La Roche face wash


Negative reviews

During the period of aggravation of all sorts of rubbish on the face, I decided to try something from the pharmacy, they advised not Vichy, but LRP, I read a lot of reviews (here, for example, one of . [SPAM].ru/public/la-roche-posay-effaclar- gel-dlya-umyvaniya) and fell for it(((It is written that it is for oily and problem skin, apparently mine is not oily after all, but combination. In general, I was almost left without skin on my face. It cleanses really well (you can to say “to the point of squeaking”), it even washes off cosmetics, but after application, a feeling of dryness, tightness immediately appears, the skin literally “begs” for moisture, and besides, it’s terribly flaky (my whole nose is peeling), by the way, small pimples appear on the 2nd day. And if you also use a cream from the same series, then your face becomes covered with painful subcutaneous pimples((((So, from my own experience I realized that the Effaclar series is for really oily and problematic skin, otherwise it will completely ruin

I was left with a double impression from my acquaintance with this product.

On the one hand, it’s not as bad as its cheaper counterparts.

On the other hand, it's not as good as its more expensive brothers. A little expensive for such quality. As I understand it, the lion's share of the price is the value of the brand and nothing more.

What I didn’t like most was the very pronounced feeling of dryness on the skin. Also, after the first use, peeling appeared in some places.

Of course, I didn’t count on something like this.

But my disappointment is mitigated by the fact that I did not spend money on this product and received a trial sample at the pharmacy for free.

I tried it, didn’t like it, threw it away.

It’s a pity, of course, that it didn’t fit.

The gel foams well, cleanses the skin well and smells nice.

But I don’t think anyone wants to deal with contact allergies.

I received this product as a gift (miniature 15 ml) when ordering on the Central Health Center website (skin health center). I rarely use this gel because I clean my face mainly with belongings and masks.

The gel foams well and cleanses the skin quite well. It doesn’t tighten the face much and there may be some slight peeling. The smell is pleasant. It is used economically.

I will not buy a full-size product because it contains sodium laureth sulfate, I believe that products with a therapeutic effect should not contain a cheap surfactant.

Sodium laureth sulfate - this substance is a strong allergen that can seriously worsen the condition of patients suffering from dermatitis. By destroying the hydrolipid film, the substance reacts with skin lipids and destroys them.

I didn’t find anything good in the composition other than zinc. And I also did not find it in the thermal water as described by the manufacturer, I provide a photo.

It’s not worth the price. Of course, it suits someone perfectly, it’s up to you to buy for that, which seems like a lot of money to me or not. And to be honest, I didn’t want and didn’t intend to write a negative review, but during the description I examined the product better and identified its shortcomings, including its composition and the description of the product by the manufacturers. In general, I definitely do not recommend it.

Neutral reviews

I purchased this gel on the advice of a dermatologist. The gel is quite liquid, with an unobtrusive odor, and foams well. I used it twice a day along with Duo+ gel from the same line. The foam cleanses and dries the skin well, but I didn’t notice any color evening out. It does not reduce breakouts, but it removes comedones and tightens pores.

The downside is that it dries out the skin a lot. Despite the pleasant composition and the manufacturer’s promises, after washing I feel a strong feeling of tightness. My oily skin reacts by producing even more sebum and quickly begins to shine.

To summarize, the gel is good for periods when the skin needs additional cleansing, I use it from time to time. It turned out to be too aggressive for me every day.

smell, gentle cleansing, nothing harmful or allergenic in the composition

low self-efficacy, dries the skin

Although I’m not a teenager for a long time and it’s time to start fighting wrinkles, acne and other misfortunes do not leave me. My skin is very sensitive and doesn’t accept anything, so before buying cosmetics I read a lot about the products. The La Roche Posay line inspired my trust and I bought this gel and thermal water from this series. I have combination, sensitive skin. The manufacturer recommends this gel for oily skin, but the word sensitive convinced me. And for good reason. This gel-mousse cleanses the skin really well, but it does not cope with acne on its own. I had to additionally use the “talker” for acne. The same La Roche Posay thermal water helps prevent dry skin after use. I’ve been using the 200 ml package for half a year now and it’s definitely enough for another half a year.

Gives a feeling of freshness, I love its aroma.

Didn't live up to expectations.

I have been thinking about purchasing the Effaclar cleansing gel from La Roche-posay for a long time, since the products of the Effaclar line are designed for those with oily, acne-prone skin (I have combination skin, but during breakouts I often use products for oily skin on problem areas). I received it as a gift in a set with another popular product in this series - Effaclar Duo+. Looking ahead, I will say that this product did not impress me either.
And so, this is what this 50 ml gift looked like.
Classic La Roche-posay design, on the reverse side there is information about composition, volume, etc. The gel DOES NOT CONTAIN any soap, alcohol, dyes or parabens.
The active ingredients are laureth sulfate (in second place in the composition after water), cocamidopropyl betaine (4th place), zinc pidolate, which is designed to have an antibacterial and sebum-regulating effect, and La Roche-posay thermal water, which is characteristic of almost all products of this brand.
The gel itself is transparent, liquid, with a pleasant refreshing aroma.
It foams well too, it’s pleasant to wash your face with, and you immediately feel a feeling of freshness and cleanliness.

Further about the action of the product. The manufacturer promises to cleanse the skin and pores, remove excess sebum and have an antibacterial effect. Well, yes, it cleanses the skin of impurities. It also cleanses pores, but also like most cleansers. The gel did not reduce my breakouts or get rid of blackheads, although it was used in tandem with a product from the same series.
Although maybe I expected a lot from these products, because they promise to correct and prevent, but not get rid of imperfections.
P.S. I would also like to note how quickly LRP tubes lose their “marketable” appearance (Not the cheapest product, a reputable brand, but the tubes are all slanted and crooked after just a few uses. But maybe I’m being picky, as I didn’t get the desired effect from the brand’s products.

Good afternoon
I would like to tell you about the Effaclar cleansing gel from La Roche-Posay. Series for oily acne-prone skin.
My skin has been suffering from pimples, blackheads, oily shine and enlarged pores for a long time. Having tried a lot of purchased medicinal cosmetics and homemade masks, tired of this, I once again went to the dermatologist. She recommended using this skin series from La Roche-Posay.
Happiness knew no bounds when a pharmacy near my house started a promotion and gave away a trial set of cleansers from La Roche.
This gel was also there.


And, of course, I took the set. Volume 15 ml (enough for a week).

The manufacturer promises that the gel:

  1. Cleanses the skin of impurities;
  2. Removes excess sebum;
  3. Has an antibacterial effect;
  4. Does not contain soap, alcohol, dyes and parabens.

The consistency is rather thick. Transparent.
Afterwards, the skin is really cleansed, but very dry, which is not satisfactory. The gel smells good, with a hint of herbs.
Because of the dryness and tightness, I won’t buy a full-fledged product!

Positive reviews

Since my youth I have had very oily, porous skin. Blackheads are found only on the wings of the nose and can be easily removed by mechanical cleaning. And all the time I am in search of a good wash that will clean, not dry, and also tighten the pores (myth?). I succumbed to the reviews on LRP and was not upset). The gel is liquid, pleasant to use, dries the skin, but in moderation, cleansing is at the level, but there is no “squeaky” feeling - this is a plus for me.

But what surprised me is that immediately after washing, the still damp skin releases all the dirt from the pores; apply a little pressure and everything cleanses out perfectly. Now this is a must-have wash before cleansing masks and films. Everything is cleaned perfectly, the pores are open.

I use it several times a week, in winter there is no terrible feeling of tightness, as is usually the case.

The only negative is that it flies away very quickly for me. But this is not a problem based on the cost of the bottle.

I'm satisfied and recommend it!

Perfectly cleanses the skin in the morning and evening, not for removing makeup. A pleasant feeling of cleanliness remains. It fights rashes, but not immediately, but with long-term use in combination with Effaclar DUO +. I didn’t notice much consumption, I used less than a pea, it was enough for me, I applied it to a damp face, it foams well. My favorite cleansing gel. That's how many times I've tried something else, and still come back to it.

I've been using this gel for a year and a half now. I tried it in two formats - 200 ml and 400 ml. The second option is more economical and has the advantage of a bottle with a dispenser.

I use it as the second stage of evening cleansing. It foams a little and has no smell. It cleanses efficiently, I don’t notice a strong feeling of tightness. But my skin still needs cream, given that my skin is combination.

Basic good stuff. It won't work miracles, but it's very suitable for every day.

I read the negative reviews and was surprised. We are all different, we are all different. I haven't found anything better than this gel for myself. It perfectly cleanses the skin, removes makeup (although I prefer to use milk first and then wash my face, but sometimes I’m lazy :)), prevents the appearance of pimples and dries out existing ones. Personally, it doesn’t tighten my skin. The word that best suits him is “neutral”. Transparent, without dyes, the fragrance is strange, at first it reminded me of laundry soap :), but it is very light and does not irritate. The big plus of this gel is its incredible cost-effectiveness! Exactly one drop is enough for washing. I bought Effaclar Duo gel-cream, and it came with a small tube of gel, 50 ml - so I’ve been using it for 1.5 months, and it never seems to run out. It's nice that there are no parabens in the composition. In general, Effaklar gel is so ideal for me that sometimes I even get bored and I buy something else, but still I come to the conclusion every time that they haven’t come up with anything better for me. By the way, the price is not too low (about 670-700 rubles for a 200 ml tube), but with its efficiency it definitely pays off.

Let me start by saying that I have sensitive skin prone to dryness. Despite the fact that the Effaclar series is intended for problematic or oily skin, I had the opportunity to try it out, and I am very glad! A wonderful product for daily cleansing. After using it, the skin remains for a long time with a feeling of cleanliness and freshness, without the cooling menthol tint, because of which I refuse many products, because... My skin doesn’t accept this at all. The gel did not cause any irritation, it has a very delicate and pleasant texture, foams well, rinses off easily and removes makeup without residue. So far, of all the washes that I have tried, no other has been able to surpass this creation of LRP!

Helps the skin in everything.

Is it just the price?

I am a 14 year old teenager. I used to have a lot of pimples and blackheads. My mother and I decided to go to a dermatovenerologist. He recommended the La Roche Posay Effaclar Purifying Foaming Gel wash. We went to the pharmacy and bought the gel.
I’ll say right away that the result shocked me!
Literally a week later, the skin became better, there were no blackheads, pimples and blackheads.
All the information is in French, but there was a small piece of paper stuck on it, but soon all the information on it was erased.
Here's a sticker.
*LAURETE SULPHATE - gently cleanses the skin.
*COCAMIDOPROPYL BETAINE is a surfactant produced from fatty acids in coconut oil. A gentle cleanser that prevents pH changes.
*ZINC PIDOLATE - has a sebum-regulating and antibacterial effect.
*LA ROCHE-POSAY THERMAL WATER dermatological active ingredient. Softens and moisturizes the skin. Neutralizes the effects of free radicals.
And moisten this entire gel with cold water and apply to the skin until it foams, as shown below
I’ve been using this bottle for 2 months now and there’s still half left, considering that I wash my face twice a day.
And rinse everything off with cold water.
Well, it's time to sum it up!

  1. helps the skin very well
  2. dries her out
  3. helps fight acne, blackheads
  4. low consumption
  1. price (well, for the sake of such an effect, you don’t mind the money)

In general, I recommend this gel to everyone, it helps not only teenagers with problem skin, but also helps you girls keep your face in order.
Goodbye everyone! Thank you for your attention

Helps fight acne and blackheads

Dries the skin a little

The Effaclar cleansing gel from La Roche Posay has been a godsend for my skin.
I wouldn’t call my skin problematic, but there are often inflammations, which I usually fight with salicylic or boric acid, but I also change my daily care routine for a while.
I usually use cosmetics for normal face types, and in winter for skin prone to dryness. But I always keep cosmetics for oily faces in reserve and use them on certain days when the skin “blooms”: a rash appears, subcutaneous pimples, pustules, blackheads.
La Roche Posay is a French cosmeceutical whose products are aimed at combating a variety of skin problems.
The Effaklar series is intended for problem skin.
There are several products in this line; I have the cleansing gel and Effaclar Duo + cream.
It is with these two products that I bring my skin back to normal in a short period of time.

La Roche Posay products can be bought in pharmacies, I buy them in online stores, you can find them cheaper there, and you can also go to a promotion and receive miniatures of the products as a gift.
Here I have just miniatures, 50 ml each (these are the same gels, I was just lucky to get to the promotion twice).
A full size gel 200 ml costs 270 UAH, 400 ml costs 370 UAH.
This gel, in addition to problematic and oily skin, is suitable for sensitive skin due to its gentle composition.
Product information + composition:

I don’t like the presence of the second component - a synthetic surfactant. But, on the other hand, La Roche Posay is not declared to be a natural cosmetics, so they do not use herbal raw materials and herbal surfactants in their compositions.
Their beneficial components for oily skin include zinc and citric acid, which dry out inflammation.
The gel is a transparent jelly-like substance, the aroma is pleasant, fresh, slightly sour.
Easily lathers into white foam. A small amount is enough to wash your entire face.
I don't wash my face with this gel every day. Now my skin is a little prone to dryness and such a powerful cleansing is not always necessary.
I only use it when my skin is inflamed, usually for 3-4 days during PMS.
I use the gel twice a day, after which I use a tonic, and then I precisely apply a mixture of boric + salicylic + chloramphenicol alcohols.
I apply cream on top.

With the Effaklar series, acne disappears after 2-3 days, red subcutaneous pimples decrease in size, pustules break out, and blackheads become a little lighter. The gel cleanses and refreshes the skin well.
Among the shortcomings, I note that after washing the skin is a little tight. Therefore, I consider it ideal to use in summer.
Despite minor shortcomings, I give it a 5 rating and recommend it for purchase for oily and problem skin.

Hi all! I have been using the Effaclar series on my face for several months now. During this time, La Roche Posay products dramatically changed and transformed my face. Very sensitive and problematic skin became normal, and the rashes almost completely disappeared.

I was no longer tormented by painful subcutaneous skin, comfort and unpleasant peeling disappeared.

La Roche Posay Effaclar Purifying Foaming Gel has become my favorite. Not a single washbasin in my arsenal has coped with its tasks so well.

But let's talk about everything in more detail.

Classification: medicinal cosmetics

Skin type: oily, problematic, sensitive, very versatile product

Made in: France

Volume: I bought it when there was a promotion, 300ml for the price of 200ml

Ingredients: Aqua/Water, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, PEG-8, Coco-Betaine, Hexylene Glycol, Sodium Chloride, PEG-120 Methyl Glucose Dioleate, Zinc PCA, Sodium Hydroxide, Caprylyl Glycol, Citric Acid, Sodium Benzoate, Phenoxyethanol, Parfum/ Fragrance.

Consistency and description: Very thick and sticky, like honey. Transparent. It foams well only on very clean skin; on oily skin it is more like an emulsion without foam. It simply washes off and does not leave a filmy feeling on the face.

Aroma: Neutral, the smell of freshness and cleanliness. Doesn't stay on the skin. I like it.

Result: I use the gel twice a day. It cleanses the skin perfectly without drying it out at all! Vice versa! Freshness and tone appear, pores brighten. The fat blex disappears. But! No peeling or anything like that.

The gel carefully removes dead skin particles.

Dries out pimples and inflammation.

By the way, the gel contains very little consumption. 200 ml is enough for at least 6-9 months. This works out cheaper than using cheap products.

But! I am inclined to believe that the gel works so well only in combination with other products from the La Roche Posay Effaclar series.

Within a few months of use, my skin changed beyond recognition.

In addition to La Roche Posay Effaclar Purifying Foaming Gel, I use

La Roche Posay Effaclar H soothing moisturizer and

corrective cream-gel for problem skin, against imperfections and post-acne La Roche-Posay Effaclar DUO[+].

The latter, by the way, became my main lifesaver for subcutaneous acne and comedones.


Cosmetics for facial skin care from the famous brand La Roche Posay are in great demand among Russian women. Today we will look at the advantages and disadvantages of the Toleriane and Effaclar washing gels from the La Roche Posay brand.



Both in the winter cold and in the summer heat, facial skin, especially sensitive skin, needs to be moisturized and enriched with nutrients, as well as cleansed every day of cosmetics and other impurities using a variety of cosmetic washing products. And it is extremely important that such cosmetic products do not dry out the skin.



If your skin is sensitive, combination, prone to dryness or allergic rashes, then it needs special care. "Toleriane" from the famous French brand is ideal for this purpose. It is designed specifically for problem skin. It is concentrated, foams well, and has a creamy texture.

A soft, actively foaming gel delicately cleanses problematic skin and removes makeup. Softens hard water and moisturizes the skin. The composition contains substances that ensure maximum tolerance. Does not contain soap or fragrances. Designed for those with normal and combination sensitive skin.



The packaging is made from high quality raw materials. The lid fits tightly to the tube. It is located at the bottom, which makes the gel convenient to use. The product is squeezed out of the package with force due to its thick consistency, so there is no overuse of the product.

The smell of the gel, slightly medicinal, can be alarming. Therefore, if you are a lover of perfume additives in facial care products, then this feature will undoubtedly scare you away.

Toleriane gel should not be used on the area around the eyes, as contact with the mucous membrane may cause irritation. Therefore, if you like to wash your entire face without leaving any areas, then this feature of the product will upset you.



In order for foam to form more actively, you need to dilute a small amount of gel (literally a couple of drops) with warm water and rub it in your palms. Apply the resulting foam to your face. Using "Toleriane" in this way will last a long time.

The gel perfectly cleanses the face and neck. After washing, the feeling of cleanliness remains for a long time. It moisturizes and soothes the skin without causing allergies. Promotes the healing process of various inflammatory diseases of the face.


Those with hypersensitive skin should apply a moisturizing cream to their face after washing with Toleriane gel, as after some time a feeling of dryness and tightness may appear.


"Effaclar" is intended for deep cleansing. It intensively removes impurities and physiological excess sebum. Therefore, "Effaclar" helps fight acne and blackheads.



Small soft packaging is convenient to use. The lid fits tightly to the bottle, which eliminates the possibility of product leakage. A label is attached to the package with detailed information about the composition of the product and the manufacturer.



"Effaclar" is developed on the basis of thermal and micellar water. Does not contain soap, any alcohol additives, parabens or dyes.

The gel is suitable for problematic skin prone to oiliness and acne.

The product has an unobtrusive and unusual smell. It has a transparent color and does not contain synthetic dyes. Quite thick.

The manufacturer recommends squeezing a small amount into your hand, mixing with warm water, lathering, applying to face and massaging in soft circular motions, then rinsing. For an even better effect, you can use a special cosmetic brush for washing.



The gel is concentrated, so one bottle with daily use can last for several months.

After washing with Effaclar gel, the skin acquires tone and freshness, and also gets rid of the hated oily sheen. If the product gets into the eyes, it will not cause burning or other unpleasant phenomena.





The gel has the same drawback as “Toleriane” - after washing with this product, combination and hypersensitive skin needs additional moisturizing.

Based on numerous reviews, we can say that after prolonged use of the gel of this brand, the skin becomes smoother. The whitening effect is obvious. Foci of inflammation and black spots disappear.



It should be noted that you need to choose a cleansing cosmetic product from La Roshe Posay in accordance with all the characteristics of your skin. Pay attention to how your skin reacts to cold, heat, wind, external allergens and other factors. You may need to use more than one product depending on the time of year.



La Roshe Posay products can be purchased at pharmacies or in specialized stores of this brand.



La Roche Posay pharmacy care - in the video.

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Reserve period: 3 days

Payment: in store, cash or card

Ingredients: cosmetic base, water

Foaming gel gently cleanses the skin of impurities and makeup. Designed for oily, sensitive skin. Tolerability has been proven on acne-prone skin. (Clinical study of 50 people with oily skin and sensitive mixed skin types prone to acne). INGREDIENTS: Laureth sulfate - acts more gently than lauryl sulfate, gently cleanses the skin; Cocamidopropyl betaine is a mild cleanser that prevents pH changes and is produced from the fatty acids of coconut oil; Zinc pidolate - has a sebum-regulating and antibacterial effect. Thermal water LA ROCHE-POSAY. HOW TO USE: Lather into palms with a small amount of water, apply with massaging movements, avoiding the eye contour. Rinse thoroughly with water, apply tonic and basic care. EFFECTIVENESS: Cleanses the skin of impurities and makeup; Cleanses pores; Removes excess sebum; Has an antibacterial effect; Does not contain alcohol, soap, dyes or parabens.

The product cannot be returned Goods of good quality that cannot be exchanged (returned) are listed in the List approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 19, 1998. No. 55. More details