Enlargement and reduction of the lacrimal caruncle

Sometimes this caruncle increases so much that it interferes with vision, and sometimes it decreases so much that it disappears and does not hold tears. According to doctors, this mostly occurs when the pterygoid hymen is cut off. Enlargement of the caruncle is treated with remedies for pterygoid hymen. But the removal should not be done so thoroughly that lacrimation remains. As for the reduction of the caruncle caused by cutting, it is incurable. If it comes from another cause, then sometimes you can help with medicines that promote the growth of meat and have astringent and drying properties, such as the medicine obtained from horned poppy, saffron and sabur with wine, and the medicine obtained from sabur and henbane with wine. Sabur itself, sprinkled on the inner corner of the eye, is also useful, as is wine, especially if an astringent has been brewed in it.