Causes of acne on the nose in men

The nose is one of the most common places where acne can occur. The pores in this area are large and clog more easily. This can lead to blackheads, red, inflamed or purulent pimples on the nose in men. No less rarely, closed comedones with white heads form in this part of the face. Like open blackheads, they occur when pores become clogged with sebum and dead skin cells.


  1. Oily skin and dead epithelial cells

The nose is located in the so-called T-zone of the face, which for many people is characterized by increased fat content and activity of the sebaceous glands. Sebum is produced in the pores and is necessary to moisturize the surface of the face. Dead cells are formed due to the fact that new, young ones are constantly being formed in the epidermis. This is a natural and necessary process. However, the accumulation of a large number of dead cells and overproduction of sebum can cause acne on the nose. In men, this is especially common due to the large amount of androgens (male hormones), which enhance the work of the sebaceous glands, resulting in clogged pores. This most often occurs in teenage boys and young men due to natural hormonal changes, but can also occur in adult men.

Acne can be caused by:

  1. fluctuations in hormones, increased levels of androgens;
  2. stress and anxiety, which affect cortisol and testosterone;
  3. heredity and skin type prone to acne;
  4. the use of creams and cosmetics with a large amount of oils or silicones, which do not allow the skin to “breathe”, creating a film on its surface or additionally clogging pores;
  5. dry flaky skin, for example, due to frequent use of soap or other aggressive products - in this case, there are more dead cells, and the glands begin to produce oil even more actively to soften the skin;
  6. consuming large amounts of dairy products, which can potentially increase insulin-like growth factor, which affects acne.

Sometimes they try to predict a diagnosis or health condition based on the location of a pimple. For example, it is believed that pimples on the tip of a man's nose may indicate digestive problems. Rashes on the sides (on the wings) indicate hormonal disorders. A pimple in the nose can form after hair removal, due to a cold or herpes.

  1. Infections

Active proliferation of bacteria can cause red inflammation or purulent pimples to appear on a man’s nose. The so-called Acne vulgaris, or acne vulgaris, is caused by the bacterium Propionibacterium acnes. Normally, it is present on the skin of healthy people and even very young children, but increased sebum production and clogged pores lead to the fact that P. acnes begins to multiply rapidly, causing inflammation and redness.

Pimples, including those on the nose in men, can also be caused by the demodex mite. Demodicosis often occurs on the wings of the nose and in the nasolabial folds. To identify it, you need to take a test (skin scraping) from a dermatologist. If a parasite is detected, the doctor will prescribe further treatment, for example, trichopolum, metronidazole, laser or ozone exposure.

  1. Acne rosacea - the cause of rosacea

Acne rosacea is actually a type of rosacea. This condition is accompanied by enlarged blood vessels, the nose and adjacent areas of the man's face become red. With the papulopustular type of the disease, papular rashes are formed, which can be confused with ordinary pimples. It is still not entirely clear what triggers the development of this skin disease. To monitor the condition, you need to be regularly monitored by a qualified specialist. Physiotherapeutic methods, gels and ointments may be indicated as therapy.


Non-inflammatory acne can be treated with products containing:

  1. salicylic acid,
  2. AHA acids (for example, glycolic),
  3. benzoyl peroxide,
  4. zinc.

You should not use all of these products at the same time, as they can dry out the skin, which will increase sebum production even more.

Inflammatory acne on the nose in men (cysts, nodules) is a more severe form. To treat them, a dermatologist may prescribe antibiotics (both external and internal), retinoids (for example, isotretinoin ointment or tablets), acid peels, laser or phototherapy.

Non-drug methods may be useful for treating mild, non-inflammatory rashes.

Steaming the skin helps open clogged pores and remove accumulated oil. To do this, you need to hold your face over a container of hot water for 5–10 minutes. This procedure can be repeated 2-3 times a week.

  1. Oatmeal scrub

Many cosmetic products contain oatmeal. Instead of buying such products, a man can use a homemade nasal scrub. To do this, oatmeal should be mixed with water and applied to the face, then, after 10-15 minutes, gently massage it off.

A clay mask is a good remedy for acne-prone skin. This product softens clogged pores by clearing away dirt, oil, and dead cells from the skin. Its use 1-2 times a week will reduce the number of pimples on a man’s nose and help avoid inflammation.

Frequent use of such masks from ordinary pharmaceutical clay can make the skin dry, in which case the procedure should be done no more than once every 7-10 days or change the main ingredient to Moroccan ghassoul (rhassoul) clay, which has lathering properties and does not tighten the face.

Aloe leaf juice, tea tree oil, lemon juice and herbal decoctions (chamomile, calendula, etc.) can be added to clay masks or oatmeal scrub to enhance their effectiveness. These ingredients have natural antibacterial properties and, in moderation, will help lightly dry out nasal pimples and prevent them from developing further.

Many people believe that acne on the nose is a problem for women, but this is far from true. Many men also experience similar problems that require immediate treatment. A woman is much better off in this regard, because she can disguise the resulting formation with the help of cosmetics. In this case, the man must proceed to treatment, otherwise the situation will become more complicated and the infection will begin to spread to other areas of the face.

Why do they occur?

Why do pimples pop out? Before implementing therapy, it is necessary to understand the underlying factor of the emerging pathology. After all, treatment implies an integrated approach to the problem. In addition to cosmetics that help eliminate external defects, you need to use drugs whose action is aimed at eliminating the internal cause.

Pimples on a man's nose can occur for the following reasons:

  1. Failure in the hormonal system. This is more suitable for teenage boys as puberty occurs. During this period, the pores cannot cope with a large amount of sebum, as a result of which the pores become clogged and become inflamed.
  2. Hot season. If the temperature outside is high, sweating and clogged pores occur on the skin.
  3. Poor nutrition. You should not overuse such foods: fatty, smoked, sweet. Excessive coffee consumption can also cause unpleasant and painful formations on the nose.
  4. Nervous disorders. As a result of experiences, the sebaceous glands begin to work actively, which leads to large production of sebaceous fat and clogging of pores.
  5. Improper care. If you do not clean the skin regularly, this will lead to the accumulation of pathogenic microorganisms, dead cells, and dirt. All this leads to clogged pores and the development of an inflammatory process.

In addition to the reasons considered for the formation of acne on the nose in men, treatment cannot be started without knowing the type of formation. There are two types of acne. The first type is white formations, which are also called millet. They are considered the safest, as they do not provoke an inflammatory process. In appearance, they resemble white nodules.

If comedones become inflamed, this provokes the formation of red pimples. This is the second option for formations on the nose in men. They cause pain to the patient, and their maturation process takes a very long time. They can affect the nose in multiple numbers, and sometimes combine and secrete ichor.

When an infection gets into the red formations, purulent pimples form. If such a pathology occurs, then it is necessary to immediately begin therapy. If the cause is a mite pathology, then as a result of its reproduction, a type of acne such as pink acne occurs. Itchy formations can be caused by the herpes virus.

In addition to the above reasons, factors such as lack of keratin, intoxication of the body, and poor-quality cosmetics contribute to the formation of acne on the nose in men. Irregular sex life can also affect the formation of acne in men. Here you can find out the reasons for the appearance of acne on the nose in women.

Is it possible to squeeze out

The squeezing process is one of the fastest methods of fighting acne. But there is a risk of infection spreading to all other parts of the face if the contents have not been completely removed. In addition, you can squeeze out a pimple only if it is ripe.

The video talks about how and whether it is possible to squeeze out pimples on the nose, the reasons for the appearance of acne in men:

If you finally decide to squeeze out the formation that has arisen, then this process can be completed safely by following the following action plan:

  1. Before manipulation, it is necessary to disinfect your hands and the area where the pimple is located. You can only squeeze out a ripe, purulent pimple or blackhead.
  2. Extrusion occurs through a clean cotton cloth. When the comedone comes out, you can pull it out using tweezers, which should also be soaked in alcohol.
  3. At the end of the procedure, make sure that all the contents come out, then treat with alcohol again. It is impossible to squeeze out an internal pimple, so the doctor is strictly forbidden to touch such formations.

Drug treatment

If a man has a mild form of acne on his nose, then treatment can be done on his own. When therapy is carried out with the help of medications, you should consult a dermatologist before using them. Taking into account individual characteristics, he will be able to prescribe an effective remedy. Drug therapy includes the following groups of drugs:

  1. Antiseptic. These include Metrogyl acne gel, Tsindol, Differin, Retinoic, Zinc, Heparin and Ichthyol ointment. Under their influence, it is possible to overcome all bacteria and protect the skin from inflammation.
  2. Absorbents. This category includes drugs such as Brewer's yeast, Lactofiltrum. Their active components bind and remove fats and toxic substances from the intestines.
  3. Antibacterial drugs. These include Klindovit, acne cream Zinerit, Levomikol. The components they contain suppress the growth of bacteria, prevent inflammation from developing, and cleanse the skin of acne in a short period of time.
  4. Hormonal drugs. They can reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands, but they should be used for severe forms of acne.

Skin care

In addition to following drug therapy to eliminate acne on the nose, men should also take care of their facial skin. There is nothing complicated about this; you need to follow a number of simple measures that will speed up the healing of the rash and protect your skin from the formation of new acne. Skin care involves the following:

  1. In the morning and evening, wash your face using a cleanser. It should contain a minimum amount of salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide.
  2. Before going to bed, be sure to wipe your skin with special milk.
  3. You should not rub your face with washcloths and brushes when there are inflammatory formations there.
  4. After washing, rinse your skin with cool water or chamomile decoction.
  5. In the morning, after cleansing the skin, treat it with moisturizer.
  6. Use clay-based masks several times a week (face masks for acne with white clay are described here), acne masks with honey, cleansing masks with aspirin.

Not many men will agree to such sacrifices, but they are necessary if you do not want to worsen your situation and quickly eliminate the rashes that have arisen on the nose. In addition, you need to do all this at home, and, therefore, only your family will see you with a mask on your face.

The benefits of cherry face masks are described here.

When treating acne on the nose in men, ointments are often used, since they contain a high concentration of active ingredients. It is thanks to them that it is possible to have a powerful effect on the inflammatory area. For these purposes, men can use the following ointments:

  1. Sulfur-salicylic. Thanks to salicylic acid, it is possible to dissolve particles of dead skin and also have an antimicrobial effect. The presence of sulfur allows for a bacteriostatic effect.
  2. Salicylic-zinc. Its method of action is similar to the previous option. The main component is zinc, which has an anti-inflammatory and drying effect.
  3. Vishnevsky ointment. It is characterized by a wide range of influences, and it also has a powerful antiseptic effect.
  4. Synthomycin liniment 10%. This ointment contains chlorampheniol. It has a bactericidal and healing effect.
  5. Levomekol. This ointment eliminates inflammation in a very short period of time. It contains mithyluracil, which affects tissue restoration, accelerates inflammation and has a healing effect.

In dermatology, it is impossible to find formulations that would simultaneously meet all the requirements. Therefore, doctors prescribe several types of ointments to their patients. It is necessary to change the drugs every course so that there is no addiction to the antibiotic.

Effective masks

When a man has a pimple on his nose, you can try the following mask options at home:

  1. Potato. Boil the presented vegetable in milk, crush it and apply the resulting cooled pulp to the affected area. The procedure time is 15 minutes. Then remove everything with water.
  2. Honey. Take bee product - 50 g, the same amount of sunflower oil and yolk. Stir everything and apply to the nose, keep the mask on for 20 minutes.
  3. Oatmeal. Take rolled oats and soak in warm water. Wait for the flakes to swell and apply to your nose.


Complex therapy must include tonics, which can help eliminate the inflammatory process. For these purposes, you must use the following means:

  1. Throughout the day, wipe the skin with calendula tincture, in which dissolve 2 tablets of chloramphenicol.
  2. Take a spoonful of basil and pour boiling water - 200 ml. When it cools down, wipe the area of ​​inflammation with the broth.
  3. Brew chamomile and make a lotion on your nose.


The cause of acne on the nose can be deep. This is most often due to poor nutrition or lack of vitamins. Therefore, it is very important to reconsider your diet and consume vitamin decoctions. The following infusions have a positive effect:

  1. Mint decoction. Take 1 liter of water and add 4 tablespoons of mint. Leave for 3 hours and then use throughout the day.
  2. Nettle infusion. Take fresh herbs and squeeze the juice out of it, dilute with water and lemon juice. Drink a dessert spoon of the drink 3 times a day.
  3. Carrot and beet juice. You need to drink this drink in any quantity throughout the day.

Pimples on the nose are common in men, and the causes of this pathology are very different. If the treatment used does not produce results, then most likely the underlying factor was determined incorrectly. Do not complicate your situation; immediately go to a doctor who will accurately diagnose and prescribe effective therapy.

Acne is a common side effect of adolescence, which is characterized by hormonal changes in the body. But sometimes they occur in people of different sexes at an older age. Rashes on the nose often appear in men. To eliminate this cosmetic defect, it is necessary to identify the root cause and only after that the problem will be completely resolved.

Why do rashes appear on the nose?

Most teenagers experience acne on their face due to hormonal changes. In this case, there is intensive production of subcutaneous fat by the sebaceous glands, which clog the pores, which leads to inflammation of the skin.


After 20 years, in 80% of cases, acne on the nose goes away on its own. If they persist into later life, this indicates the presence of specific diseases.

When pimples appear on the nose, the reasons for men can be varied. The most common factor is hormonal imbalances, which requires immediate contact with an endocrinologist. In second place is a digestive problem caused by poor nutrition.

The third reason for the formation of acne on the nose is clogged pores. The skin of the respiratory organ has a special structure with pores close to the surface. Therefore, even the settling of a small amount of dust on the face leads to the appearance of blackheads and acne.

For your information: at the age of 14-19, acne on the nose occurs in 40-50% of young men due to hormonal disorders. At 22 years old, skin inflammation is observed in 5% of guys; at 30-40 years old, only 1% of people have rashes on the face.

Other causes of acne:

  1. heart and liver problems;
  2. climate features (the likelihood of acne formation increases in hot and humid weather);
  3. hereditary predisposition;
  4. taking antibiotics or steroids;
  5. long-term abstinence from sexual intercourse;
  6. demodicosis (occurs when the pH of the skin is disturbed, when the subcutaneous mite is activated in the sebaceous glands);
  7. improper or inadequate skin care;
  8. tanning (ultraviolet light increases sebum production);
  9. skin irritation after shaving;
  10. spread of infection when squeezing out acne;
  11. poor nutrition;
  12. stress;
  13. intense physical activity.

Diagram of the location of pimples on the nose


Not many people know that the places where skin rashes are located indicate the presence of certain health problems. By carefully examining the nose, you can understand which organ has failed and contact the appropriate specialist.

Thus, pimples, pigmentation or vascular patterns located in the area of ​​​​the junction of the tip of the nose and the bridge of the nose indicate a malfunction of the pancreas. If acne is located on the left wing of the respiratory organ, then there may be disruptions in the functioning of the lungs.

When pimples appear on the end of the nose, you need to contact a cardiologist and check your heart rhythm. If inflammatory elements are detected on the left side of the organ, the bronchi should be checked.

The appearance of pimples in the middle part of the nose indicates stomach problems. Rashes localized on the right side indicate dysfunction of the duodenum.

The presence of an inflammatory process in the right nostril suggests that it is worth diagnosing the lesser curvature of the stomach. Pimples located under the nose can occur due to damage and pathologies of the xiphoid process of the sternum.

Types of acne

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There are three reasons why doctors do not recommend squeezing pimples on your face yourself. The first factor is the characteristics of the circulatory system. In the nasal area there are many great vessels and a large number of anastomoses. When squeezed out, they can be easily damaged, which will lead to bleeding.

The second reason is that when removing a pimple, you can introduce an infection into the resulting wound, which will spread throughout the entire face. Also, many people crush immature pimples, which is why the fat and purulent secretion are not completely released and go even deeper.

The third factor is inaccessibility. If a comedone pops up in the middle of the nasal passage or on the wings, it will be very difficult to eliminate it yourself. In the worst case scenario, improperly squeezing an inflamed blackhead will lead to infection in the brain, which can be fatal.

Many people apply cold compresses to their nose to relieve itching and swelling. But experts do not recommend following this advice. If the rash is exposed to hypothermia, the inflammatory process will become chronic and it will not be possible to get rid of acne for several more months.

Acne Treatment Methods


With proper skin care, you can significantly reduce the intensity and number of rashes on your nose. To do this, you need to follow simple recommendations every day. So, after waking up and before going to bed, you need to wash your face with a cleanser containing benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid.

After the procedure, the rash areas should be wiped with a pore-tightening lotion. For those with oily skin, you can apply a drying cream to your nose at night, and a moisturizing cream in the morning after washing your face.

Pharmaceutical companies offer many products to quickly get rid of acne on the nose. Such drugs have an antiseptic and antibacterial effect.

List of popular ointments:

  1. Salicylic-zinc. Removes dead skin particles, has an antimicrobial, drying and anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. Sulfur-salicylic. It has a similar effect, and sulfur enhances the antibacterial effect.
  3. Levomekol. Contains mitiluracil, which promotes rapid tissue regeneration and elimination of inflammation.
  4. Synthomycin liniment 10%. The cream contains chlorampheniol, which has a healing and antiseptic effect.
  5. Vishnevsky ointment. It has a strong bactericidal effect and relieves inflammation.

For complex acne, experts prescribe hormonal medications that normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.


For acne, you can prepare a mint infusion. Five tablespoons of dry crushed herb are poured into a liter of boiling water, infused and taken throughout the day.

Those with problem skin will benefit from nettle infusion. Juice is squeezed out of fresh leaves and mixed with lemon juice. The product is taken 3 times a day, 1 tsp. Also, for acne on the nose, it is useful to drink beetroot and carrot juice.

To eliminate oily shine on the skin, relieve inflammation and dry out acne, it is recommended to make masks from simple products:

  1. Potato. The vegetable is boiled in milk, kneaded and, when cooled, applied to the nose for 15 minutes.
  2. Oatmeal. Hercules is soaked in warm water for 30 minutes. The resulting mixture is applied to the face for 15 minutes.
  3. Honey. One egg yolk, vegetable oil and honey (50 g each) are mixed and applied to problem areas of the face.
  4. Egg white. The product is whipped until foam appears. The mass is applied to a cotton cloth and applied to the nose for 10 minutes.

To relieve inflammation, traditional healers recommend wiping your face with a decoction of chamomile, sage or St. John's wort. Problem areas of the skin can be treated once a day with calendula infusion with the addition of two Levomycetin tablets.

Another tonic recipe: A handful of dried basil is poured with 200 ml of boiling water. When the broth has cooled down, rub it on each pimple.

To prevent rashes from appearing after shaving and to prevent the skin from becoming inflamed, you need to shave after taking a shower, when your face is steamed. You should also use only sharp and clean razors.


The diet for acne excludes the consumption of foods rich in bad cholesterol. These are sweets, spices, smoked, fatty, fried foods, mayonnaise and similar sauces, fast food. You should not abuse coffee, meat, nuts and dairy products.

The diet for acne should consist of cottage cheese, lean fish and meat. As for side dishes, preference should be given to boiled or steamed vegetables and cereals. For dessert you can eat various fruits and berries.

Contraindications for acne treatment

The only limitation in the treatment of rashes on the nose is individual intolerance to the components of medicinal cosmetics, ointments, decoctions, infusions and masks. It is forbidden to squeeze immature pimples.


To prevent the appearance and spread of rashes on the nose, you must adhere to a number of rules:

  1. Eat properly.
  2. Quit cigarettes and alcohol.
  3. Temper the body daily, which will reduce the likelihood of developing inflammatory processes throughout the body.
  4. Take vitamins including sulfur, selenium, zinc and ascorbic acid.
  5. Treat colds and viral diseases in a timely manner.
  6. Carefully maintain personal hygiene, cleanse and moisturize your skin daily.

Despite the fact that acne on the nose is a common problem for men, with a comprehensive approach you can get rid of it. But you should be patient and follow all the above recommendations. And in case of severe acne, you need to consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist, because self-treatment will lead to the progression of the disease and the spread of infection.
