Causes of wrinkles under the eyes suddenly appearing

Wrinkles are a natural consequence of age-related skin aging. They begin to appear early, and sometimes young people may notice fine wrinkles around their eyes.

All women immediately notice the appearance of the first wrinkles near the eyes.

There are several reasons for their occurrence, and if you know them, it will be easier to choose prevention methods.

What causes wrinkles under the eyes in women - the main reasons

This has a negative impact on the condition of the skin, especially the thin and delicate skin around the eyes.

However, There are actually more reasons for wrinkles. The following are considered the main ones:

  1. physiological and photoaging;
  2. load on facial expressions and emotional factors;
  3. climate and environmental influences;
  4. improper use of cosmetics;
  5. nutrition, unhealthy lifestyle and disease.

It makes sense to consider each of the listed reasons in more detail.

Physiological and photoaging

With age, the synthesis of elastic fibers and collagen slows down, and these substances are responsible for elasticity and natural moisture. That's why The dryness of the skin increases, the formation of new cells occurs more and more slowly, wrinkles deepen and their number increases.

The appearance of wrinkles, especially early ones, is directly affected by sunlight. In addition to the beneficial vitamin D, it also causes harm to human skin, which has already been proven by scientists. The sun destroys DNA cells, intercellular structures and collagen fibers; under its radiation, pathologically altered elastin accumulates and the strength of blood vessels decreases.

As a result, the skin loses elasticity, becomes dry, and may begin to peel, and wrinkles will certainly appear. This is called photoaging. And that is why you need to protect yourself from direct sunlight.

Load on facial expressions and emotional factors

The skin around the eyes does not have endocrine glands, which affects its tone. And first of all, it smoothes out quite slowly.

And with an active facial load, with the face “reflecting” most emotions, its elastic properties, already low, simply cannot keep up with muscle contractions.

As a result, fine wrinkles form, which become deeper over time.

This happens because under stress, the body produces adrenaline and glucocorticoids, and under their influence, blood flows to the organs most important for life.

By emotional factors we mean stress, and in modern life every person has enough of it, regardless of age. The more traumatic situations there are, the sooner your skin will begin to age.

And the skin does not receive the necessary elements previously supplied by blood.

Climate and environmental influences

Significantly affects the skin and climate. With a lack of heat or heat, high humidity or sunshine, strong temperature changes, it will age quickly.

In addition, the environment also has an impact.

Polluted air, water, unnatural food, which contains a lot of carcinogenic substances and few vitamins, electromagnetic radiation from computer equipment, etc. – all this leads to premature aging of the skin.

Incorrect use of cosmetics

This refers to inattention when choosing a particular cosmetic product, when a person is guided by outside recommendations, without taking the trouble to read the composition of the product.

As a result, it is possible to overdry already dry skin with the use of alcohol-containing preparations, oily skin and clogging of oily skin due to the use of moisturizers, etc.

But the fact is that each cosmetic product is developed for specific purposes for a specific skin type.

And before choosing cosmetics, you need to find out at least minimal information about its action.

Nutrition, unhealthy lifestyle and disease

Lack of balanced nutrition leads to the fact that the skin lacks vital substances and microelements. If the required amount of fats is not supplied with food, the skin becomes thin and overly sensitive, and if there are not enough amino acids and proteins, the production of collagen and elastin will decrease. And all this, one way or another, will lead to the premature appearance of wrinkles.

Under no circumstances should you overdo diets., because fasting is a serious stress for the body. He lacks nutrients, and he begins to get them from the subcutaneous tissue. This leads to skin dehydration and rapid aging.

A harmful lifestyle, and especially smoking, directly contributes to the appearance of early wrinkles. The fact is that tar, carcinogens and nicotine worsen the quality of blood, dehydrate the body, and affect blood vessels so that they become brittle. And all this leads to the appearance of circles under the eyes, sagging and dry skin, and often rosacea.

Besides, Various diseases can affect the deterioration of the skin: deficiency conditions of the body, hormonal disorders, diseases of the kidneys, cardiovascular system, lungs, endocrine system, etc. And if the skin suddenly becomes flabby, acquires a grayish tint, and wrinkles appear sharply, this is a reason to consult a doctor.

What to do to prevent their sudden formation?

Preventive measures will vary depending on the cause that may be causing the early appearance of wrinkles. A To clarify exactly what factor affected the condition of the skin, you need to visit a cosmetologist – this would be an ideal option, but you can work on preventing aging on your own.

Nothing can be done about natural aging, but you can try to slow down this process with the help of properly selected cosmetics and lifestyle corrections. The latter includes measures such as normalizing sleep patterns, engaging in moderate physical activity, etc.

Cosmetics that have a sunscreen effect help against photoaging., and refusal to visit the solarium, since it has effects similar to the sun.

Besides, you need to watch your facial expressions: squint less, minimize the habit of “making faces”, on sunny days, wear dark glasses, etc., so that there are no “crow’s feet” around the eyes in the future.

The impact of the climatic factor, as well as the influence of a harmful environmental situation, will be partly helped by appropriate cosmetics and, possibly, professional cosmetic procedures.

But one of the most significant roles, of course, is played by normalization of nutrition and giving up bad habits. You should quit smoking as soon as possible, and reduce alcohol consumption to a minimum. As for diet, the diet should include:

  1. fresh juice in the morning on an empty stomach;
  2. increasing the amount of vegetables and fruits in the daily menu;
  3. fatty fish, cheeses, egg yolks;
  4. Protein-rich foods.

Besides, It’s worth spending time on preventive exercises, which has a tonic and firming effect on the skin around the eyes. In conclusion, we can say that prevention will be especially effective if the listed measures are carried out comprehensively.

The appearance of wrinkles on the face is a problem that worries every woman. Depending on the reasons, there are several types of wrinkles, each of which requires close attention.

The main types of wrinkles and their differences

Modern cosmetologists distinguish a different number of types of wrinkles, depending on the nature, depth and causes of development. The most common is the division of wrinkles into:

  1. Expression wrinkles are wrinkles that appear as a result of systematic reduction of facial wrinkles. A person’s emotional state is primarily reflected on the face, as a result of the functioning of facial muscles. It is this fact, or rather, the constant activity of a specific muscle group, that can provoke the development of wrinkles. So, if you have the habit of squinting, raising an eyebrow or frowning, the risk of developing facial wrinkles significantly increases by the age of twenty. The first wrinkles appear in the forehead area, then so-called “crow’s feet” in the corners of the eyes and, by the age of thirty, on the upper eyelids;
  2. Age-related wrinkles that appear after the age of forty. They arise as a result of the natural aging processes of the epidermis. In addition, the aging process is accelerated by the presence of bad habits: smoking, alcoholism and others. In addition, age-related wrinkles can appear faster due to poor posture and incorrect sleeping position.
  3. Combined - appear around the age of thirty or forty. They combine the characteristics of senile and facial expressions.

There are many classifications of wrinkles, however, the most common is the division into three types. It is based on the division of types of wrinkles according to developmental reasons and age threshold.

What causes wrinkles under the eyes?

Early wrinkles can occur in women with increased facial activity. Women who have dry skin are also at risk. In addition, the following can cause the appearance of wrinkles under the eyes:

  1. Chronic fatigue;
  2. Systematic stress;
  3. Lack of sleep;
  4. Improper and irregular nutrition;
  5. Lack of water in the body;
  6. Presence of bad habits;;
  7. The influence of ultraviolet radiation;
  8. Using poor quality cosmetics;
  9. Rubbing creams and masks not intended for this into the skin under the eyelids;
  10. Exceeding the permissible time of working at the computer;
  11. Anatomical features of the face: deep-set eyes, drooping upper eyelid;
  12. Heredity.

Wrinkles under the eyes are one of the first signs of facial skin aging. Avoiding contact with factors that provoke premature aging can significantly slow down the process of wrinkles, but not completely stop them.

Prevention of wrinkles

By the age of thirty, there is a loss of elasticity and firmness of the skin. Therefore, many experts recommend not to neglect the prevention of premature appearance of wrinkles.

The main principles of prevention include:

  1. Selection of high-quality cosmetics that are most suitable for a specific skin type;
  2. Comprehensive daily facial skin care;
  3. Regulation of nutrition: its balance, completeness and regularity;
  4. Rejection of bad habits;
  5. Regular use of sunscreens in summer;
  6. Regulating facial expressions: giving up the habit of squinting your eyes, wincing, curling your lips;
  7. Carrying out regular gymnastics of the facial and neck muscles, massage.

Regular implementation of a number of simple rules will significantly reduce the likelihood of early development of wrinkles. In addition, these principles make it possible to delay the appearance of senility.

What are effective ways to eliminate wrinkles?

Modern cosmetology can offer many different ways to eliminate wrinkles. The most effective are:

  1. Botox injections are the injection of natural proteins under the skin of the problem area. They block the action of the nerve innervating the facial muscles, “freeze” them, eliminating the cause of wrinkles around the eyes;
  2. Contour plastic surgery – gel implants based on hyaluronic acid are inserted under the skin;
  3. Blepharoplasty is the correction of wrinkles using surgical intervention. It is carried out by eliminating excess eyelid skin, eliminating their overhang;
  4. Mesotherapy – pharmacological mixtures that contain homeopathic medicines, vitamins, plant extracts and microelements are injected under the skin. It is produced by injection with thin needles into the epidermis a couple of millimeters.

There are many different methods for eliminating wrinkles. However, you should approach the choice of a specific one with extreme caution, since an incorrectly performed, poor-quality procedure may not only not help, but also lead to disastrous consequences.

Tips for daily eye care

An important part of preventing premature aging of facial skin is correct application. The skin around the eyes is especially thin and vulnerable, and therefore requires special attention.

  1. To cleanse the skin around the eyes, it is recommended to use milk and lotions that do not contain alcohol. In addition, cleansing should be carried out with extreme care; do not wrinkle or stretch the skin.
  2. It is recommended to systematically make masks to moisturize the skin around the eyes. Experts recommend oil masks based on almond or coconut oil, or vitamin ones.
  3. It is important to choose the right moisturizer to nourish the skin around the eyes. This is especially important since there are practically no sebaceous glands here. When choosing, you should avoid creams with a lot of artificial ingredients, as they can dry out the skin.
  4. To improve blood flow and smooth out small facial wrinkles, it is recommended to massage the eye circle area daily.

Proper daily skin care makes it possible to minimize the risk of premature development of wrinkles. In addition, it refreshes the appearance of facial skin, acting comprehensively.

Many women are concerned about the question: why do wrinkles appear under the eyes? The reason may lie in excessive activity of facial muscles, aging skin or improper care. Modern cosmetology can offer a number of procedures to eliminate wrinkles, however, the best way is still to prevent their occurrence.

In the video below you will learn even more information about wrinkles around the eyes: