Hard and thick tumors

Sometimes they start on their own, and sometimes they are formed by transition from hot tumors, according to what you learned from the basics; in rare cases, they are formed from a mucous tumor that happens to harden. A hard tumor is indicated, among other signs of a tumor, by hardness to the touch, severe dryness and emaciation of the body.

Treatment. And in this disease it is a rule not to separate the dissolving drugs from the astringents; Any medicine that causes strong resorption in the final stage of hot tumors is of great benefit here too. Patients should be constantly given camel milk. One of the medicines useful for them is three bowls of castor oil with a decoction of the laxative cassia, which was soaked in an infusion of well-known roots: if something stronger is required, then in the infusion of the roots they put the inflorescences of the rush, mastic and Venus hair with other medicines, one part each. If you put about a dirham of iris oil and two dirhams of almond oil together with castor oil, it will be useful; It is also useful to drink these oils with water sweetened with honey. In medicinal dressings for such diseases, one should put deer brain and brain from the bones of cow's legs, as well as fat from the hump of camels.

Among the useful remedies for this disease and for ulcers in the stomach is the following: take sweet clover, fenugreek, chamomile, laurel drupes, marshmallow, bitter wormwood, one part each, usshak, red hawthorn, two-thirds each. These gums are dissolved in a decoction of twenty pieces of figs with wine and ground with honey; they bind medicines and prepare a bandage from them; it works great.

Another bandage. They take mud from beehives, six parts, maya, two parts, mastic, one part, Nabatean resin, half a part, and enough spikenard oil to bind the medicines.

Another bandage. They take one hundred dirhams of ushshak, one hundred of wax, twelve of sweet clover, eight of saffron, myrrh, eight of each, balsam oil - rittl. One very useful remedy for such patients is oil from the juice of grapevines; among the medicines that help them a lot are a decoction of orris root with the laxative cassia, as well as a medicinal bandage, which we mentioned in the chapter on weakness and hardening of the stomach.

Prescription of a good medicinal dressing. Take mastic, frankincense and bitter wormwood, one part each, usshak, saffron, two parts, sati, three parts, and wax ointment with folk oil in sufficient quantity. When it happens, and this happens rarely, that a mucous tumor turns into a solid tumor, then the most suitable method of treatment is a medicinal bandage of this kind: take usshak, bdelium, cabbage seeds, bitter almonds, liquid maya, mastic, sumbul, rush and syti. The gums are dissolved, and other substances are ground, bound and used as a medicinal dressing.

The food of such patients should be, for example, asparagus, bindweed, sweet almond oil, especially if the hard tumor has formed from a hot tumor.