Exercises for nasolabial folds and elevation

It has long been reliably known that facial exercises for nasolabial folds are truly effective when performed systematically. To permanently get rid of wrinkles in the most problematic area, it is enough to use proven methods from Margarita Levchenko, Galina Dubinina, Evgenia Bagly or Carol Maggio - they are considered the most effective and can be performed at home. All you need to do is know the correct technique and do them several times a week, sitting on a comfortable chair in front of a mirror. The result will not be long in coming, and the first noticeable effect will appear after 2-3 procedures. Women can choose for themselves which method to use, but a combination of several options is allowed.

Causes of nasolabial folds

Nasolabial folds usually appear at the age of 35 and later, but it also happens that women notice them at the age of 25-30. There may be several reasons for this:

  1. Fast weight loss. If a girl suddenly loses weight, the skin does not have time to adapt in time, as a result of which wrinkles form in places where there was previously a fat layer;
  2. Emotionality. Emotional girls need exercise like no other, because at an early age they develop not only “crow’s feet”, but also nasolabial folds;
  3. Predisposition to wrinkles. This occurs due to the structural features of the skull, and preventing wrinkles in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle is problematic;
  4. Adverse effects of external factors: temperature changes, weathering, prolonged exposure to the sun;
  5. Bad ecology. As you know, in industrial cities the population most often suffers from diseases, so wrinkles are the least of all evils.
  6. Lack of water. As a general rule, each person needs to drink at least 1.5 liters of water daily to avoid dehydration. In addition, this approach helps fight hunger pangs. If the body does not have enough fluid, this negatively affects the condition of the skin and figure.
  7. Systematic lack of sleep. A person needs to sleep at least 6 hours every day. If you neglect this rule, lack of sleep will have a bad effect on the elasticity and appearance of the skin over time.

It can also be caused by improper facial care, so it is very important to choose the right masks and lotions according to your skin type.

5 reasons to start doing facial exercises

Facial exercises for nasolabial folds are also called face building or simply exercises. It is needed because it wants to relieve excessive tension from the facial muscles and make the skin as tight as possible, but there are other reasons why it is necessary:

  1. When exposed to certain points, blood microcirculation improves, which helps prevent early aging and improve complexion;
  2. Systematic implementation guarantees weight loss in the facial area;
  3. A clearer oval is formed;
  4. Signs of fatigue disappear;
  5. Bags under the eyes are removed.

Of course, you can get rid of cosmetic defects with the help of “beauty injections,” but face building is a harmless, reliable and inexpensive way with which you can achieve a dizzying effect in just a few weeks and absolutely free.

The best facial exercises for nasolabial folds

To forget once and for all about wrinkles in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle with the help of face-building, it is enough to master the exercise technique developed by famous experts in the field of beauty and health: Margarita Levchenko, Carol Maggio, Evgenia Balgyk or Galina Dubinina. Each of the techniques differs in the sequence of actions and the impact on certain points and lines, but the end result is the same - tightened skin and a beautiful complexion.

To understand how to remove nasolabial folds and tighten the oval of the face thanks to face-building, you need to watch the video, where the technique will be shown clearly.

A professional trainer for rejuvenation and wellness, Margarita Levchenko, several years ago developed her own method of combating wrinkles, which is now actively used by thousands of women:

  1. Warm up your hands by rubbing against each other. We inflate our cheeks, place our palms on them and try to press them in, overcoming resistance. We fix the position for 10 seconds.
  2. We do the same thing, but roll the air from side to side.
  3. We stretch our lips forward as much as possible, as if pronouncing the letter “O”. We hold for 10 seconds and relax. Repeat 8 times.
  4. We draw air into our lungs, close our lips and exhale through them without straining.
  5. We massage the worked muscles along the massage lines by patting and tapping to relieve tension.

How Margarita Levchenko recommends removing nasolabial folds, watch the video:

Galina Dubinina is a famous yoga trainer. She developed exercises against nasolabial folds to increase tone and smooth out wrinkles in a short time:

  1. We place the thumbs of both hands behind the cheeks along the upper teeth, the pads should “look” outward. We try to close our lips 8-10 times.
  2. We place the thumb of the left hand to the lower gum with a pad near the canine so that it is in the area of ​​the nasolabial fold. Press it with your lips to your teeth 10 times, change sides.
  3. The thumbs are fixed on the line of contact of the closed teeth, the palms are located in front of the face, forming a “house”. We suck in our cheeks 8-10 times.
  4. With your index finger, press a point in the center of your upper lip to your teeth, closing your lips tightly. We smile 8 times without opening them. We repeat 8 times, alternating the speed of execution - first at a slow pace, then at a fast pace.

The head of the face-building school, Evgenia Baglyk, developed an exercise technique for nasolabial folds and published it in one of her books. The technique looks like this:

  1. We lower the lower jaw, trying to stretch the skin in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle to the maximum. Using the zygomatic muscles, we try to pull the cheeks up.
  2. We place the middle and index fingers in the mouth in the cheek area, trying to push them towards the teeth with the cheek muscles. We hold the corners of the lips with our thumbs to avoid the formation of creases. Repeat 20 times.
  3. We lower the lower jaw, stretch our lips forward, depicting a fish. We hold for 20 seconds.
  4. We grab the upper lip with our thumbs from the inside and hold our index fingers at the same points on the outside. We inhale and look up, and as we exhale we lower our eyes down.
  5. We fix the cheeks in the area of ​​the folds from the inside with our thumbs, and grab the upper lip with our index fingers. We exhale and stretch the skin, moving from the temples to the chin. We do everything 5 times.

According to the author of the technique, it removes wrinkles only if performed regularly, so results will begin to appear no earlier than after 3 weeks.

American cosmetologist Carol Maggio back in the 80s. has developed gymnastics that are guaranteed to remove wrinkles of any depth. At that time, her book “Aerobics for Skin and Muscles” was very popular, but it remains relevant today.

To get rid of nasolabial folds, just do the exercise from this book - it is aimed at working out the muscles and skin in this area:

  1. We sit in front of the mirror on a comfortable chair. Shoulders should be straightened and head held straight. Breathing is calm.
  2. We mentally mark two points for ourselves - in the center of the upper and lower lips. Marking with a pencil is not necessary.
  3. We open our mouth, trying to ensure that the lips form a regular oval, and the designated points are exactly opposite each other. We don’t strain our lips – it’s better if they are slightly pressed against the teeth.
  4. Slightly lower the lower jaw, mark lines from the corners of the lips to the wings of the nose. We run the index fingers of both hands along it from bottom to top, against the massage lines. Represents the upward direction of positive energy.
  5. We return down and repeat all the steps again until a slight burning sensation appears on the skin in the area being treated. If severe discomfort occurs, the exercise should be stopped.
  6. After the previous step, we relieve tension and possible redness by tapping along the line with the fingertips of both hands.
  7. We close our lips and exhale, trying to make the skin around the mouth vibrate slightly.

There is another, more gentle version of the exercise from Carol Maggio:

  1. We take the position as in the previous exercise.
  2. We make an oval out of the lips, move our palms in the area of ​​the nasolabial folds, but without touching the skin. The fingers should be brought together, the effect comes from the warmth of the hands.
  3. During non-contact “rubbing” we imagine how wrinkles are smoothed out. We accelerate the pace as soon as the skin warms up as much as possible.
  4. We close our lips, fix the corners of our mouth with our palms and remove them. We exhale noisily.
  5. We tap with our fingertips to relax the muscles.

How to remove nasolabial folds using the Carol Maggio method, watch the video:


If women regularly perform any of the exercises described above, they will achieve the most positive effect:

  1. Elimination of nasolabial folds;
  2. Improved muscle tone;
  3. Increased skin firmness and elasticity;
  4. Beautiful complexion.

For this result, it is enough to do face building 2 times a week.

Lisa.ru found out what exercises will help get rid of wrinkles and what else you need to do to get an elastic oval face without “jowls” and creases.


What are nasolabial folds

Nasolabial folds are wrinkles in the form of longitudinal lines connecting the wings of the nose and the corners of the lips. They are very visible when you smile, and the deeper they become, the more they can be associated with the cheeks of a bulldog. “Nasal lips”, “bulldog lips”, “shaven lips” - they’re all about the same thing: creases in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle. There are several reasons for their appearance, and they are not always related to age.

Causes of nasolabial folds

  1. A fold can begin to form in the muscle layer even in adolescence, as, for example, happens with deep wrinkles

But due to the fact that the skin is elastic, you don’t pay attention to the crease for a long time. Usually you notice a fold already when the furrow on the cheek is clearly visible, and you obviously want to start doing something about it: remove it with exercises, sign up for a professional massage.

If you have a similar facial structure to your mother, and she has folds, the likelihood that you will not have them is negligible. It’s better to worry about the future of your face early and start learning exercises for nasolabial folds now, ask a dermatologist to recommend a cream that will prevent the skin from sagging prematurely.
