Stretch marks on the stomach in pregnant women photos

When do stretch marks appear on the abdomen during pregnancy?

The epidermis contains collagen and elastin fibers, which normally stretch when stretched and then return to their original position. When stretch marks appear on the abdomen during pregnancy, the skin, under the influence of various factors, may not return to normal. Tissues rupture, cells do not have time to regenerate, and stretch marks form.

The main reason for this situation is most often hormonal changes and excessive production of estrogen, which weakens the regeneration of skin cells. Other risk factors include:

  1. content in the diet of a minimum of vitamins and minerals. The quality of nutrition should be improved through fruits, vegetables and lean fish;
  2. sudden weight gain when the skin does not have time to stretch;
  3. lack of physical activity to maintain the tone of the whole body;
  4. genetic predisposition;
  5. the presence of bad habits (smoking) leads to weakening of the fibers.

First of all, stretch marks begin in the second trimester, when the fetus begins to grow rapidly and gain weight. The skin tightens too much, which leads to small tears.


If the stretch marks in the lower abdomen itch slightly, this indicates rapid stretching and the appearance of new stretch marks. They look like red, burgundy, and rarely blue vertical stripes, which fade over time and become less noticeable. Horizontal stretch marks are rare during pregnancy, and they say that the cause is hormonal imbalance.

What to do and how to avoid stretch marks on the stomach during pregnancy

It is possible to avoid stretch marks on the abdomen during pregnancy, but constant, regular care is required. If a stretch mark appears, you should immediately use special cosmetics. Severe sprains, and especially old ones, are difficult to treat; only after the birth of a child can laser therapy or other radical methods be used.

From the first month after fertilization, pregnant women begin to undergo restructuring of the body. It is from this moment, or better yet earlier, that you need to start adhering to the basic recommendations for prevention:

  1. The bandage will reduce the stretching of the abdominal muscles during pregnancy, creating a feeling of lightness and comfort. This will reduce tension on the skin, which will lead to strengthening of the epidermis.
  2. Adjust the diet taking into account the growing fetus inside the womb. Diversify the daily menu with fruits, vegetable salads, cereals and lean fish. Limit your consumption of sweets and starchy foods to avoid excess weight.
  3. Moderate physical activity is an integral part of the health of not only the baby, but also the expectant mother. Yoga classes, swimming in the pool, and special fitness exercises will strengthen the muscle frame and increase the tone of the epidermis.
  4. A contrast shower with a light massage will restore blood circulation in the cells, and the blood, in turn, will nourish the skin with useful substances, which will speed up the regeneration process and increase strength.

Natural oil for the belly during pregnancy against stretch marks will become an indispensable tool with which you can massage and pinch until light redness occurs. A high concentration of vitamin E will restore the elasticity of the fibers and prevent the appearance of stretch marks.

What to apply to the stomach for stretch marks during pregnancy?

Treatment of stretch marks involves the use of special cosmetic products that have a direct effect on the deep layers of the epidermis. In this case, the product should be recommended for use during pregnancy, as will be stated in the instructions.

You can lubricate the stomach and other problem areas using both folk and professional means. The modern market offers a huge number of products from economical to luxury. The most effective, according to consumer reviews, are:

  1. Avent (UK) – moisturizes, tones and improves skin elasticity, thanks to the presence of almonds, papaya, algae and mineral oils.
  2. Biotherm (France) - the cream can remove stretch marks or make them less noticeable due to components such as shea nut, soy, organic silicon and hydroxyproline.
  3. Clarins (France) - has a preventive effect, making the skin more elastic and durable.
  4. Clinique (UK) – a cream based on seaweed extracts that fights age-related changes and old stretch marks.
  5. Donna Mama (Italy) – prevents rupture of collagen fibers, nourishes and softens the epidermis.
  6. Bepanten (Germany) - an ointment with the active ingredient dexpanthenol or provitamin B5, restores collagen and elastin, which makes the epidermis more elastic.
  7. Contratubeks (Russia) - a product designed to combat scars and scar tissue. The composition contains heparin, onion extract, allantoin. These components eliminate only emerging stretch marks, relieve inflammation and itching.

Stretch marks on the skin are tears in collagen fibers that are healed by connective tissue. To increase the elasticity of collagen, it is necessary to have a complex effect; together with professional means, you can use folk methods.

A scrub that gently exfoliates dead cells and prepares you for the subsequent application of a nourishing cream or mask will help you get rid of stretch marks. You can prepare the product using coffee grounds, sugar or salt with the addition of olive oil.

The mask uses yeast, cream and honey. Apply the mixture to your tummy and leave for half an hour, then rinse with warm water.

Regular use of various products throughout the entire period of gestation will reduce the likelihood of stretch marks. The skin will become elastic and strong, the fibers of the epidermis will be less susceptible to rupture.

Striae are physiological changes in the structural supporting internal elements of the skin. The increase in the size of subcutaneous fat creates great pressure on the connective tissue, consisting of collagen cells and interstitial substance, which, after long stretching, leads to scars inside the skin. Such changes occur during pregnancy in the abdominal area, hips and mammary glands.

Defects can appear for many reasons related to the physiology of the dermis, due to a large fetus, twins or triplets, or rapid weight gain. There is no need to worry if stretch marks appear on the breasts during pregnancy; they will gradually resolve on their own or will be effectively removed after the birth of the child.

Why and when stretch marks appear during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the female body undergoes a full range of hormonal changes. All efforts are directed towards bearing the fetus, so the amount of hormones that reduce the risk of uterine tension in order to exclude miscarriage is increasing.

The number of substances that relax the muscles of all organs and systems is growing. The skin, in turn, also undergoes many changes: it becomes thinner, fatty tissue increases in size due to the increased concentration of estrogen.

Stretch marks during pregnancy are a normal reaction to quickly gaining extra pounds due to the accumulation of fat under the skin or inside organs.

In addition to weight gain, a number of reasons lead to the appearance of stretch marks:

  1. Hormonal shift towards increasing estrogen levels. If stretch marks appear on the abdomen, it means that the amount of progesterone is normal, it protects smooth muscles from tension, and the uterus from premature contractions. The collagen network of the dermis relaxes, and due to the increase in body weight inside the skin, tears appear in the connective tissue fibers.
  2. Improper metabolism. Tears in the connective tissue corset appear on the chest and abdomen after an unhealthy diet containing scant proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, mineral salts, as well as plant foods, beef and poultry. Excessive use of carbonated drinks, canned foods, fast food, crackers and chips leads to a disruption in the production of collagen; it is synthesized in minute quantities, so bright stretch marks appear on the abdomen, and identical breaks are also observed on the hips and mammary glands.
  3. Hereditary factor. If a woman’s mother or siblings had stretch marks during pregnancy, there is a 90% chance that she will also have breaks in the dermis. The density of the skin structure, the subcutaneous fat layer, the amount of collagen and the ability to regenerate are four factors that are inherited. A change in one of them leads to a violation of the strength of the skin and answers the question: why and where do stretch marks appear during pregnancy.
  4. Alcohol and nicotine consumption. These substances contribute to the wear and tear of connective tissue substances throughout the expectant mother’s body. The presence of bad habits determines at what time stretch marks appear in women with bad habits - this is 16-18-24 weeks of pregnancy, since the skin is thin, with a low level of collagen, and with enlargement of the glands and abdomen, stretch marks occupy the main area of ​​the skin.
  5. Chronic diseases. Risk factors include: insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, diffuse toxic goiter, scleroderma, rheumatism, systemic lupus erythematosus and blood diseases. Why stretch marks appear on the abdomen, breasts and thighs with these pathologies: it is in these areas that more fatty deposits accumulate, and the skin with these diseases is thin and ruptures of connective tissue threads quickly occur at any stage of pregnancy.

The list of reasons for the formation of stretch marks can be supplemented by age-related changes, carrying a large fetus or twins, the lactation period and the general condition of the mother. Stretch marks in each category of women can have different shades, and they also differ in size (width, length).

There is a periodicity in the appearance of stretch marks: in the abdomen and thighs they appear at 3-4 months, on the chest - during feeding, on the thighs and legs - after the swelling disappears. How long does it take for stretch marks to resolve: After childbirth and breastfeeding, pale or purple stretch marks disappear or become less noticeable if you take proper care of your skin.

Prevention of stretch marks on the chest and abdomen

If stretch marks appear on the chest and other areas of the body during pregnancy, you need to choose the right tactics to get rid of them. That is, force the body to “fight” scars and independently restore the previous structure of the dermis.

But you should think about the problem even before pregnancy. Effective methods for preventing stretch marks:

  1. Nutrition. Poor food, that is, food that does not contain the required amount of micro- and macroelements, fats, carbohydrates, proteins and amino acids, leads to inhibition of collagen formation, which is why stretch marks appear after childbirth and during pregnancy. The diet must include: olive and butter, lactic acid products, poultry, beef, cheese, eggs, sour cream, any nuts, raisins, prunes, raspberries, dried apricots and legumes.
  2. Cosmetical tools. All children's and fortified creams, as well as gels based on gelatin or collagen, will help in the fight against ruptures. When should I use these creams and gels? From the first month of pregnancy until birth.
  3. Folk remedies. There are many ways to remove stretch marks on the stomach using home methods. Gelatin comes first, followed by herbal decoctions that restore collagen cells. If spots appear on your stomach after using these products, you should immediately stop using them and consult a doctor.
  4. Cold and hot shower. If you take a shower every day with contrasting water temperatures, stretch marks will not appear during pregnancy. Stress turns on the self-defense system, especially strengthening the skin, as it is the body's outer barrier. Such a shower will not harm the baby in the womb.
  5. Bandage and bra. Maternity underwear supports the skin and prevents it from stretching under the increasing weight of the breasts and tummy. Choose products made from environmentally friendly materials. It is recommended to wear such bandages throughout your pregnancy to significantly reduce the likelihood of stretch marks appearing after childbirth.
  6. Physical activity. To prevent and eliminate stretch marks after childbirth, you need to move, do morning exercises, and do special exercises. Thus, all systems and organs will be in good shape, there will be good blood supply, innervation, plus excellent metabolism. Why do “lazy” mothers often get stretch marks? Because metabolism is inhibited.

Fitness for pregnant and lactating women and swimming are highly recommended. If you regularly massage the abdomen, breasts and thighs with special fortified creams, there is a high probability that stretch marks will not appear during pregnancy, and existing small ones will quickly resolve.

If stretch marks appear on the chest during pregnancy, after the birth of the baby and the cessation of lactation, they can be treated through cosmetic procedures, a balanced diet, gymnastic exercises and nourishing creams.

If the question is how to remove large and deep breaks in the skin, you need to contact a cosmetologist or dermatologist to solve the problem professionally.

How to remove stretch marks

Stretch marks that appear during or after pregnancy can be most effectively eliminated in the first year after childbirth. Old tears are more difficult to treat.

If stretch marks appear on the abdomen and mammary glands, they can be eliminated through certain treatment methods, even during breastfeeding.

Experts advise removing stretch marks on the abdomen using the following treatment methods:

  1. Cosmetical tools. The entire range of baby creams, nourishing lotions and fortified oils moisturize the skin, increasing its elasticity and enhancing the regeneration of collagen fibers. Read more about using Bepanthen for stretch marks →
  2. Folk remedies. Herbal decoctions (chamomile, mint, dill, honey and propolis), homemade sour cream, yogurt, gelatin and ground fresh fruits and vegetables are the most effective means for enriching the skin with vitamins and microelements. Even minor tears that appear disappear after these procedures.
  3. Cosmetology procedures: laser therapy, mesotherapy, microdermabrasion, microcurrent therapy - these methods are based on the principle of grinding stretch marks on the abdomen, mammary glands and thighs.

Abdominoplasty is performed 2–3 years after the birth of a child; it is the most radical method of correcting damaged areas of skin.

Intradermal ruptures are a cosmetic defect that can be treated and does not harm the baby in the womb. You can cope with it using a variety of methods: folk remedies, creams, massage and cosmetic procedures.

There is no need to be afraid or ashamed of skin defects. It is necessary to take care of your skin during pregnancy for prevention and consult a cosmetologist or dermatologist for advice if there is already a problem. There is a suitable treatment option for every woman.

Author: Maria Danko, doctor,
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Useful video on how to avoid stretch marks during pregnancy

After pregnancy, many women notice that they have stretch marks, especially on the stomach and thighs. The stretch looks different in the photo. The appearance of such trouble after the birth of the baby is facilitated by stretching of the skin on the abdomen during pregnancy. This causes a lot of inconvenience to the fair sex and causes negative emotions. The desire for beauty and aesthetics, for harmony in everything is quite natural for any woman. At the same time, it is quite possible to prevent the appearance of stretch marks on the body if all the required measures are taken in time.

Today there are a considerable number of various remedies, each of which helps to get rid of such an ailment. Such remedies can be used already during pregnancy and continued after childbirth. Treatment of old stretch marks may require more time, but at the same time it is quite possible.

Causes of appearance and appearance

During pregnancy, the abdominal walls stretch as the baby grows in the womb. It should be noted that stretch marks are a kind of tears that lead to unaesthetic skin in certain areas of the body. The worse the elasticity of the skin, the drier it is, the more stretch marks appear and the harder it is to fight them. You can see what the presence of stretch marks looks like in the photo. It is best to prevent such defects from occurring than to try to get rid of them later.

Very thin leather can tear under certain circumstances. This often happens during pregnancy. Women usually notice defects on their skin after childbirth. A high-quality modern product helps to get rid of such problems. Therefore, you need to start treatment immediately to quickly cope with such a nuisance. But the easiest way is to prevent the appearance of stretch marks by using useful remedies.

Stretch marks are not characterized by complete ruptures of the epidermis, but only of its inner layer. This most often happens during pregnancy. The ruptures result in unsightly scars. At the beginning of their recovery, stretch marks acquire a purple or pinkish tint. You can see what it looks like in the photo. The shade is acquired due to the large number of capillaries. Sometimes you can see the formation of white scars. At the same time, the tan does not turn out evenly, since traces of stretch marks remain noticeable.

Ideally, the skin is able to stretch and return to its original state. This avoids tears, which are unnatural for the skin. In some cases, the skin's normal function is lost and it becomes excessively dry and thin. This leads to stretch marks. The main causes of stretch marks:

  1. an excessively large fetus during pregnancy (this fact leads to overstretching of the inner layer of the epidermis);
  2. multiple pregnancy during pregnancy (also leads to overstretching of the abdominal walls, which subsequently look bad);
  3. the influence of hormonal levels on the appearance of stretch marks during pregnancy (fluctuations in estrogen and progesterone - an increase in these hormones leads to a decrease in collagen production);
  4. decreased elastin production, which can occur during pregnancy with less stretching of the skin;
  5. disruption of the restoration process of overstretched skin;
  6. heredity;
  7. malnutrition;
  8. insufficient physical activity;
  9. rapid weight gain;
  10. presence of bad habits (smoking, alcohol);
  11. metabolic disorders (for chronic diseases, endocrine disorders);
  12. obesity (leads to sagging skin);
  13. weakness of the abdominal muscles;
  14. age of the pregnant woman (the younger the woman, the faster her skin recovers).

To the great regret of women, the process of skin restoration after its excessive stretching (and this occurs during pregnancy, during long periods) cannot be controlled. As a result, skin defects often appear on the abdomen and thighs. A quality product helps get rid of this problem within a certain time.

As for heredity, this is almost the first culprit of unsightly stretch marks after pregnancy. If a grandmother or mother suffered from such a problem, it can also be inherited by a granddaughter (daughter). Women who are lucky enough to receive a gene from their mother that allows the skin to quickly regenerate are not at risk of any stretch marks even after multiple pregnancies.

Thus, completely natural natural processes can lead to stretch marks, both during pregnancy and after. A competent approach to this problem and high-quality treatment can either make stretch marks less noticeable or get rid of them. But in most cases, stretch marks remain forever.

How to prevent it?

First of all, it is important to establish nutrition. Since during pregnancy there is a large consumption of vitamins, protein, and microelements, it is necessary to ensure their full intake into the body. A lack of protein foods can lead to the most serious health problems.

This is why it is so important to eat meat foods, as well as vegetables and fruits. It is healthy to eat chicken eggs, beef, chicken, rabbit, nuts, legumes, and grains. At the same time, it is necessary to exclude or minimize flour and sweets from your diet. These are the first enemies for the skin.

In addition to proper nutrition, you should lead a proper lifestyle - get enough sleep and walk in the fresh air. You need to walk (if there are no contraindications). At the same time, you can use useful cosmetics. Numerous reviews say that using the cream to get rid of and prevent stretch marks is very useful. Such procedures should be started before pregnancy.

This allows the skin to become more resilient. During pregnancy, you need to consume vitamin E, which is responsible for the elasticity and health of the skin. Multivitamin complexes that are designed specifically for pregnant and nursing mothers are quite useful.
It is very important to control your weight during pregnancy. Weight gain should be normal and physiological, increasing as the fetus grows. But if it exceeds the permissible norms, it’s time to sound the alarm and try to take healthy food that will not contribute to overfeeding the fetus and causing excess weight in the mother. Obesity is the first evil of health. As a result, metabolic processes are disrupted and the skin stretches excessively. And in this case, it becomes increasingly difficult to normalize the skin.

Preventive measures taken during pregnancy to prevent the appearance of stretch marks make it possible not to experience problems in the future. Nowadays you can see how stretch marks look in photos. Today there is a considerable selection of all kinds of cosmetic lotions and creams that give a good effect.

  1. almond oil;
  2. lavender oil;
  3. wheat germ oil;
  4. grape;
  5. comfrey;
  6. horsetail;
  7. cacao butter;
  8. tretinoin.

Creams to combat stretch marks:

  1. Clarins Stretch Mark Control, which contains many different oils and herbs that moisturize the skin and prevent the appearance of stretch marks.
  1. Elastin 3 – based on elastin and collagen. Expensive, but practical.
  1. Palmers Cocoa Butter Cream for Stretch Marks - based on oils, elastin and collagen. A very popular skin moisturizer. It is inexpensive, but it contains the same components as in the previous product.