Facial skin - what to do

The most cherished dream of any woman is eternal youth and beauty. But time, alas, is merciless, and now the mirror shows not a young face, but a face with flabby and fading skin. And yet, this is not a death sentence - age-related changes can and should be fought. Flabby, aging facial skin is always a reason to think about what to do and change in terms of caring for it. You need to know which essential oils and masks, modern creams and special exercises will help with care and restore a young and blooming appearance.


A thought creeps into my head: maybe plastic? However, not all women have the opportunity and desire to subject themselves to such intervention. In this case, the only way out is to intensify facial care. This will also help when age is not the only reason for skin aging. A negative factor can be a sudden change in weight or hormonal imbalance. But in the latter case, you still need to visit a doctor, otherwise all measures to restore freshness may not be effective.

First aid for age-related skin problems is homemade creams and masks. They help well in the fight for youth, are easy to prepare, and you can find a lot of recipes for every taste in the public domain. In some cases, such products are even better than store-bought cosmetics due to their time-tested natural composition. They can and even should be enriched with essential oils. Juniper and anise are especially good for aging skin. And, of course, don’t forget about facial exercises. After all, the muscles that support the skin must be toned. To do this, just select exercises and perform them regularly.

What to do to restore sagging, aging facial skin: masks and essential oils

Often, a woman’s age is revealed by her sagging, aging facial skin: what can be done to restore it? Salon procedures are quite effective, but they are not cheap, and they also take up time, which is always not enough for anything. You can replace them at home with masks. They are quite effective, do not require special expenses and at the same time remove other problems: excessive dryness or oiliness, irritation, enlarged pores - sure signs of aging. Therefore, in order to choose complete home care, you need to take into account your skin type.

Masks and essential oils for restoring sagging and aging facial skin provide invaluable help. Below are some effective recipes.

Dry skin quickly loses moisture, becomes thinner with age, loses tone, and is susceptible to peeling. It needs to be well moisturized and nourished, and masks for aging facial skin will help with this. Particularly effective are their components, such as egg yolk, cottage cheese, and boiled potatoes. You can try the following recipes:

  1. Mash a small boiled potato with a teaspoon of olive (or any other vegetable) oil, add 100 g of grated apple and egg yolk. Apply the mask to a cleansed face (but not under the eyes!) and leave for half an hour.
  2. Another 15-minute mask: mix a tablespoon of village cottage cheese with half a teaspoon of camphor oil and an egg yolk, add a little apple juice. After washing off the masks, be sure to apply moisturizer to your skin.


Oily, tired skin usually has a grayish tint, its pores are enlarged, and it actively loses collagen, and with it its elasticity. Egg whites, tomatoes, and sauerkraut are good for her. Here are a couple of recipes for a toning mask:

  1. Beaten egg white mixed with half a teaspoon of lemon juice is applied to a clean face for a quarter of an hour. Then you need to apply a nourishing cream.
  2. A tomato mask is also good for rejuvenation and restoration: grind one peeled tomato, add a teaspoon of honey and yogurt. Leave for half an hour, and after rinsing, lubricate with nourishing cream.

Faithful helpers in the fight for youth and beauty are essential oils. For aging facial skin, they will be a real salvation. They are used both as part of homemade masks and simply based on basic vegetable oil. Pure, undiluted essential oils are too strong on the skin and can cause irritation. However, they have unsurpassed antioxidant properties, which slow down the aging process.

Essential oils vary in their effects on the skin. For example, the strong rejuvenating and calming effect of neroli oil (from orange blossoms) makes it indispensable when age begins to take its toll. It is used like this:

  1. Add a few drops to the base vegetable oil (from coconut, macadamia, grape seeds) and gently massage the face, which has been cleansed in advance.
  2. For even better refreshment and toning, you can try this technique: dilute a teaspoon of honey in water, add a drop of neroli oil and freeze. You need to wipe your face with this ice twice a day.


For oily, aging skin, oil extracted from juniper berries is perfect. Its main properties are narrowing pores, eliminating excess sebum, and an excellent tonic effect - exactly what is needed in this case. The rejuvenating effect of juniper oil is due to the fact that it increases blood circulation in the skin, helps it become saturated with oxygen and nutrients.

  1. An excellent mask is made from beaten egg whites and three to four drops of this oil. Apply it for 15 minutes, and then enjoy the feeling of freshness and firmness on your face.

Care for sagging and aging skin: recipes for homemade creams and exercises

Homemade creams will be a good help in caring for sagging and aging skin. Their preparation will require some effort, and certain components are not so cheap, but the resulting product will have a precisely known and completely natural composition, without harmful chemicals, preservatives, flavors and hormones. These creams use ingredients such as beeswax, glycerin, lanolin, and vegetable oils, so it is better to stock up on them in advance. The effect of home remedies is no worse than store-bought ones, and the process of preparing them is very exciting, a real alchemy of beauty. Popular recipes for homemade creams and exercises are given later in this article.

Recipes for homemade creams for aging facial skin are quite simple, they contain quite affordable ingredients, so you can easily prepare a couple and evaluate the result.

  1. If your skin is prone to oiliness, you will need 2 tbsp. spoons of fresh lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of glycerin. They are mixed. In another bowl, combine egg yolk, honey (1 teaspoon) and vegetable oil, or olive oil (1 tablespoon). Mix both compositions, add 5-6 drops of camphor oil and beat with a blender.
  2. If your skin is dry, the following recipe will do. You need to melt lanolin and honey (a teaspoon each) in a water bath, add almond oil (2 tablespoons) and the same amount of hot water, stirring. Beat with a blender.

These fairly simple home remedies work no worse than professional cosmetics.


But don’t forget about exercises for aging facial skin. Here is a good complex that will help preserve youth. Each exercise should be performed for 10 seconds:

  1. First you need to pull the corners of your eyes towards your temples, resisting this movement.
  2. Next, pull back your lower eyelids as much as possible and close your eyes.
  3. Press your fingers on your cheeks and pull them down, overcoming resistance.
  4. Use your thumbs to grab your cheeks from the inside and stretch them to the sides, while trying to press them against your teeth with muscle force.

You need to do these exercises with clean hands and face, and then apply a mask or cream. The key to success, as in any gymnastics, is regularity. And the simultaneous complex use of creams, masks, oils will, if not restore youth to the skin, then significantly prolong it.


A century ago, women and girls did not think about such problems as aging facial skin, but with the development of cosmetology, this issue began to arise more and more often. When you have the opportunity to take care of yourself, do not delay until the age of 35+, because at this time the epithelium undergoes aging processes that are invisible at first glance. Whether you are 20, 30 or 50 years old, anti-aging face masks at home are something that will significantly improve the situation! Want to start skin care today?

Causes of aging

No matter how old you are, you need to go on the warpath against wrinkles as early as possible. Fading, sagging facial skin at an early age is a consequence of improper and untimely care. Wrinkles at 20 are almost invisible, especially if you live at a frantic pace. The aging skin of your face generally reflects the aging of the body. Facial, static (decreased tone) and gravitational wrinkles appear.

The general condition depends not only on care, but also on the genetic material. In medicine, natural and premature aging are distinguished. The first type manifests itself due to changes in biological processes in the body. During cell division, disturbances may develop that lead to a decrease in the barrier layer. Water loss increases, and fibroblasts stop producing the required amount of collagen and elastin. Premature skin aging occurs for the following reasons:


  1. with an unhealthy lifestyle (poor diet, bad habits);
  2. illness;
  3. sunbathing without using protective cream;
  4. expressing emotions through facial expressions;
  5. personal anatomical features of the face.

How to stay young after 30

The structure and appearance of the skin changes as we age. This is a natural process in the body when the synthesis and exchange of nutrients between cells slows down. The epidermis becomes more vulnerable to external and internal factors. Even the oval and outline of the face changes, because aging skin at this time becomes flabby, hanging, and dehydrated. What care products are needed to delay the aging process after 35 years?

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  1. Glycerin mask “Youth” with orange. You will be guaranteed a rejuvenating and toning effect! If your skin type is normal or dry, then 1 crushed orange is enough. For oily epidermis, it is recommended to use lemon for the base of the mask. Place this paste in a glass container, fill it with cold water (200 ml), and keep it in the refrigerator for about a week. After this, strain the infusion and add 1 teaspoon of glycerin. Apply the care product to the skin with massaging movements.
  2. Nourishing face mask with aloe. There is a rejuvenating, toning effect for the skin. Prepare the aloe in advance: refrigerate for 2 weeks. You will need 1 tablespoon of squeezed juice from these leaves, the same amount of olive oil, 1 teaspoon of moisturizing or nourishing skin cream. The mixture should be warm, not hot, so warm it slightly in a water bath or in the microwave. Apply the mask around the eyes for 20 minutes, rinse with water. This care product should be used every evening after washing your face.

We will talk about professional care creams developed by the best dermatologists in the world. Each lifting product that has an anti-aging effect includes collagen, retinol (vitamin A), moisturizing additives, sunscreens and hyaluronic acid. The main effect of professional cosmetic creams is to reduce the depth of wrinkles. TOP 5 recognized effective means for caring for and prolonging the youth of your face:


  1. Prescriptives Intensive Rebuilding Moisturizer ($85 for 50 ml). Country of origin: USA, New York.
  2. Future Perfect Anti-Wrinkle Radiance Cream SPF 15 by Estee Lauder ($50 for 50 ml). Country of origin: USA, New York.
  3. Regenerist by Olay ($25 for 50 ml). Country of origin: South Africa.
  4. Lancome Resolution D-Contraxol Cream ($45 for 50 ml). Country of origin: France, Paris.
  5. Neutrogena Healthy Skin Anti-Wrinkle Cream ($10 for 30 ml). Country of origin: USA, California.

Care after 40 years

Comprehensive three-stage care after 45 years is not all that will provide the desired effect. The main goal is to prolong youth without surgery. You need to smooth out wrinkles and restore elasticity with the help of deep peeling and radiofrequency lifting. Both procedures are aimed at additional collagen production, but doing them often is not necessary. Once every few months is enough to keep your skin tight.

Properties that your face cream should have: deep nutrition and hydration, reliable protection from bright sun rays, improved elasticity due to additional substances in the composition, restoration that will help regenerate cells and tissues, and restore after inflammation or irritation. The lifting effect and antioxidant properties of the product will help you look younger than you really are.

A facelift using folk remedies is also possible. Alternate with cosmetic care and then you will be pleased with the effect. Firming face masks have lifting properties. Popular and effective masks are applied for 10-15 minutes, then carefully washed off with water, and the face is wiped with a cotton swab. Here are a couple of simple recipes:


  1. Protein-oat mixture. Mix 1 beaten egg white and a couple of tablespoons of chopped oatmeal. Apply the composition to the face, making massage movements.
  2. Gelatin and milk. You need to melt the first ingredient according to the instructions. Add 2 times more milk to it.
  3. Potatoes, sour cream and olive oil. It is necessary to boil the vegetable in its jacket, peel it, and mash it with a fork. Add a little olive oil and 20 g of sour cream (a tablespoon) to the potatoes.

Care after 50 years

If you don’t want to go into plastic surgery, then your cosmetic bag should have: moisturizing morning and night cream, which will contain retinol, vitamin E and C, hyaluronic acid, oils, mineral salts, biostimulants. Loose neck skin should not be ignored. Find out from your cosmetologist which clay and herbs are suitable for you as a home care product. Fading eyelid skin is also not left without attention; a not too greasy, smoothing cream is applied to this area.

Masks for aging skin do not have to be purchased in expensive salons. You will need regular food products to provide care: tighten, moisturize, give radiance to your face. A simple mask for every day is fresh cucumbers, chopped in a blender. Aloe juice is added to them and wheat flour is added for thickness. Moisturizing effect guaranteed!


This moisturizing mask recipe is suitable for any type of epidermis. You will need Art. l. honey, 2 tbsp. l. olive oil. Mix the mixture and place in hot water for a while. The warm composition should be applied to the face, after 10-15 minutes, rinse with water. Afterwards, do a light massage with your fingertips. If your skin begins to fade before your eyes, then this mask with honey in the morning will help you!


The higher the age, the better and more expensive the cosmetics should be, and always from a professional line. Don't skimp on going to cosmetologists. Top creams praised by dermatology experts: Vichy Cellebiotic 60+, Hyalurides Expert, Dr. Sante Argan Oil, Clinians Intense A with retinol and carnosine, Dermacol Hyaluron Therapy 3D, Sesderma Retises 0.5%.


No matter what age you are, this information will be extremely useful. Find out the reasons for the aging of the skin area under the eyes, the increase in the number of wrinkles, and methods for reducing them on the face. You need to not only engage in prevention, but also boldly minimize the slightest appearance, because completely eliminating wrinkles is unrealistic. With the help of care it is easy to influence the depth of wrinkles. To do this, you will need serums, creams, fillers, “reducers” and other products from a proven cosmetic brand.


Alina, 32 years old I once tried foreign skin care products, but they didn’t really suit me. My skin was dry and I didn’t feel comfortable. I tried the Russian cream Planet Organika “Freshness and Radiance” - in general, a fairy tale that is needed for my type of aging facial skin. I’m very pleased, because my skin is glowing and there seem to be fewer wrinkles.

Marina, 23 years old I love my face very much, so I have been taking care of my skin since I was 17 years old. At first these were moisturizing masks, now I have added creams with protection against IF radiation to my comprehensive care, because the sun is very harmful to me. I use folk remedies: wiping the face with a salt solution helps clean the pores, I do this once a week.

Ekaterina, 48 years old I began to carefully care for my facial skin when I was 30. I think I should have started the fight against aging and wrinkles earlier, because aging facial skin is not a very pleasant sight. Now, I use daily day and night cream, 3-step care, and really love going to cosmetologists for light, gentle peeling.

Dry skin is common in women over 40 years of age. Over time, fine and deep wrinkles and folds appear on its surface. It becomes thinner and sluggish. To slow down the aging process of the skin, you need good care for aging skin faces and bodies.

The areas around the eyes and mouth age especially quickly. First of all, you need to pay special attention to nutrition, sleep and rest. Prolonged lack of sleep leads to premature aging and aging of the skin.

Sleep restores the physical and psychological state of the body. At night, skin cells renew themselves twice as fast as during the day.

Stress weakens the body and this often makes the skin look flabby. Exercising and working outdoors increases the level of oxygen in the blood. This stimulates metabolism and the skin is supplied with nutrients and becomes more elastic. Shallow wrinkles may even smooth out on the skin.

Today in the article:

Proper care for aging skin

If you smoke, it is advisable to quit smoking at the age of 35. The skin of smokers ages four times faster, resulting in a dull and gray complexion. The aging process is also accelerated by exposure to sunlight. Lubricate aging skin with creams with a protective UV factor, wear dark glasses.

Lack of moisture always affects the condition of the facial skin. Drink more water, there will be fewer wrinkles and the skin will become elastic. For good care and improvement of the condition of aging skin, it is best to drink fruit juices diluted with mineral water.

First of all, avoid soaps and lotions containing alcohol. Use suitable cleansers and use moisturizing liquids after cleansing.

When choosing cosmetics to care for dry, aging skin of the face and body, pay attention to the fact that they supply the skin with both fat and moisture. Abundantly supply aging skin with nutrients.

To do this, buy two creams - a lighter day cream and a thicker evening cream for the night. Rub these creams in with gentle massage movements. A light massage with cream is extremely beneficial for aging facial skin.

If you have dry facial skin, take vitamins A, D and E. These vitamins are called beauty vitamins. They stimulate cell regeneration, strengthen connective tissue and protect against free radicals.

In winter, lubricate dry, aging skin with olive oil from time to time. It can be replaced with other unrefined oil. Apply it in the evening to cleansed skin.

If you have gray, aging skin on your body, give yourself a salt massage. Mix 5 tablespoons of sea salt and table salt with a small packet of cream. Rinse off in the shower. Without wiping, rub yourself with this mixture from head to toe.

Rub the mixture in with light massaging movements. After two minutes, rinse off the mixture in the shower. After this, do not lubricate the skin with any cream. Such natural salt massages stimulate metabolism in the skin. The skin renews itself faster, toxins are removed from it, and new cells are formed in it.

You can add 20 g of lemon juice and 50 g of vegetable oil to your bath water. After this, the skin will become cleaner, but will not lose oil.

Take steam baths as often as possible. Bring water to a boil with any aromatic herbs. Let it brew in a thermos, then pour into a bowl or basin. Lean over the water and cover your head with a towel. Inhale moist air for 5-15 minutes. After this, saturate your face with a mask.

In the morning and evening, the skin can be cleansed with sour milk.

Dry aging facial skin

Prepare the following lotion for wiping aging skin in the morning:

2 teaspoons of dry mint and pour 500 ml of water, boil for two minutes. Pour 500 ml of apple cider vinegar into the hot broth. Cool the lotion. Pour into a dark glass bottle. Store in the refrigerator.

The lotion can be prepared from a mixture of dry herbs: wormwood, coltsfoot, dandelion, yarrow, rowan fruits and leaves, orange and lemon zest.

To do this, pour 1 tbsp of boiling water over a glass. dry mixture. Infuse in a thermos. Strain and mix with 0.5 teaspoon of glycerin and apple cider vinegar. Add a few drops of aloe juice and honey. Then mix with 1 teaspoon of vodka.

Drink at least two cups of green tea per day. Green tea contains many vital vitamins, minerals and tannins. Green tea makes your skin smoother.

Taking care of aging skin is very important for women after 40 years of age. By applying all the recommendations you will preserve the youth and beauty of your skin. Be healthy and beautiful!

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