Laser removal of stretch marks on chest

AcuPulse is the latest fractional CO2 laser from Lumenis (Israel - USA), which allows you to achieve in just 1-2 sessions the amazing result of pronounced skin rejuvenation, smoothing out deep and superficial wrinkles, eliminating pigmentation disorders with simultaneous significant skin lifting, breast tightening, and correction of stretch marks and all types of scars in any area of ​​the face and body.

  1. Provides breast lift scar removal pronounced remodeling of the epidermis and dermis, eliminating pigmentation disorders, smoothing wrinkles, enlarged pores, scars and stretch marks
  2. Removes skin tumors: moles, papillomas, keratomas without scar formation and hypopigmentation zones
  3. Thanks to the unique patented superpulse technology, which deeply warms the surrounding tissues without injuring them, just one AcuPulse procedure reduces the skin area by up to 30%, launching the processes of collagen and elastin synthesis, causing a pronounced lifting effect!

Indications for the procedure:

All signs of photo- and chronoaging of the skin: fine and deep wrinkles, age spots; loose, atonic skin; sagging soft tissues of the face and body; scars after acne, surgeries, injuries, burns; stretch marks of any depth and period of limitation of any localization

Why is the effect of the LUMENIS AcuPulse fractional laser preferable to laser resurfacing?

Higher skin regeneration potential after the LUMENIS AcuPulse procedure

Fractional laser removes thin vertical columns of skin. Subsequently, it is in those areas through which the laser beam passed that new, young skin cells are formed. Due to the fact that there are areas of the skin that are not affected by laser exposure, the skin recovers better and faster; the re-epithelialization process takes literally a few days.

With continuous laser resurfacing, a crust is formed in the area of ​​the procedure that lasts for several weeks. Until its departure, the patient is not able to lead a normal social life.

High safety and accuracy, completely predictable results of the LUMENIS AcuPulse procedure

With fractional exposure, the specialist knows exactly the number, thickness of laser beams and the depth of their penetration into each square centimeter of skin, which guarantees high safety of the procedure without the risk of scar formation and burns.

With continuous laser resurfacing, even a slight deepening of the laser beam penetration causes secondary scarring and skin atrophy.

Shorter recovery period after LUMENIS AcuPulse procedure

After the LUMENIS AcuPulse fractional laser treatment, special skin care is required only for the next 48 hours; after that, regular moisturizing and sun protection SPF 30-50 are sufficient. Already on the fourth or fifth day after the procedure, you can use decorative cosmetics.

With conventional laser resurfacing, the skin completely loses its barrier functions, so a course of antibiotics is prescribed to prevent infection, and the recovery period can take from several weeks to several months.

No border between treated and untreated skin after LUMENIS AcuPulse procedure

During the LUMENIS Acupulse fractional laser procedure, a specialist can combine different skin treatment modes. Therefore, during one procedure, you can solve various aesthetic problems - from deep remodeling of skin with wrinkles, creases or scars to soft laser peeling for delicate skin rejuvenation and elimination of pigmentation. At the boundaries of the treatment area, more superficial parameters are used, so that there is no clear boundary between the skin treated and untreated with the LUMENIS AcuPulse laser.

With full laser resurfacing, there is a clear, visible boundary between the untreated skin and the areas that have been resurfaced. Moreover, persistent redness most often persists in the polished area for up to 1 year; the risk of pigmentation disorder after grinding is more than 80%.

Contraindications to the procedure

Effect of the procedure

During the first 48 hours after the AcuPulse procedure, special care is required for the treated skin. In the following days, the regeneration processes continue; it is recommended to apply Bepanten cream and sunscreen with SPF 50 (when going outside) to the skin. After 5-7 days, the healing process ends. However, deep skin remodeling continues for up to 6 months after the procedure, so the achieved effect of rejuvenation and smoothing of wrinkles/scars/stretch marks appears progressively.

A repeat procedure, if indicated, can be performed no earlier than after 3-6 months.

technology and its advantages

  1. AcuPulse SuperPulse: SuperPulse technology allows you to safely vaporize tissue without causing unnecessary thermal damage to the skin, eliminating dangerous side effects. Simultaneously with skin remodeling, the laser beam “seals” the capillaries, which eliminates the occurrence of bleeding. Therefore, unlike other CO2 lasers operating in long-pulse mode, AcuPulse allows procedures to be performed with minimal discomfort, a short and predictable recovery period and a low risk of complications. General anesthesia is not required for the procedure
  2. Thanks to its high power, the AcuPulse laser beam is able to penetrate the entire depth of the dermis, triggering the process of collagen remodeling, which provides a pronounced lifting effect and increasing skin density
  3. The unique AcuPulse scanning handle provides the specialist with the ability to pre-monitor the potential trajectory of the laser beam, which helps to treat the treatment area with the highest accuracy and uniformity of coverage.

Smooth, radiant skin, elimination of all manifestations of age - pigmentation, a network of wrinkles; smoothing of scars and stretch marks, removal of skin tumors - moles, papillomas, keratomas without scar formation and hypopigmentation

Throughout her life, every woman’s body goes through certain periods - hormonal surges, weight gain and sudden loss, etc. Unfortunately, very often our skin reacts to these factors in its own way, namely by the appearance of unsightly stretch marks.

Recently, cosmetic clinics and salons have been full of advertisements for various ways to get rid of stretch marks on the skin: mesotherapy, plasma lifting, numerous miracle creams, masks, wraps. but still the most common and effective of all is precisely laser stretch mark removal.

What are stretch marks and why do they appear?

As you know, collagen and elastin fibers help our body remain elastic and smooth. Due to long-term (weight gain during pregnancy, intense sports training, steroid use) or, on the contrary, sudden (rapid weight loss, hormonal surges in adolescence) effects on the skin, ruptures occur in these fibers. The tear sites are replaced by strips of scar tissue, which we call stretch marks.

Conventionally, stretch marks can be divided into “old”, which are over one and a half years old, and “fresh” - no more than six months (they have a red or purple tint). Fresh stretch marks are the easiest to correct and eliminate, but long-standing stretch marks can only be made less noticeable.


Modern methods of laser removal of stretch marks on the skin

The following methods for removing stretch marks are used today:

Laser peeling:

This is the most gentle way to get rid of stretch marks. In this case, a neodymium laser is used, which, without damaging the top layer of skin at all, penetrates deep into the stretch marks, softens them from the inside and warms them up. Thanks to this, the production of collagen and elastin is activated and stretch marks are replaced by new skin. Unfortunately, the method is effective only for “fresh” stretch marks.

Laser resurfacing:

A less gentle method than laser peeling. Used for old stretch marks. The essence of the method is that under the influence of the beam, damaged areas of the skin are injured, due to which the work of fibroblasts is activated, promoting the production of collagen and elastin.

Removing stretch marks using laser resurfacing is carried out using 2 methods:

  1. full laser resurfacing – the entire top layer of skin is damaged by evaporating moisture from the dermis, and the work of connective tissue is activated at the site of exposure;
  2. fractional photothermolysis - a laser beam penetrates through microchannels with a diameter of 0.1 mm deep into the stretch marks, destroying them from the inside and simultaneously stimulating the production of collagen and elastin, without damaging the areas adjacent to healthy skin.

When polishing stretch marks, carbon dioxide and erbium lasers are used. The latter is considered safer, since it acts on unhealthy cells so quickly that neighboring healthy ones do not have time to be damaged. Moreover, only an erbium laser is allowed to remove stretch marks on the chest.

The rehabilitation period after complete laser resurfacing ranges from 4 to 12 days. For the first few days, patients are concerned about swelling, redness and soreness of the skin, but then these symptoms disappear. In addition, during this period it is necessary to take antiviral drugs.

Technique of the procedure

Removal of stretch marks using laser resurfacing uses classical technology:

  1. An anesthetic cream is applied to the desired areas of the skin or the patient is subjected to general anesthesia;
  2. There is a direct effect on the striae of the laser beam.

If the client, for various reasons, does not want to undergo the procedure with anesthesia, cosmetologists offer a session with the Polomar laser, the head of which greatly cools the skin, thereby eliminating pain. In addition, a session of getting rid of stretch marks with this device will take only 30-50 minutes, when with conventional fractional thermolysis it takes up to 2 hours.

For 2 weeks after the procedure, it is strictly forbidden to sunbathe, visit the solarium, sauna and swimming pool; you must use wound-healing ointments and creams recommended by the cosmetologist.

Who can have stretch marks removed with laser and who can’t?

The main indication for the procedure is the presence of stretch marks and the patient’s desire to get rid of them.

Contraindications are almost identical for all cosmetic procedures using a laser:

  1. pregnancy and lactation;
  2. diabetes;
  3. heart disease and hypertension;
  4. malignant diseases;
  5. herpes and other infectious diseases during exacerbation;
  6. epilepsy;
  7. endocrine disorders;
  8. varicose veins in the stretch area;
  9. tendency to form keloid scars;
  10. inflammation at the site of exposure;
  11. allergic reactions;
  12. chemical peeling less than 2 weeks before the procedure.


How many procedures are needed and what is their cost?

In order to achieve visible results when removing stretch marks with a laser, you need to undergo an average of 3-6 procedures for fresh stretch marks and 6-12 with a break of 1-2 months for outdated ones.

The cost of getting rid of stretch marks depends on their area, the type of laser used, the prestige of the salon or clinic and starts (for an area of ​​10x10 cm 2) from:

  1. 1200 hryvnia – Ukraine (Kyiv); 800 hryvnia – Ukraine (regions) for one procedure;
  2. 3500 – 16000 rubles – Russia (Moscow); 2000 – 14000 rubles – Russia (regions).

Patient reviews

Reviews about the procedure are mixed. Mostly, clients who removed fresh stretch marks after pregnancy and childbirth are completely satisfied with the results.

Patients note that the advantage of this method is that, in addition to reducing stretch marks, the skin is tightened and rejuvenated, no special preparation or hospital stay is required. In some cases, women consider the main disadvantages of the procedure to be its low efficiency and high cost.

Here are excerpts from some reviews:

«I can’t say that after 6 sessions the stretch marks were no longer visible, but they acquired the color of the adjacent skin, the relief has not yet disappeared. There is no point in doing 1-2 procedures, unless their brightness goes away».

“Five procedures were not enough for me to eliminate ten-year-old stretch marks; they became less visible. Elastic skin, renewed as a result of resurfacing using fractional photothermolysis, began to hide these defects.”

“In my case, the laser did not cope with old stretch marks at all! Money wasted!”

Possible side effects

The main complications of laser correction of stretch marks include:

  1. exacerbation of chronic diseases, especially viral ones;
  2. hyperpigmentation (stretch marks may become even more noticeable);
  3. increased skin sensitivity.

As you can see, laser stretch mark removal – the procedure is responsible, so the choice of clinic and doctor must be careful, and the decision to undergo it must be balanced!

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Stretch marks on the body (striae) look very unsightly and cause significant psychological discomfort. This cosmetic defect forces you to refuse to wear open clothing or visit the beach or pool. It is not easy to restore the skin to its former attractiveness, but modern aesthetic cosmetology has in its arsenal several unique methods that allow it to cope with the deficiency. One of the most effective and safest methods is considered laser stretch mark removal.

The use of this procedure in most cases can effectively eliminate stretch marks. If, for a number of reasons, it is impossible to completely get rid of the defect, the use of a laser helps to noticeably improve the condition of the skin and makes stretch marks less noticeable. In this article we will dwell in more detail on what stretch marks are, why they appear, we will tell you how to deal with the defect using a laser and what are the features, advantages and disadvantages of this procedure.


What are stretch marks and why do they appear?

Stretch marks or stretch marks are peculiar atrophic changes in the skin. They look like narrow wavy stripes of different shades (from white to red-violet). Stretch marks are localized in those areas that are most often subject to the greatest stretching of the skin. Atrophic scars can appear on the abdomen, thighs, chest, and buttocks. They do not affect a person’s well-being in any way, do not cause physical discomfort and discolor over time.

Stretch marks appear due to microtraumas of the subcutaneous tissue. When the skin is overstretched, the dermis ruptures, elastin and collagen fibers are damaged, and small lymphatic and blood vessels are torn. As a result, the integrity of the outer layer of the epidermis is preserved, but a kind of gap is formed under it, which is filled with connective tissue with the gradual formation of an atrophic scar.


As a result, narrow red-bluish stripes are formed on the skin of the abdomen, chest, and thighs, located parallel or radially. The relief of such strips can be retracted or convex; they reach 10 cm in length and from 1 to 5 mm in width. The color of the stretch marks gradually changes and after a few months they become less noticeable. Stretch marks that appeared less than 6 months ago are considered “young.” If skin defects appeared more than 2 years ago, then such stretch marks are considered old and it is much more difficult to deal with them.

The main cause of stretch marks is considered to be hormonal imbalance and hereditary predisposition. Another reason for the appearance of defects on the skin lies in the dysfunction of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands and gonads. Recent studies have debunked the widespread myth that stretch marks appear only in women due to pregnancy. Stretch marks can form even in teenagers and children, and such changes are often associated with sudden weight gain or loss. In addition, characteristic defects in the hips and shoulder girdle appear in athletes when building muscle mass.

In the modern world, there is a cult of beautiful and young bodies, so such skin defects are perceived as a significant aesthetic flaw, which they strive to get rid of in any way. Until recently, it was impossible to eliminate stretch marks; all that was left was to hide the telltale stripes on the skin under clothes. But the beauty industry does not stand still, and cosmetologists offer the use of innovative laser technology, which can be used to eliminate stretch marks or make them less noticeable.


Laser stretch mark removal Is a resurfacing process, during which the surface layer of the epidermis is removed and the deeper layers of the skin are affected, which makes it possible to reduce the depth of atrophic scars and, after a full course of procedures, eliminate them completely. The skin is designed in such a way that damage to its surface causes the activation of fibroblasts, which trigger the processes of synthesis of elastin and collagen fibers responsible for maintaining the normal condition of the skin. During the procedure, the thermal radiation of the laser displaces connective tissue, destroys scars and, by activating collagen production, promotes rapid renewal of skin cells.

Laser radiation accelerates regeneration and restoration processes, which helps improve blood microcirculation and accelerate metabolic processes in tissues. As a result, young, elastic tissue is formed in place of the damaged skin, the sagging of the skin disappears, it becomes smooth and even, and no trace remains of unaesthetic stretch marks. In cases where stretch marks are old and deep, laser resurfacing can make them less noticeable.

Reviews for laser stretch mark removal indicate the high efficiency and safety of the procedure. Patients note that under the influence of a laser beam, the skin smoothes out, becomes soft and elastic, the color of the skin is evened out, stretch marks disappear or become almost invisible.


Types of procedure

Laser resurfacing is performed using an erbium, neodymium or carbon dioxide laser. Let's take a closer look at the features of each procedure:

  1. Erbium laser It is characterized by a high speed of exposure and radiation power, which allows you to quickly evaporate damaged cells. At the same time, surrounding healthy tissues are not exposed to undesirable effects. The depth of penetration of the laser beam can be controlled individually and grinding can be carried out not only on the surface of the skin, but also in deeper layers. An erbium laser with a wavelength of 2940 nm is considered the most optimal option for eliminating stretch marks and scars; its operating principle is based on ablation (layer-by-layer evaporation) of damaged tissue. It has a gentle effect; due to the short duration of the pulses, the risk of tissue burns, even on large surfaces, is minimized. Therefore, this laser resurfacing method is often called “cold”. The erbium laser does not cause the effect of skin compression and does not leave dividing (demarcation) lines between the healthy and treated skin surface. The rehabilitation period after resurfacing with an erbium laser is two times shorter than after treatment with a carbon dioxide laser, since the gentle thermal effect ensures less trauma to tissues and promotes their rapid recovery. This is the only method that can be used to resurface sensitive and dry skin.
  2. Carbon dioxide CO2 laser also classified as ablative, since it eliminates atrophic scars using the evaporation method. This type of laser treatment is considered the most severe, since the carbon dioxide laser damages surrounding tissue to a greater extent. Its wavelength is 10,600 nm, which ensures deep penetration into the skin (to a depth of 20 microns). This method is more traumatic and has a number of serious disadvantages, so it is used only when treating porous and oily skin.
  3. Neodymium laser considered the latest development in the field of aesthetic medicine, its use is optimal for eliminating scars and stretch marks. The advantage of the method is considered to be high efficiency, safety and absence of side effects. This is a non-ablative laser, meaning the radiation does not burn the surface of the scar tissue. The laser beam has only a selective effect on the internal structures of atrophic scars. The neodymium laser operates at a wavelength of 1064 nm, which, when treating stretch marks, destroys small vessels and prevents blood flow to the stretch marks, which leads to a reduction in their size and further disappearance. At the same time, the laser action activates fibroblasts, accelerates collagen production and helps restore normal, healthy skin.


Before the laser therapy procedure, the specialist must assess the condition of the skin, the nature of the damage and, in accordance with this, choose the type of laser resurfacing. This can be classical resurfacing, when a fairly large area of ​​the surface layer of the skin is treated with laser radiation, or fractional resurfacing, when the laser beam acts in a targeted manner.

After a classical resurfacing session, the skin becomes covered with a dry crust and recovery takes about 2 weeks; when using the targeted fractional method, rehabilitation takes only 2-3 days. But in this case, to achieve a lasting, noticeable result, several laser therapy sessions will be required. The optimal interval between procedures should be from 1 to 1.5 months.

Rehabilitation period

After the procedure for removing stretch marks, redness and slight swelling may remain on the skin for 2-3 days. Dotted crusts remain at the treatment site, which peel off on their own over time; they cannot be picked off. During the recovery period, it is recommended to use healing and anti-inflammatory creams recommended by your doctor. If necessary, you can treat the skin with antiseptic solutions.

For several weeks after laser therapy, it is not recommended to visit the pool or solarium; you should refrain from going to the beach, bathhouse, sauna, and avoid taking hot baths.


Before deciding on the procedure, you should undergo a full medical examination and exclude possible contraindications. Laser stretch mark removal procedure cannot be performed in the following cases:

  1. udalenie-rastyazhek-na-grudi-qLiDy.webp

    If there is an inflammatory process in the treatment area
  2. During exacerbation of atopic dermatitis
  3. For cancer
  4. During pregnancy and lactation
  5. If you have diseases such as epilepsy or psoriasis
  6. For hypertension and cardiovascular pathologies
  7. For endocrine disorders
  8. If you are predisposed to the formation of keloid scars

In addition, laser resurfacing is prohibited after a fresh tan or chemical peeling, since at this time the skin is most sensitive to damaging factors. It is necessary to wait at least 2 weeks and only then begin laser treatment.

Advantages and disadvantages - before and after photos

Reviews of laser stretch mark removal note the following advantages of the procedure:

  1. Quick positive result. The disappearance of stretch marks is noted after the first session.
  2. The effectiveness and safety of the procedure, minimal risk of complications and side effects.
  3. Short recovery period.
  4. Possibility of removing even old and large stretch marks.
  5. The laser therapy procedure can be used on any skin type.
  6. During treatment sessions, healthy skin is practically not injured and surrounding tissues are not damaged.


Among the disadvantages of the method, patients note:

  1. Soreness. Even with the use of special cooling attachments, the painful sensations persist. Therefore, the procedure is performed using local anesthesia. In some cases, when performing deep grinding it is necessary to use anesthesia.
  2. High cost of the procedure. The final price consists of many factors: the complexity of the treatment, the number of procedures, the type of laser installation, the level of the clinic and the qualifications of the staff.
  3. To completely remove stretch marks, it may take 6 to 10 procedures. In some cases, old scars cannot be eliminated, but they can be made less noticeable.


The cost of treatment largely depends on the area of ​​the affected area. On average, removal of 1 square. cm scar surface costs 250-300 rubles. If we consider individual areas, then the treatment of stretch marks on the stomach on average it will cost 6000 rubles, in area breasts9,000 rubles, price of the procedure in the zone buttocksfrom 12,000 rubles.

In any case, procedures using laser require preliminary consultation and examination by a cosmetologist, who will select the optimal method of laser treatment, taking into account possible contraindications and the degree of damage to the skin. Remember that you need to deal with stretch marks as early as possible, in this case it will take less procedures and time to achieve the desired result.


Watch the video: Laser stretch mark removal

Watch the video: How to get rid of stretch marks. Removing stretch marks with laser. My experience

Reviews for laser stretch mark removal

Review #1

After giving birth, deep stretch marks of a disgusting purple color appeared all over my stomach and chest. They were very noticeable, I couldn’t go to the beach, I gave up going to the pool. I tried many expensive creams that were advertised as an ideal remedy for stretch marks, but the effect was zero. I decided to take an extreme measure and went to see a cosmetologist. The specialist suggested removing stretch marks with a laser.

The procedure was painful, the skin burned very much, despite the fact that local anesthesia was given before the session. For several days after the procedure, there was redness on the body and a dry crust remained. It could not be touched, wet or torn off. As it healed, it peeled off on its own. Well, there were some restrictions during the recovery period, for example, refusal of solariums and baths. As a result, the stretch marks on my chest almost completely disappeared. On the stomach they were deep, it was not possible to completely remove them, but they became discolored and became invisible. Therefore, the result of the treatment makes me happy.

Review #2

A few years ago I was a plump, fat girl, then I took charge of myself, went on a diet, and started exercising. As a result, I lost almost 30 kilograms. Now I am a slim and attractive girl, but the whole picture is spoiled by stretch marks on my stomach, which appeared as a result of such rapid weight loss. At first they stood out quite strongly against the background of the rest of the skin, but over time they became somewhat whitish.

In the summer, the skin in these places does not tan and stretch marks stand out as white stripes. On the advice of a friend, I decided to have laser resurfacing. I did three procedures in total and noticed improvements after the first session. Now I’m completely free of stretch marks, which I’m very happy about.

Review #3

I had some minor stretch marks on my thighs. I decided to have laser resurfacing, but the procedure turned out to be too painful and expensive. Therefore, I only endured one session, but it was enough for the stretch marks to become less noticeable.

When going to the beach or to the sauna, people around them do not notice them, this suits me quite well, so I’m unlikely to dare to repeat the procedure.