Cosmetic Massage Techniques and Techniques

Cosmetic massage is an effective method of skin care that allows you not only to improve its condition, but also to relax, relieve stress and fatigue. The technique of performing cosmetic massage has its own characteristics, and to achieve the best result it is necessary to take into account a number of rules and recommendations.

Basic techniques of cosmetic massage

Cosmetic massage consists of four main techniques: stroking, rubbing, kneading and vibration. Each of them is performed using a specific technique, which is aimed at improving blood circulation, lymphatic drainage and stimulating metabolic processes in tissues.

Stroking is a technique that is performed with a half-bent hand with a light touch of the skin. Movements should be performed rhythmically, easily and smoothly. Stroking is carried out only in one direction - along the lymphatic vessels and veins. In swollen areas, stroking begins from the upper peripheral zone, which helps to activate the outflow of fluid, accelerate blood and lymph circulation, relieve accumulated tension in the muscles, as well as cleanse the ducts of the sebaceous and sweat glands.

Rubbing is a technique that is performed more vigorously, but with less intensity compared to kneading. Superficial rubbing accelerates blood circulation in the massaged part, as a result of which seals dissolve and tissues become more elastic. Deep rubbing helps soften scars and adhesions and smooth out tissues.

Kneading is a technique that is performed with smooth movements with the fingertips of one or both hands. It involves capturing and bringing tissue as close as possible to the bones. Kneading should be performed at a slow pace, but with a high frequency of movements, and they should not cause pain. This technique activates lymph and blood circulation, stimulates muscle function.

Vibration is an energetic technique that is performed with the entire palm or fingertips. Vibration is performed using oscillatory movements of the hands on one of the areas of the skin, gradually moving over the entire massaged surface. This technique helps increase muscle tone and has a beneficial effect on tissue.

Tapping and effleurage are percussive vibration techniques that are used with great care in cosmetic massage. When performing a massage, tapping and effleurage can only be used on certain areas of the body, such as the thighs or buttocks. They help improve blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, as well as warm up the muscles. However, when performing these techniques, you must be careful not to apply them too vigorously, so as not to harm the skin and muscles.

Rules for performing cosmetic massage

To achieve the best result and avoid possible negative consequences, you must follow a number of rules and recommendations when performing cosmetic massage:

  1. You need to start the massage with light stroking, gradually increasing the intensity and speed of movements.

  2. Massage should not be used on inflamed areas of the skin, on wounds, bruises, burns, or on areas with bruises or hemorrhages.

  3. The massage should not cause pain or discomfort. If the massage causes pain, it should be interrupted.

  4. It is necessary to observe hygiene measures and use clean hands and tools when performing massage.

  5. You should not use massage too often - it is enough to do it no more than twice a week.

  6. After the massage, you need to pay attention to skin care, use moisturizers and nourishing products.

Cosmetic massage is an effective way to improve skin condition and improve well-being. However, to achieve the best result, it is necessary to perform the massage correctly and follow all recommendations and rules.