Removal of papillomas using electrocoagulation

Electrocoagulation of papillomas

The content of the article:
  1. Description of electrocoagulation of papillomas
  2. Indications
  3. Contraindications
  4. How is electrocoagulation of papillomas performed?
  5. results
  6. Real reviews

Electrocoagulation of papillomas is a physiotherapeutic method of removing viral tumors, which is based on the use of current. This technique is non-invasive and is completely safe for health in the absence of contraindications. What kind of technique is this, when is it relevant and harmful, how is it used - we’ll talk about all this in more detail.

Description of the method of electrocoagulation of papillomas

Method of electrocoagulation of papillomas

The photo shows the process of electrocoagulation of papilloma

The method of electrocoagulation of papilloma is based on the use of an electric current of a certain frequency to destroy the latter. It causes thermal damage to problem areas, as a result of which a scab appears in this place in the near future. After a few weeks, the crust comes off the skin, and there is no trace left. True, in rare cases, when, for example, an inexperienced doctor works, a small scar may occur.

The procedure is performed by a cosmetologist or physiotherapist and is offered in medical centers. The specialist must have permission to work with the necessary equipment.

A session of removing papillomas using electrocoagulation lasts about 20 minutes, depending on the size of the formation. This method is good for eliminating single growths, but it is not the best option for multiple tumors.

Removal of papillomas by electrocoagulation, according to reviews, has a number of advantages:

  1. Low morbidity. The current affects only the affected cells, due to which burns of healthy tissue are almost completely eliminated. This minimizes the likelihood of scarring and scarring on the skin.
  2. Safety. It is worth removing papilloma by electrocoagulation because no incisions are made at this time, and this eliminates the risk of infection entering the body. This prevents inflammation and redness of the tissues.
  3. Fast recovery. In fact, there is no rehabilitation as such after the procedure is performed. The skin recovers on its own, and the crust comes off quickly. Complications are possible only in extreme cases, when, for example, a non-professional was involved in the process.

Another advantage of removing papilloma by electrocoagulation is that allergies to current are very rare. Therefore, the likelihood of tissue irritation, inflammation and itching is extremely low. Basically, all this is discussed when a person has sensitive skin.

On average, the price of electrocoagulation of papillomas is 300-500 rubles. (130-220 UAH). It may vary depending on the size of the formation and its location. When several growths are removed at once, medical centers sometimes offer patients a discount.

Prices for electrocoagulation of papillomas in St. Petersburg and Moscow are usually significantly higher than in small cities. They also depend on the prestige of a particular medical center. The more popular it is and the longer it works on the market, the more expensive the services of its specialists will be.

The cost of electrocoagulation of papilloma includes the use of anesthetics, painkillers and current. Consultation with a specialist, if provided in advance, on another day, is paid separately.

  1. See also the description of surgical removal of papillomas

Indications for electrocoagulation of papillomas

Electrocoagulation of papillomas

It makes sense to remove papillomas using electrocoagulation when the formations greatly interfere or spoil the aesthetics of the appearance.

This technique is relevant for the location of growths both on the body and on the face. Most often, the need to use it arises when the tumor is located in an inconvenient place. These, for example, include the neck, where it often clings to clothing, as well as the armpits. Removal of papillomas by electrocoagulation is widely used to eliminate formations on the eyelids and near the lips, as well as in intimate places.

The technique is effective only for eliminating large growths. If you need to get rid of multiple tumors, it will take a lot of time. Accordingly, more than one session will be required, and, consequently, the cost of solving the problem will increase.

This method should be chosen when you need to quickly and safely get rid of growths, since after electrocoagulation of papilloma, recovery occurs within a few days.

It is also relevant if there is a risk of the tumor degenerating into a malignant one, but only if at the time of the procedure it is known that there are no cancer cells in the tumor structure.

  1. See also indications for radio wave removal of papilloma

Contraindications for electrocoagulation of papillomas

Disease bronchial asthma

First of all, this procedure is not recommended for people with sensitive skin, as it can cause itching, irritation, and redness. It is also performed with caution on children and elderly people, since tissue repair processes in them proceed much more slowly than in others.

Strict contraindications to electrocoagulation of papillomas are:

  1. Blood clotting problems. They are mainly inherited, from mother or father to child. The most famous and dangerous disease is hemophilia. If it is present, a person may experience bruises on the body, seemingly without reason.
  2. Dermatological diseases. It is not recommended to carry out electrocoagulation for eczema, urticaria, cold allergies and other similar problems. Such a prohibition is relevant only in the acute stage; when symptoms disappear, the decision on the possibility of performing the procedure is made by the attending physician.
  3. Malignant formations. In reviews of electrocoagulation of papillomas, doctors advise those diagnosed with skin and blood cancer (leukemia) to refuse it. The current can provoke tumor growth and accelerate the course of the disease, thereby worsening the patient’s health.
  4. Somatic diseases. These include bronchial asthma, gastritis, colitis, rheumatoid arthritis, and arterial hypertension. Separately, it is worth mentioning the danger of performing the procedure for people with stomach and duodenal ulcers.
  5. Tendency to form keloid scars. Usually it is congenital, but sometimes people acquire it, for example, as a result of previously incorrectly performed cosmetic procedures, taking various medications, exposure to sunlight and low temperatures. Because of this, problems may arise during care after electrocoagulation of papilloma.
Important! The presence of at least one contraindication from the list is grounds for refusing to remove papillomas using electrocoagulation. But still, the final decision about this is made by the attending physician.
  1. See also contraindications to cryodestruction of papilloma

How is electrocoagulation of papillomas performed?

How is electrocoagulation of papillomas performed?

To carry out the operation, a special device with electrodes is used, which cauterize the surface of the growth. The doctor must perform all manipulations wearing sterile gloves. The patient can lie or sit at this time, depending on the location of the growth.

This procedure is performed on an outpatient basis, the patient does not need to be admitted to a hospital, after which he is allowed to go home immediately.

Here's how electrocoagulation of papilloma works:

  1. The cosmetologist disinfects the problem area that he will work with.
  2. Next, having determined in advance the size of the desired area, an anesthetic cream is applied to the skin, which allows you to minimize discomfort.
  3. Then the electrode with a loop is brought to the papilloma and installed at a slight angle.
  4. Cover healthy surrounding tissues with a napkin so as not to injure them.
  5. In the other, free hand, take sterile tweezers, which are used to support the formation.
  6. Next, the growth is heated to high temperatures, which prevents the survival of cells affected by the papilloma virus.
After electrocoagulation of papilloma, it is recommended to be observed by a dermatologist at least once every six months to exclude relapse. Doctors also advise taking a course of antiviral drugs and immunostimulants to bring the virus under control.
  1. See also how laser removal of papillomas is performed

Results of electrocoagulation of papillomas

The result of electrocoagulation of papillomas

The photo shows the result of electrocoagulation of papillomas

Ideally, if the doctor did everything correctly, a dry crust should form at the site of the papilloma in a few days. When everything proceeds without pathologies, this scab disappears 7-14 days after the session. By this time, there are no longer any traces left on the skin from the effects of electric current.

Complications during care after electrocoagulation of papilloma are possible if the doctor has not received proper training in working with the device. They can also occur when the growth is exposed to current for a long time, which can lead to burns. Incorrect dosage selection, performing the procedure too often and failure to comply with safety rules may also very well cause a slowdown in the recovery process.

If the doctor was unable to destroy the papilloma with electrocoagulation, then other growths may soon appear in this place or nearby. Relapse is extremely rare, and this only happens if the dosage of current was not high enough and the depth of penetration was small. Most often, such problems arise when removing thread-like formations.

  1. See also possible complications after wart removal

Real reviews about electrocoagulation of papilloma

Reviews about electrocoagulation of papillomas

You can find both positive and negative reviews about electrocoagulation, but there are still more of the former. There are also neutral comments on the Internet. Mostly those who turn to an untested, inexperienced doctor have bad experiences. Problems may arise if he does not have permission to do such work and the necessary qualifications for this. They also sometimes appear for those who want to save money.

Eleanor, 26 years old

I performed electrocoagulation of papillomas in Yekaterinburg; after giving birth, several growths appeared on the neck on the leg, which greatly bothered me, caused discomfort, and even looked ugly. I didn’t want to remove them surgically, but of all the minimally invasive techniques I chose electrocoagulation because of its safety, effectiveness and affordability. The procedure was performed by an experienced doctor, so the absence of side effects does not surprise me. Everything went almost smoothly, some unpleasant sensations were still present, I think self-hypnosis worked here - I’m very afraid of doctors. The papilloma disappeared approximately 2 weeks after visiting the cosmetologist.

Ekaterina, 40 years old

Using electrocoagulation, I removed more than 6 papillomas located under the arms, on the neck and face. I couldn’t figure it out in one go; I had to visit the doctor twice. Moreover, each session lasted at least 30 minutes, but, perhaps, this is the only drawback of this technique, in my opinion. It has many more advantages, among which I would like to especially note painlessness, rapid tissue restoration, and the absence of complications. I didn’t experience any inflammation or redness of the skin after electrocoagulation, but here, I think, a lot also depends on the chosen specialist; if he has little experience, then problems may arise.

Nikita, 38 years old

About a few years ago, papillomas began to appear on my body one after another. When growths appeared under the arms and on the neck, I could no longer remain idle and turned to a cosmetologist-dermatologist at a private medical center. Here the doctor examined the formations and said that papillomas can be easily removed using electrocoagulation. I found no contraindications for this, so the procedure was carried out 3 days after my appointment with a specialist. After about a week, a thick crust appeared on one of the treated areas, I accidentally tore it off, and as a result, blood began to flow. I had to wipe the wound with antiseptics for several days, then it healed and went away on its own, without a scar. I think that I will remove the remaining papillomas in the same way.

  1. See also reviews about laser papilloma removal

Watch a video about electrocoagulation of papillomas:

The question of price when performing electrocoagulation in Moscow or any other city can lead to the wrong choice of a specialist, since the desire to solve the problem with minimal monetary costs pushes one to turn to untested clinics and inexperienced doctors. A person has only one health, and trying to save on it is not very correct, at least.

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