Rumbling in the stomach

All causes of bloating are in the same way causes of rumbling, when nature tries to expel the winds, but they do not succumb to this and do not rush down or up, but, on the contrary, move in the cavities of the intestines; then rumbling occurs, especially if the winds are in the small intestines with narrow passages. When the winds are released and move into the wide space of the large intestines, the rumbling calms down and decreases. Its sound, however, turns out to be lower, although weaker, whereas in the small intestines it is higher, but stronger. When these winds mix with liquids, the sound of rumbling is not pure, and if they find room for themselves, turn out to be ripe and stir up the food, they produce gurgling. The purity of the sound indicates the cleanliness of the intestines or the dryness of the feces. Rumbling is treated with stronger drugs than bloating. Whoever feels winds in the stomach and a slight fever, let him drink an infusion of cumin with taranjubin instead of faniz.