Acne on the face video squeezing out with fingers

Acne or blackheads, often called pimples, are localized in areas of the skin where there are most sebaceous glands. This is primarily the face, chest and back. They can be inflammatory (pustules) and non-inflammatory (comedones, known as blackheads, milia). Such a skin defect causes serious psychological discomfort, which is why many people use a method such as squeezing out pimples.

What consequences to expect

Squeezing pimples is still widely practiced in beauty salons and among people with acne problems. However, the method does not give the desired result and does not exclude the reappearance of acne or blackheads. In addition, squeezing out acne often leads to complications in the form of scarring and stagnant spots, which are difficult to get rid of. A tumor and compaction are another consequence of pressure on the abscess.


Intensive squeezing of pimples on the face has unfavorable effects:

  1. Using a metal spoon leads to early skin aging.
  2. An attempt to remove large blackheads often ends with bacteria spreading throughout the skin and causing new pustules to appear.
  3. When you press on a blackhead, the infection can penetrate into the deeper layers of the dermis and lead to the formation of a painful subcutaneous formation.
  4. Squeezing pimples on the nose and the area next to it is especially dangerous. This is associated with the risk of infection, which can penetrate the lining of the brain through the blood.

If a subcutaneous pimple appears on the face or any other part of the body, you cannot apply mechanical force to it. The resulting purulent mass can spread deep into the dermis and into neighboring areas. This will lead to serious complications that cannot be eliminated without medical help. For the same reason, squeezing huge pimples is strictly prohibited.

Cosmetology instruments


Most often, squeezing out pimples and blackheads on the face at home is practiced using fingertips and nails. However, if you decide to mechanically remove comedones and blackheads, it is recommended to use special tools (acne squeezers), which can now be purchased at the pharmacy:

  1. Uno spoon;
  2. needle and Vidal loop.


A Uno spoon is a tool with a strainer at one end and a spatula with one hole at the other. An oval strainer with 7 or more holes is used to remove blackheads and excess sebum. It is used when there are especially many comedones: on the forehead or chin.

Squeezing out pimples and blackheads if they are not numerous is best done using a spoon.

  1. The instrument is used to scrape the area to remove excess sebum.
  2. To eliminate the sebaceous plug, place the spoon so that the eel is in the center of the hole.
  3. Lightly press the instrument and move it to the side. The entire contents of the abscess remain in the spoon. The movement is carried out in the direction where the ducts of the sebaceous gland exit.
  4. The final stage is closing the pores. To do this, use products containing alcohol that dry out the skin.

During the procedure, you periodically need to wipe the skin with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide and treat the instrument from contamination.

You should not use solutions containing alcohol - this helps close pores and makes it difficult to remove sebaceous plugs.

If the eel is not ripe, it is not recommended to touch it.

The pimple squeezing stick allows you to remove pimples in hard-to-reach places: in the nasolabial area, ears and behind the ears. Moreover, the procedure is not painful. After it, redness of the skin is possible, which soon disappears. However, if there are numerous elements of the rash, you should not try to remove them all. When pressed, the capillaries are damaged, which leads to swelling. And this, in turn, provokes pressure on the sebaceous glands and interferes with their natural work. The result is that new formations appear.

Below is a video on how to perform instrumental squeezing of pimples.

The second tool, which is applicable both in a beauty salon and at home, is a Vidal needle. If anyone is interested in the name of the tool for purchasing it at a pharmacy or specialty store, it is a cosmetic needle or a pore expander.


Careful, correct use of a Vidal needle will help avoid serious injury to the skin and the formation of scars. The instrument is a steel rod with a loop on one side and a needle on the other. The loop is intended for eliminating blackheads (open comedones), the needle is for opening milia and ulcers.

  1. Position the loop so that the comedon is in the middle.
  2. The next step is to apply light pressure so that the cork comes to the surface.

If the dense mass does not come out when pressed, the procedure is stopped, and a second attempt is possible only after 2-3 days.

The needle is used only when the pimple is fully mature and has a white, purulent head. Only in this case can you carefully open the abscess to allow its contents to come out.

Before using the instrument, it is necessary to disinfect it. The wound is treated with any product with antiseptic properties, for example, salicylic acid. In this case, a cotton pad soaked in acid should be passed over the skin in one direction. Do not rub or make circular movements, as the bacteria released along with the pus can remain on the treated area and cause the formation of new acne.

A tool for squeezing pimples is effective for single formations. If the rash covers most of the face, which often happens in adolescence, then you should resort to treatment with external remedies.

Milia removal


Whiteheads, whiteheads, milia are the names of sebaceous gland cysts. They are dense, non-inflamed nodules that resemble small grains. Located under the top layer of skin. Most often, milia are located on the cheeks, eyelids, and in an area known as the T-zone. They are not painful, but tend to grow, becoming a cosmetic problem. One of the treatment methods is mechanical. However, it is used for single formations, with the condition that more than 10 whiteheads are not removed in one procedure.

  1. Squeezing out pimples starts with cleansing the skin.
  2. The apex of the milia is pierced with a sterile needle.
  3. The capsule in the form of a white dense ball is carefully rolled out of the cavity.
  4. The wound is treated with an antiseptic.

After the procedure, small wounds form. After a short period of time, crusts appear on them, which dry out and are removed on their own. On average, after 3-4 days the redness disappears.

Before squeezing a pimple, you should always remember that this causes injury to the sebaceous gland and hair follicle. As a result, the procedure may result in the formation of a large acne, infection and scar formation.

Pimples on the face video squeezing from YouTube.

How to squeeze pimples correctly

To properly eliminate acne, you should follow the following sequence of actions:

  1. Before squeezing out pimples, clean the skin of makeup and dust with cleansing gel, milk, foam, etc.
  2. Prepare the skin (see below).
  3. Use the tool.
  4. Wipe the treated areas with an antiseptic.

Cleansing should be gentle, no need to rub your hands or a sponge over your face. Rinse off the product with warm water only. It is better for the pH of the cleanser to be in the range of 5.5–7.0. If the skin reacts to cosmetic products with irritation, then cleansing can be done with micellar water.

There is widespread information that in order to make it easier to squeeze out pimples and blackheads, the skin needs to be steamed before the procedure. It is recommended to do this at home using a basin filled with hot water, or better yet, a decoction of chamomile or calendula and a bath towel. All you need to do is cover yourself with a towel and hold your face over the steam for ten minutes. This will expand the mouths of the follicles and slightly soften the contents of the comedonal plug.

Steaming is not carried out in the presence of inflammatory elements on the face, skin diseases, asthma and hypertension.

However, now this method is gradually being abandoned, giving preference to cold hydrogenation. This method can be used regardless of the presence of vascular network and for all skin types, even those prone to allergic reactions.

The method is based on the use of special gels made from natural ingredients. Most often, products based on cactus and aloe are used for these purposes. The drug is applied to the face, covered with cling film (with slits for the eyes and mouth), and left for 10 minutes (possibly more depending on the instructions). After this, you can begin removing comedones using special tools.

After the procedure, it is recommended to avoid direct sunlight on the face. Ultraviolet light provokes the formation of pigment spots in the treated areas. You should not wash your face or use decorative cosmetics for 12 hours. It is better to plan the procedure before the weekend, when you can spend time at home.


Removing blackheads with special tools is an aggressive method of combating skin rashes. It does not eliminate the cause of their appearance, but only eliminates existing elements. This procedure does not have to be regular.

If there is a lot of comedones and the skin tends to be oily, facial cleansing is done once a month. For small amounts of acne, it is recommended to carry out the procedure 1-2 times a year and no more.

Rash before menstruation

Girls often develop rashes on the cheek and chin before menstruation. Almost everyone tries to squeeze out an abscess, which is not recommended. At this time, the level of the hormone progesterone increases in the body. This leads to fluid retention, affects the condition of sebum, making it more viscous, and reduces resistance to infections. Therefore, mechanical removal of acne becomes more painful, is accompanied by swelling and can aggravate the problem - when infection penetrates, new ulcers appear. During this period, it is preferable to do superficial peeling or anti-inflammatory masks.

In severe forms of the disease, when an element is formed that lies deep in the dermis, the inflammatory process affects the sebaceous gland and surrounding tissues. Squeezing large pimples in the form of cavities filled with pus is strictly prohibited. Pressure can cause the spread of pus and pathogenic bacteria, which will lead to the formation of other inflammatory elements. The latter in most cases resolve with the formation of rough scars. Therefore, before squeezing a subcutaneous pimple, you should think about the possible consequences.

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