Chocolate massage for a great mood

Each of us dreams of remaining beautiful, healthy and vigorous for many years. Massage will help you achieve the desired result. Today, humanity knows a huge number of different types. Today we’ll talk about a massage that, in addition to the healing process, will give you an incredible feeling of pleasure and bliss - this is a chocolate massage. The main component of this procedure is, of course, chocolate, which contains microelements and vitamins that are beneficial to our body and, in particular, to our skin.

The chocolate massage technique can relieve a person from stress and nervous tension, giving a great mood and great well-being. It can be said that the procedure combines several cosmetic procedures, such as massage, aromatherapy, lymphatic drainage and others, which are aimed at improving metabolism in the body.

Many experts believe that chocolate massage is one of the most pleasant massage treatments available today.

Natural chocolate is used as the basis for the procedure, or it can be replaced by a mixture of cocoa powder in a combination of base oil (coconut, peach, etc.).

The result of the chocolate massage:

  1. getting rid of cellulite;
  2. elimination of stretch marks;
  3. normalization of blood circulation;
  4. improved mood;
  5. the skin becomes softer and smoother;
  6. the body is rejuvenated.

Chocolate massage

Chocolate massage therapy will give you an unforgettable experience

Indications and contraindications

First of all, the procedure shown to those peoplewho have:

  1. cellulite;
  2. excess body weight;
  3. fat deposits in the abdomen, waist, hips;
  4. flabby, non-elastic skin;
  5. metabolic disease;
  6. stressful state;
  7. signs of skin aging.

Main contraindications to this procedure are:

  1. pregnancy;
  2. menstrual period;
  3. excessive sensitivity;
  4. skin diseases;
  5. allergy to chocolate;
  6. infectious diseases;
  7. phlebeurysm;
  8. blood diseases;
  9. inflammatory processes on the skin;
  10. malignant and benign tumors.

Chocolate massage

This procedure will relieve stress and tension.

Chocolate massage procedure

First, let's talk about the chocolate mixture and where you can get it. The mixture for this procedure is prepared from special spa chocolate, which can be purchased at spa salons. The mixture can also be prepared at home. To do this, you need to combine cocoa powder and cosmetic base oil (coconut, almond, peach, etc.). The mixture is prepared from dark chocolate, since it contains many microelements and vitamins that are beneficial to our skin.

A massage always begins with applying a pre-prepared mixture to the desired area of ​​the body. First, the back surface of the body is massaged. If possible, chocolate is applied to the entire body rather than to a specific area. For more comfortable application, the mixture is heated in a water bath.

  1. The massage begins from the back area. The massage therapist performs smooth wave-like movements along the lymph flow. In the process, the back muscles warm up well, fatigue and tension are relieved.
  2. The massage is performed at a slow pace. What distinguishes it from it is that movements can be carried out not only with the hands, but also with the body. The movement is directed from the center of the back to the edges, trying to cover the entire back as much as possible.
  3. When performing, the massage therapist performs the technique with weights. It effectively deals with cellulite. Smooth and long movements are performed with the legs.
  4. After the back area, we move on to. When moving from zone 1 to another, it is not recommended to take your hands off the patient’s body. Smooth stroking movements are performed. It is recommended to alternate with kneading. It is worth noting that power movements are performed from bottom to top.
  5. Another technique is the “grasping ring”. To do this, the massage therapist clasps the lower part of the leg with his hands in the form of a ring and begins to move upward, maintaining maximum contact with the patient. Fingers should be widely spaced.
  6. All movements are slow and gradual, as if the hands are “floating” across the body. The massage ends with very slow and relaxing strokes. The duration of the massage on the back of the body is from 20 to 30 minutes.
  7. Let's move on to the front surface of the body. The chocolate mixture is applied to the leg area with wide, enveloping movements, including the area of ​​the feet.
  8. Then the massage therapist smoothly moves to the abdomen and chest area. performed very carefully, without pressure, with light stroking movements. Movements are carried out from bottom to top, as well as clockwise. The transition from one part to another should be extremely smooth.
  9. Thorough kneading of the feet is also carried out, combined with light stroking.
  10. After the patient has completely relaxed, the massage therapist performs rocking movements from side to side.
  11. The final technique is a slow, long stroking of the entire body with both hands, moving from bottom to top.

After a massage session, the patient should rest to feel the full joy of the massage. To achieve a more maximum effect, relaxing music is turned on and a cup of hot chocolate is offered.

The chocolate massage procedure is an excellent way to combat depression and poor health. The person will receive a lot of positive emotions. In addition, chocolate therapy gently cares for the skin, rejuvenating and healing it.