Botox in the neck reviews tips

The first book with beauty tips from model Christie Brinkley was published 30 years ago and was incredibly popular. It seems that the Sports Illustrated star's new creation will also become a bestseller. Christie has dozens of different diets, types of physical activity, types of makeup and hairstyles, as well as hundreds of visits to beauty clinics. And her choice was not always successful. The celebrity decided to share her experience, both positive and negative, in the book Timeless Beauty.

“There are so many ways to help give your face or body a fresh look: injections, lasers, radio waves, light waves, plasma lifting. I am not a doctor, and I do not claim to be an expert, so I will not recommend that you use (or not use) this or that method. You should make these decisions together with your doctor. The only thing I can do is share information about what these procedures are to help you make the right choice,” Brinkley writes in her book.

Botox in the neck

Christie Brinkley has admitted that she regrets getting Botox injections into her forehead and calls the experience “a nightmare.” “After the procedure, my face began to look gloomy and unhappy. Instead of relaxing the facial muscles, the drug made it immobile! But lately I've started to notice some pretty deep wrinkles on my neck that are more noticeable in certain lighting. I consulted with my cosmetologist, and he said that the easiest way to get rid of them is to inject Botox. He helped correct this worrying area for every older woman, significantly reducing the severity of the double chin.”

However, Christie advises to be extremely careful about the doses that your doctor is going to give you. In everything you need to know when to stop, the model believes.

To eliminate facial wrinkles and comprehensive rejuvenation of the skin, Botox injections are usually given in the following areas (for more details, see the article “Botox injection zones”):

  1. forehead (area of ​​longitudinal wrinkles);
  2. bridge of the nose (area of ​​eyebrow wrinkles);
  3. lower eyelids (crow's feet area);
  4. corners of the lips (the area of ​​wrinkles around the mouth).

In addition, in some cases, injections are also given in the chin, neck and décolleté areas.

Botox in the neck

The human neck, like the face, has a very thin skin, which, under the negative influence of the external environment and excessive muscle activity, loses its natural elasticity. Loss of elasticity leads to the appearance of characteristic folds both on the neck itself and in the décolleté area. Pronounced neck wrinkles visually age a person, look unsightly and often cause aesthetic discomfort in their owner.

Botox injections help reduce excessive activity in the neck muscles without interfering with natural circulation in the treated area.

As a result, on the one hand, there is a pronounced reduction in circular cervical wrinkles, on the other, an intensive restoration of cellular nutrition caused by the irritating effect of the injections.

The effectiveness of injections in the neck

Benefits of cervical injections

Neck skin rejuvenation is a labor-intensive process. Not every cosmetic procedure allows you to achieve the desired result. Especially when the result needs to be obtained in the near future. This is why Botox injections are the ideal solution for most patients with similar problems.

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In general, injections of the drug into the neck have the following advantages in comparison with other anti-aging procedures of therapeutic cosmetology:

  1. Pronounced effect;
  2. Guaranteed result immediately after the procedure;
  3. Painless;
  4. Almost complete absence of side effects.

In addition, the pronounced effect after the procedure also turns out to be very lasting. After all, the activity of the neck muscle is much lower than, for example, the activity of the facial muscles. Thus, the duration of the effect is about 8-10 months.

Features of injections

Botox injections into the neck also have a number of features that the doctor performing the procedure must notify the patient about. In particular:

  1. A slight feeling of numbness in the injection area;
  2. Possible temporary difficulties during swallowing;
  3. Possible temporary difficulties when speaking;
  4. Slight swelling at the injection sites.

Contraindications to injections

  1. Myasthenia gravis (muscle weakness);
  2. Pregnancy and lactation;
  3. Bleeding disorders;
  4. Herpes and other inflammatory skin diseases;
  5. Chronic diseases in the acute stage.

Injections are also prescribed with caution to people suffering from allergies.

In pursuit of youth, women throw all their energy into facial care, but mistakenly forget about the neck and décolleté area. It has been scientifically proven that the delicate skin of the neck loses its firmness and elasticity faster, therefore immediately revealing its true age.

For preventive purposes, cosmetologists advise regularly nourishing and moisturizing delicate areas, as well as performing certain exercises to maintain tone. In order to get rid of wrinkles, modern cosmetology suggests resorting to Botox injections.

What is it and how does it work?

Botox is a drug based on purified botulinum toxin group "A". It is produced by bacteria of the Clostridia species upon contact with air.

Botulinum toxin is known in science as one of the most dangerous organic poisons that causes a serious disease - botulism. For medical and cosmetic purposes the substance is used in negligibly small doses and does not harm the body, but, on the contrary, gives a positive effect. Read more about the effects of Botox here.

We invite you to watch a video about what botulinum toxin injections are:

Description before and after

In addition to the natural aging of the skin, the formation of folds on the neck is due to many other reasons, such as:

  1. insufficient care;
  2. sleeping on a high pillow;
  3. constantly lowered head;
  4. muscle activity and tension.

As a result, vertical and horizontal wrinkles appear, the skin loses tone, and a double chin forms. This not only reveals the girl’s age, but also adds a dozen extra years.

Botox injections help temporarily relax muscles, which allows you to get rid of recurrent changes, create a lifting effect and visually improve the condition of the skin in this area.

After “beauty injections” you can notice the following changes:

  1. wrinkles become less pronounced;
  2. the skin tightens, becomes firm and elastic;
  3. the paralyzed muscle stops pulling the cheeks down and prevents the formation of jowls;
  4. the neck looks much younger and healthier.

Advantages and disadvantages


  1. The procedure causes virtually no pain.
  2. Effectively eliminates external signs of aging.
  3. The first results are visible within a few days.
  4. Botulinum toxin is eliminated from the body after 6-8 months. If the “beauty session” was unsuccessful, the negative consequences will disappear over time.


  1. it is necessary to repeat the procedure annually (you will find out how often the procedure can be carried out here);
  2. there are contraindications;
  3. possible side effects.

We invite you to watch a video about the pros and cons of the Botox procedure:

Indications and contraindications

In order to understand whether botulinum therapy is necessary or not, you need to understand in what cases it is carried out and what contraindications there are.


  1. noticeable age-related changes;
  2. sagging skin;
  3. formation of wrinkles and folds;
  4. loss of firmness and elasticity.


  1. weakness of the neck muscles;
  2. pregnancy;
  3. breastfeeding period;
  4. skin diseases;
  5. problems with blood clotting;
  6. individual intolerance to the drug;
  7. exacerbation of chronic diseases.

It is worth noting that menstruation is not a strict contraindication, but rather a recommendation.

We invite you to watch a video about indications and contraindications for the botulinum toxin injection procedure:

Location and cost of the procedure

If you decide to restore youth to your skin with injections, then you need to take a responsible approach to choosing a clinic and specialist.

Botox injections are given only in special medical or cosmetology institutions. The procedure is carried out by qualified doctors or cosmetologists, observing all sanitary and hygienic requirements.

To avoid making a mistake with your choice, use simple tips:

  1. Carefully study the reviews about the clinic you want to go to.
  2. Ask for product certificates. Cheap analogues can give a short-term effect or a negative result.
  3. Talk to your chosen specialist. A conscientious doctor will tell you in detail how the procedure is performed and give the necessary recommendations.
  4. Explore the range of services the clinic provides. The more modern procedures for hardware and non-surgical rejuvenation are offered, the more worthy the level of services you will receive.
  5. Pay attention to the price. A greatly reduced cost indicates cheap, low-quality drugs.

The cost of the procedure is determined by several factors:

  1. required number of units of the drug;
  2. manufacturer;
  3. the nature of the problem being solved.

In large cities, one unit of Botox costs an average of 200–400 rubles. About 40 units of the drug are needed for the neck area, which means the price for the procedure should vary from 8 thousand to 16 thousand rubles.


  1. stop taking antibiotics and blood thinning medications a week before the session;
  2. give up physical activity (read about Botox and sports here);
  3. do not drink alcohol several days before the procedure;
  4. do not smoke on the day of the procedure;
  5. Do not drink strong tea or coffee several hours before the session.

How is the procedure done?

Methodology of the procedure:

  1. First consultation with a cosmetologist. The specialist identifies possible contraindications, determines the dosage and gives advice on preparation.
  2. The neck and décolleté area is cleaned and disinfected.
  3. If the skin is sensitive, then before administering botulinum toxin, it is treated with an anesthetic cream.
  4. The injection sites are precisely marked on the skin. Usually they are made in several rows at a distance of 2 cm from each other.
  5. Injections are carried out with a very thin needle.
  6. The session ends with the application of a cooling gel.

You will find detailed instructions and a description of the features of using Botox in this article.

When can I expect results?

The first results can be seen within a few days. Over the next 3 weeks, the effect will accumulate and intensify. After 8–10 months, the drug will completely leave the body and the procedure will need to be repeated. You will learn more about how long it will take to see the result in this article.

Possible side effects

Each body reacts differently to botulinum toxin, so many doctors do not administer the entire drug in one session, but start with small dosages and monitor the reaction. After a week, if necessary, Botox can be added.

Common Side Effects After Botox:

  1. bruises and swelling;
  2. possible dizziness or nausea;
  3. swelling in the treated areas;
  4. uneven distribution of Botox;
  5. allergic reaction.

Side effects of cervical Botox injections:

  1. discomfort when swallowing;
  2. temporary difficulty speaking;
  3. slight numbness at the injection sites.

We invite you to watch a video about the possible consequences of the Botox procedure:

Rehabilitation period

In order for the procedure to be as effective as possible and the results to last as long as possible, you should adhere to several rules:

  1. you cannot take a horizontal position for 3–4 hours after the procedure;
  2. it is advised to strain the neck muscles less;
  3. You can’t put your head down;
  4. It is strictly forbidden to rub injection sites;
  5. for the next few days you should not drink alcohol or take medications that affect blood clotting;
  6. Do not use scrubs or peels for two weeks;
  7. It is recommended to exclude spicy and salty foods from the diet;
  8. it is necessary to refrain from physical activity for a couple of days;
  9. You should avoid baths, hot showers, and solariums; you should also use a hairdryer carefully—warm air should not get into the area being treated.

We invite you to watch a video about how rehabilitation takes place after the procedure:


If Botox injections are a concern, there are alternative options to consider.:

  1. Active moisturizing with creams and masks. There are many non-injection botulinum toxin-based products on the market. An ideal option for those who are afraid of injections.
  2. Filling wrinkles with fillers with hyaluronic acid (which is better - Botox or fillers?).
  3. Gymnastics for muscles and neck massage are preventive in nature.
  4. Botox can be replaced with similar drugs - Dysport or Xeomin.


Botox injections into the neck are a quick and effective way to combat age-related changes.. It is important to take a responsible approach to choosing a clinic so that the procedure leaves only a good impression, and it is also necessary to adhere to all recommendations for preparing for the session and observing the rehabilitation period. Study the pros and cons of each rejuvenation procedure and choose the one that suits you best.