Removing a mole under the eye

Girls, hello. Tell me, is it possible to remove moles that are located near the eyes. And who has encountered this, tell me how the removal went, what is the best way to remove it? experts

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I removed it on the upper eyelid, almost under the eyebrow. She was small, but began to grow. At first I wanted to use a laser, but then I looked at the result of one girl, there was a mark left, like a hole, I didn’t want to have that on my face. And I went to a surgeon I knew, he cut and stitched. There is no trace.

I removed two moles on my back with surgitron in June. you know, author, just think about it, do you really need it? I have two scars three times the size of the rollers. one seems to go away without a trace (I hope), but the second scar looks like a colloidal scar. and these consequences cannot be predicted!!

I removed a mole about a centimeter from the outer corner of the eye. Surgically. Although everything seemed to be done carefully, they made some kind of clever hidden stitch with a thin thread and it healed well, did not become inflamed, for some reason there was still a small convex scar. Maybe the skin there is too thin?

I removed a mole about a centimeter from the outer corner of the eye. Surgically. Although everything seemed to be done carefully, they made some kind of clever hidden stitch with a thin thread and it healed well, did not become inflamed, for some reason there was still a small convex scar. Maybe the skin there is too thin?

How much did it cost you?

How much did it cost you?

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I removed two moles on my back with surgitron in June. you know, author, just think about it, do you really need it? I have two scars three times the size of the rollers. one seems to go away without a trace (I hope), but the second scar looks like a colloidal scar. and these consequences cannot be predicted!!

In any case, author, moles will only grow with age, turning into hanging, unaesthetic nevi, which on the face looks much uglier than remaining depressions or small scars (by the way, the smaller the mole, the less visual consequences of its removal).

Alexandra, she removed it here in Kazan. As far as I remember, cosmetologists sent for a certificate (that it can be removed) to the oncology clinic, but they don’t really look there - purely visually and, at most, they will also feel the lymph nodes that are more or less closely located.

I’m 12 years old and I have a lot of moles, I take after my grandmother. but recently a weighty mole began to grow on me, near my eye. I don't really like it. Can it be removed without surgery?

I have a terrible mole near the inner corner of my eye! Big and still growing! I want to delete it! Is it possible to remove such a mole, and can there be any complications?

I have a terrible mole near the inner corner of my eye! Big and still growing! I want to delete it! Is it possible to remove such a mole, and can there be any complications?

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Since ancient times, moles on the body, like lines on the palm, have been used to predict fate. In the century before last, all ladies from high society dreamed of acquiring a small mole on their neck or above their upper lip, and therefore they drew or glued it on.

But sometimes moles are not pleasing, but create discomfort, appearing unexpectedly in different places, for example, under the eye.

Types of moles under the eye

Most people believe that a mole is a new growth on the skin that appears once and remains until the end of days. And they are seriously mistaken.

These skin formations are formed from melacitone, which is responsible for the accumulation of the forming substance - melanin. Today, there are several types of moles.

Small red spots that appear under the eyes, on the chest, back, etc., cause fear and anxiety. They do not create pain, but they do not look very good. And most importantly, it is unclear why red moles appeared.

Red nevi are not dangerous to human health, but if there are more spots on the body every day, this is a reason to sound the alarm and go to a specialist, because an increase in the number of moles signals that there are malfunctions in the body’s functioning.

As a rule, the appearance of a large number of red nevi is directly related to malfunctions of the liver and digestive system. Sometimes the appearance of red moles is due to a genetic predisposition.

Also, the appearance of red dots is sometimes associated with pathologies in the blood vessels and excessive exposure to sunlight. In women, red nevi can appear if there is a hormonal imbalance in the body.

Recently, according to oncologists, The number of people with cancer has increased significantly. This is associated with the deterioration of the environmental situation, so professionals do not advise keeping nevi in ​​direct sunlight, because moles, incl. black ones can create a number of problems.

This is explained by the fact that The shade of a mole depends on the content of melanin cells in it. The larger its volume, the higher the risk of cancer.

It's no secret that people never pay enough attention to moles that appear out of nowhere. And as a result, they do not come for timely qualified help and end up at risk.

In this case, it is necessary to constantly monitor the condition of the nevus. In addition, any changes in tissue should be monitored. Such basic precautions will help you avoid more serious problems in the future.

Moles are acquired or congenital benign neoplasms on the skin. Each nevus is a cluster of melanin-filled cells. They can vary in texture, shade, shape and location.

Based on location and shape, nevi are divided into:

Non-vascular. This type of mole consists of pigment spots of various shades, stalk-like or warty tubercles above the surface of the skin. They can be either multiple or single, covered with keratinized epidermis.

Sometimes non-vascular moles may be covered with vegetation. Such nevi come in different shapes, shades and sizes.

Vascular. They have a pink, red or bluish-red tint (depending on the vessel on which the mole is located).

Capillary moles are located on the surface and have a flat, smooth shape; cavernous moles, on the contrary, arise in the thickness of the skin and have an irregular geometric shape.

It does not matter where the mole is located: on the right or left - under the right or left eye - nevi are not distinguished by this feature.

Why do they appear?

But there are other reasons for the appearance of moles. These include:

  1. disruptions of the endocrine system and hormonal imbalance;
  2. constant stress and nervous disorders;
  3. infections;
  4. inflammation of the skin;
  5. use of contraception;
  6. genetic pathologies.

In addition, experts believe that the appearance of moles under the eyes is a common phenomenon among fair-haired and fair-skinned people because there is an insufficient amount of coloring pigment in their body.

How can they be dangerous?

Out of ignorance, most people tend to believe the statement that nevi are dangerous to health, and by default provoke the occurrence of malignant neoplasms on the skin.

But in fact, everything is not so critical, because the bulk of skin tumors are absolutely harmless, and modern fashionistas generally consider some of them as decoration.

But sometimes a nevus can undergo changes and turn into a malignant neoplasm. So what leads to such changes?

First of all, damage to the mole. This can be squeezing, scratching, rubbing, or any other violation of the integrity of the nevus membrane.

Besides, Excess sunlight and UV radiation can provoke dangerous changes. In this case, problems may arise due to excessive sunbathing without using sunscreen or frequent visits to the solarium.

Besides There are a number of other signs that make you think:

  1. unfortunate location of the mole;
  2. genetic predisposition;
  3. high content of melanocytes, which have a bright shade;
  4. previous skin diseases such as melanoma.

Methods of disposal

If a suspicious mole under the eye causes a feeling of fear, then it is necessary to get rid of it. To do this, you first need to consult with a specialist.

To date There are several ways to remove moles:

  1. cryodestruction;
  2. laser removal;
  3. folk remedies;
  4. medicinal;
  5. radio wave removal.

This method of removing moles is not very popular., because after the procedure, the mark from the removed nevus takes quite a long time to heal.

At the same time, cryodestruction has one serious advantage: liquid nitrogen removes the mole itself, and dead tissue remains in its place, which serves as protection for new epidermal cells.

Laser mole removal – is a relatively young, but at the same time safe and effective procedure. During the procedure, the specialist does not even touch the mole. And the nevus itself is “burned out” using a modern laser.

If necessary, anesthetics may be used during the procedure.

Removal of nevi using radio waves is carried out by focusing high-frequency radio waves on the pigmented neoplasm requiring removal.

Using radio waves, small incisions are made, after which the mole is removed layer by layer.

There is no bleeding during this procedure, because the warm electric field has a beneficial effect on the blood clotting process.

It is recommended to carry out this procedure in a cosmetology salon. After removal of the mole, tissue is taken for histological examination to determine the nature of the neoplasm.

Drug treatment of moles involves destruction of the formation using medications.

Today, the pharmaceutical market offers a huge number of drugs whose action is aimed at removing nevi.

When suspicious moles appear under the eye, not every person is immediately sent to a specialist; some decide to be treated using traditional medicine recipes. But you should remember that not all recipes offered on the World Wide Web help.

Some, on the contrary, can cause harm. As a result, the moles are not removed, but health is damaged. So you need to choose folk recipes taking into account the individual characteristics of the body.

If you have doubts about the effectiveness of folk remedies, it is better to immediately contact a specialist., which will not only quickly remove the nevus, but also will not leave marks on the skin.

Watch a video on how to remove a mole at home:


Despite the fact that the occurrence of nevi is a natural process that accompanies a person throughout life, there are people who are concerned about it. Therefore, the question of how to stop the appearance of moles never loses its relevance. Let's look at this in detail.

  1. So, first you need to remember that
the appearance of new moles is normal, but at the same time it is necessary to constantly monitor old nevi, as they can cause the appearance of new ones.

What should you pay attention to? A sharp increase in the size of a mole, redness of the skin around the mole, itching, burning, changes in shape and structure, bleeding - all this may indicate that the body’s functioning has begun to malfunction. If you suspect that something is wrong with a mole under your eye, you should immediately contact a specialist.
Sometimes proper tanning is not the last thing, because it is UV radiation that has a greater impact on the formation of moles. That's why on the hottest days, prolonged exposure to the sun is not recommended.

Sunbathing is best done in the morning before 19:00 or in the evening after 16:00. The rest of the time, it is recommended to wear closed clothing and a wide-brimmed hat.

Besides, You need to choose the right wardrobe. Tight things can damage the mole. When taking a bath or shower, you need to be careful. It is not recommended to use hard sponges, which can damage not only moles, but also the skin. A soft washcloth is best suited for these purposes.

After all, surges of hormones can provoke the appearance of new nevi. Constant hormonal disruptions during pregnancy are a mandatory phenomenon. Therefore, it is necessary to learn not to react to stressful situations.


Many people live their whole lives with moles on different parts of the body and do not worry about it. But if a mole begins to create discomfort, you should consult a doctor.

If the nevus risks developing into a malignant tumor, it must be removed as soon as possible.

Why do moles appear?

Moles can appear on any part of the body. The fact is that these are pigment formations consisting of cells saturated with melanin; they accumulate in the upper and deep layers of the skin. This is why moles range in color from light to dark brown and even black. Several factors contribute to their growth:

  1. hormonal disbalance;
  2. puberty;
  3. pregnancy;
  4. long exposure to direct sunlight;
  5. taking medications;
  6. genetic predisposition.

You can find out more about moles and the reasons for their appearance in our article “Many new moles on the body: what to do?”

Experts identify several of the most common types of nevi that can be found near the eyes and on the eyelids:


- Vascular - they look like small pink or red bumps. This is all because they are made up of a collection of blood vessels. The reason for their appearance is a failure and disruption in the functioning of capillaries and veins. This is a special type of mole, in some cases it may indicate problems with the venous system and patients are recommended to undergo additional examination by a phlebologist.


— Intradermal are moles that form in the deep layers of the skin; they look like a small nodule or ball. Since they are composed of skin pigment cells, their color varies from brown to black.


- Epidermal - this is a common type of nevus, located on the surface of the skin and has another name - hanging mole. The color can range from flesh to dark brown.


- Mixed - these neoplasms are located between the epidermis and dermis, they look like a small flat spot and do not rise above the skin. The color ranges from light to dark brown.

If the mole is located on the mobile upper eyelid and the patient often touches it, the mole is in the way or is aesthetically unpleasant, then these are direct indications for its removal.

Also, indications for removal may include suspicions of possible malignancy of the mole and degeneration into melanoma - skin cancer. The first signs of this are:

  1. Increase in size of the tumor;
  2. Uneven surface and edges;
  3. Color change;
  4. Peeling;
  5. Itching;
  6. Bleeding.

At the first signs, you should immediately contact a dermatologist or oncologist. You can find out more about the degeneration of nevi in ​​our article “Why do you need to remove moles?”

There are a number of features when removing growths near the eyes and on the eyelids. They are associated with the close proximity to the eyeball and the delicate, thin skin around the eyes.


When choosing a procedure for removal, the doctor must consider the location of the tumor. Excision must be carried out with the utmost precision and care to avoid penetration too deep into the skin.

In addition, it is worth remembering that there are a lot of thin vessels in the area around the eyes. Damaging them is undesirable because it can lead to excessive bleeding.

The most difficult moles to remove are those located above or below the lash line, directly close to the eye. Such formations should be removed only on the recommendation of a doctor if the mole may be dangerous. The removal of such nevi should be carried out by an experienced doctor, since it is extremely important to do filigree or even jewelry work. After excision, a crust appears at the site of the mole; it can scratch the cornea. To avoid this, the patient is recommended to wear a special soft lens until the crust falls off on its own.

Today, you can get rid of tumors on the eyelid or near the eyes using several methods.

— Laser removal is the most popular and convenient procedure for performing such delicate work. The laser acts precisely on the nevus, evaporating its cells layer by layer. The doctor can accurately control the penetration of the beam deep into the epidermis down to a millimeter. In this case, the surrounding tissues are not affected or injured. When removed, the eyeball is covered with a special soft shield that completely covers and protects the eye from external influences. The patient cannot see anything through the protection, so there is no need to be afraid that the laser is very close.

Advantages of this method:

  1. Safety;
  2. When the laser operates, all vessels are coagulated, so there is no danger of bleeding;
  3. Minimal trauma;
  4. Speed ​​of the procedure;
  5. Short rehabilitation period, up to 7-10 days;
  6. After removal there are no scars or scars left.


— Radio wave removal – performed using high frequency radio waves. Most often used for hanging moles and for formations that clearly have a tendency to degenerate into a malignant tumor. The advantages of this method include its coagulating and disinfecting properties. However, a small hole may remain at the site of removal.

In rare cases, cryodestruction and electrocoagulation are used to excise nevi on the eyelids and around the eyes. It's all about sensitive and thin skin, these two methods are more aggressive and affect more healthy skin. That is why experts do not recommend their use in such a situation.

It is worth noting that the doctor chooses the treatment method based on the characteristics of the mole, its location, size and category of complexity. Self-removal is highly undesirable. Home remedies and various chemical compounds can accidentally enter the eye and cause serious harm. If you are concerned about nevus, seek professional help.