin as an anti-wrinkle cosmetic. Some are convinced that there is nothing to worry about, since the components of the ointment smooth out wrinkles and promote rejuvenation of the skin.

Other experts refer to the fact that Regetsin is a medical drug, and it contains components that can cause side effects. In addition, in their opinion, using the gel can be addictive.

Therefore, before using Regetsin as an anti-wrinkle product, you need to consult with a cosmetologist you can trust.


Regetsin tightens the skin very well and it becomes smoother and tighter, perhaps this is the effect of the hyaluronic acid contained in the product. The texture of Regetsin is transparent and completely invisible. As a result, Regetsin does not cope well with its main function, but it evens out and tightens the skin very well, I am satisfied with it.



Economical consumption, especially if applied to damp skin, or after thermal water or tonic. For me, this is a dream product and a lifesaver. In moments of “sprinkling”, it helps to remove them faster. Prevents and resolves fresh stains. Heals wounds. Wrinkles are smoothed out. After using it, the skin looks healthier. An excellent base for makeup. Relieves inflammation and redness. Antimicrobial effect. The only downside is that if you apply it to dry, irritated skin, it may sting for a while and tighten the skin. I recommend!


“Regetsin” helped me tighten my skin (34 years old) and cope with post-acne marks. It’s a shame at this age to walk around with acne spots, and even with wrinkles. A cosmetologist recommended this gel to me, so I used it with peace of mind. There are not many contraindications, so I recommend it to everyone.


Regetsin is able to effectively smooth out wrinkles due to the hyaluronic acid derivatives it contains. The drug has many positive reviews from those women who used it to combat wrinkles on the face. However, do not forget that this is a medication, and it has a number of contraindications. Therefore, consulting a cosmetologist will not hurt.

Instructions for use:

Prices in online pharmacies:

Regetsin (international title - Zinc Hyaluronate) is a hyaluronic acid-based gel intended for the prevention and treatment of acne. The gel is widely used for medical and cosmetic purposes.

The drug has a regenerating, antiviral and anti-inflammatory effect.

Composition and release form

The main active ingredient is zinc hyaluronate.

Auxiliary components: sodium hyaluronate, potassium sorbate, sodium hydroxide, carbopol, zinc chloride, purified water.

Regetsin is available in the form of a gel in tubes of 15-20 g.

Pharmacological properties of Regetsin

Regetsin is intended for external use as a medicine for the prevention and treatment of skin acne of various etiologies. The active substances of the drug have an antimicrobial effect, help relieve inflammation, eliminate erythematous spots, which are the consequences of acne.

Hyaluronic acid, as the main component of Regetsin, actively interacts with proteins and other substances at the molecular level, effectively creating a dispersion matrix that helps maintain elasticity and firmness, youth and tone of the skin. Also, the components of the drug activate blood circulation and accelerate tissue regeneration. Zinc is involved in cell division and has a targeted effect on eliminating microbes and viruses in areas of inflammation on the skin.

Regetsin received good reviews as a drug with no photosensitizing properties, which does not damage the skin, has no color and no chemical odor.

Indications for use

Regetsin is prescribed for the prevention and treatment of acne at various stages of development, demodicosis, and seborrheic dermatitis.

Regetsin has positive reviews as a medicine that activates tissue regeneration after laser correction.

The gel can be used in cosmetic procedures.

Instructions for use of Regetsin

According to the instructions, Regetsin should be used 2 times a day for 5-7 weeks. As a prophylactic agent, the drug should be used no more than 2 times a week.

For acne at the initial stage, the gel is used as monotherapy, and for moderate and severe acne, Regetsin must be used in combination with other drugs, including antibiotics and hormones.

In accordance with the instructions, Regetsin should be applied in a small amount to the surface of clean and dry skin, and then rubbed in with light movements until completely absorbed. The duration of treatment should not exceed 3 months.

For seborrheic dermatitis at a severe stage, it is necessary to apply the gel 2-3 times a day for 4 weeks.

As a means to accelerate regeneration after laser skin correction, the gel should be applied to the surface of the wound for 5-10 days until it heals.


Regetsin is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity and intolerance to the components of the drug, chemical burns, deep wounds and skin lesions, tumors, asthma.

The drug should be prescribed with caution during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Side effects of Regetsin

During the initial period of treatment, Regetsin can cause itching and burning of the skin, tightening and hyperemia of the skin. These symptoms should disappear 2-3 days after starting treatment, otherwise the drug should be discontinued.

In some cases, Regetsin can cause allergic reactions - skin rash, urticaria, dermatitis, Quincke's edema.

Regetsin: prices in online pharmacies

Regetsin anti-acne gel 15g

Regetsin gel for external use 15 g 1 pc.

Regetsin gel 15 g

Regetsin gel 15g


Information about the drug is generalized, provided for informational purposes and does not replace official instructions. Self-medication is dangerous to health!

This is a gel and this is a fake custom answer

This is a gel and this is a fake custom answer

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