Is it possible to squeeze white pimples?

Few of us, passing by the mirror, resist the temptation to touch problem areas of the face. We suggest considering whether it is possible to squeeze pimples on the face, nose, forehead and chin, and also why the squeezing process is dangerous during pregnancy.

Why do pimples crush?

During adolescence (up to 14 years) and simply with problematic facial skin, pimples, blackheads and comedones (purulent wounds) periodically appear on the epidermis. These formations represent a clogged pore, which due to the large amount of sebum, dirt and oil begins to become inflamed.


Is it possible to squeeze pimples?

Next, a specific area is infected. At the site of the injury, redness, itching, inflammation appears, and pus begins to actively secrete. After this, the process enters the active stage, when abscess formations penetrate deep into the skin. Depending on your immunity, the condition of your face, and your lifestyle, the process of cleansing pus lasts from one day to a week. It is during this period that we begin to crush ripened pimples.

Why is it dangerous to squeeze pimples?

This activity is dangerous to engage in not only during pregnancy, but also in the normal state of the body:

  1. If the pressure is incorrect and the vessels are close together, you can block the blood flow, which can create additional suppuration;
  2. If you squeeze pimples with unwashed hands, there is a very high risk of infection. Many “experts” squeeze out the pus until it bleeds, in which case you can become infected with a truly dangerous disease;
  3. The biggest problem after squeezing out pimples is the formation of scars, this is especially noticeable in places where the skin is thin and delicate (under the eyes, on the lips, temples). To avoid this, use special devices for squeezing pimples and work only with clean hands.

Many experts, when asked whether it is possible to squeeze out pimples, answer that it is possible, especially pustules on the back and face. This is not only unaesthetic, but also dangerous; it can break out at an unexpected moment, putting your health in danger. But before starting the process, make sure that acne is not a signal of a serious disease of the internal organs.

Video: how to treat acne

How to squeeze pimples correctly

Let's look at the basic rules of dermatologists on how to squeeze out pimples:

  1. Wash your face, treat your entire face with degreasing tonics, wait until they dry;
  2. Disinfect your hands. Many cosmetologists work with sterile gloves and cotton wool - it’s more convenient and safer;
  3. Gently press on the pimple. You should see a small pore point, this means that the “problem” has matured;
  4. Place your fingers as close to the pimple as possible and press on it. Do not press on the outer part, but rather inward, trying to squeeze out the root;
  5. When you clean the pore, clean skin should be visible; if a piece of white matter is visible, then the root remains inside and soon the pimple will recur;
  6. After completing the procedure, wipe your face with toner again. Refrain from using creams, foundations and powders so as not to clog the cleansed areas; let the pores breathe.


Photo - Development of a pimple

It is worth remembering that not all pimples can be squeezed. For example, it is strictly forbidden to squeeze pimples from chickenpox. Firstly, it is useless, because... There are exactly the same ones inside the body. Secondly, if small watery blisters go away on their own, leaving no traces, then after squeezing you will be left with scars like scabies. Apply green paint to problem areas and breathe fresh air as much as possible, this will help.

It is not advisable to squeeze pimples on a healing tattoo. At this moment, this area is especially susceptible to infection, and inflammation from the paint may also occur. Be careful, treat pimples and blackheads with Bepanten, Panthenol, Rescuer.

The ugliest pimples with demodicosis are inflamed purulent formations that are very painful and itchy. It is almost impossible to fight them. You need to go to a dermatologist who will prescribe you chatterbox. If you doubt whether it is possible to squeeze white pimples on the face, it is better to ask at the clinic; it is quite possible that this is a sign of liver disease or gastritis.

The answer to the question whether it is possible to squeeze out pimples on the face is of interest not only to teenagers. Often people in adulthood also face this problem. To make the right decision, you need to determine the type of acne and listen to the opinion of doctors.

Doctors' opinion

Inflamed bumps on the skin occur due to blockage of the sebaceous glands, which are located near the hair follicle. This phenomenon has several names, including pimples, blackheads, and comedones.

When a pore is partially or completely clogged, an inflammatory process begins in it. Its consequence is purulent acne appearing on the skin. Dermatologists answer the question “is it possible to squeeze out pimples” - only in exceptional cases. Independent manipulation of ulcers on the face can lead to serious negative consequences.

Complications that may arise when squeezing out pustules:

  1. scars;
  2. development of inflammation;
  3. cosmetic defects.


Another common consequence of removing even small pimples is inflammation, which can lead to blood poisoning. When purulent contents are removed, a wound remains on the skin, which becomes a gateway for the penetration of infectious agents. The inflammatory focus begins to grow, pus is formed, which can spread through blood streams throughout the body.

That is why, often after squeezing out one pimple, new abscesses appear in large numbers after some time. Inflammation can also be caused by the use of decorative cosmetics, with which women disguise recently squeezed out pustules.

Various lumps and uneven skin are also common consequences of pimple removal. Such defects are less dangerous to health, but have a negative effect on appearance. Subsequently, women spend a lot of effort to disguise them.

Taking into account all of the above, the answer to the question “is it possible to squeeze out white pimples on the face” becomes obvious - it depends on its type.

What types of pimples can be squeezed?

To understand whether it is possible to squeeze acne on the face, it is necessary to determine what type of formations existing on the skin belong to.


According to their structure, all acne is divided into inflammatory and those in which there is no inflammatory process. Those included in the first category stand out on the face due to their size and hyperemia (redness). Purulent contents can be visible through the skin, and when palpated, such pimples cause pain and discomfort.

Non-inflammatory pimples appear as small skin-colored bumps or dark spots. They are called comedones and are formed due to blockage of the pores at the top with dead cells or sebum.


Open. They look like dark dots, one to two millimeters in size. Color varies from light yellow to black. The intensity of the shade depends on the “age” of the comedone. The initially light plug of sebum oxidizes when exposed to air and darkens over time.

Under special conditions, comedones can be squeezed out independently. At the slightest violation of the rules, an infection is introduced into them and an inflammatory process begins to develop. Therefore, the best option is cosmetic facial cleansing.

Closed comedones (milia). They look like small bumps. They arise due to blockage of the pore, but from the lower part. Outwardly they may not be noticeable, but they can be clearly felt upon palpation. When there are a lot of subcutaneous comedones, the face takes on the appearance of a grater or sandpaper. You cannot squeeze out such acne on your face.

Milia can combine with other pimples and form a large cavity under the skin, which begins to fill with pus. Only a cosmetologist can cleanse the face of closed comedones using special tools and means to open pores.

Acne with inflammation

  1. Papules. They occur when an infection enters the comedones. The size of these formations can reach one centimeter in diameter. Externally, papules look like red or pink bumps. They do not have a white purulent head. Squeezing such pimples only worsens the situation and can lead to the development of inflammation.
  2. Pustules. Lumps, the purulent contents of which are visible through the skin. They can be cone-shaped or hemispherical. There is a white dot (see-through pus) at the top of the pustule, and the skin around it is inflamed. In cases where the color of the purulent contents has a yellow or green tint, this indicates a secondary infection. In some cases, pustules can be removed yourself at home.

Those who are wondering whether it is possible to squeeze white pimples on the face should be very careful and follow these rules:

  1. Only small pustules (up to five millimeters in diameter) can be squeezed out;
  2. pus should be removed after the redness of the skin subsides;
  3. Yellow or green pimples should not be touched.

Nodules are a type of inflammatory acne, which are distinguished by their large size (from one to three centimeters in diameter) and bright color (rich red, purple, bluish). The nodes are very painful, and their base can go deep into the skin. You can't squeeze these pimples.

Is it possible to squeeze out blackheads if there are a lot of them?

A significant factor in the issue of self-removal of acne is their number. According to the severity of acne, acne can be:

  1. light;
  2. moderate;
  3. severe;
  4. launched.

For first, the mild stage is characterized by the presence of several closed or open comedones. The presence of one or two small purulent pimples is also allowed. In such cases, their extrusion is allowed with strict adherence to certain rules.


At moderate form on the face, as well as on the chest, shoulders and upper back, comedones and small acne with or without purulent contents may be present. The total number of pimples at this stage does not exceed fifteen. In such cases, self-removal of pus and sebaceous plugs must be combined with treatment.

Heavy The form of acne on the face is manifested by large pustules and papules, the number of which can reach up to forty. Often at this stage the scalp is also affected. Self-treatment or squeezing of pimples in such cases is strictly prohibited. Only a doctor can provide qualified assistance.

Launched the form is characterized by a large number of purulent formations of various types. They connect with each other, covering large areas of the skin with a dense layer. Upon contact with clothing or bedding, the pimples break out, and the released contents spread and spread the infection further. Treatment of this stage in most cases is carried out in a hospital setting.

Rules for squeezing pimples

To squeeze out a pimple and thereby avoid causing harm, it is necessary to ensure sterile conditions and follow the following recommendations.

To eliminate acne you need:

  1. if you plan to squeeze out comedones, steam the skin first;
  2. the pustule will open more easily if you first lubricate it with ichthyol ointment overnight;
  3. wash your hands and face using soap. Lubricate the area where the pimple is located with an alcohol-containing product;
  4. wrap the index fingers of your left and right hands with a thin layer of gauze;
  5. move your fingers to the eel and begin to press on its “root”;
  6. if after several pressures the sebaceous plug or pus does not come out, attempts should be stopped;
  7. the procedure should also be interrupted if it causes severe pain;
  8. evidence that all contents have been removed will be the appearance of ichor;
  9. Rinse the wound with hydrogen peroxide, then cauterize with salicylic or boric acid. You can use any antiseptic except iodine;
  10. For several days, refrain from using powder, blush or foundation.

How to deal with acne yourself (video)

Everyone knows that you shouldn’t squeeze pimples, but they can’t follow this rule. After all, if there is an important event ahead, and a huge pimple rises on your forehead, it is simply impossible not to squeeze it out. And as soon as one is squeezed out, you need to take on the rest. As a result, millions of girls and boys have been unable to solve the problem of rashes and marks from them for years. But what else to do, is it really necessary to wait until the pimple completely heals on its own?

Is it possible to squeeze pimples on the face?


A pimple is not a simple rash, but an inflammatory process, which is often complicated by other diseases of the body. You shouldn’t rejoice over the victory over a couple of squeezed out blackheads in the morning, as by the evening there may be twice as many of them! A wound has formed at the site of the pimple, which is completely open to various types of infections, and the consequences of this can be different.

The most dangerous thing is to squeeze out pimples on the face in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle. After all, it is there that a large number of vessels feeding the brain are concentrated. Most often, squeezing causes a boil infection, which is manifested by the appearance of small ulcers. In the case of furunculosis, which is an infectious disease, serious treatment is required under the guidance of a specialized doctor.

Each squeezed comedon provokes the appearance of new ones, since the liquid contained in it infects neighboring tissues. If you managed to avoid infection, you should not rejoice - the consequences in the form of scars and spots will not beautify any face, but will require long-term and expensive post-acne treatment.

What pimples can be squeezed out?


You can remove pimples that have a white head and are fully mature. You can determine “maturity” by touching it - if the inflammation does not hurt, then the comedone can be squeezed out. Purulent rashes with demodicosis should not be removed - this will not give a positive result, without appropriate treatment it will only aggravate the course of the disease. It is forbidden to squeeze internal pimples, as this risks spreading a skin infection.

Never squeeze chickenpox rashes. They will go away on their own within a short time, and after squeezing out, scars will remain. Do not squeeze out rashes that have formed on the tattoo during the healing process. This can cause infection or inflammation from the paint. The answer to the question whether it is possible to squeeze out white pimples on the face depends on the causes of the rash. If they are non-infectious and fully ripe, then following all antiseptic rules, they can be removed.

How to squeeze out pimples correctly?


If the comedone is fully mature and is not the result of an infectious disease, and has a white head, it can be carefully removed, following the instructions. At the same time, the most important attention should be paid to maintaining hygiene.

Pimple removal process:

  1. Wash your hands and treat them with antiseptic. Apply calendula tincture to the area where the rash is located.
  2. Wrap your index fingers in sterile wipes and begin to press on the root of the pimple, pushing it out. An ichor will appear, forming a crust.
  3. Treat the wound once with hydrogen peroxide and then with one of the antiseptics.
  4. If pus has formed under the crust, the procedure must be repeated; if there is none, do not rip off the crust under any circumstances, but wait for the wound to completely heal.

Squeezing out blackheads is carried out in a similar way, only after steaming the skin. To do this, you can use compresses or steam baths based on chamomile or calendula.

Is it worth popping pimples?


Single rashes on the face are normal, especially during puberty. If there are a lot of them, treatment is necessary, which will consist of cleansing the sebaceous glands and reducing inflammation of the hair follicles. Only a specialist can choose the right treatment regimen, based on the general condition of the body and test results that will help identify the cause of the rash.

However, even during the treatment process, rashes will appear on the face, which need to be dealt with somehow, and it is extremely difficult to force yourself not to squeeze them out. Any dermatologist will tell you that this will only make the situation worse and will recommend getting rid of this terrible habit. But we still squeeze out the hated pimple, without thinking about the saddest consequences.

To avoid negative consequences such as blood poisoning, infection with pathogenic bacteria, and rashes, it is necessary to apply pressure correctly, under completely sterile conditions. Each person decides for himself whether he needs to squeeze pimples or not, but before doing so, you should always think about the consequences that this procedure may cause.