Buy an iron for the face against wrinkles

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Smoothing out wrinkles using an iron: an archaic method that is still practiced today.

Facial irons? Sounds pretty scary! However, these devices have earned their right to life among various cosmetic devices. Moreover, the history of their use goes back almost 100 years. And in less than a century, these devices have evolved.

The action of any of the facial irons is based on the general principle of all similar cosmetic devices - a combination of the effects of massage, heat, and weak electrical discharge have a tonic effect on the facial muscles, nerve endings and stimulate local blood circulation, which, in turn, improves facial contours, color and skin texture, reducing the appearance of wrinkles.

How advisable is it to use facial irons? After all, in recent years, the beauty industry has offered us more and more different devices that, as advertising assures, “are capable of erasing wrinkles and signs of age.” However, the prototype of most of these home devices is. just straighteners for the face! In addition, the history of the use of these miracle devices can even serve as indirect evidence of their effectiveness.

Their first mechanical forms - such as rollers and kneading devices - sculpted the face with a massage effect, while later electric models added more complex massaging movements and heat to their effect. Some of these devices could be used on their own, but many were designed to be used in combination with firming, modeling or anti-aging creams.

As mentioned above, some cosmetic devices have been developed for use in salons and at home with the main purpose of removing wrinkles through the direct action of heat. The first such devices, which appeared in the United States in the 1930s, were called either “face irons” or “wrinkle irons.” They were touted as effective means for smoothing out wrinkles. The very first such device, the Varady Facial Iron, was patented in the USA in 1931 and was a good example of devices of this type. A device with a simple design - a handle plus an active part, a smaller copy of a traditional clothes iron - has become very popular in Europe. The Varady Facial Iron was used by salons in Budapest, Paris and Vienna for over 13 years, while in the United States it was intended for home use and was sold primarily through department stores.

The antique facial iron had to be used with a patented anti-wrinkle cream created, as the advertisement said, from “flowers from the hills of Transylvania.” Surprisingly, the Varadi company was ahead of its time in some ways: the manufacturer claimed that the facial iron not only smoothed out wrinkles, but also contributed to a deeper penetration of the active ingredients of the anti-aging cream. Thus, “the combined use of these two miracle products returned the natural color to the skin, restored its youthfulness, texture and made women feel younger.” (Yes, yes, even in those distant years advertising already knew how to convince!)

Over time, copies appeared: a number of similar products became popular in Europe, the UK and the USA. The irons were improved with controlled heating elements, blue light lamps, which were claimed to have a soothing and astringent effect and thus improve the condition of the skin. The shape of the devices has also been improved, mainly so that it reaches areas in the corners around the nose and eyes, where wrinkles tend to become more noticeable over the years. Marketers didn’t give up either: for example, one such device was called the “Hand of Isis.”

The entire cosmetic procedure was quite complex: first, the skin was carefully analyzed under a lamp to examine its true structure, after which it was cleaned and the main process began. The face was “smoothed” with massage movements (from the center up and out), the duration of one such session lasted about twenty minutes.

And although the peak of popularity of these devices occurred in the 1930s, they actively continued to be produced in the future - right up to the present day). In 1959, a whole set of Liily Daché Penetron Kit appeared: it included an iron, an active anti-aging cream, and later several additional skin care products. Liily Daché Penetron Kit was designed for home care. The device contained a heating element that “activated muscles” and “provided vital warmth” and helped “open pores” so that cosmetics could penetrate “deep skin cells and revitalize it.” The active cream itself included a patented Cetiol-5 complex, which, as the manufacturer claimed, “nourished the skin with essential vitamins.” The procedure protocol was relatively simple: you had to smear your face with this special cream, connect the iron to the mains and smooth the skin on your face and neck with light but firm movements, working out each contour.

Of course, in these days of nanotechnology and lasers, facial irons have become less popular, but they are still available today. More modern forms may combine the effects of diathermic heat with muscle stimulation (myostimulation) or even radiofrequency. Despite the fact that these devices have been improved and are even marketed as remedies for nasolabial folds, according to experts, their ability to sculpt the face and reduce wrinkles is still almost the same as that of archaic models.

If you decide to purchase such a device, keep in mind that the indications for the use of such a device are quite vague - they can be contained in one phrase “combat the signs of aging facial skin.” But the contraindications to its use are quite specific:

  1. inflammatory diseases on the facial skin of an infectious or other nature,
  2. vascular pathologies (rosacea, telangiectasia),
  3. sensitive skin,
  4. hirsutism and hypertrichosis,
  5. hematological and oncological diseases,
  6. pregnancy.

True, modern anti-wrinkle irons are used not only on the face, but also on the body, so some contraindications from this list can be considered relative.

The arsenal of cosmetological methods includes an interesting way to smooth out wrinkles. Experts use a special device called an iron. In fact, the device only got its name from the traditional iron. Facial irons are high-tech devices that can effectively massage the skin and work out deep folds on the face. Ironing massage goes well with other cosmetic procedures.


Why do you need a facial iron?

The iron cannot be called an ordinary massager. During the procedure, an original device for smoothing facial wrinkles applies diathermic heat to the skin. Modern models are supplemented with the function of electrical stimulation of the skin. Thus, the iron is able to have a complex effect. Specialists often use the device together with active creams, gels, and oils. Massage movements with an iron promote deeper penetration of the beneficial substances contained in the preparations. Another technique is also used. First, the skin is massaged with a flat iron, which helps open pores, relieve tension, and soften. Then other cosmetic facial procedures are performed. The beneficial effects of massage procedures with an iron are combined with a number of contraindications to the use of the device:

  1. Inflammatory skin processes;
  2. The presence of vascular pathologies;
  3. Blood diseases;
  4. Malignant formations;
  5. Different stages of pregnancy.

It is required to consult a specialized doctor at the Katarina Beauty and Health Factory before scheduling sessions.

How are facial irons used?

At the beginning of the procedure, the cosmetologist cleanses the skin of the face. After cleansing, he applies the necessary cosmetic product to the skin. The ironer switches to the required operating mode. This can be heating to a given temperature, myostimulation function, radio frequency mode. Next, the drug is rubbed in with light massaging movements. The specialist alternately treats the chin, nasolabial folds, and cheeks. At the end of the session, the remainder of the cosmetic product is removed with a special lotion.

Massage effect

Let's list the main advantages of regular massage with an iron:

  1. Light peeling effect;
  2. Elimination of wrinkles;
  3. Restoring skin elasticity and freshness;
  4. Improved complexion.