Moisturizing components in cosmetics



Almost every skin and hair care product contains one or more components that are responsible for the moisture content of the epidermis and hair, as well as for their softness and smoothness. The whole variety of moisturizing substances can be divided into 3 main groups according to their action and purpose.


Substances that retain moisture

This group of components includes substances that have the ability to draw moisture from the environment, leaving it on the surface of the skin and hair. The most popular representative of this category of components is hyaluronic acid. It has the property of preventing the evaporation of moisture from the skin. Depending on the size of the hyaluronic acid molecules, it can penetrate either deep into the skin or remain on its surface. Most often in creams, serums and masks you can find high-molecular hyaluronic acid, which is designed to create a protective film on the surface of the skin, thereby retaining moisture.

Another equally popular component from this category is glycerin. It can be seen in almost every skin and hair care product. However, unlike hyaluronic acid, about which you can read many rave reviews, information about glycerin is quite contradictory. Many people consider this component to be harmful to the skin because it dries the skin instead of providing necessary hydration. When using products with glycerin, you just need to be aware that this substance draws moisture from where it is available. That is, if there is a high level of humidity around you, glycerin, receiving moisture from the air, will give it to your skin. Otherwise, that is, in dry air, glycerin will take moisture from your skin. Therefore, during the heating season, pay due attention to air humidification or select an alternative humidifier.

Also, the evaporation of liquid from the surface of the skin is prevented by such components as urea, chitosan, milk and silk proteins, amino acids, as well as panthenol, which is an effective moisturizer for hair.


This category can safely include natural oils obtained by cold pressing. They are able to accumulate unsaturated fatty acids and vitamins in the space between the scales of skin and hair. When used correctly, oils do not contribute to moisture loss, but have an extremely beneficial effect on the skin and hair, providing them with nutrition. The main thing is not to use oil often or in large quantities. When choosing a natural oil or cosmetic product containing this component, base it on your skin and hair type. So, for oily skin it is better to choose oils with a lighter texture and with antiseptic properties. Among all oils, olive oil is considered universal in skin and hair care. It is rich not only in vitamins and antioxidants, but also in squalene, a substance that can restore the natural moisturizing factor in the skin layers. Normal skin will gratefully accept grape or apricot seed oil, jojoba, lavender or rose. The following oils are perfect for caring for dry and mature skin: almond, coconut and rosehip. To naturally moisturize and nourish the skin, you should also pay attention to argan oil. It moisturizes and nourishes the skin and hair, helps in the fight against inflammation and rashes, in a word, it gives excellent properties to the cosmetic product. In the composition of the skincare product, you need to look for the word “oil”, along with the name of the plant from which the oil is obtained.

Substances that prevent moisture loss

Components such as dimethicone, mineral oil or wax create a film on the skin, thereby locking in moisture and also protecting it from external influences (UV rays, hard water, wind). However, this film is very dense and its subsequent formation can cause tissue swelling. In addition, products containing saturated fats and mineral oil are quite difficult to remove from the skin. This method of retaining moisture is not suitable for those with oily and problematic skin, as it can clog pores for a long time. All other silicone derivatives have the same effect. As part of the tools, the names of such components will end in -cone or -conol. Products with silicones should be avoided by those who are prone to allergies to any component of the cream or mask, since the film formed on the face can intensify the allergic reaction.



If the goal of your care is smooth and radiant skin, as well as healthy and strong hair, then be careful when choosing cosmetics. Pay attention to the composition and the presence of the necessary components in it. Consider your skin and hair type and, if possible, consult a cosmetologist so that improper care does not cause “washing out” of moisturizing components.

Moisturizing your skin is a very important step in skin care. If the level of moisture is insufficient, the skin can become very capricious, irritable, and the negative aspects of its type will begin to appear: increased dryness and flaking for dry types, oily shine, clogged pores and rashes for oily ones. If you are not happy with the way your skin looks, then the first thing you need to pay attention to is whether it is sufficiently hydrated.

You can read about three important points of autumn skin care in the article about facial skin care in autumn. There's a reason why hydration is mentioned there. If everything is quite simple with skin nutrition - you can choose the right oil and regularly take care of your face with it - then with moisturizing the situation is more complicated. What should you use when your skin lacks moisture? We will try to figure this out!

How to moisturize your skin?

There is a common misconception that not all skin types need moisturizing: for example, oily or combination skin. Due to the oily shine and density of the skin, it may mistakenly seem that it is already well moisturized. And at this very moment, the skin may sound the alarm about the lack of moisture it needs.

Remember, any skin type needs careful moisturizing! This directly determines how she will look and remain youthful, attractive and fresh. Let's look at how to moisturize the skin and what products are often used for this.

  1. Creams. Moisturizing creams are usually applied during the day, and nourishing creams in the evening. If the skin is very dehydrated (signs include discomfort, redness, deterioration of tone and thinning, dryness, uneven color), then you can use a moisturizer twice a day. The correct condition of your skin depends on the right cream.
  2. Gels. If you feel that one moisturizer is not enough for you, then pay attention to gels. They contain a high content of moisturizing and restorative components, which we will talk about a little later. They perfectly soothe, soften and moisturize the skin. Korean gels are very effective and popular in facial care.
  3. Emulsions. Traditionally, this product is applied to cleansed facial skin after tonic. It can make skin care better and help moisturize it better. The emulsion's lighter texture is quickly absorbed and penetrates deeper into the skin than regular cream. Therefore, applying it before the cream for tired and dehydrated skin is definitely a good idea!
  4. Essences and serums. Such products contain a high concentration of the active substance, so they are aimed at solving specific problems. In addition to actively saturating the skin with valuable components, such products enhance the effect of all subsequent products applied. Typically, their texture does not weigh down the skin and is instantly absorbed. You need to apply such products after the toner; if your care also includes an emulsion, then before it.
  5. CreamyAnd fabric masksfor face. There are a lot of masks among Korean products. Both fabric and cream (mostly night) ones can work real miracles with the skin. It's worth noting that creamy overnight masks, labeled as "sleeping packs," are often incredibly economical.

Skin moisturizing ingredients

Now is the time to take a closer look at what exactly in the products listed in the previous paragraph is often responsible for moisturizing the skin. Next, you will find the main components to saturate the skin with moisture.

This component perfectly moisturizes the skin. In addition, it has a regenerating effect, as a result of which the skin rejuvenates and its texture is evened out. Aloe improves skin tone, makes it stretched, nourished and soft, perfectly softens and soothes. This moisturizing component is effective for any skin type.

Deoproce Pure Aloe Soothing Gel 95% has a very high aloe content; the jar itself contains as much as 300 ml of product. The gel is also rich in extracts of blueberry, chamomile, licorice root, Japanese lotus and others.

Honey is also a wonderful skin moisturizer. Its peculiarity is its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, which will be very useful for skin damage and rashes. Honey makes the skin soft, smooth, elastic, perfectly nourishes and gives it a fresh, radiant look. It also has a rejuvenating effect.

The Holika Holika Honey Sleeping Pack night mask contains 20% honey and the same percentage of the extract you choose. It could be rapeseed, blueberries or wild cherries. You just need to apply a thin layer of the mask to the skin and go to bed. While you sleep, it will restore and deeply moisturize your skin.

This moisturizing component will be simply indispensable for sensitive and dry skin. In addition to excellent moisturizing, it greatly softens and soothes, makes the skin soft and soft, and protects. It makes the skin more elastic and firm.

Mizon 24 Soft Milk Whipping Cream contains cream. They also perfectly refresh the skin and gradually even out its tone. This cream from the popular Korean brand contains shea butter, honey, and hyaluronic acid, which will be discussed further.

A very small amount of this component is enough to actively moisturize the skin. At the moment, hyaluronic acid is one of the best moisturizers. It helps restore the skin, fights both finer and deeper wrinkles, and prevents their appearance.

SeanTree 100 Hyaluron Ampoule serum contains only hyaluronic acid! The volume of this product is 100 ml. For one application, only a few drops will be enough, therefore, the consumption will be very economical. With such a product, the skin will receive the level of hydration it needs.

You can find this ingredient in many Korean products, and it is truly amazing. It deeply moisturizes and softens the skin, makes it softer, smoother and more radiant, and triggers active cell renewal and restoration. Snail mucin is suitable for any skin type, including problematic and age-related ones.

Secret Key Snail Repairing Emulsion contains not only this component, but also jojoba oil, shea butter, beta-glucan (moisturizes, relieves irritation and soothes). 150 ml of product will last for a long time, and the condition of the skin will definitely improve with this composition.

I hope you learned something useful for yourself about moisturizing your skin! I wish you to always look great and take care of yourself correctly! With best wishes, Eva-Daria Dankova


If dry skin does not always appear to you, but from time to time, in some areas, then, most likely, your usual moisturizer and night care can cope with this problem. Those who experience constant dry skin, accompanied by peeling and irritation, should be most concerned. Your skin needs a moisturizer with a special formula; this product can soothe and moisturize.

There are many good moisturizers on the market. But what is important to you is the formula, which must contain 4 main ingredients for dryness (it is better if the cream contains all the ingredients listed below, or at least 3 of them).

1. Moisturizing ingredients

This group of ingredients includes glycerin, hyaluronic acid and glycolic acid. Any of these components can attract moisture into the skin from the environment. Hyaluronic acid is a champion in hydration. It can hold 1000 times its weight in moisture and performs equally well in high or low humidity conditions. Glycerin is the most affordable ingredient. This group can also include another inexpensive moisturizer - urea.

2. Emollients

Just attracting moisture to the skin is not enough to save it from dehydration. Moisture should remain in the skin structure for a long time and not evaporate. And occlusive softening ingredients, that is, fixing moisture, help with this. They create a protective barrier on the skin that prevents fluid loss.

Emollients have one drawback; they can cause acne if they accumulate in the pores of the skin. Dry skin is rarely prone to acne, but if this is your story, you should look for a moisturizer labeled "non-comedogenic" that contains emollient ingredients that won't clog pores.

The most popular and effective ingredients in this group: olive oil, jojoba oil, mineral oil, petroleum jelly, shea butter.

3. Skin-identical ingredients

The skin has its own natural protective (barrier) layer, which consists of skin cells and a binder. This is a kind of "glue" that holds and binds the top layer together. As long as the barrier layer is intact, the skin appears smooth, soft and elastic.

However, the binder (“glue”) is quite fragile and can be destroyed by ultraviolet rays, bad weather conditions, friction and over-exfoliation, high temperatures, and other things that are stressful to the skin. Then the skin loses its top protective layer, becomes dehydrated, becomes dry and flaky, itchy and itchy.

The destruction of the external barrier can be prevented if the so-called “glue” is constantly maintained and restored. This is why there are ingredients identical to the skin that make up this fragile “glue”. These ingredients include: ceramides, amino acids, lecithin, phospholipids, fatty acids and some others.


Antioxidants have many jobs. First, they effectively combat skin damage caused by ultraviolet rays (such as wrinkles, age spots, and disruption of the skin's natural barrier). Second, antioxidants act as anti-inflammatory agents, helping to reduce and soothe signs of dryness (such as redness, itching, and pain).

The more antioxidants there are in the cream, the better. But know that if there are antioxidants in the cream formula, this product must have opaque and airtight packaging (an opaque bottle with a dispenser is best). Because antioxidants lose their effectiveness when exposed to air and light.

The most popular antioxidants that you should look for in the cream: vitamins C and E, green tea, coenzyme Q10.

Which creams to avoid?

The presence of the four listed ingredients is not enough. You should also know which components in the cream are undesirable if you struggle with dryness.

— Rule one: the product should not contain alcohol or witch hazel. They dry out the skin and make it irritable.

— Rule two: mint or menthol are undesirable. They also dry out the skin, even if used only as a fragrance.

— Rule three: don’t get carried away with citrus oils. Despite the name "oil", it can be drying, cause allergies and irritate the skin. At the very least, it is best to keep the citrus components as close to the end of the list as possible, this will ensure that the concentration of citrus oils is not high.

Let's go shopping

As you can see, finding the right moisturizer for dry skin is not an easy task. However, the task is doable if you spend a little more time on the purchasing process. Study the composition of the products, and if you can’t cope on your own, ask for help from consultants. You need to take into account several factors at once, but if you manage to find “your” remedy, then the problem of dryness will be brought under control.