Tsa peeling reviews cosmetologists forum

It is now October 15th, on Tuesday I did the third TCA peeling procedure (the doctor prescribed only four). I read a lot of good reviews about this peeling; there were, of course, some bad ones, but I still hoped that I would be on the list of those who were helped by this procedure. But this morning I cried. I didn’t feel sorry for the money (and I paid 12 thousand), but I was terribly offended that the cosmetologist said that all the unevenness and stagnant spots would be removed, but they were still with me! I am very afraid that my face will remain with the scars that I acquired after the “attack” of acne. I'm 18, I'm a young pretty girl, but who can like me with such a face?! And the most annoying thing is that I looked at photos of girls before and after TCA peeling, and the results were impressive, these people had scars much larger than mine, and the spots were brighter, but they had an almost perfect result! My skin has only gotten a little better. And now the doctor says that she cannot give 100% results, but at first she said something completely different! And now he wants me to do another procedure that costs about 10 thousand, some stupid injection to remove the scars. And everything would be fine. Until this morning, I hoped that there would be a result, but today I got up and saw that wrinkles appeared above my upper lip, like an old woman’s, where the skin had already peeled off. But I'm only 18! I don’t want to be ugly, I sit and cry. I don't want to live with skin like this. Don't want. My last hope. I read somewhere that the results after TCA peeling are visible after complete restoration of the skin, i.e. *****. one month after the fourth procedure. This is true.

Woman.ru experts

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Nevzorova Sofya Igorevna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Elena Basanova

Psychologist, Family psychologist Skype. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Ekaterina Artemyeva

Psychologist, Clinical psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Aleynikova Natalya Valerievna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Vera Vladimirovna Zolotykh

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Spiridonova Nadezhda Viktorovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Korotina Svetlana Yurievna

Psychotherapist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Juran Marina Vladimirovna

Psychologist, Family child psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Zubkova Anna Andreevna

Psychologist, Gestalt therapist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Khairullina Rosa Rinatovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

The effect of any type of peeling is noticeable only after several procedures and after complete restoration of the skin (post-peeling care. To eliminate scars, it would be more advisable to do dermabrasion. IMHO

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Often, to get rid of some serious defects on the face, cosmetologists offer TCA peeling; reviews on it are very mixed, so you first need to know all the features of the procedure. The procedure is quite aggressive and is considered one of the most traumatic; not all women decide to undergo it, even in cases of extreme necessity. Why, despite its effectiveness, do women prefer to use other types of cleansing that do not provide similar results? Should you decide on such experiments with the dermis? We present to our readers a brief description of TCA peeling, reviews, before and after photos; it is quite possible that they will serve as an incentive to go to a beauty salon and forget about the problems on your face for a long time.

How is TCA peeling performed and who is it suitable for?

Trichloroacetic peeling is considered one of the effective methods for cleansing the dermis of various defects; reviews prove that the use of chemical compounds actively affects the problems. The drug used for manipulation has an anti-inflammatory effect and simultaneously destroys pathogenic bacteria.

During cleaning you can achieve the following effect:

  1. remove the keratinized layer of skin tissue;
  2. get rid of pigment spots, freckles;
  3. smooth out wrinkles;
  4. relieve inflammation, get rid of acne or rashes.

In the fight against serious defects, a more concentrated composition is used, so manipulations are carried out under local anesthesia. For ladies with sensitive dermis, it is better to resort to another method of getting rid of skin problems - even an anesthetic composition may not be enough.

A peeling procedure with trichloroacetic acid is carried out, reviews of which can be found on any women's forum, in several stages:

  1. The dermis is cleansed of cosmetic residues, oily layers, and dust using a fat-free composition.
  2. A preparation based on trichloroacetic acid is applied to the face, and the cosmetologist uses a stream of cold air to reduce painful sensations.
  3. Based on the shade of frost (a substance released during the action of the drug), the master determines to what depth the active components of the product have penetrated.
  4. The composition is removed with alkaline water or an acidic solution.
  5. A layer of softening mask is applied to relieve pain.

Do you know? Such cleansing of the dermis has many contraindications, including pregnancy, facial injuries, nervous disorders and even warts.

Photos before and after peeling with trichloroacetic acid

For those who are just planning to go to a beauty salon and undergo TCA peeling, reviews and photos will certainly become an incentive to visit a cosmetologist. Studying the responses, even if not always enthusiastic, and images of the results will help you learn a lot about what to expect later. The photo clearly shows that most of the defects on the face have completely disappeared, the facial contour has been tightened, and wrinkles have been smoothed out.

Customer reviews and cosmetologists' opinions about TCA peeling

We ask the ladies to share their opinions about medium peeling; reviews can help other women decide on the procedure and cope with annoying defects without much effort. We invite cosmetologists to share their opinions about the procedure, because it is often from the recommendations of specialists that you can learn a lot of useful and interesting things.

“When choosing the best medium peeling, I carefully studied the reviews - my skin is quite sensitive, so I didn’t want to get any unpleasant surprises. I settled on a procedure using trichloroacetic acid. During the manipulations the sensations were terrible - it burned like fire. The rehabilitation period was also not pleasing - the skin peeled off in layers and felt unbearable itching. Despite this, now I can say with confidence that not a single cleaning has brought me such results. The face is smooth, toned, wrinkles are smoothed out and the pores are narrowed.”

“Before going for a mid-face peel, I tried to study reviews with before and after photos not only on forums, but also on cosmetic websites. Oily skin, fine wrinkles, enlarged pores and even pigment spots - I was sure that even an aggressive drug would not be able to cope with this set. I completed a course of four sessions - this was enough for the skin to get rid of all the flaws that had spoiled my life for many years.”

“The procedure using trichloroacetic acid scared me, because I knew from reviews that the effect was quite aggressive. Despite the fear, I decided and didn’t regret it for a minute - the effect is truly amazing. Age-related changes have completely disappeared, even pimples have disappeared"

“Despite my age, I decided to undergo the trichloroacetic acid procedure - I really wanted to get rid of wrinkles. During the application of the product I did not feel any severe pain, but during the rehabilitation period I had to suffer a little - it burned mercilessly. But now I don’t want to leave the mirror - I look 20 years younger.”

“I went for a cleansing with trichloroacetic acid to get rid of the scars left behind by acne. I didn’t believe that the defects would completely disappear, but I hoped that they would at least become less noticeable. The results exceeded all expectations - there are no scars, the face looks young and fit"

“I use trichloroacetic acid for peeling quite rarely - most patients prefer less painful and aggressive manipulations. Despite this, I believe that this procedure is the most effective against serious defects, and there are almost no side effects if you pay close attention to the prohibitions.”

“I recommend TCA peeling to my patients only if there is no effect after other methods of cleansing the dermis. I think that if you can get by with less aggressive compounds, you shouldn’t use acid. You definitely need to familiarize yourself with the prohibitions, of which there are quite a few - a careless attitude towards them can lead to unpleasant consequences.”

“I would like to appeal to women - before going for the procedure, be sure to study the reputation of the beauty salon. Almost weekly, women contact me who have received unpleasant disappointment after using the TCA peel. I assure you that if the manipulations were carried out by an experienced cosmetologist in the salon, he spoke in detail about the rehabilitation period, and the patient strictly followed all the instructions, the results will certainly please you. The face will get rid of defects, and for a long time.”

Peeling using trichloroacetic acid is not an easy procedure, so it is better to first find out all its features, prohibitions and possible consequences. This guarantees that everything will be successful and the dermis will get rid of defects that cannot be removed by other methods.