
Ubna is, in fact, a disease that occurs in those who are used to having men copulate with them. They experience great passion in the imagination, and their semen is copious and motionless, but their heart is weak and the erection is weak from the very beginning or only at a given time. Such a person is accustomed to copulation and desires it, but is not capable or capable to a weak degree, and he wants to see copulation taking place between two people, and best of all, with himself, and then his passion comes into motion and he either ejaculates, when they copulate with him, or at the same time the strength of his penis rises and he can satisfy his passion. For some of them, passion rises and comes into motion only when they come together with him, and they are seized by the pleasure of ejaculating semen with or without their participation, while others, when such a thing is done to them, do not emit semen at that moment, but are capable of doing this with others. But in general, all this is due to the fall of the soul, the vileness of nature, bad habits and feminine nature, and sometimes the facial features of such people are more beautiful than the facial features of men. Know that everything they say about ubna, except this, is a lie, and the stupidest person is the one who wants to treat them with medical means. Their illness is from the imagination, not from nature, and if anything helps them, it is care that moderates passion, hunger, insomnia, prison and flogging. Some doctors say that yfmu occurs because the sensory nerve going to the penis is divided into two branches in such people and the thin branch goes to the root of the penis, and the thick one goes to the head. A thin branch needs strong friction in order for a person to feel something and move, and in this case he manages to copulate. But this explanation seems incredible, while the first one can be relied upon. I heard it from people who had a sufficient amount of knowledge and were directly related to this vile business, and the stories of many of them coincide with what was mentioned here.