Moisturizing cream for acne

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Each skin type needs its own, properly selected moisturizer. Often during the treatment of acne, vesicular and papular rashes, which are more common in oily skin types, peeling and redness are observed. People with dry or normal skin types face the same problem.

Factors leading to dryness and flaking of the skin:

  1. facial skin care using aggressive means (using regular soap or lotion containing alcohol, medications for treating the face containing an antibiotic);
  2. unfavorable meteorological conditions (bright sun, strong wind);
  3. deficiency of vitamins, especially group B.

Dehydrated skin must be filled with moisture.

The following components must be present in a moisturizer for problem skin:

  1. Tocopherol (Vit.E) – has a protective effect against UV rays, improves cell trophism, and has a softening effect on the skin.
  2. Hyaluronate – helps retain moisture in the epidermis.
  3. Glycerin is present in almost all moisturizing creams. Prevents the formation of comedones and helps maintain water balance in the upper layers of the skin.
  4. Provitamin B5 – activates the skin’s ability to regenerate, provides cell nutrition, and intensively moisturizes the upper layers of the epidermis.
  5. Bisabolol is a substance contained in chamomile extract. Soothes, protects the skin from redness and inflammation, has moisturizing and regenerating effects.
  6. Glucose + vitamin C – stimulates collagen production, has a protective effect against the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. Helps reduce LHA (Lipo-HydroxyAcid) – a compound of phenolic (2-hydroxybenzoic, salicylic) acid with lipids. Gently and effectively exfoliates microscopic particles of the epidermis.
  7. Zinc – has an anti-inflammatory effect, normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands.
  8. Squalane is an extract from olives. Moisturizes and improves skin breathing.
  9. Phenolic acid – antiphlogistic, antimycotic effects. Stimulates the renewal of epidermal cells. Actively frees skin pores from excess secretion of the sebaceous glands, smoothes out small facial wrinkles.
  10. Laminaria (extract) - normalizes the process of sebum production, has strengthening and anti-inflammatory effects, and also saturates the upper layers of the epidermis with nutrients.
  11. Ceramides are special molecules that contribute to the formation of additional protection against the negative effects of the environment, free radicals, toxins, etc. They restore the normal structure of damaged cells. Reduce peeling.

Before using a moisturizer for oily skin, thoroughly cleanse your face with lotion. Then you need to apply a drying anti-inflammatory remedy and allow it to be absorbed. After a quarter of an hour, remove excess product with a napkin. Then apply moisturizer and wait until it is completely absorbed.

If the skin is prone to dryness, then thermal water (Avene, Vichy, Uriage, etc.), which has moisturizing and antiphlogistic properties, can be beneficial. For more intensive hydration of the upper layers of the epidermis, special products will be required.

The modern beauty industry offers a huge number of non-comedogenic gels and creams to saturate problematic skin with moisture. Among these manufacturers: Vichy; Avene; Clinic; Clean line.

Non-comedogenic moisturizers

The main functions of moisturizing creams are protection, nutrition, effective hydration without the formation of comedones (small black dots on the surface of the skin filled with secretions from the sebaceous glands). Any cosmetic cream can be conditionally considered non-comedogenic. It all depends on the individual sensitivity of the skin to the care product. If you buy a certain cream in a store, then for some people it will be ideal, others will develop isolated black dots, and others will suffer from local allergic manifestations (itching and irritation of the skin at the site of application of the cream).

However, there are a number of face creams that do not cause clogging of the sebaceous glands. Such cosmetics have a light airy structure. They contain special components that do not cause the accumulation of additional fat on the surface of the skin. Products in the form of gel and milk are considered non-comedogenic. Their main feature is almost instantaneous absorption. If the cream is well absorbed in a short time and does not leave a shiny shine on the skin as a result of its action, then it is suitable for use in the presence of problematic oily skin.

A cosmetic, moisture-rich, non-comedogenic cream may contain the following ingredients:

  1. phenolic (salicylic) acid and benzoyl peroxide – have antiphlogistic properties, cleanse the face of keratinized scales of the epidermis, accelerate the healing of microcracks, have a narrowing effect on skin pores, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, reducing sebum secretion;
  2. extract of chamomile, calendula, essential oils of green tea and tea tree - cleanse the skin, eliminate inflammation;
  3. allantoin – has healing and regenerating properties, effectively cleanses and tightens pores, making the surface of the facial skin smoother;
  4. UV protection factors – reduce the harmful effects of bright sunlight.

Vichy Normaderm. It has intense hydrating properties, narrows enlarged pores, has a mattifying effect on the skin surface, cleanses the epidermis of small keratinized particles thanks to its three-component composition - phenolic, glycolic and LHA acids.

Active ingredients: lipo-hydroxy, phenolic, hydroxyacetic acids; glycerin, alcohol.

Negative aspects - the drug contains alcohol.

Avene Clean AC. An intensive moisturizing cream that has a soothing effect on irritated facial skin. Contains useful and nutritious substances. Has a light texture. Capable of being quickly absorbed. Perfect for facial skin care even in winter.

Negative aspects: an oily sheen may remain on the skin, which can be easily removed with a paper napkin; prone to rolling; not suitable as a base for makeup in the summer season; contains parabens.

Active active substances: thermal water; pumpkin extract; zinc gluconate; propylene glycol (E1520); lipid compounds (triglycerides); bisabolol; beneficial nutrients.

Clinique Anti-Blemish Solutions cream is a luxury cosmetic product.

Clinique Anti-Blemish Solutions has hydrating and degreasing effects at the same time. Relieves inflammation and irritation. Promotes active saturation of the epidermis with moisture. Gently and gently cares for facial skin.

Active ingredients: purified water; extracts from seaweed (sugar kelp), oats, chamomile, witch hazel; green tea and seaweed extracts; proteinogenic amino acid (glycine); mint camphor; phenolic acid, caffeine, propane-1,2,3-triol (glycerol), glucose acetamide.

Moisturizing cream for oily problem skin

Saturating your skin with moisture is an important part of caring for it. The most common and traditional way to moisturize the skin is to apply a special cream. If the sebum secretion is very high, applying the cream can be replaced by using tonic water, milk or gel. If the cream is still used, it should not contain additional lipid compounds that contribute to clogging of pores and prevent the outflow of sebaceous gland secretions. All these factors are taken into account by manufacturers of professional cosmetics. The cream should be chosen strictly individually. Products with a moisturizing effect, containing complexes of nutrients and anti-inflammatory components are preferred. Ceramides (substances that help restore the protective function of the skin), triglycerides (compounds that restore damaged hydro-lipid film), glycerin or glycerol, which have a moisturizing effect, can be used as ingredients.

A cheap and fairly effective moisturizer for oily problem skin is produced by the Clean Line production association. Saturates the upper layers of the epidermis with moisture and protects from the negative influence of the environment. The active natural components of the cream help smooth out fine wrinkles and prevent the occurrence of new acne rashes on the face. As a result, the skin looks well-groomed, more elastic and healthy.

Herbal ingredients included in the cream: fortified sea buckthorn oil, rose hip extract.

Cons: presence of a characteristic chemical tint in the smell, lack of a protective film under the lid.

Day moisturizer for oily skin

The peculiarity of the day cream is that it is not absorbed by the deep layers of the epidermis. Remaining on the surface of the skin, it creates additional protection against ultraviolet radiation and adverse environmental factors. Prevents clogging of skin pores, thereby preventing the entry and development of pathogenic microorganisms that cause inflammation of the sebaceous glands.

The texture of the day cream is softer and lighter than that of the night cream.

When choosing and purchasing a moisturizer for problem skin, you need to pay attention to the correctness of the packaging. If the product contains retinol or vitamin C, then the packaging must reliably protect the contents from exposure to sunlight and air. The tightness and light-tightness of the container prolongs the preservation of the constancy of the composition. They do not allow components to deteriorate under the influence of atmospheric oxygen or decompose in light. If the requirements for packaging are violated, the cream will not be beneficial, but there will be a potential threat of allergic manifestations. Their root cause lies in the appearance in the composition of the product of new chemical compounds formed as a result of an oxidation reaction.

It is advisable that a daily moisturizer for oily skin does not have a strong scent. Fragrance components are irritants to the skin. Long-term use may lead to decreased collagen production.

The cream should be applied in a thin layer to thoroughly cleansed, toned skin. Its action is the final link in facial care procedures.

Anti blemish solutions Clearing Moisturizer, from the cosmetics company Cliniqe, is a specific low-fat product that eliminates inflammation and actively moisturizes the skin. It has an antiseptic effect thanks to the antibacterial components included in the cream. Stabilizes the function of the sebaceous glands and prevents the accumulation of sebum. Has an exfoliation effect (exfoliates dead cells from the surface of the skin).


Moisturizing mattifying cream for problem skin

A mattifying cream with a moisturizing effect for problem skin is able to provide the upper and deep layers of the epidermis with moisture. It has a calming effect on irritated skin, relieves dryness and flaking, and gives the face a healthy appearance for a long time. Prevents the secretion of excess secretion by the sebaceous glands and the formation of oily shine on the face. The disadvantages of these creams include the fact that they either perfectly moisturize, but do not have a sufficient matting effect, or vice versa. If oily skin is prone to peeling and irritation, then such creams can only aggravate this problem.

Vichy Normaderm SPF 15. The cream has a matting effect and serves as a protective barrier against UVA and UVB radiation. It has a light consistency and is quickly absorbed, does not contain aromatic fillers.

Active ingredients: glycerin, titanium dioxide, phenolic and glycolic acids, liquid silicone, vit. E, vit. C, glucose, white clay, LHA.

Cons – contains parabens.

"Clean line". Cream with a mattifying effect for combination and oily skin, containing phytoextracts of string and calendula. Cosmetic product containing herbal ingredients.

Cons: specific smell.

Moisturizing creams for combination problem skin

Dry skin with acne. It is necessary to find out the cause of acne on dry skin. A consultation with a dermatologist will help rule out the demodicosis origin of the inflamed areas. The appearance of acne is not typical for dry and sensitive skin. Acne usually appears on oily or combination skin. If infection with demodex mites is not confirmed, then in this case it is even more important not to dry out the face using special anti-acne products.

Facial cleansing should be done with a light lotion. It is desirable that it consists of natural plant extracts (chamomile and calendula). It is advisable to contain fruit (AHA) acids in the composition of the product, which will allow you to gently exfoliate keratinized microparticles of the epithelium, which are an additional source of infection of the sebaceous glands. It is necessary to use a moisturizer that does not contain a large amount of heavy cosmetic oils, which can aggravate the problems that arise on the skin due to acne. Cosmetic oils create a thin, airtight film on the surface, under which pathogenic microorganisms can multiply in the pores.

Avene Hydrance Optimale from TM Legere is a moisturizing cream created for sensitive skin of normal and mixed types. The non-greasy, light consistency of the cream helps restore the natural water balance of the skin, providing it with tenderness, softness, elasticity, matteness, and radiance.

Disadvantages - high price.

Expression wrinkles and acne. Facial care for such problems is carried out using anti-aging and moisturizing complexes without containing a large amount of oil components.

Day cream for this skin type should consist of moisturizing (non-sulfonated glycosaminoglycan, glycerin, dimethicone), restorative (peptides, retinol, ceramides) and antiseptic (chamomile, calendula, honey, aloe extracts) substances.

Redness Solutions Daily Relief Cream from TM Clinique. Day moisturizer for problem skin. Thanks to its components, it has the ability to reduce redness and eliminate discomfort associated with irritation. The cream has a soothing effect on problem skin, and long-term use helps improve its condition. The pigments contained in the cosmetic mask mask inflamed, reddened areas, giving the skin a natural, fresh, healthy look.

Disadvantages - according to review monitoring, it is not effective enough in the fight against inflammation.

Moisturizing foundation for problem skin

To choose a moisturizing foundation for oily skin, you need to decide what problems will be solved. A light cream will not be able to thoroughly hide defects and large pores on the face. Here you need to opt for a thick foundation. This cream will be felt on the face, but it will hide almost all skin imperfections. People around you will see a face with perfect skin.

If you need to even out your skin color, then a light foundation or concealer that has a good masking effect will be indispensable.

To hide or reduce oily shine on the face, cream powder is ideal, which will absorb excess secretion from the sebaceous glands and give the skin a healthy, fresh look. It is necessary to pay attention to ensure that the cream base stays on for a long time and is not prone to slipping.

TM Vichy created NormaTeint for problem skin. A foundation with a light texture, has an anti-inflammatory effect and well masks minor imperfections (uneven complexion, microdefects of the skin).

Taking into account the material presented in the article, we can conclude that problem skin requires careful care and special care in all seasons. For her health and beauty, it is necessary to competently select the necessary cosmetics and therapeutic procedures. Skin with certain features requires not only preventive treatment, thorough cleansing and nutrition, but also saturation with moisture. Modern manufacturers produce a huge range of different products, among which there is always the possibility of selecting a decent moisturizer for problem skin.

Very often during acne treatment, the skin dries out and peels. This should not be allowed under any circumstances. Even if you have oily or combination skin, it can feel dry.

Why does oily and combination skin get dry? It would seem that oily skin cannot dry, because a lot of oil is released. Unfortunately, not everything depends on sebium. Most often it begins to peel off:

  1. from the use of aggressive agents, both during the treatment of acne and in skin care (alcohol, baziron, differin, zinerite, etc.),
  2. bad weather conditions (sun, wind, etc.),
  3. lack of vitamins (most often B vitamins), because they do not accumulate in the body or are quickly consumed during stress.

Dry, dehydrated skin must be moisturized. Let's try to choose the perfect moisturizer. Does such a thing exist? I think so, but it will be different for everyone.


  1. Vitamin E (Tocopheryl and its derivatives) – nourishes, protects from the harmful effects of UV rays, makes the skin soft.
  2. Hyaluronic acid (Sodium Hyaluronate) is one of the most popular ingredients because this acid can hydrate 24 hours a day and make your skin look great. Hyaluronic acid retains moisture on the surface of the skin. It is also the sodium salt of hyaluronic acid.
  3. Glycerin – no matter how much we all love it in cosmetics, it is absolutely harmless (non-cometogenic) and helps retain moisture. Perhaps not a single cream can do without it.
  4. Provitamin B5 (panthenol or Calcium Pantothenate) is an excellent regenerator, quickly restores damaged cells, especially from burns, nourishes and moisturizes.
  5. Bisabolol – found in chamomile essential oil, has a calming, anti-inflammatory effect, light moisturizing, regenerating agent.
  6. Vitamin C with Glucose (Ascorbyl Glucoside) is a stable vitamin C that stimulates collagen, which prevents scarring and also protects against harmful UV radiation. Prevents the formation of wrinkles and smoothes out.
  7. LHA (Beta-lipohydroxy acid) is a derivative of salicylic acid with an additional lipophilic chain. LHA molecules easily and evenly penetrate the surface layers of the skin, providing gentle and targeted microscopic exfoliation.
  8. Zinc is a mild anti-inflammatory agent that regulates sebum production.
  9. Squalane is a natural moisturizing component obtained from olives. Improves skin breathing and prevents moisture evaporation.
  10. Salicylic Acid - Has antibacterial properties, kills anaerobic and fungal flora, stimulates cell renewal, exfoliates. Cleans pores and smoothes.
  11. Laminaria extract (Laminaria digitata) - regulates sebum, strengthens, nourishes, mild anti-inflammatory.
  12. Ceramides are lipid molecules. Protect from the harmful effects of the external environment, from toxins, allergens, etc. Restore damaged cells. Stops peeling and evens out the texture.

How to use during treatment? After applying the medicinal product to the skin, let it absorb and after 15-20 minutes apply the cream. If the healing cream is not absorbed, and this usually happens when using sinerite or differin, take a handkerchief and blot it so that the skin becomes dry, then apply the cream. If you have been using a moisturizer for quite a long time, but it still does not help cope with peeling, then switch to Bepanthen cream.

The benefits of thermal water for dryness: you all probably know that there is thermal water from La Roche Posay, Avene, Vichy, Uriage, which slightly moisturizes, nourishes, and has a slight anti-inflammatory effect. If you have slight dryness, then thermal water will save you. This topic will help you choose which one: Thermal water

Popular cosmetics

So, a list of the main moisturizers and their main characteristics:
The only note is that if you are prone to comedones, be sure to buy non-cometogenic cosmetics, otherwise you will worsen the acne problem. The list below is all non-cometogenic.

Avene Clean AC

Feature: Excellent moisturizer, soothes and nourishes. Lightweight, quickly absorbed... Ideal for winter.
Cons: Some people's skin becomes oily after a few hours, sometimes the cream runs off, it doesn't go well under makeup, especially in summer, and it starts to run. It is worth noting from some, because many people idolize this cream. There are 2* parabens.
Active ingredients: Avene Thermal water: 67%; Pumpkin extract - 0.1%, zinc gluconate - 0.5%, moisturizing glycol 8%, triglycerides - 15%, bisabolol, complex of nutrients (safflower + coconut triglyceride + jojoba oil + shea butter).
Weight: 40 ml
Price: 650-750 rubles.
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Exfoliak Revitalizing

Feature: Oil in water emulsion.
Active ingredients: Vitamin E, Hyaluronic acid, Ceramides, Essential fatty acids, cholesterol, Squalane, Shea butter, Glycerin, Abyssin, Alpha bisabolol.
Cons: sometimes there is a shine from it, which can be easily removed by just blotting it with a napkin. There are 5* parabens.
Weight: 40 ml
Price: 800 rubles
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La Roche Posay H

Feature: Light, gentle, excellent moisturizer and does not clog pores. Hydrates, nourishes, soothes. Ideal in combination for the treatment of acne as a moisturizer.
Cons: Leaves a greasy shine that can be easily removed by wiping with a napkin.
Active ingredients: squalane, glycerin, dimethicone, shea butter, bisabolol, Vitamin E
Weight: 40 ml
Price: 700 rubles
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Lierac Mat-Chrono

Feature: hydration after 25 years, not only moisturizes, but also prevents the appearance of the first wrinkles, also prevents the appearance of comedones, softens and cares, increases cellular function and stimulates cell renewal. Mattifies well.
Active ingredients: Triple action complex (vitamins A, C, E, plant affinospheres, salicylic acid) 1.3%; Matting components 4.5%; Moisturizing component (glycerin) 2.5%.
Cons: there are 5 parabens*.
Weight: 40 ml
Price: 1700 rubles
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Vichy Normaderm

Feature: moisturizes, smoothes enlarged pores, mattifies, revitalizes thanks to the complex: salicylic acid + glycolic acid + LHA.
Active Ingredients: 0.14% Lipo-HydroxyAcid (LHA) gentle exfoliant, 0.5% salicylic acid, 0.175% glycolic acid, glycerin.
Cons: alcohol is 3rd in the composition.
Weight: 50 ml
Price: 800 rubles
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Clinique Anti-Blemish Solutions

Feature: Fat-free moisturizer that eliminates inflammation, moisturizes and cares for skin. Luxury cosmetics.
Active ingredients: witch hazel water, green tea extract, algae extract, kelp extract, oat kernel extract, glycine, chamomile, menthol, salicylic acid, caffeine, glycerin, acetylglucosamine.
Weight: 50 ml
Price: 1100 rubles
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Bioderma Sebium Hydra

Feature: moisturizing, restoring, relieves irritation, fights flaking, increases resistance to external aggressive influences.
Active ingredients: kelp extract, vitamin E, glycerin, allantoin, ceramides 3.
Cons: contains 1* parabens.
Weight: 40 ml
Price: 600 rubles
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Garnier Pure Skin

Feature: Moisturizes, prevents acne, mild anti-inflammatory, smoothes pores, mattifies.
Active ingredients: glycerin, alcohol 5%, eucalyptus extract, salicylic acid, zinc.
Weight: 40 ml
Price: 270 rubles
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Matting + moisturizing

Moisturizing cream can not only moisturize, relieve dryness and flaking, but also make your skin matte for a long time. Prevent the formation of fat. But most often such creams have a drawback: they either perfectly moisturize and poorly mattify, or, on the contrary, moderately moisturize and perfectly mattify. If you have severe dryness, this cream will not suit you.


Feature: pH: 5.2, moisturizes, nourishes, restores.
Cons: for some, stickiness, oily sheen, film on the skin. Parabens.
Active ingredients: moisturizing components (ceramide-2, essential fatty acids (linoleic acid), Phospholipids (lecithin), Squalene, beeswax, bisabolol, Polymethyl methacrylate - mattifying effect.
Cons: parabens 4*, medium matte.
Weight: 40 ml
Price: 620 rubles
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Nuxe Aroma-Perfection

Feature: moisturizes, nourishes, restores, has a mattifying effect, absorbs excess sebum.
Active ingredients: cornflower flower water, pumpkin seed extract, rose essential oil, jojoba oil, polypore (mushroom), vitamin E, imperata cylindrical root extract, kaolin, rosewood essential oil, glycerin, bitter orange essential oil, pelargonium essential oil, oil calendula, lavender essential oil, fragrant birch bark extract, ginseng extract, peach extract, salicylic acid.
Cons: contains parabens 6*
Weight: 30 ml
Price: 1000 rubles
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La Roche Posay - Effaclar M

Feature: Excellent mattifying, moderately moisturizing, quickly absorbed, normalizes pores, regulates oiliness. Neutralizes shine, nourishes with vitamins and protects against environmental pollution and free radicals.
Active Ingredients: Glycerin, Zinc, Vitamin C with Glucose, Vitamin E, Salicylic Acid, LHA, Mattifying Powder.
Weight: 40 ml
Price: 900 rubles
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Uriage Hyseac Hydrating Emulsion

Feature: Excellent moisturizing, rather weak in terms of matting.
Active ingredients: glycerin, wheat protein, Uriage thermal water 10%, Phytosphingosine, Fireweed sebosomes.
Cons: contains 1* parabens. Matting is weak.
Weight: 40 ml
Price: 650 rubles
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Vichy Normaderm SPF 15

Feature: Excellent mattifying agent. Reduces shine while subtly hydrating and protecting against UVA and UVB rays. The light white cream dries quickly creating a matte finish and does not smell.
Active Ingredients: Glycerin, Titanium Dioxide, Salicylic Acid, Glycolic Acid, Dimethicone, Vitamin E, Vitamin C with Glucose, Clay, LHA
Cons: 2 parabens.
Weight: 30 ml
Price: 800 rubles
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Garnier Pure Skin

Feature: moisturizes and mattifies, regulates sebum production, revitalizes.
Cons: sometimes rolls off
Active ingredients: zinc, white clay
Weight: 75 ml
Price: 280 rubles
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If they don’t sell anything like this in your city, please post it on the forum: here

*Parabens - The peculiarity and disadvantage of this ingredient in cosmetics is that it accumulates in tissues, then provokes breast cancer.

Severe peeling

If your skin is very flaky and moisturizer does not save you, I advise you to start using special dexpanthenol-based products that do not clog pores. It also helps with skin burns from medications and solar radiation. These are two analogues that are suitable for problem skin:

Bepanthen cream

Feature: Light, delicate cream does not clog pores, contains a natural component - provitamin B5 (dexpanthenol), which actively nourishes, promoting rapid healing and restoration. Relieves irritation, removes dryness, nourishes and moisturizes.
Weight: 30 g
Price: 200 rubles
How to use: in case of severe dryness, peeling, stop using the medicinal product for 2-3 days (or leave one spot). Apply Bepanten to clean skin 2 to 6 times a day, depending on how you feel. To wash your face during peeling, you can use La-Cri Cleansing Gel based on dexpanthenol.

D-panthenol cream

Feature: Stimulates regeneration, normalizes cellular metabolism, increases the strength of collagen fibers. Used for severe dryness and flaking. Doesn't clog pores.
Weight: 25
Price: 170 rubles
How to use: in case of severe dryness, peeling, stop using the medicinal product for 2-3 days (or leave one spot). Apply D-panthenol to clean skin 2 to 6 times a day, depending on how you feel. To wash your face during peeling, you can use La-Cri Cleansing Gel based on dexpanthenol.
It is worth noting that D-panthenol MUST be in the form of a cream; the ointment will clog the skin.
Everything can be bought in pharmacies in your city; ask for Garnier in cosmetic stores.

That's all, these are all popular moisturizers for problem skin, which help prevent acne, smooth out and most importantly fight oily skin.

Coming to terms can't be fought is a dilemma that everyone who suffers from acne has faced. We’ll tell you where to put the missing comma, and at the same time we’ll tell you how to deal with acne, and what actions are best avoided.

  1. Causes of acne
  2. What absolutely should not be done in the fight against acne
  3. Our tactics: how to defeat acne
  4. 7 skin care products for acne-prone skin

Causes of acne

If puberty is left behind, and the acne problem does not go away (or suddenly appears), the reasons can be very different.

  1. Diseases (endocrine system or gastrointestinal tract).
  2. Changes in hormonal levels, including those associated with the menstrual cycle and/or serious overload.
  3. Heredity.
  4. Poor nutrition.
  5. Unhealthy Lifestyle.
  6. Extreme weather conditions (heat or cold).
  7. Incorrect skin care.

What absolutely should not be done in the fight against acne

You probably already follow some of our recommendations, but it is better to listen to all the tips below.

Don't push

You cannot squeeze out pimples on your own - only a specialist will do this correctly in the appropriate conditions, but you can provoke even more severe inflammation and, as a result, post-acne.

Remember your age

If you are over 25 years old, then aggressive teenage acne and skin care products are no longer relevant. They are good for active regeneration and 100% healing ability, but after 25 they can already cause irritation and peeling. For the same reason, creams with a high content of retinol and azelaic acid are not suitable - they may not be suitable for adult oily skin.

Avoid drying your skin

Avoid cleansers with high alcohol content. Dry skin will cause new problems, but acne will not go away.


Exfoliants effectively cleanse the skin of dead cells and sebum, and also stimulate regeneration. Just choose the most suitable option.

Be careful with cleansing

Washing the skin “to the point of squeaking” is a direct path to skin microtraumas, dehydration and worsening acne problems.

Don't forget about sun protection

If you do not want to add pigmentation, burns, early wrinkles and other premature age-related changes to existing skin problems, be sure to use products with SPF. The sun “dries out” acne and at first there are actually fewer of them, but, protecting itself from UV radiation, the skin begins to secrete more sebum and becomes even oilier.

Forget about warming ointments

In medical practice, local heating has not been used for a long time to accelerate the maturation of pimples - often this only expands the acne area, causing additional inflammation.

Using soap is a direct path to dryness and worsening acne problems. © iStock

Our tactics: how to defeat acne

The key prerequisites for beautiful skin are a healthy lifestyle, balanced nutrition and hygiene. But competent care and effective cosmetics are no less important. So, how to take care of problem skin so as not to harm it?

  1. Twice a day, apply gentle but intense cleansing a product that contains antibacterial (tea tree oil, AHA acids, triclosan, piroctone, olamine) and moisturizing components, as well as keratolytics (hydroxy acids). They remove accumulations of dead cells that cause inflammation.
  2. Apply cleansing and tightening pores two to three times a week masks based on white clay, delicate scrubs with adramatic synthetic granules.
  3. Use twice a day (as day and evening care) moisturizing fluid creams.

Salon treatments also work well.

  1. Peels of different depths (for example, chemical or ultrasonic).
  2. Cleaning: laser, mechanical, vacuum, ultrasonic.
  3. Massage: hardware, with a special technique of massage movements (according to Jacquet).
  4. Masks based on different types of clay, algae, etc.
  5. Cryo-, ozone- and mesotherapy.
  6. PRP plasma therapy.

Neither salon procedures nor local remedies will eliminate the cause of acne. The problem cannot be solved without systemic competent care and, if prescribed by a doctor, special medications.

Use white clay-based cleansing and pore-tightening masks 2-3 times a week. © iStock

7 skin care products for acne-prone skin

Gently but intensely cleansing gel is suitable for oily skin - it controls sebum production, mattifies and makes the face velvety to the touch.

A special combination of micelles, thermal water, glycerin and zinc, which has antibacterial properties, provides oily skin with delicate cleansing and the necessary care.

It effectively cleanses (the vegetable charcoal in the composition is responsible for this), has an exfoliating effect (salicylic acid does this), restores (blueberry extract does this), fights acne and prevents its reappearance.

Concentrated lipohydroxy and salicylic acids in combination with hyaluronic acid plus a convenient applicator make the product indispensable in the fight against local imperfections on the face.

Thanks to two types of cleansing clay and thermal water with the antioxidant selenium, the mask removes even invisible impurities, tightens pores, and moisturizes the skin.

It has an intensive effect: by controlling sebum production, it reduces imperfections and prevents the appearance of new ones. Glycolic acid in the formula gives a mild peeling effect.

A fluid with sea extracts, cinnamon and ginger moisturizes, controls oily shine and reduces the appearance of pores.