The influence of the seasons and their changes

Every season is suitable for someone who has a healthy nature, which corresponds to him, and is not suitable for someone who has a bad nature, which does not correspond to him, except in those cases when the season deviates significantly from balance - then the given season does not correspond to either the suitable one. nor an unsuitable nature for him, since it weakens a person’s strength. In the same way, every season suits the sick nature, which is the opposite of it. If two seasons deviate from their nature, and their deviations are mutually opposite, but this does not last too long, for example, when winter turns out to be “southern” and followed by a “northern” spring, then the arrival of the second after the first turns out to be suitable for body and balances it: spring corrects the wrongdoing of winter.

The same thing happens if winter is very dry and spring is very wet: spring balances the dryness of winter. As long as the humidity is not excessive and the wet season is not prolonged, the action of spring does not deviate from balance to harmful moisture. A change in the weather during one season is less likely to cause pestilence than a change in the weather over many seasons; such a change is a change that brings pestilence, and not a change that corrects what the first change brought with it, as we described above.

Most likely the nature of the air becomes putrefactive, the nature of the air is warm and humid. Air changes most often occur in areas with uneven surfaces and low-lying areas, while in flat and especially elevated areas they are rare.

The seasons should be as they should be: so that summer is hot, winter is cold, and every other season of the year is also as it should be. If this is violated, then it is often the cause of bad diseases.

A year in which all seasons have the same quality is a bad year, such as when the whole year is wet or dry, or hot or cold. In such a year, diseases corresponding to its quality often arise, and the duration of these diseases is long. After all, even one season causes its corresponding illnesses, what can we say about a whole year! For example, the cold season, and affecting the body of the mucous nature, contributes to epilepsy, general paralysis, sakta, facial paralysis, convulsions and similar diseases; the hot season, affecting the body of the bilious nature, gives rise to madness, acute fevers and hot tumors. What can we say if the nature of one season is preserved all year round!

When winter comes earlier than usual, then winter diseases begin more quickly, and if summer is in a hurry to come, summer diseases begin more quickly, and diseases that existed before change according to the laws of the given season. If any season lasts too long, then the corresponding diseases multiply, especially in summer and autumn.

Know that the change of seasons has an effect not due to the period of time as such, but to the effect that accompanies the change of season | changing its quality. This has a great impact on changing health status. Likewise, if the weather changes from hot to cold in one day, it is sure to cause a corresponding change in the health of the body. The healthiest time is when autumn is rainy, winter is moderate, not devoid of cold, but not excessively cold for a given country. And if the spring also comes rainy and the summer is not completely without rain, then this is the healthiest thing.