Facial skin care in autumn - advice from a cosmetologist

With the onset of autumn comes not only dampness and cold, but also new challenges for the skin. Natural factors negatively affect her condition. This is why skin care in autumn is radically different from summer.


Major skin problems

The main problem during cold periods is dryness, which can lead to flaking of the skin. This is facilitated by temperature changes, frost and indoor heating, which dries out the air. To get rid of this problem, experts recommend periodically nourishing and moisturizing the skin. The choice of special cosmetics is rich in variety, ranging from aqueous (oil) solutions to creams containing vitamins.

Also, many people face the problem of oily skin. The main provocateur is improper cleansing. With frequent use of cosmetics (lotions, tonics), the secretion of the sebaceous glands increases. This is what leads to oily shine. Caring for oily skin in the fall should be careful so as not to aggravate its condition.


Why do you need care in autumn and winter?

During the cool period, it’s time to start restoring the skin, since in the summer the skin was overdried by salt water and sunlight, and this, in turn, contributed to the removal of collagen and hyaluronic acid. Due to the loss of nutrients and important vitamins, elasticity decreases, the skin becomes pale and loses its freshness.

With the arrival of cold weather, the skin becomes more sensitive to negative factors, which can cause dryness and irritation. Features of skin care in autumn include nutrition, hydration and increased blood circulation.

Cleansing and toning

The amount of sebum that is released in hot weather is significantly reduced in cool weather. That is why skin care in autumn and winter does not involve such thorough cleansing as in summer. It is necessary to reconsider and choose the right peeling products. Cosmetologists recommend using soft oil-based scrubs during this period. They help remove dead cells without causing damage. But for sensitive skin, liquid cosmetics in the form of foam or mousse are used.

Skin toning plays an important role. Tonic does this job perfectly. It removes not only cosmetic residues, fat and impurities, but also tightens pores and helps enrich the skin with beneficial components.

It is important to remember: in order not to dry out the skin in the autumn, you must avoid products containing alcohol or glycerin.


Nourish and moisturize the skin

Nourishment and hydration are also included in fall skin care. What cream is suitable for this? Let's take a closer look.

To restore the structure and restore freshness to the skin, it is necessary to enrich it with vitamins (A, C and E). Creams that contain them are suitable for this. It is important to remember that the structure should be denser than that of summer creams.

Serum is also an excellent care solution. It not only perfectly moisturizes the skin, but also nourishes, much more deeply than cream.

Don't forget about cosmetic masks with fruits or vitamins. It is recommended to do them three times a week before bed.

Epidermal protection

Let's look at a few simple tips on how to protect the epidermis during the cool season. First of all, on cold days it is necessary to protect the skin from dehydration. Creams and serums will help with this (described in this article).

Important to know: frequent use of oily creams can lead to clogged pores. Therefore, it is recommended to wipe the face with herbal decoctions.

  1. Autumn skin care includes the rule of sufficient fluid in the body. When the heat subsides, water consumption decreases, and this negatively affects the skin. You can replenish your fluid supply with warm herbal teas.
  2. During the heating period, if possible, you need to get rid of dry air in the room. Regular ventilation and wet cleaning helps.
  3. In windy weather, apply protective cream 15 minutes before going outside. This method will help protect the skin from chapping, and subsequently from peeling.


Proper skin care

To ensure your skin always looks great, you need to remember just four simple tips from cosmetologists.

Features of facial skin care in autumn:

  1. When staying in a heated room all day, you need to have thermal water with you. To moisturize the skin, spray it a little on the face and hands. This makeup water does not cause any harm.
  2. Apply the cream half an hour before going outside. For best protection, it should not be completely absorbed into the skin.
  3. During the cool season, it is best to use foundation rather than powder. For dry skin – with moisturizing ingredients, for oily skin – nourishing.
  4. After washing your face before going to bed, apply a night nourishing cream containing vitamins.


Hand skin care tips

The skin on your hands is the most susceptible to testing. Not only natural factors have a negative impact, but also various detergents that are used daily. To protect your hands, consider some expert advice.

  1. Hand skin care in the fall primarily includes cleansers (soaps, lotions, gels). It is recommended to cleanse regularly, but with one condition: the products must contain organic components.
  2. In cool weather, it is not recommended to go outside with wet hands.
  3. There is a simple way to protect your hands from chapping - always wear gloves.
  4. Detergents must be chosen that are gentle, and when using them, wear protective clothing (rubber gloves).
  5. Use nourishing creams containing vitamins.

Salon treatments

Nowadays, there are a huge number of salon procedures. For skin care in the fall, there are two main ones: peeling and masks.

Peeling is a deep cleansing of the skin. Even a light procedure cleanses the skin better than scrubs used at home. Thanks to the manipulations performed, the top layer of the epidermis is removed, and the skin is renewed.

  1. deep and middle;
  2. mechanical, done with rotating brushes of different diameters;
  3. diamond, is cleaning with diamond chips;
  4. acidic, burning the top layer of the skin with fruit acids;
  5. physical, this procedure uses a laser;
  6. chemical, cleaning is carried out with special acids or phenolic solutions.

Masks in cosmetology centers are enriched with essential vitamins and amino acids. Modern salon procedures are rich in a variety of masks for skin restoration.

Let's look at some types.

  1. Wax-based (paraffin).
  2. Vegetable.
  3. Plasticizing, designed to model the contour of the face. The composition includes gels and special powders. Alginate, based on seaweed.
  4. Biomatrix (gel). It is a single piece of fabric; for the procedure, a piece of the required size is cut off.


Autumn skin care: home treatments

It is recommended to take care of your skin all year round, but since temperature changes and the onset of frost aggravate its condition, we will consider in more detail daily skin care procedures in the autumn period.

  1. Washing. It is not recommended to perform this procedure in hot water; the temperature should be about 30 degrees.
  2. Cleansing. It is necessary to select special products according to your skin type.
  3. Nutrition and hydration. Mandatory use of day and night cream.
  4. Masks (regenerating, soothing and moisturizing). The procedure must be done twice a week.
  5. When caring for your face, you need to remember about your neck and décolleté, which also need care.


Homemade mask recipes

In our article we look at skin care in the fall and which cream to choose is better. Many people are interested in how to properly care for the epidermis at home? If you carefully choose the means, you can achieve good results. Let's take a closer look at effective recipes for homemade masks that will help your skin look great.

1) Soothing masks

  1. Based on parsley. You need to mix chopped parsley and low-fat cream (one tablespoon each). Apply an even layer to the skin and leave for 15 minutes. This product helps relieve fatigue and minimize flaking.
  2. Cucumber based. For preparation you will need: chopped fresh cucumber, two tbsp. l. honey and milk, literally two drops of apple cider vinegar, ice if desired. Mix everything thoroughly and apply for 10 minutes.
  1. Banana based. Add 4 tbsp to the chopped banana. l. low-fat kefir and a teaspoon of vitamin E. Mix everything thoroughly and apply to the skin for 10 - 15 minutes.
  2. Oat flakes. Grind a teaspoon of flakes and add two tbsp. l. warm milk. When the mixture has swollen, carefully pour in 0.5 tbsp. l. castor oil. All ingredients are mixed and applied to the skin for 15 minutes.
  3. Based on carrot juice. 3 tbsp. l. freshly squeezed juice is mixed with two yolks and 2 tbsp. l. low-fat sour cream. Apply for 10 minutes.
  1. White clay. Mix with honey and lemon juice (one tablespoon each). Apply to skin for 10 minutes.
  2. Lemon zest. Mix in equal proportions with sour cream, carefully pour in the yolk. Before application, slightly steam the facial skin. Leave the mask on for about 20 minutes.
  1. Coffee. Mix one tbsp. l. finely ground coffee with olive and lemon balm oil (0.5 tbsp each). Apply for 3 minutes, remove the scrub with warm calendula tincture.
  2. Soda. At 2 tbsp. l. baking soda take one tbsp. l. lemon zest. Steam the skin and apply in circular movements for 5 minutes.
  3. Honey. At 2 tbsp. l. liquid honey take one tbsp. l. St. John's wort oil. This manipulation must be done before going to bed. Apply in circular motions to the skin and leave for 5 minutes. After the procedure, cream is applied.

5) Hand masks

  1. Based on boiled potatoes. Helps relieve peeling and redness. Grind until smooth and mix with warm milk. The resulting product is applied for 20 minutes.
  2. A grid is drawn with iodine three times a week. Wash off after half an hour and apply nourishing cream.
  3. Olive oil. The easiest way is to simply lubricate your hands.

Skin care in autumn: advice from a cosmetologist

Every woman should know these simple expert tips. They will help you understand the stages of home care.

  1. Removing makeup is mandatory.
  2. It is better to select care products according to your skin type and age.
  3. The cream must be applied along massage lines (from the center of the face to the hairline).
  4. The face towel should be separate and clean.
  5. Serums based on hyaluronic acid are suitable for all skin types.
  6. It is not recommended to go out into the cold after masks or cleansing with scrubs, so it is better to do such procedures before bed.
  7. In cool weather, do not use creams containing glycerin.
  8. You can moisturize your skin after going outside with cosmetic oils.

If you set aside a little time every day to care for your epidermis, the results will not be long in coming. Always fresh and glowing skin will be the best reward.

Every woman wants to have velvety smooth skin, regardless of age. With the onset of autumn, the skin's sensitivity to changeable cold and rainy weather increases, causing dryness and flaking. If until the age of 25-30, nature is on a woman’s side, and you can only slightly retouch the face, taking into account weather conditions, then by the age of 35 the first signs of fading appear. Wrinkles in the corners of the eyes, around the mouth and on the neck are alarming. Something needs to be done, first of all, you need advice from a cosmetologist on how to care for your facial skin in the autumn.

Facial skin care

Facial care at home and in the salon

You can take care of your face at home or, using the services of professionals, in a cosmetology office, where specialists will tidy up the face of a woman of any age. At both 40 and 60 years old, appropriate procedures will be selected. Professional cosmetology leaves no chance for wrinkles to succeed. According to specially developed programs, salon specialists will carry out all the necessary procedures. These include toning, deep hydration and restoration, collagen stimulation, vitamin therapy.

A visit to a cosmetologist does not replace the need for daily systematic facial care at home. It consists of four stages: facial cleansing, toning, moisturizing and nutrition. All these procedures are performed in the morning and evening. Cosmetics for the above procedures should be selected in accordance with the type of epidermis.

Interesting. Recommendations from cosmetologists should also include the use of soft scrubs at home, such as a fine fraction of coffee, for deeper cleansing of the face and nourishing masks. These procedures can be performed 1-2 times a week.

Features of facial care in autumn

With the onset of autumn, you should change something in your facial care. This is due to the fact that in autumn the sebaceous glands are not as active as in summer. Therefore, it is recommended to use a softer creamy product to cleanse the face. These include milk. For those who have dry or normal skin, cosmetologists advise using oil-based products to cleanse their face. They do not dry out the epidermis, and, most importantly in autumn facial skin care, they retain moisture in it.

You need to tone your skin after cleansing, regardless of the season. Autumn is no exception. The tonic finally cleanses the epidermis of remnants of cosmetics and sebum (fat), which the cleansers could not cope with.

Important! For autumn use, you should not use alcohol-containing tonics. They dry out the face, as a result it flakes off and irritation appears. Cosmetologists advise using neutral tonics for toning in the autumn.

At any time of the year it is necessary to moisturize and nourish the skin of the face. The autumn period is no exception. You should listen to the advice of cosmetologists and replace creams with more nourishing and moisturizing ones that prevent moisture loss from the epidermis, and also use serums that have a finer structure and penetrate much deeper than creams. Typically, serums always contain components necessary for skin restoration, such as collagen and shea butter.

A set of facial treatments at home

In any season of the year, you should perform a set of procedures to care for your face, which is so sensitive to weather changes. The hot summer is over, and your skin needs different care.

Facial skin care

How to properly perform autumn facial care so that the cold days of winter do not become destructive for it? You should take care of your face every day at home, performing the following procedures in the morning and evening:

  1. Cleansing. When cleansing, dead skin particles, sebum, cosmetics, and dust accumulated in the pores are removed. Cleansing is carried out in the morning, after sleep, before applying makeup, and also in the evening to remove makeup and prepare the skin to accept the night cream. You should not use soap. This is an alkaline product that disrupts the lipid barrier of the epidermis. Cleansing should be carried out with cosmetic milk, washes, mousses, and gels. These cosmetic products, selected according to the skin type, do not disturb its normal acidity, effectively cleansing it of impurities.
  2. Toning. Wiping your face with a toner after cleansing is an important step in your daily skincare routine. Tonic, like cleansers, should be selected according to your skin type. It moisturizes it and improves tone, normalizes acidity, and has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  3. Hydration. The epidermis needs hydration after cleansing procedures. For this purpose, there are moisturizing creams, emulsions and serums that match your skin type and are intended for use at different times of the year. They are applied to the face and neck under makeup.
  4. Nutrition. Nourishing creams are applied to the face in the evening, after cleansing and toning. Usually this procedure is performed a couple of hours before bedtime. If during this time the face remains oily, the remaining cream should be wiped off with a cosmetic napkin.

In addition to all the procedures listed above, you need to make oily masks. If peeling was done in the morning in the summer, in the autumn months it should be done in the evening so that the skin can recover overnight.

Facial skin care in the fall in the salon

Cosmetologists divide skin care in the autumn into 2 stages. The first includes September and the first half of October, the second includes the second half of October and November. This salon approach to restoring the epidermis after a hot summer allows you to improve the epidermis, then thoroughly cleanse and smooth it with peeling.

Exposure to ultraviolet radiation and loss of vitamins through sweat glands negatively affect the skin. In salons, specialists offer non-injection mesotherapy. This is the introduction into cells of serums based on hyaluronic acid, meso-cocktails, and complexes for cell nutrition.

The second stage is the end of autumn. The preparation of the skin for the winter cold begins. After skin restoration, specialists perform peelings based on fruit acids. This procedure evens out the skin and eliminates pigmentation. First, superficial peels are done, then medium peels, exfoliating the epidermal layer, after photopeeling, using algae and herbs.

At the end of autumn, a Korean massage is performed on the prepared face. It tones the facial muscles and stimulates collagen production. It is performed using oils, which eliminates the problem of skin peeling and vitaminizes it.

Advice from experienced cosmetologists

Experienced cosmetologists recommend performing facial skin care procedures using cosmetics only for your skin type. They are unique and do not worsen its condition when used. Naturally, cosmetologists consider a systematic approach to caring for any skin type to be correct.

It is recommended to use melt or thermal water for washing. As a last resort, chilled boiled water will do. Tap water contains all sorts of impurities that dry and tighten the skin. Ice cubes made from herbal decoctions are useful for washing. Rubbing your face with them gives an instant refreshing effect.

The effect of a cream applied to a poorly cleaned face will be zero, even if it is a cream from a well-known brand.

If you correctly carry out procedures appropriate for the autumn season, not only problematic issues of skin condition are solved, but it is also prepared for the winter cold. Skin care is a continuous process.



  1. Features of care in autumn
  2. Cleansing and toning
  3. Moisturizing facial skin
  4. Facial skin renewal
  5. Elimination of pigmentation and freckles
  6. Skin nutrition in autumn

In order for your facial skin to look perfect with the onset of cold days, when caring for it, you must take into account the negative factors that have a direct impact on its condition. During the first month of autumn, the sun can remain as active as in summer. High humidity, temperature changes, lack of vitamin D, cold wind, etc. negatively affect the skin. That is why when caring for your face you need to fully compensate for all these negative factors.

Features of skin care in autumn


All women know that during the hot season, the skin needs hydration, and with the onset of autumn it also needs proper nutrition. That is why cosmetologists advise choosing those cosmetics that contain a large percentage of aloe vera. This substance has a unique ability - it minimizes the likelihood of skin losing life-giving moisture, accelerating the process of skin regeneration.

Therefore, aloe vera is one of the best natural biostimulants. Aloe also perfectly nourishes the skin, helps speed up the removal of dead particles that can contaminate pores and provoke the appearance of blackheads. Products containing aloe are suitable for any skin type.

With this care, skin tone quickly returns, it acquires a healthy glow, smoothness and elasticity. Aloe also has a positive effect on inflamed skin, which significantly accelerates its complete recovery. There is a gentle lifting of not only the face, but also the neck, as it has a strong rejuvenating effect.

It is useful to regularly use creams containing vitamins E and A, various plant extracts (carrots, sprouted wheat, almonds, etc.). For girls who prefer ready-made cosmetics (creams, masks, balms, etc.), lines have been specially developed for facial skin care in the fall. These products contain all the useful vitamins and substances that are simply irreplaceable with the onset of cold weather.

Cleansing and toning the skin in autumn


Before performing any cosmetic procedures, the skin of the face must be thoroughly cleaned, removing particles of dust, street dirt, and cosmetic products from its surface.

In the summer, various foams are simply ideal for this purpose, but with the onset of autumn and cool weather, it is recommended to replace them with a special cosmetic milk, the remains of which are removed from the skin with a clean cotton swab. It is important to choose any product taking into account your skin type.

To restore skin tone, you need to regularly use products that do not contain alcohol. This tonic should contain green tea, allantoin, chitosan, as well as other natural substances that help speed up the regeneration process of the skin.

To prevent the onset of photoaging, as well as restore a healthy glow to the skin, it is necessary to regularly and correctly use scrubs. You cannot use them constantly, as as a result the top layer begins to peel off greatly. With moderate use, the face becomes smooth, soft and elastic.

By removing dead skin cells, you help your skin, because now it will absorb various moisturizers much better and faster, and their effects will be much more effective.

Today there are scrubs with artificial and natural abrasive particles. Professional cosmetologists advise choosing artificial ones, because they minimize the likelihood of skin injury. The fact is that artificial particles, unlike natural ones, have a rounded shape, without sharp corners and protrusions that can scratch the skin.

Moisturizing facial skin in autumn


You need to be careful about moisturizing your skin, because the correct water balance will help maintain its beauty and health. To do this, it is recommended to use caring cosmetic products designed to moisturize the skin.

The composition of such products should include polysaccharides, hyaluronic acid, chitosan, plant extracts and other substances. These moisturizers contain unique hygroscopic molecules that help bind water while helping it stay inside skin cells.

Minerals are also important for skin health. Therefore, when purchasing a cream, you need to carefully study its composition; it should contain sodium or potassium. Minerals help retain water inside skin cells, so it will remain young and elastic much longer.

You should use moisturizers and other products no later than 30 minutes before going outside. Otherwise, cold gusts of wind can turn moisture particles into lumps of ice, which will cause serious harm to the beauty of the skin.

Facial skin renewal in autumn


To not only refresh, but also rejuvenate the skin, you need a substance such as retinol, which can also be called “aging winner.” And this is not at all surprising, because cosmetic products that contain it help stimulate all processes occurring in the skin and help enhance collagen production.

If you regularly use creams containing retinol, within a few weeks you will see that wrinkles have significantly decreased, their number has decreased, the skin has become more elastic and firm, and has acquired a healthy color and radiance.

Elimination of pigmentation and freckles on the face in autumn


After a summer vacation on the beach, freckles or age spots may appear on the skin, which many girls want to get rid of. But you should not immediately take any action to whiten them, since such a procedure can only be performed when the sun reduces its activity with the onset of autumn, when the weather becomes rainy, cool and cloudy. If the sun remains too active, bleached skin can suffer greatly.

To whiten stains and make them almost invisible, it is recommended to use kojic acid, arbutin, hydroquinone, and various plant extracts. Therefore, you need to select cosmetics that contain these substances.

The peeling procedure provides an excellent whitening effect. Provided that high-quality peeling of the facial skin is performed, the upper layer of the epidermis is exfoliated, therefore, excess melanin (coloring pigment) is removed. After this procedure, dark spots become much lighter.

Nourishing facial skin in autumn


Regardless of the type of skin, with the onset of cold weather it needs proper nutrition. To do this, it is recommended to apply thick and rich creams at night, because it is during sleep that nutrients will penetrate into cleansed skin much better and faster, ensuring its accelerated recovery and natural protection. A high-quality nourishing cream is able to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, thereby preventing its dehydration.

Before buying a cream, you need to carefully study its composition, which should include:

Plant extracts with antioxidants and humectants;

Thermal water, which helps strengthen the skin structure;

Phytohormones (for the care of aging skin);

Protective complexes based on natural minerals (to protect the skin from the negative effects of external factors).

The use of masks, for the preparation of which seasonal berries, fruits, vegetables, for example, cucumbers, strawberries, fresh cabbage, grapes, etc., is beneficial.

About once a week it is recommended to take special steam baths. This procedure helps to gently but intensively cleanse the skin of impurities, improves blood circulation, increases the elasticity of the epidermis and properly prepares the face for the upcoming application of the mask. A steam bath gives an incredible effect if just a couple of drops of essential oils (mint, tea tree, chamomile, rose, etc.) are added to the water.

How to care for your skin in autumn - watch the video: