Internal painful pimple on the chin

Acne on the chin is mainly associated with hormonal imbalance or clogged sebaceous glands. However, there are other reasons why painful acne appears on the chin, which will be discussed in more detail below.

We will also consider how to get rid of acne on the chin.

Types of rashes

First you need to understand what types of rashes exist:

  1. subcutaneous pimples appear due to clogging of the sebaceous glands with a mixture of excess fat or dead skin cells, which is an excellent breeding ground for harmful microbes. A bump appears on the skin, like a bump, with slight redness. Subcutaneous pimples on the chin take quite a long time to mature and are also very painful when touched;
  2. purulent pimples are the result of an inflammatory process, as well as the proliferation of pathogenic microbes. In terms of severity, such rashes are not inferior to subcutaneous ones. Under no circumstances should they be squeezed out, as there is a risk of infection spreading to healthy areas of the skin;
  3. Blackheads are the most common skin condition and are caused by blocked sebaceous glands. It is possible to remove such a pimple yourself, but it is not advisable, as this can lead to worsening of the skin condition.

Causes of acne on the face

Many women wonder why pimples occur? What changes in the body is this associated with? What internal organ is wrong?

Basically, the appearance of rashes is associated with menstruation. They appear during ovulation and indicate hormonal changes in the female body these days. However, if acne on the chin occurs constantly and cannot be bothered, then it is worth thinking about more global causes.

In these cases, you should immediately consult a doctor:

  1. pimples on the cheeks indicate problems with the respiratory system; they often occur in smokers, as well as in people with allergies;
  2. the forehead is subject to rashes of small pimples due to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  3. the appearance of rashes on the nose indicates a hormonal imbalance, as well as problems of the cardiovascular system, allergies, and respiratory diseases;
  4. What do pimples around the mouth mean? The appearance of rashes in the area near the mouth indicates disturbances in the psychological state, constant lack of sleep, and prolonged emotional distress.

Causes of acne on the chin

Let's look at why acne appears on the chin:

  1. Weak immunity, which leads to frequent colds, affects all organs and leads to skin rashes, including the chin.
  2. Poor functioning of the endocrine system leads to an imbalance of the sex hormones testosterone and estrogen. In both men and women, this leads to increased sebum production, which clogs the pores. This, in turn, leads to the occurrence of large and small inflammations.
  3. Poor diet is one of the most common reasons why acne appears on the chin. Large consumption of salty, spicy, sweet, flour foods leads to deterioration of the skin condition and the appearance of characteristic rashes.
  4. Digestive diseases are associated with the accumulation of harmful toxins inside the body, which causes acne to immediately appear on the chin.
  5. Hormonal changes are mainly related to age and pregnancy. In girls from 11 to 14 years old, as in women after 40, subcutaneous sebum with a low content of fatty acids is produced. In a viscous environment, a large number of microbes develop, and dead cells also accumulate, which leads to the appearance of rashes. Pimples on a child’s chin are also associated with the hormonal system, which indicates its immaturity and the inability of the sebaceous glands to function normally.

Treatment options

What to do if a subcutaneous pimple appears on your chin and a bump appears? What products are best to use if your face is constantly covered in dust? For the treatment of acne, complex therapy is indicated, which includes taking medications, physiotherapy, changing diet and lifestyle.

  1. Salicylic acid.
  2. Zinc ointment.
  3. Tincture of calendula.
  4. Streptocide ointment.
  5. Gel "Baziron AS".
  6. Lotion "Zinerit".
  7. Gel "Mitrogil".
  8. Ichthyol ointment.
  9. Vishnevsky ointment.
  10. Metronidazole tablets.
  11. Anti-acne cosmetics as a prophylactic agent.


  1. Mechanical facial cleansing.
  2. Chemical peeling of the face.
  3. Ozone therapy.
  4. Mesotherapy.
  5. Laser treatment.
  6. Cryotherapy (liquid nitrogen).

To improve the functioning of internal organs, as well as to prevent blockage of the sebaceous glands, it is best to remove or minimize the consumption of sweets, animal fats, spicy, smoked and too salty foods, alcoholic drinks, fast food, soda, and processed cheese from the diet.

It is best to give preference to vegetables, fruits, whole grain cereals, salads with vegetable oil, lean meats and fish. It is also recommended to drink plenty of liquid - water, green tea, fruit drinks, compotes.

Where to buy the product

Pharmacy name Address Price, rub
Diaspharm Moscow, Bolshaya Polyanka street, 30 from 69
Lavender St. Petersburg, street 1st line of Vasilievsky Island, 50 letter A from 86
Pharmacy on duty Minsk, Partizansky prospect, 13 from 52
7I Kiev, Sofievskaya street, 6 from 15

Treatment at home

You can treat pimples effectively at home. If you suffer from internal acne on the chin, decoctions of herbs such as yarrow, celandine, and chamomile are perfect for treating them. Infusions of birch buds and aloe juice are also good.

For treatment and prevention, it is enough to wipe the inflamed areas in the morning and evening after washing. This therapy expands the pores and also removes impurities.

Folk signs

Folklore very often associates the appearance of acne with some life event:

  1. Following folk signs, pimples on a pregnant woman’s chin indicate the birth of a son.
  2. If the pimple does not heal for a long time, the birth will be problematic. But if, on the contrary, the treatment was quick and effective, then the birth process will be easy.
  3. If a single woman or girl has a pimple on the chin, this indicates the approach of a new romance, as well as intimacy. The longer the pimple persists, the longer the relationship will last.
  4. Also, the appearance of a pimple on the chin can mean a quarrel with a loved one or the illness of someone close to you. If there are a lot of acne, then perhaps the relationship will lead to a breakup.

Let's look at what acne on the chin indicates during pregnancy:

  1. First of all, about hormonal changes in the body, as well as the accompanying dehydration. By consuming a small amount of water, hormones remain undiluted, which leads to increased sebum production.
  2. An increased amount of the male hormone testosterone also accelerates the process of sebum production, clogging the sebaceous glands.
  3. During pregnancy, many women suffer from constipation. Acne under the chin in pregnant women indicates the process of intoxication of the body with harmful microbes.
  4. Also, one of the causes of rashes is the improper use of cosmetics and lack of personal hygiene.

What treatments for acne on the chin are acceptable during pregnancy? The most important rule when treating acne is that pregnant women should never use medications, especially hormonal ones, as this negatively affects the development of the fetus. One of the approved medications is Skinoren gel, the active substance of which is low-toxic.

The best remedy for acne during pregnancy is to observe good personal hygiene, regularly cleanse your face using alcohol- and fragrance-free products, as well as a proper balanced diet.

The most painful pimples that appear on the face and body are boils. The inflammatory process occurs under the skin and the pus does not come out.

Therefore, these rashes take a long time to mature and can leave behind spots or scars. It is possible to cure an unpleasant pathology. A dermatologist will determine the cause of the disease and prescribe effective treatment.

What it is

Internal acne on the chin is the result of blocked sebaceous glands. The medical name for this type of acne is furuncle; a disease with multiple rashes on the face or body is furunculosis.

The inflammation is deep under the skin and takes up to two weeks to mature. Externally it appears as a red or yellowish tubercle without a rod. Subcutaneous acne begins with a small induration, the site of inflammation reacts sharply to touch.

The rash causes a lot of inconvenience: it takes a long time to mature and go away, and is difficult to treat. On problem skin, a large number of bumps may appear, which form a solid red sheet.


Treatment of external manifestations of internal acne is not effective. Cosmetics are not able to eliminate blockage of the sebaceous glands in the deep layers of the skin.

To get rid of problem skin, you need to understand what causes rashes.

  1. oily skin: excessive secretion of sebaceous glands;
  2. changes in hormonal levels in women: pregnancy, menopause, the beginning of the menstrual cycle;
  3. blockage of the sebaceous glands;
  4. disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
  5. failure of hair follicle growth: hyperkeratinization;
  6. diseases of the endocrine system;
  7. hyperhidrosis;
  8. poor nutrition: fatty, sweet, smoked foods, alcohol consumption;
  9. hypothermia;
  10. allergic reaction: to medications, cosmetics, household chemicals, food;
  11. lack of skin care;
  12. avitaminosis.

If subcutaneous pimples occur regularly and form a cluster of inflammation, you should think about the presence of some internal diseases. The localization of boils on the chin indicates inflammation or dysfunction of the ovaries.

The accumulation of toxins and waste in the body not only spoils the condition of the organs, but also manifests itself externally in the form of purulent inflammation.

Types and their features

As a result of the formation of purulent inflammation in the skin cells, boils appear in women and men. Internal acne is divided into types. Each differs in severity, ripening time, size and color.

The form distinguishes between the chronic and acute nature of the rash. In the first case, the patient constantly suffers from subcutaneous inflammation, scars and pits form on the skin. In the second case, the disease goes away after proper treatment.


A large boil on the chin occurs very often and can reach 2 cm in size. Maturation is long and accompanied by growing pain. Sometimes several small pimples merge into one and develop into a purulent cyst.

Also, advanced acne of this type can be treated surgically. The extraction of pus takes place in a cosmetology or doctor's office. The boil is cut and the wound is carefully treated.


If you notice a small rash on your chin, be sure to consult a dermatologist. This symptom may indicate the onset of perioral dermatitis, or an allergic reaction to cosmetics.

In an internal pimple, the inflammatory process can last up to several weeks, during which time the boil does not hurt. It looks like a colorless tubercle about 2 mm in size.

The rash can be treated with professional peeling or medicated masks prescribed by a doctor. It is also recommended to visit a cosmetologist every six months, who will perform vacuum or mechanical cleansing of the skin.

To use Vishnevsky ointment for acne on the face. Click on the link.


White pimples occur due to the accumulation of sebaceous secretions, which, after the bacteria multiply, form a knot. Improper mechanical impact on them can provoke new inflammations, the formation of large boils and cysts.

Treatment takes place in a cosmetology salon. Where the specialist uses a sterile syringe needle to remove the dense contents of the pimple. If cleaning can be done by hand, the cosmetologist works with gloves and a sterile bandage.

Video: Getting rid of subcutaneous acne

How to treat internal acne on the chin

Do not ignore rashes on the chin, especially if they hurt and become inflamed in the deep layers of the skin. The pus cannot come out and the bacteria develop, spreading to new areas.

The main goals of treating internal acne on the chin:

  1. reduce the volume of sebaceous gland secretion;
  2. eliminate foci of inflammation, clearing them of pus;
  3. normalize the functioning of the sebaceous gland ducts;
  4. reduce the likelihood of spreading infection.

In addition to salon procedures with peeling and facial cleansing, a dermatologist can prescribe treatment at home. This method of therapy will be the most effective. You will get rid of the rash and prevent its reappearance.

Medicinal ointments are used to treat small and inflamed subcutaneous pimples.

It's better not to choose the product yourself.

  1. Zinc ointment. The product eliminates the inflammatory process, has an antibacterial effect, reduces pore clogging and the formation of new acne.
  2. Baneocin. With the help of the ointment, inflammation and pain are eliminated, it actively affects internal acne. However, it contains antibiotics, so it should be used spot-on and not for long.
  3. Ichthyol. The ointment is applied daily until the rash disappears completely. However, an allergic reaction may occur from using the product, so you should monitor your skin condition.
  4. Curiosin. Hormonal drug for long-term use. After a course of therapy, the patient will forget about skin problems for a long time. Use without a doctor's prescription is prohibited.
  5. Vishnevsky ointment. Apply to inflamed areas. The product has an anti-inflammatory effect, regenerates and heals damaged skin.

Tetracycline, heparin, sulfur ointment and a homeopathic remedy based on calendula are also used to treat subcutaneous inflammation. Local therapy can eliminate the initial stage of acne.

An effective remedy

Many women and men who are prone to acne are interested in how to get rid of internal acne quickly. Ozone therapy will help the boil to mature.

This method acts on the inflamed area with oxygen.

As a result, the patient observes:

  1. elimination of pain;
  2. resorption of edema;
  3. eliminating redness;
  4. no scars, scars or blemishes after the procedure;
  5. complete disappearance of the boil after a few hours.

With complex therapy with ozone and medications, the patient will be able to forget about subcutaneous acne. After recovery, you should follow skin care rules and a special diet.

Is it possible to squeeze out

Squeezing out a subcutaneous pimple will be very problematic. With this procedure at home, you can cause an infection and cause the spread of pus to other areas of the skin.

If you manage to get rid of the inflammation, a scar and a dark spot will remain in place of the acne. Mechanical impact on the boil will extend its maturation time to two weeks.


To effectively treat the problem and completely eliminate skin rashes, in addition to drug treatment, a diet is prescribed. The diet must include fresh vegetables and fruits, dairy products.

Fatty, sweet, rich foods increase the secretion of the sebaceous glands. Limit your consumption or completely remove smoked meats, sausages, and processed foods from your diet. Drink more purified water.

Proper care

For skin care, purchase special cosmetics. With the help of a cosmetologist, you can choose the appropriate brand and type of cosmetics.

Follow the main steps:

  1. cleansing with gels, foams, soaps;
  2. drying and disinfecting wounds and inflammations with lotion and tonic;
  3. moisturizing cream;
  4. peeling with a mask or scrub (no more than 3 times a week).

Instead of lotion or tonic, you can wipe cleansed skin with a decoction of medicinal herbs: chamomile, thyme, calendula. Tinctures and ointments are also used for spot drying of acne.

Photos before and after

How to get rid of acne on the nose at home? The answer is here.

How to get rid of acne using ointments? Click go.

Therefore, if boils appear frequently, you should seek help from a specialist. By treating your skin once and following your doctor’s preventative recommendations, you will no longer encounter acne.

Blockage and inflammation of the hair follicles inevitably leads to a dermatological disease such as acne or acne. Rashes are more common during puberty and before the onset of menstruation in women. However, other reasons may also be provoking factors. Most often, acne affects areas where the sebaceous glands are most located. This area includes the chin. Acne on the chin in women, the causes of which are not related to the menstrual cycle and are permanent, require diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

The mechanism of acne development in women

Some of the main provoking factors why acne on the chin in women appears constantly or periodically are:

  1. hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands;
  2. accumulation of dead cells;
  3. propionic acne bacteria;
  4. development of the inflammatory process.

One of the fundamental factors why acne appears on the chin in women and on other parts of the face is the increased activity of the sebaceous glands, in which the secreted secretion clogs the ducts and forms plugs.

The formation of sebaceous plugs, in turn, is affected by follicular hyperkeratosis. It is a pathological process in which there is a disruption of the natural process of renewal of epidermal cells, resulting in a thickening of the stratum corneum, the cells of which mix with the sebaceous secretion and form a thick mass, which prevents its outflow.

Normally, propionic acne bacteria Propionibacterium acnes live on human skin at the mouths of hair follicles in small numbers, which do not manifest themselves in any way. However, when the pores in which sebum accumulates are clogged, pathogenic microorganisms begin to actively multiply, since the sebaceous secretion acts as a nutritious and favorable environment for them for population growth.

The waste products of acne bacteria lead to severe irritation of the epidermis, which in turn affects the development of the inflammatory process at the mouths of the hair follicles.

Clinical studies also revealed that the development of inflammation in the dermis may also be influenced by the fatty acid components produced by the sebaceous glands.

Acne on the chin in women: causes

The following are the causes of acne on the chin in women:

  1. hormonal changes;
  2. poor nutrition;
  3. intestinal problems;
  4. cosmetical tools;
  5. improper care;
  6. summer season;
  7. subcutaneous demodex mite;
  8. staphylococcus bacteria;
  9. genetic predisposition.

Acne on the chin in women is most often a consequence of hormonal changes during menstruation and menopause. Internal changes lead to the active production of sebaceous glands of skin secretion, which leads to a further pathological process. Since a pathological process on the skin can occur during the decline of the reproductive system, acne on the chin is typical not only for young women under 30 years old, but also for people over 40 and 50 years old.

Diseases associated with the endocrine and genitourinary systems can lead to hormonal disorders in the female body. Among them are diabetes mellitus, polycystic ovary syndrome, etc.

Acne on the chin in women can be a consequence of poor diet. Abuse of fast food, fatty, fried foods, alcohol and other types of harmful products is a provoking factor in the overactive functioning of the sebaceous glands and leads to the accumulation of carcinogens in the body. These reasons inevitably lead to the appearance of acne.

Acne in the chin area often indicates a malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, the intestines itself. Dysbacteriosis, helminthiasis and other diseases of the digestive organ cause the accumulation of waste and toxins in the body, which inevitably affects the health of the facial skin.

Cosmetics, including foundations, creams, and powders, can become a provoking factor in the occurrence of acne on the chin and neck. The development of the pathological process is associated with clogging of the sebaceous ducts. That is why women with oily skin are recommended to choose non-comedogenic cosmetics.

It is not paradoxical, but some medicated acne washing gels can provoke acne due to the content of aggressive cleansing substances that irritate and dry out the skin.

During the hot season, due to high temperatures and high humidity, the skin is prone to hyperhidrosis. Sweat has an irritating effect on the dermis and can lead to the development of an inflammatory process on the integument. Also, increased humidity and heat contribute to the development of pathogenic microorganisms on the epidermis.

Pimples under the chin in women, the causes of which are not related to acne bacteria, may be a consequence of the activity of demodex mites, which are present on the skin of even absolutely healthy people. It exhibits its activity when the body’s protective functions decrease. Most often, the parasitic mite affects the cheeks, forehead, chin and the area close to it.

The proliferation of staphylococcus bacteria Staphylococcus epidermidis is often a provoking factor in the appearance of large painful pimples in the lower part of the face, which subsequently come out with purulent contents.

The causes of acne in women may be a consequence of hereditary predisposition, when a person has a genetically determined skin type that is especially sensitive to sebaceous secretions and the activity of sex hormones.

Types of acne

There are several types of acne on the chin in women:

  1. closed comedones;
  2. papulopustular acne.

These are the most common manifestations of single acne.

Closed or subcutaneous pimples on the chin in women, the causes of which are often associated with hormonal disorders and intestinal problems, are white dense nodules that do not have an open exit to the surface, since they are covered with the upper layer of the epidermis. Internal pimples of this type are usually difficult to squeeze out.

Papulopustular or purulent acne on the chin in women is formed due to the formation of nodules (papules) and ulcers (pustules). The formation of this kind of rash is a consequence of the onset of the inflammatory process in open or closed comedones. After they mature, the purulent contents come out. When the deep layers of the epidermis are affected, after the pustules resolve, scars and scars form.

Acne on the chin in women: treatment

Persistent acne on the chin in women requires treatment, which is prescribed after identifying the main cause of its appearance.

Treatment should include the following measures:

  1. elimination of the provoking factor;
  2. proper facial skin care;
  3. proper nutrition;
  4. use of local drugs.

Before starting acne treatment, it is important to eliminate the provoking factor.

In case of intestinal diseases, it is necessary to correct the diet, take probiotics and take additional measures to cleanse the body of waste and toxins. Such measures also include a drinking regime with the consumption of clean water at least 1.5-2 liters per day.

During the treatment period, it is very important to care for the dermis every day using wash gels, foams and lotions that do not contain aggressive agents that dry out the skin. You should also use exclusively non-comedogenic cosmetics.

It is prohibited to squeeze out purulent contents to avoid the spread of the inflammatory process to healthy integuments. This usually leads to deterioration of the dermis and the appearance of new rashes.

Zinerit, Zerkalin, and Baziron AS are most often prescribed as local drugs to eliminate the inflammatory process.

Additionally, the skin of the face can be wiped with chamomile infusions and aloe juice. Miramistin or Chlorhexidine are used as adjuvant therapy. These medicinal solutions, unlike alcohol-containing products, do not irritate the sensitive dermis and do not dry it out.

Face masks, which are primarily a preventative against acne, have good cleansing properties.

For more severe forms of acne, when acne does not affect a specific area, but has the character of extensive rashes in adulthood, it is necessary to undergo a full examination and consult a dermatologist. In such cases, in addition to eliminating the causes that provoked acne and using local remedies, systemic drugs are prescribed, which include retinoids and antibiotics.