Vaseline under eyes reviews

Tools Overview

What pharmaceutical ointments do women usually take for wrinkles? As a rule, those that are designed to treat various diseases. But in fact, sometimes on one forum, sometimes on another, sometimes in the comments to a thematic article, no, no, and there will be a review that the ointment helped with wrinkles, made the face look younger, got rid of dark circles and swelling.

This ointment is originally intended to combat hemorrhoids. But cosmetology “took over” the product. On one or another forum you can see a positive review that this drug helped against wrinkles.

Relief contains shark oil. This component restores blood circulation, lymphatic drainage, eliminates dark circles, and removes puffiness. After use, the face looks healthy and the skin is elastic.

Ointment for wrinkles under the eyes is applied once a day, at night. But you should understand that the texture is quite dense, greasy, and can be absorbed into the skin for a long time. By the way, this is one of the reasons why cosmetology does not recommend applying the product as a base for makeup.

Also, Relief should not be applied to the entire face. The club recommends treating only some problem areas. It is tedious to drive in a little product with careful movements, very soft.

Since this ointment is not for wrinkles, but a pharmaceutical one, you should not use it for a long course. A week is enough, then take a break.


Another inexpensive pharmaceutical ointment with a gel structure is Kuriosin. The composition contains zinc and hyaluronic acid. This remedy is usually used in courses: a couple of times a year for 2 weeks. Sometimes reviews advise including this anti-wrinkle ointment in masks. For example, on one of the forums there was this recipe:

  1. Curiosin is applied to the face,
  2. wait until the product is absorbed,
  3. on top - a thick layer of moisturizer,
  4. wait another 20 minutes.

Retinoic ointment

This product contains isotretinoin, or a synthetic analogue of vitamin A. And wrinkles arise precisely because of a deficiency of this vitamin. The skin fades faster, becomes covered with wrinkles, and looks flabby.

You should not use this ointment before going outside. Because the drug affects sensitivity to the sun. It is better to apply at night for 2-3 weeks. Favorable time of year for this: early spring, late autumn. This way you will be able to eliminate sunburn and the appearance of age spots.


The basis of Solcoseryl is an extract from the blood of dairy calves. This component is rich in protein, which is so important for toning aging skin. That is why this ointment plays a great role in home cosmetology for dry skin and wrinkles. Pharmacy, quite effective ointment works at the cellular level. It saturates them with oxygen and accelerates the processes of collagen production. Cells renew themselves faster.

Heparin ointment

Initially, this remedy is against the symptoms of hemorrhoids. But home cosmetology sometimes recommends it if the eyes are surrounded by small wrinkles, the so-called “crow’s feet.”

This drug has a delicate and light consistency, due to which the skin does not feel greasy.


Combined fortified anti-wrinkle ointment helps if used correctly. In addition, it has other properties:

  1. anti-inflammatory,
  2. eliminates itching, skin irritation,
  3. saturates with nutritional components,
  4. improves skin elasticity, etc.

Radevit is usually applied at night for no more than one and a half months.


This facial ointment for wrinkles is a rather controversial drug. Should I use it or not? Will it do any harm? The disputes are caused by the main active ingredient in the composition. This is the hormone hydrocortisone, usually produced by the adrenal glands. With a deficiency, the processes of aging and withering of the skin only accelerate.

One review says that hydrocortisone ointment is almost like a Botox injection under the eyes. Another review says that the substance acts temporarily: “Penetrates under the skin and forms something like micro-edema, not very noticeable, due to which wrinkles are smoothed out and seem to be stretched. But soon the skin looks the same as before.” In addition, if you apply a hormonal product under your eyes for a long time, it will only harm your facial skin.

In case of overdose, there is a high risk of side effects: skin atrophy. It will become very dry and flabby, wrinkles will deepen and become much more noticeable.

We see

This ointment is intended for those who have dry skin. It contains retinol, which is important for smoothing the face.

Zinc ointment

It is usually used against skin diseases. But sometimes in cosmetology, when you need to provide facial care. The ointment is based on zinc oxide and petroleum jelly. The drug dries out, so it is better to use it for those who have oily or normal skin. Dry or very sensitive facial skin may cause irritation. Therefore, it is better to add a little vegetable oil or oil-based vitamins A and E to it.

Facial skin is one of the most sensitive, so you need to be especially careful when choosing creams and other medical products that will have to be applied to it. First of all, you need to carefully study the instructions for use of the drug, contraindications and features, and only then make a choice.

Another trick is to test the drug by applying it in a small amount to the area of ​​skin behind the ear and monitor the result, the absence of an allergenic reaction to the drug.

If redness, itching, spots or other unpleasant sensations appear, it is under no circumstances recommended to use the product on the skin of the face.

This list could be wider, but even the drugs listed give an idea of ​​how much choice women have. So, what can you buy at the pharmacy against wrinkles?

Heparin ointment, which is usually bought to get rid of bags under the eyes, also works well in counteracting fine wrinkles around the eyes. To get the desired effect faster, apply the ointment to the area around the eyes twice a day.

The drug Aevit is also used twice a day, but after a couple of weeks of constant use, Aevit is sent on vacation for two weeks, giving the skin a break.

The most unexpected story happened with Relief ointment. Developed by pharmacists as a treatment for hemorrhoids, it almost immediately acquired a “second profession” and today is recognized by women as an effective means of combating skin aging. Experts explain this metamorphosis by the presence of shark fat in the ointment.

Solcoseryl ointment, created on the basis of natural substances, can penetrate where other drugs have not gone. It can smooth out small wrinkles near the eyes, tidy up the skin color - it becomes healthy, glowing from the inside. And taking into account the disappeared wrinkles, it gives a woman’s face a young, fresh look.

Zinc ointment is commonly prescribed by dermatologists to treat skin conditions, but has been shown to help treat fine lines and wrinkles.

Glycerin has a fairly wide range of uses, and has proven itself especially well in the fight for female beauty. Those who use this product regularly quickly forget what “crow’s feet” are near the eyes.

Today, many women buy Panthenol, a remedy for burns, at the pharmacy to eliminate wrinkles.

Radevit ointment contains vitamins (including A and E) in large quantities. They have a very beneficial effect on the skin of the face and can smooth out even very deep wrinkles.

Women who fought acne with Retinoic ointment noticed its ability to have anti-aging effects. True, it is less effective on wrinkles near the eyes than on nasolabial and eyebrow folds.

Hydrocortisone, according to many women, creates the effect of Botox. Therefore, they buy it at the pharmacy to declare an irreconcilable war on wrinkles around the eyes.

Pharmacy ointments for wrinkles under the eyes

Pharmacy products designed to combat wrinkles have their advantages compared to homemade methods. Their positive characteristics include a faster effect on the dermis, which leads to effective and accelerated results. It should be noted that there are medications designed exclusively for removing wrinkles, or medications for other purposes that are no less effective in helping to smooth out the skin.

For example, a fairly common method is the use of heparin ointment in cosmetology. This remedy is, in principle, used for hemorrhoids, to treat bruises and abrasions.

The components of the ointment perform the following actions:

  1. relieve swelling;
  2. promote proper blood circulation, which will help hide crow's feet and remove bags under the eyes, as well as soften the skin around the eyes and smooth out fine wrinkles.

The following will also help improve the condition of the skin in the eye area:

  1. relief ointment;
  2. zinc ointment;
  3. retinoic ointment;
  4. hydrocortisone ointment and others.

Although the Lyoton gel for edema is intended for the treatment of varicose veins in the legs, its properties are no less effective for the skin of the face.

Panthenol (ointment) serves as an excellent remedy for cell regeneration, eliminating dry skin, giving it a healthier tone.

Blefarogel is also, in fact, not an anti-aging agent, but its regular use leads to smoothing out wrinkles around the eyes, since it contains hyaluronic acid. This remedy will also help make bags and bruises under the eyes less noticeable, and reduces inflammation and swelling of the eyelids.

Indications and contraindications

Before using any pharmaceutical product as a cosmetic product, it must be tested for allergy. A couple of drops of the drug are applied to the inner surface of the elbow or wrist. After five minutes, they check for redness or some other obviously allergic reaction. If everything is in order, the drug is indicated for use; if not, then you will have to choose something else.

You will also need the help of a cosmetologist to determine whether the drug is intended for dry or oily skin. It is important to prevent a situation where they try to “please” dry skin with a product for oily skin and vice versa.

Carefully study the instructions for the drugs, there may be information about contraindications. Eg:

  1. cannot be used to treat pregnant women,
  2. It is forbidden to use by nursing mothers,
  3. hypervitaminosis,
  4. damage to the skin as a result of injury,
  5. taking mutually exclusive medications,
  6. some chronic diseases.


  1. I tried Solcoseryl when I read on one of the forums that it can be used against wrinkles. And so I already had it in my home medicine cabinet. I didn’t like the texture: it was very dense and left a greasy feeling on the skin. But in general, by the way, wrinkles have become less noticeable. Although it is better not to apply much. One morning I woke up with bags under my eyes. Anna.
  2. I smeared hydrocortisone ointment on my face, I liked that it looked younger. Then I stopped, and the result was “blown away.” Moreover, there were somehow more wrinkles. Now I'm thinking about how to put my face in order. Tatiana.

Please leave your review if you have tried any ointment that is not specifically intended for wrinkles, but was developed for a particular disease.

Pharmaceutical drugs, judging by reviews on the Internet, attract women with their effectiveness, safety, reliability and relative cheapness.

Here are some opinions. Irina from Tula - about Relief ointment: “I have known about this product for a long time and use it not for its intended purpose (as indicated in the instructions), but for facial care. I'm very pleased with the result. Relief especially helps me out when I need to look good before some important event or going on a visit.

“Aevit capsules cost only 34 rubles. One two-hour procedure per day is enough. My friend, who didn’t have to leave home anywhere, generally went through the entire day covered in oil. Aevit for wrinkles – super! I’ve been smearing it for a week - and the smallest ones near the eyes have already disappeared, I don’t know yet what will happen to the “mature” ones. But it is not recommended to use this drug for more than two weeks. A break will be needed."

We invite you to read the following information: “Vaseline oil for wrinkles around the eyes” and discuss the article in the comments.

The most common Vaseline can protect the skin from the negative influence of environmental factors, cope with peeling and get rid of cracks.

This product is very easy to use and has no color or odor. However, not all girls know that this product helps solve most skin problems.

What are the benefits of Vaseline for facial skin?

Vaseline contains petroleum jelly, paraffin and ceserine. Thanks to its use, it is possible to protect the skin from the negative influence of various factors. This product is actively applied after deep peeling or laser resurfacing, because its action helps prevent infections.

Since Vaseline lays on the skin in a fairly dense layer, it prevents the evaporation of moisture. Therefore, the skin manages to recover without interacting with the environment.

In addition, the use of Vaseline perfectly protects the skin from dry air, frost, and wind. With its help, you can quickly eliminate irritation and cope with increased peeling.

Many people wonder why boxers put Vaseline on their faces. In fact, this simple remedy helps make the skin much more elastic, which significantly reduces the risk of cuts.

Is it possible to apply Vaseline to the skin around the eyes?

Since the skin in this area contains virtually no sebaceous glands and is extremely dry, Vaseline can play the role of an additional protective factor. Many girls use it instead of cream before going out. Indeed, Vaseline prevents moisture loss and maintains the health of the epithelium before applying moisturizer.

However, you should not use this remedy too often. The fact is that Vaseline can lead to disruption of metabolic processes in this area. Regular use of such a product may cause swelling.

What does Vaseline help with: use in cosmetology

Vaseline has an oily structure, and therefore can be easily distributed over the surface of the face and other areas. This remedy is actively used to soften the epithelium on the knees or heels. To do this, it is quite enough to cover the rough area with the composition, and this should be done before going to bed.

Vaseline is also actively used to treat cuticles, because it has pronounced softening properties. This product is often used to remove makeup, because it perfectly removes even stubborn makeup.

In the cool season, many girls prefer to lubricate their lips with Vaseline. It is especially important to do this if cracks appear on them. Vaseline can also act as an effective night cream.

Use for smoothing wrinkles

Vaseline's effectiveness in eliminating wrinkles is due to its ability to create a protective barrier on the skin. Thanks to this, it is possible to prevent moisture loss and, as a result, dehydration of the epidermis.

In addition, Vaseline does not cause allergies and is absolutely safe for the body. This product is not absorbed into epithelial cells and does not interact with other cosmetic products. Due to the unique properties of Vaseline, many well-known brands produce cosmetics based on this product.

For acne

Thanks to the use of Vaseline, you can easily deal with scars that often occur after acne. This is due to the pronounced wound-healing properties of this product. In addition, Vaseline stimulates collagen synthesis, which is also very beneficial for the skin.

Thanks to its softening properties, this product makes the skin much more elastic. This helps prevent the appearance of unsightly stretch marks.

For the treatment of herpes

Vaseline helps soften the skin without having drying properties. Thanks to its use, it will be possible to provide protection against infection. But it is this factor that affects the duration of herpes.

To cope with this problem, just apply a small amount of Vaseline to the affected area.

Use for dry face at night

To combat excessive dry skin, you can apply Vaseline to your body and lips. Thanks to this, it will be possible to create a kind of barrier that will help prevent moisture loss. This feature of Vaseline helps protect the epithelium from peeling and cracking.

Recipes for masks based on cosmetic Vaseline

To make your skin softer and more beautiful, you can use recipes for effective masks. However, this remedy should be used for at least six weeks - only in this case will it be possible to achieve tangible results. In this case, the skin should be treated every day or every other day.

So, the most effective recipes include the following:

  1. Anti-wrinkle mask. You need to squeeze the juice out of aloe leaves. Then mix a small spoon of Vaseline with 15 ml of the resulting juice and place in an airtight container. Apply part of the mixture to the skin. After 20 minutes, blot your face with a cotton pad and rinse with cold water.
  2. Multifunctional tool. This face mask made with castor oil, honey and petroleum jelly helps make your skin softer and softer. To prepare it, take a couple of drops of iodine, add 12 g of castor oil, 3 small spoons of honey and 7 g of Vaseline. It is recommended to mix all ingredients thoroughly and apply to the face. After 2 hours, blot the skin with a napkin.
  3. Rejuvenating mask. To make it, beat half the yolk, add 5 g of salt, half a spoon of honey, 40 ml of chamomile infusion and the same amount of almond oil. Mix all ingredients well. Then melt a couple of tablespoons of Vaseline using a steam bath and mix with the remaining ingredients. Place the product in a cool place for 10 minutes. This mask is applied before bedtime. After waking up, be sure to blot your skin with a napkin.

Harm and contraindications to the use of the product

Currently, Vaseline is rarely used in cosmetology in its pure form. This is because it can clog pores and interfere with normal skin breathing. However, thanks to the creation of a Vaseline film, it is possible to restore the epithelium after various procedures.

In addition, Vaseline does not enter the bloodstream and therefore does not pose a danger to the body. The only contraindication to its use is individual intolerance.

What is the difference between petroleum jelly and petroleum jelly?

Vaseline oil is a purified fraction of oil, which is obtained after distilling off kerosene. It is a colorless oily liquid that is used to soften ointments. The only difference between oil and Vaseline is its consistency. So, oil has a liquid structure, and Vaseline has a solid structure. At the same time, the oil has all the properties of Vaseline.

Vaseline is an excellent cosmetic product that helps make the skin softer and smoother. Regular use of this product helps protect the epithelium from negative factors, prevents moisture loss and activates the process of collagen production.


Anna: I really like using Vaseline to care for my lips in cold weather. It reliably protects its cracks and peeling. Therefore, in winter this product definitely takes its rightful place in my cosmetic bag.

Veronica: I regularly make masks with the addition of Vaseline. These homemade skin care products help make my skin softer, smoother and silkier. The main thing is to apply them regularly and strictly follow the instructions.

Maria: For a long time I could not get rid of small facial wrinkles. Oddly enough, Vaseline helped me. This excellent product protects and smoothes the skin, prevents moisture loss and even promotes collagen production. The main thing is to use it correctly.

Vaseline is familiar to many people from childhood. This affordable and still do still popular the product consists of a mixture of liquid and solid carbohydrates, has a thick consistency and color from transparent to caramel.

Vaseline can be of artificial or natural origin; depending on the purpose of use, it is divided into technical, medical and cosmetic.


Vaseline, when applied to the skin, forms a thin film that helps avoid loss of moisture from the skin. This property is indispensable in frosty or windy weather, when under the influence of unfavorable conditions the skin quickly dries out and becomes rough.

The use of Vaseline prevents chapping and cracking of the epidermis.

Most creams are unable to cope with this task - the high water content in cosmetics leads to the fact that in severe frosts they simply freeze, thereby increasing skin damage.

Residents of the Far North are known to smear their faces fish oil before going outside during the cold season.

But since this product has a strong odor and unpleasant consistency, in the middle zone they prefer to replace it with inexpensive and no less effective petroleum jelly.

The film formed by this popular product protects the face well from external pollution. Without penetrating deep into the dermis, Vaseline prevents it from entering the pores infections and the formation of inflammatory processes.

Protection of the epidermis is especially necessary after peeling or dermabrasion, when young layers of skin are characterized by increased sensitivity and trauma.

Contrary to popular belief, Vaseline does not effectively moisturize the skin. He does not penetrate through pores and serves only as protection against moisture loss.

A layer of Vaseline on the face does not allow the skin to “breathe” pores become clogged and the removal of metabolic products is disrupted.

The dense film of the product traps sebum on the face, thereby exacerbating oily skin. The evaporation of water from the surface of the epidermis is disrupted, which can lead to slight swelling.


Despite the product's controversial properties, Vaseline widely used in cosmetics (both industrial and homemade):

  1. it is part of creams for use in adverse weather;
  2. Many makeup removers contain petroleum jelly due to its ability to dissolve makeup perfectly;
  3. the product helps soften the skin when treating acne;
  4. no lipstick will protect your lips better from chapping than one made with Vaseline.

Plus, Vaseline makes great homemade scrub for face.

Simply mix the product with sea or regular coarse salt and apply to the face, gently rubbing into problem areas.

Prevent dehydration For sensitive skin around the eyes in rooms with low humidity, applying a small amount of the product at night will help. In the morning, it is recommended to wash your face with cold water or wipe your face with ice cubes.

This method will retain skin moisture and prevent the formation of new wrinkles.

Mask recipes

There are a large number of recipes for skin care based on Vaseline, they efficiency repeatedly tested by time. The masks contain inexpensive components that can be easily purchased at any pharmacy or supermarket.

Anti-aging mask: combine a tablespoon of honey with a spoon of castor oil, add five drops of pharmaceutical iodine. Mix one teaspoon of cosmetic Vaseline with the resulting mass.

We will need liquid vitamins A and E, add five drops to the mask. Mix everything thoroughly and apply to the face three times a week in the morning and before bed. Store the mixture in the refrigerator until completely used.

Anti-wrinkle mask around the eyes: Squeeze the juice from an aloe leaf, mix the aloe juice with Vaseline (a teaspoon), add the juice of a quarter of a lemon. Apply to the skin of the lower eyelids. Wash off with cool water after 15 minutes.

Toning mask: Melt two tablespoons of Vaseline in a water bath, add the white of one egg and a spoonful of almond oil.

Mix and apply to face after steaming.

After 15 minutes, wash with cool water. Store the mixture in the refrigerator.

Moisturizing mask: Finely grate a quarter of a raw potato, add a spoonful of Vaseline and a spoonful of ground oatmeal. Apply the mixture to the face for 20 minutes. We repeat every evening for two weeks.

Anti-chapped lips mask: mix a spoonful of thick sour cream with an equal amount of Vaseline. Lubricate your lips with the mixture every evening during the cold season. This mask will cope with cracks and peeling in a few days.

Effect of use

Protective properties Vaseline in homemade masks will have the most favorable effect on the condition of the skin:

  1. At low temperatures, the skin will remain smooth and velvety.
  2. Fine wrinkles will become less noticeable.
  3. Damage and cracks in the epidermis will heal quickly.

The film formed by Vaseline when applied to the face as part of masks will allow the remaining medicinal components to penetrate deeply into the pores.

Since Vaseline does not allow oxygen to penetrate into skin cells, too frequent use masks can clog pores and lead to acne formation.

Application large quantity Using the product at night will cause the formation of swelling and bags under the eyes. Therefore, it is recommended to use masks no more than twice a week.

In case of visible damage to the skin under the influence of weather conditions, it is allowed daily application therapeutic masks until complete recovery.


Vaseline rarely causes allergic manifestations.

The only contraindication is individual intolerance to the drug.

Don't forget to check when purchasing best before dateindicated on the back of the jar.

Vaseline is not a skin remedy, but its use will help prevent aggressive environmental influences. Its proper use will quickly relieve the skin from damage and maintain its smoothness and elasticity.

Recipe lip balm based on homemade Vaseline in this video:

Even in childhood, we become acquainted with the softening and healing properties of Vaseline - in the winter cold, it perfectly takes care of delicate children's lips, chapped by the wind. As adults, we often forget how soft our hands and face became from contact with Vaseline, and we give preference to more expensive and branded creams. Meanwhile, Vaseline for the skin around the eyes can be an excellent way to prevent wrinkles.

Composition and protective properties of Vaseline

The composition of cosmetic petroleum jelly includes ceserin, paraffin and petroleum jelly. Thanks to this composition, Vaseline, when applied to the skin, becomes an excellent barrier that prevents the effects of negative external factors. Thanks to this protective film, the skin has the opportunity to rest and recover.

That is why Vaseline has found application in salon cosmetology; it is applied to the skin:

  1. undergone a dermabrasion procedure,
  2. laser resurfacing,
  3. deep peeling - that is, where rough removal of the stratum corneum was carried out, which left the skin open to infection.

It should not be used regularly - no more than once every 6 months! Beware of contact with the mucous membrane of the eye.

Due to the fact that Vaseline lies on the skin in a dense layer and is not absorbed for a long time, preventing the evaporation of moisture, the skin is restored without contact with the external environment.

Being, in fact, an emulsion in which water and oils are combined, it is able to fill pores, causing a short-term effect similar to the effect of other fillers; in addition, it perfectly protects the skin from frost, wind, dry air, softens irritation and smoothes peeling.

Since the skin around the eyes has virtually no sebaceous glands and is dry, Vaseline for the skin around the eyes can be used for additional protection, for example, when going outside. It blocks moisture loss and preserves the skin until the life-saving evening application of moisturizer for the skin around the eyes. But you should not abuse it, making Vaseline a daily active product for caring for the skin around the eyes, as it disrupts the metabolism in the skin tissues and its constant use can lead to swelling.

When is the use of Vaseline on the skin around the eyes justified?

  1. If the skin is very dry, then it can be periodically applied, especially before going outside, to the skin around the eyes, on the cheeks and cheekbones, on the lips, around the mouth, and on the hands.
  2. At night, you can make preventive masks with Vaseline on your hands, applying it in a thick layer and wearing gloves.
  3. You can use Vaseline as an emollient for roughening the skin of the heels, making Vaseline masks at night: after steaming the heels and removing the stratum corneum using a grater or pumice, you need to apply a thick layer of Vaseline and wrap them in cellophane, put on warm socks.
  4. Before starting household work, it makes sense to wash your hands, generously lubricate them with Vaseline and put on protective gloves. Vaseline helps very well when cracks occur and can be used to speed up the healing of abrasions. Vaseline can also be used as an external auxiliary remedy for psoriasis and allergies.
  5. Vaseline has also found excellent use in hand care - you can use it to soften the cuticle by rubbing it in, lubricating the nail folds, and then removing excess cuticle with an orange stick.
  6. It is believed that Vaseline enhances the growth of eyelashes, so it can be used from time to time for these purposes, applied to the hairs, but being careful not to get it on the mucous membrane, which can cause inflammation.
  7. For many who do not like bright makeup, Vaseline can easily replace lip gloss - to do this, you need to mix it with any lipstick or pearlescent shadows and apply it to your lips.
  8. Using Vaseline, you can make lip masks by mixing Vaseline and honey, Vaseline and internal animal fat.

In general, Vaseline is widely used in home cosmetology, and you should not give it up for newfangled expensive products.

We tend to think of Vaseline as an emollient. But few people know about the other beneficial properties of this product. Not everyone uses Vaseline for wrinkles, as they doubt or do not know about its effective cosmetic effect. Using Vaseline on the face for wrinkles means making the skin smooth, restoring its elasticity and saving money, since it is inexpensive compared to other creams.

What are the benefits of Vaseline and how does it work?

Vaseline base is actively used in the cosmetology industry, added to cream formulations, it serves as the basis for the creation of almost all emollients, including those with therapeutic effects.

Without this product, peeling, laser resurfacing and other effective rejuvenation methods cannot be performed. It not only has a softening effect, but serves as protection against infectious irritants. And its moisture-retaining ability is due to a dense layer that is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the skin.

In winter, it serves as an excellent remedy against dry skin caused by wind and frost. In former times, this was how babies’ cheeks were saved to prevent frostbite. Today, few people use this method, preferring modern creams.

Cosmetologists are entirely on the side of Vaseline; its uniqueness and usefulness does not need proof. And in the fight against the first signs of wrinkles on the face, it is simply irreplaceable.

Benefits of Vaseline for the face against wrinkles

If you want to remove wrinkles without extra effort and expense and thereby rejuvenate your face, you should buy this ordinary product that does not claim a high status. It is sold in every pharmacy and costs mere pennies. It is odorless, does not cause allergies and has practically no harm, is suitable for any skin, masks and scrubs can be prepared on its basis. If you don’t want to bother, then this oily substance can be used as an independent cosmetic product.

We offer several recipes for masks and anti-wrinkle cream based on Vaseline.

  1. Anti-wrinkle mask. To prepare it, you need to squeeze about 15 ml of juice from an aloe leaf, then mix with Vaseline. This product may be enough for several uses. Apply a layer of the mixture to your face and leave for 20 minutes. Then rinse off the mask with warm water and leave the healthy mixture in a cool place.
  2. Mask with a rejuvenating effect. This recipe effectively fights wrinkles and acne, so it is suitable for teenagers and people suffering from this skin ailment. Take an egg, a teaspoon of liquid honey, almond oil and the same amount of Vaseline. Beat the yolk and mix with honey and butter, then add heated Vaseline. After this procedure, with regular use of the mask, the condition of the skin will improve and wrinkles will noticeably smooth out.
  3. Whitening mask. It is prepared from equal parts of sour cream, lemon juice and Vaseline. Mix all ingredients and leave on face for at least an hour.
  4. The mask is universal. You will need: two drops of iodine, 12 g of castor oil, 2 tablespoons of honey and a little Vaseline. This mask should nourish, moisturize and even out the face for two hours.
  1. Cream for dry skin. The drier the skin, the more wrinkles appear. Therefore, you should constantly moisturize it and use softening recipes. To prepare the cream you will need: 10 g of Vaseline, 40 ml of castor oil, 50 g of butter and a decoction of medicinal chamomile. Heat all the oils in a water bath and mix. After applying to the skin of the face and neck, wait 30 minutes, remove the residue with a napkin.
  2. Cream with a drying effect. You can prepare it as follows: melt Vaseline (10 g), dilute gelatin (1 tbsp), mix the substances and add 40 g of honey, as well as 1 gram of salicylic acid. Keep the mixture in a water bath until it dissolves completely. Apply the cooled product to problem areas.

All formulations prepared according to these recipes have been tested for many years and have real results from use, mostly with positive reviews. You can realize your dream of youth and beauty for little money. It's no secret that many fashionable modern creams do not correspond to the quality that they claim, and such an ointment, familiar from childhood, may well compete with them in the fight against the appearance of wrinkles.

Reviews of Vaseline against wrinkles

Can Vaseline help treat wrinkles around the eyes?

The answer is definitely yes. The fact is that in the area around the eyes there are absolutely no sebaceous glands, and therefore the skin is drier than anywhere else on the face. This is where wrinkles appear first.

The nature of our skin is such that over time it becomes less elastic, folds appear and the surface becomes wrinkled.

This is due to many factors, but primarily to biological ones. It is impossible to stop the processes occurring in the body, but in some way delaying age-related changes is within the power of any person.

Vaseline is that “lifesaver” that can retain moisture in the epithelium. It can serve as additional protection when going outside. Regardless of the weather, hot or cold, windy or dusty, the skin around the eyes will be reliably covered thanks to the protective film. Vaseline base is applied under nourishing or foundation cream.

Here are examples when the use of Vaseline is justified:

  1. If your skin is too dry, you can lubricate the areas around the eyes, cheekbones, lips, and hands;
  2. Make night Vaseline hand masks in the evening before bed, having previously prepared gloves;
  3. For severely roughened parts of the body, elbows, heels, knees, etc.;
  4. Use as a lip gloss when mixed with lipstick;
  5. Use for eyelash growth. Under the influence of Vaseline, they become thicker and grow faster;
  6. For massage treatments;
  7. To fix the shape of the eyebrows;
  8. As a body product to get an even tan;
  9. Before going outside in case it is too cold or hot.

Vaseline is an emulsion in its essence, which is created by combining water and oil. It contains no harmful substances, and it is not dangerous to the body, since it does not penetrate the blood.

The only warning may be a side effect in the form of an allergic reaction if you are intolerant to the product, but this is extremely rare. You can safely use it as an inexpensive, effective and accessible cosmetic product for both young people and more mature people.