Notes on the state of nature

Signs of a hot nature disorder. This is indicated by thirst, unless the disorder is excessive and strength has not dropped, smoky belching, foul odor of saliva, relief from cooling substances in the presence of the conditions mentioned above in the paragraph on recognizing the condition of the stomach, combustion of rarefied nutrients in the stomach, the likes of which are not burn in the natural state of the stomach, bad breath, ability to digest rough food better than it was previously digested, unless the heat is excessive and does not weaken the strength. In this case, there is a strong thirst and, in most cases, a poor appetite for food, especially if there is a disorder of nature with the yellow bile matter, for it necessarily causes a drop in appetite, but digestion is strong if the disorder of nature does not become so excessive that it leads to weakening strength

Sometimes such a condition is accompanied by a debilitating fever, and sometimes such a nature, due to its excessive disorder, before giving rise to loss of strength, excites severe hunger, dissolving food substances and causing a burning sensation in the stomach and the movement of juices, leading to assimilation by absorption. Such hunger sometimes leads to fainting, and if food is delayed, it causes one to faint. But if such hunger lasts a little, the appetite completely disappears. Sometimes there is also drooling from hunger, which stops after satiety; it occurs due to the heat, which dissolves the juices and raises them upward. If warmth finds moisture in the stomach, then salivation occurs more often; in this case, it sometimes stops from rough food.

Know also that if a person has a “fiery” stomach, then there is little blood in the stomach and it is bad, fetid and caustic. This blood is disgusting to organs that differ from it in basic nature, and they do not feed on it. Such a person has little meat and his vessels bleed, because blood accumulates in them and nature does not consume it. When bleeding, bad blood comes out of the vessel.

Signs of a cold nature disorder. The coldness of the stomach is indicated by a slow change in food in it, so that it does not descend or is ejected after some time in vomit, without undergoing a change that should be taken into account; if the cold disorder is excessive, then the food does not change at all and is not digested. Signs of a cold nature disorder are sometimes a large appetite, slight thirst and sour belching, regardless of the cause related to food, as we mentioned above; all this indicates a cold upset stomach. One of the signs of this is that only light foods are digested, and not coarse foods that were previously easily digested. Sometimes the disorder of the nature of a cold stomach reaches the point that after eating food, bloating and severe pain appear after many hours, which only goes away after daily vomiting of a vinegar-like liquid; This often leads to dropsy and diarrhea. A person with a cold stomach has a yellowish and pale complexion that cannot be hidden from an experienced doctor; This is the case when one of the best remedies is azhgon.

Often the brain participates in the damage of such a nature and wind headaches, tinnitus, and the like appear. When a cold disorder of the stomach nature coincides with a hot disorder of the basic nature, there is strong rumbling, bloating, dry mouth and thirst. The disorder of nature worsens every time it is necessary to perform bloodletting, which cannot be avoided, and it leads to tabes. The remedy here is to first take a small amount of wine, enough to moisten the tongue before eating. The food should be absorbents and red meat, but not soups.

Signs of dry nature disorder. This is indicated by intense thirst and extreme drying of the tongue in the presence of the conditions mentioned in the paragraph on recognizing the nature of the stomach, as well as emaciation of the body and thinness exceeding natural thinness, relief from wet foods and moist air.

Signs of wet nature disorder. This is indicated by slight thirst, aversion to wet foods and suffering from them, relieved by eating scanty and dry food. An abundance of saliva and moisture in the mouth is also a sign; if this is observed after fasting, it most often indicates the warmth and moisture of the stomach; This also happens from heat alone. Often a person has a moisturizing liquid at the mouth of the stomach. Whenever such a person eats something, it seems to him that if he makes a movement, he will definitely vomit. This phenomenon is also observed when the stomach is weak, but then it is accompanied by the above-mentioned signs of its weakness. This also happens with an empty stomach, even if the person has not eaten anything, but salivation is observed only after eating.

Signs of the matter of nature and what accompanies it. A disorder of nature with matter is indicated by vomiting, belching and excrement, mainly by its color and by the fact that it is mixed with excrement and mixed with urine, unless the matter is excessively viscous. Liquid, hot, purulent matter is indicated by a feeling of lightness in the stomach, nausea, thirst, burning and burning. If a patient eats rough food, he will feel sick from it, and in general, when there is a lot of matter, he will feel sick all the time, and if there is little, he will only feel sick while eating. The same thing happens if the matter is not absorbed into the stomach, but is compressed at the bottom of the stomach and does not cause nausea. When it is mixed with food, it disperses and spreads in the stomach, reaching the mouth of the stomach, and causing nausea. A sign that matter has poured into the cavity of the stomach and has not been absorbed into it is sometimes the following: if the patient takes something cleansing, for example, water sweetened with honey or sugar, then he will expel the matter and make it accessible to vision, while the matter , which has been absorbed, is recognized not by eruptions in the form of vomiting and bowel movements, but by the other mentioned signs. The main sign of this is nausea, because it indicates the presence of matter, and if it is only a slight urge to vomit, then it means that there is absorption and adhesion of matter.

Thirst indicates the type of matter; thirst indicates that the matter is either hot or salty and has the properties of bavrak. If thirst is calmed by hot water, then it is salty mucus, and if it is not calmed, then it is yellow gall matter; this is also recognized by the taste in the mouth and by the vomit emitted. If nausea and thirst are felt at the same time, this indicates that the matter is yellow-billed, and the absence of thirst is a sign of cold matter. One of the signs of the accumulation of a large amount of mucous viscous matter is a decrease in appetite and the fact that the heart does not rejoice in nutritious food, but on the contrary, is inclined to eat things that are pungent and caustic. But when the patient eats such food, swelling, distension and nausea appear, and only belching brings him relief.

Signs of accumulation of malignant matter in the stomach and adjacent areas include twitching of the abdominal walls; sometimes congestion then leads to epilepsy and melancholy. The outpouring of black bile matter is indicated, by the way, by a large appetite with weak digestion. At the same time, the stomach is very swollen, there are obsessions and melancholy. The fact that the matter is a catarrhal discharge is indicated by periodic relaxation of the stomach. and frequent discharge from the head into the stomach and other organs, as well as the release of juice similar to nasal mucus in vomit and bowel movements. One of the signs of wet matter harmful due to fermentation is thirst in the absence of bitterness and salty taste in the mouth and a sensation as if something is rising or falling in the entrails, as well as extreme wetness of the mouth and the top of the stomach and burning.