Lpg massage: modern hardware cosmetology

Modern cosmetology does not stand still. Every day, the latest technologies are being created to help women preserve and enhance their beauty for many years. Lpg massage is one of these procedures that will help everyone who wants to acquire the desired figure and correct its contours.

Under the deep influence of vacuum, an active mechanical effect occurs on the subcutaneous tissue. As a result, the skin becomes elastic, smooth, cellulite disappears completely, and the figure acquires the desired shape.

lpg massage photo

Under the deep influence of vacuum, an active mechanical effect occurs on the subcutaneous tissue.

Each of us wants to always remain young, healthy and beautiful. Appearance is one of those components that tells the story of these three treasured details. But our appearance does not always suffer from the tireless enemy - time.

Many other factors can affect our condition: unfavorable environment, unhealthy diet, sleep disturbances, sedentary lifestyle. This causes cellulite, folds, wrinkles, and the skin loses its elasticity and freshness. Of course, diet and fitness are invaluable assistants in this matter, but they require great psychological and physical costs. A unique hardware technique will come to the rescue and help you achieve pleasant contours without much effort.

This invention was created by the French engineer Louis Paul Guitet. Forty years ago he created a real sensation by presenting this magical device to the world.

The main essence of this technique is the effect on the skin and subcutaneous layer. To this day, this massage technique is very popular and is used in many organizations.

lpg massage photo

The main essence of this technique is the effect on the skin and subcutaneous layer.

Main areas of application

There are several areas of application of this technique. Let's look at them.

  1. Aesthetic endermology

Aesthetic endermology is the main application of this procedure. Getting rid of cellulite, reducing the subcutaneous fat layer, correcting the contours of the figure and increasing skin elasticity are the main goals. Today, aesthetic endermology is in great demand and is in great demand.

  1. Sports endermology

Sports endermology is the second most important area of ​​this movement. Sports medicine has always been faced with the task of restoring athletes after various injuries. The use of the device made it possible to spend rehabilitation time much faster. It is also effective in relieving pain and swelling.

  1. Therapeutic endermology

The third area of ​​application is therapeutic endermology. It includes reducing leg swelling, post-operative rehabilitation, relieving muscle spasms and much more.

The process takes place in three stages.

During the first stage, the specialist must determine what condition the patient is in and what his diagnosis is:

  1. The area of ​​intended massaging is determined;
  2. Targeting points are determined;
  3. The figure of problem areas is diagnosed;
  4. The figure is photographed in a standing position;

Then the specialist proceeds to the second stage - the patient puts on a special elastic suit made of thin material. After putting on the suit, the patient sits on the massage table, where the specialist determines the areas to be treated. In some cases, the patient is asked to raise his arms or legs. This is done for the purpose of:

  1. Accurate identification of problem areas;
  2. Where is fat accumulation concentrated?
  3. Mark target zones graphically;
  4. Decide on the types of folds for greater efficiency;

The massage itself is performed at the third stage. During the massage, the specialist uses various modes of roller rotation. Using different modes allows you to most effectively target problem areas. If a specialist is faced with the task of reducing volumes, he uses the “roll in” fold. If you need to smooth out the appearance of cellulite and correct the contours of your figure, a “roll up” fold will help. To give elasticity and tone to the skin, a “roll out” fold is used.

For greater efficiency, the specialist performs additional types of movements:

  1. Rocking – with the help of this movement, the area with excess fat accumulation is affected;
  2. Twisting – this movement acts as an active anti-cellulite effect;
  3. Polishing – this manipulation increases the tone of the skin;
  4. Sliding – with the help of sliding, a harmonious modeling of the figure occurs;

As a rule, one session of the procedure lasts no more than 40 minutes. It is unlikely that you will be able to see the desired result after the first session. Only systematic influence will give a positive result and you will see the real result that lpg massage will give before and after. The course consists of twelve procedures. The recommended frequency of sessions is twice a week.

Lpg facial massage

The procedure is aimed at eliminating wrinkles, loose and rough skin. Amazing results can be achieved through mechanical action on the skin and subcutaneous fat. The effect is based on the principle of stimulation using a special attachment on the skin and subcutaneous fat. Vacuum massage lpg, which is produced by a special attachment, rhythmically draws in and kneads the fold with rollers with a certain purity.

lpg facial massage

Amazing results can be achieved through mechanical action on the skin and subcutaneous fat.

A course of therapy will give you the following results:

  1. Elimination of fine wrinkles;
  2. Elimination of skin sagging;
  3. Elimination of excess swelling;
  4. Activation of the growth of the skin's own collagen;
  5. Facelift;

Before the procedure, patients are asked to drink two glasses of clean water and thoroughly clean their face of makeup. Before performing the procedure, the face must be completely clean and dry. Then the patient lies down in a comfortable position on the couch, with the head position slightly elevated.

The procedure is completely painless, the sensations are exactly the same as during a regular manual classic massage. If the patient feels pain, the doctor adapts to his sensations. Facial movement is not constrained during the procedure. The session lasts 40 minutes. The traditional thirty-minute procedure divides the face into three “floors.” If the problems are distributed evenly on the face, spend 10 minutes on a specific area. If not, in this case the exposure time is distributed proportionally.

In addition to the face, the work may include the neck, décolleté and chest area. The main course is 16 procedures, 2 times a week.

This procedure, like many others, has a number of contraindications. They are worth taking into account.

  1. Oncological diseases;
  2. Neurological disorders;
  3. Pregnancy;
  4. Damage to the skin;
  5. Phlebeurysm;
  6. Infectious diseases;

Each person is unique in their own way. Some admire this technique, others do not see the desired results, others, having read lpg massage reviews, do not want to try the effects of the drug on their body at all. You should not rely on other people's arguments. Try for yourself the wonderful properties of this type of massage.