Turinabol is a mild steroid for strengthening muscles

This drug is actively used by athletes of various levels of training. Turinabol can be useful not only for strength athletes, but also for representatives of cyclic sports. This is due to the ability of the anabolic steroid to significantly increase both strength parameters and endurance. In bodybuilding, Turik is used to gain quality mass.

  1. Effects of taking Turinabol
  2. Rules for the use of Turinabol in sports
  3. What you should pay attention to?

Effects of taking Turinabol

The active ingredient of the drug is chlordehydromethyltestosterone. If you study its molecular structure, the similarity between turic and Methandienone immediately catches your eye. The main difference between these AAS is the lack of estrogenic activity in Turinabol. Due to this, this anabolic, when used correctly, is not capable of causing side effects. This is why many novice bodybuilders prefer to use turik rather than methane to get acquainted with pharma.

Taking Turinabol, athletes highlight the following positive properties:

  1. Physical parameters increase rapidly.
  2. It becomes possible to gain high-level mass.
  3. The relief of the body improves.
  4. Features a high level of security.
  5. After the course, the rollback is minimal.

Since this is a fairly safe AAS on the modern pharmaceutical market, even athletes can use it. The risks of developing side effects will be minimal if you follow the recommendations for the course.

Rules for the use of Turinabol in sports

During the day, women should not take more than 10-20 mg of the steroid. In this quantity, this drug can be considered safe. For men, the permitted daily dosage is 20-60 mg. The duration of the course is 1.5-2 months. It is not advisable to exceed the recommended duration of taking the steroid.

This is due to the fact that turik undergoes an alkylation procedure during production. If you use this anabolic steroid for a long time in large doses, then problems with the liver are possible. However, scientists have proven that in courses of Turinabol lasting no more than 8 weeks and with a daily dose of up to 60 mg, the functioning of the organ is not impaired.

What you should pay attention to?

However, then to obtain the same results you will have to increase the dosage or conduct combined courses. Turinabol goes well with any injectable AAS. During the cutting period, excellent results can be obtained when combined with Testosterone Propionate, Trenbolone Acetate, Winstrol, etc. You can also use Turik to improve the quality component of powerful mass-gaining courses.

Professional bodybuilders often use tablet AAS in combination with injectable ones. This is due to the high rate of action of anabolic steroids in tablets. As a result, they manage to quickly disperse the anabolic background with their help, after which strong infectious drugs come into play. An example of an excellent mass-gaining course would be the Sustanon-Boldenone-Turinabol combination.

Give the first anabolic 250 mg twice over seven days. Bold is used in accordance with a similar scheme, but its one-time dosage will be 300 mg. Take Turinabol 40 mg daily. To eliminate estrogen-type activity inherent in the joint, Anastrozole should be added to the course. After stopping steroids, PCT is mandatory. The duration of this course is 8 weeks.

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