How to Apply Cleanser to the Neck

Few people think about how to properly apply cream to the face, because they believe that there is no need to study this issue. The technique of applying the cream at first glance seems simple and straightforward, but in reality it requires not only experience in this, but also certain skills, without which this product will not cope with most of its key functions.

The principle of proper use of face cream is based on a system of massage movements, which involves certain directions of vectors and the effect of fingertips on facial tissue.

The objectives of massage movements when applying cream to the face:

  1. maintaining facial muscle tone;
  2. restoration of firmness and elasticity of facial tissues;
  3. toning epidermal cells;
  4. acceleration of cellular metabolic processes;
  5. improvement of microcirculation.

If you learn how to properly apply cream to your face, over time you will notice improvements in the condition of your skin: it will become more toned, youthful and attractive, and acquire a natural, healthy color. Proper use of the cream will solve the problem of increased dryness and dehydration of the dermis, since now the face cream will bring significantly more benefits.

How to properly apply cream to the face and neck?

You should remember a few simple rules that you will need to adhere to every time you apply a care product to the skin of your face and neck, and also become familiar with the system of massage movements.

Minimum physical pressure

When using skincare cosmetics to maintain beauty and health, it is important to know how to properly apply cream to the face so as not to harm the skin. The fact is that many people make the same mistake: to absorb the cream, they press hard on the skin with their fingertips or rub in with rough, sloppy movements.

Rubbing and strong pressure on the skin can cause microdamage and the appearance of wrinkles. Therefore, movements should be like light, gentle touches.

Patting instead of rubbing

To properly apply the cream to the skin of the face and neck, you need to use patting movements with your fingertips. This way, the product will be absorbed better and faster, distributed evenly on the face and will not slide off quickly. Use multiple fingers at the same time.

Do not forget that your hands must be washed before applying the cream. In addition, the facial skin should also be cleansed with peeling, toner, micellar water or a special cleansing mask. Also, when using the product, avoid strong pressing movements.

Using the motion vector diagram

Remember: massage movements with which you apply the product to the skin should be directed from the center (forehead, chin, nasolabial fold) along the edges and always from bottom to top (towards the earlobes, towards the temples). If you apply the cream to your nose, you need to start from the tip and slowly move towards the bridge of your nose with your fingertips.

When applying cream to the neck and décolleté, which also need regular care, moisturizing and massage, you need to perform movements from the center to different sides, creating a fan-like figure with movements. Practice in front of a mirror to better understand how to apply the cream to your face.

The diagram of massage movements is presented below.

Gently apply to the skin around the eyes

Don't forget that the skin around the eyes is particularly thin, which is why it becomes one of the “first” areas where wrinkles begin to form first. To prevent their formation and prolong the youth of the skin around the eyes, it is important to apply the cream correctly.

If you apply the product to your face using patting movements, then for the area around the eyes it is better to use the tip of your little finger, performing light smearing movements, moving from the inner corner of the eye to the outer (for the upper eyelid) and from the outer corner to the inner (for the lower eyelid).

Warming the cream before applying

If time is limited, but you do not know how to properly apply the cream to your face so that it is absorbed as quickly as possible, warm it in your palms before applying. Drop the required amount of product onto your hands, close your fingers and hold it in your palms for a while. Warm cream will be absorbed faster and penetrate into the dermis.

Choosing the right amount of cream

The amount of product is selected according to skin type. Remember the following features of different skin types when determining the amount:

  1. Dry dehydrated skin needs a large amount of cream, as it absorbs it very quickly and often requires “supplements”.
  2. Oily skin It rarely needs additional moisture. It requires massage and products that regulate sebum production. If you are using a skin care cream for oily skin, a small pea-sized drop will be enough. Smear it thoroughly over all areas.
  3. For combination skin It is correct to apply the cream on the face only to problem areas with increased dryness.

Avoid contact with water when applying cream

The cream is applied to dry, cleansed skin. Do not use it on a damp or wet face. If you are going to use it immediately after washing your face, pat your skin with a dry cloth before applying the product.

Also remember that you need to care for your skin based not only on its type and characteristics, but also on its age. You can read about how to care for your skin and hair according to your age in another article.

A woman who wants to look young and well-groomed needs to know how to properly apply cream to her face during daily care. Leading cosmetologists recommend using cosmetics starting from 22-25 years old; up to this age, micellar water and tonic are enough for the youthful dermis. It would seem that nothing could be simpler - apply a product suitable for your skin type and wait for the results promised by the manufacturer. However, not all so simple. In order for a cosmetic product to bring as much benefit as possible, it must be distributed along special lines. Moreover, for each part the direction of the lines must be individual. It sounds like an outlandish wisdom, but in fact everything is quite simple - you just need to remember a simple sequence of movements.

Popular Russian cosmetologist Olga Fem states: “In my practice, I often encounter improper use of cosmetics by clients. During the care process, they make serious mistakes, while believing that they are following all the recommendations correctly. The result of such actions is usually dull and tired skin, as well as the appearance of wrinkles. The reason for these consequences is ignorance of the needs of the dermis and lack of thoughtful care." However, according to the specialist, organizing proper care is not difficult; you just need to follow some basic tips.

Step-by-step instructions for daily application of the product:

  1. The face must be cleansed before applying the cream. Micellar water or milk (cream) are suitable for cleansing. It is necessary to rinse off the product with warm water, this will help remove residual cosmetics and sebum.
  2. After washing, you need to carefully pat dry with a towel (do not rub!) and apply toner. The latter is best distributed onto the damp dermis.
  3. Take the required amount of product. It is very important to know how much cream to apply. You need just enough to cover the surface and not create a thick surface layer.

Advice. It is not recommended to take the product from the jar with your fingers - moisture may remain on their pads, and there are also microorganisms that begin to multiply in the creamy medium. As a result, this leads to deterioration of the product and the appearance of allergies.

  1. Distribute the composition along the massage lines.
  2. After some time, remove the excess with a napkin.

How to properly apply face cream along massage lines?

How to apply face cream correctly? An indispensable condition is that the movements must be soft and smooth. It is permissible to apply gentle pats - they minimize stretching.

To obtain the maximum cosmetic effect, there is a special scheme for applying the cream to the neck and face. In each zone there are certain subtleties of application. There are 5 main zones - chin, cheeks, nose, forehead and area around the eyes.


The line of the mouth is closely connected with the area of ​​the lower chin. The appearance or absence of a double chin largely depends on attention to this area. A sufficient amount of cream is applied to the center of the chin, after which it is gently smoothed towards the ears. After this, movements are carried out from the chin to the forehead, ending at the base of the nostrils. The dermis should not be pulled too tightly.

It is the cheeks that are responsible for the appearance of nasolabial folds. Saggy cheeks form jowls and folds near the lips, which makes you look very old. Such manifestations can be avoided by correctly applying the cream along the massage lines of the face.

The product is distributed in the cheek area with massage movements from the nose to the temples.

Advice. In parallel with applying the product, you can massage your cheeks. The thumbs are fixed in the corners of the mouth. Using the pads of the other three fingers, lightly press on the center of the nose. Next, lightly stroke along the line of the cheekbones to the temples. These manipulations will improve blood circulation in the cheek area and prevent sagging skin.

The nose area also requires care, although it is generally accepted that it is less susceptible to wrinkles. However, this area is also responsible for the appearance of nasolabial folds and vertical creases in the bridge of the nose.

How to properly apply face cream to the nose area? Movements should be carried out from the wings of the nose to the bridge of the nose. It is permissible to give a light massage to this area. Alternately, with your hands, you need to stroke the bridge of your nose from bottom to top with any two fingers (5-8 times with each hand).

Eye area

The area around the eyes is considered one of the most delicate, thin areas. That is why this area requires close attention and accuracy.

Attention! When caring for the area around the eyes, it is recommended to use products designed specifically for this area.

How to apply cream to the face along the massage lines of the eyes? The first movement is from the outer corner of the eye to the bridge of the nose. Next - to the upper eyelid and back to the outer corner. These circular movements minimize stretching of the skin and also help smooth out fine wrinkles under the eyes.

Advice. The amount of product applied to the area around the eyes should be small - just a small drop of product is enough. Excessive application of the composition can provoke the appearance of edema and swelling of the eyelids.

The product is distributed with light movements, after which you can gently tap for more complete absorption. When small wrinkles have already formed under the eyes, you need to tap and massage the skin a little longer.

Important! Do not stretch or rub the dermis around the eyes to prevent damage to the sensitive dermis.

The forehead area is less susceptible to wrinkles than, for example, around the eyes. However, wrinkles on the forehead, like the vertical crease between the eyebrows, add several extra years to you at once. To prevent this, you need to know how to apply face cream.

Apply to the forehead area with smooth horizontal slides from the center to the temples, as well as upward towards the beginning of hair growth. Do not press too hard on the skin, pat, or rub the composition too intensely.

After the woman has smeared the cream on her forehead, you can perform a delicate massage of the area, but only if the product has not had time to be completely absorbed.

Efficiency of application along massage lines

Applying the cream to the face along massage lines allows the epidermis to be least stretched, which prevents the formation of wrinkles. Also, massage lines duplicate the movement of lymph flow, so correct application of the cream on the face allows for a light lymphatic drainage massage.

The technique of applying cream along massage lines allows you to achieve the following results:

  1. Toning the forehead muscles, preventing the formation of wrinkles.
  2. Reducing the appearance of nasolabial folds.
  3. Fresh, clear look, no visual effect of tired eyes.
  4. The area around the eyes does not sag, which means crow’s feet do not form longer.
  5. Relieving fatigue of the neck, décolleté, and chest.

Important! The positive effect of using a cosmetic product will be noticeable if all application rules are followed accurately.

Watch how the cream is applied along the massage lines:

What step in care should be to apply the cream?

How to properly apply face cream in the sequence of daily basic care procedures? Indeed, in addition to regularity in care, sequence is important - the stages should follow one after another.

Step by step steps to take care of your face are as follows:

  1. Cleansing. It is considered a mandatory condition; it is unacceptable to apply products to skin contaminated during the day.
  2. Toning. Removes residues of cleansers and also prepares it for application of the product.
  3. Selection of composition by type. You need to apply facial moisturizer at the moment when all preliminary procedures have been completed. In other words, you need to apply cream as a completion of dermal care.

Daily application should be approached with the utmost care. Incorrect, ill-considered distribution of the composition will not only not bring the desired positive effect, moreover, it can lead to stretching and the formation of wrinkles. The best method of application is considered to be the distribution of the care product in the direction of the massage lines. Remembering the order of movements is not at all difficult, and as a result of this approach, the dermis will always look fresh and rested.

Always looking beautiful is a real art! To preserve natural beauty, women use nourishing, moisturizing, and whitening creams. But why are the results of some simply amazing, while others have to constantly change their cosmetics in search of a cream that will make them flawless? Cosmetologists say that it is important not only to accurately select the product, but also to know how to properly apply the cream to the face.

In an effort to be attractive and preserve youth for a long time, women use a variety of creams every day. But these procedures are performed rather mechanically, out of habit. Therefore, most ladies don’t even think about whether they are applying cream to their face correctly. Meanwhile, if you use the product, taking into account some of the secrets shared by professional cosmetologists, you can get the maximum benefit from the procedure.

Massage lines

The skin is subject to stretching. The face is no exception. Therefore, women who apply the cream in the way that is most convenient for them (start at the midpoint of the forehead, move down to the cheeks and end by stretching the chin) eventually notice sagging skin.

To prevent stretching of the epidermis, cosmetologists, when explaining how to properly apply face cream, advise spreading it along special lines that coincide with the movement of lymph flow. It is in these vectors that the skin is not stretched. Such lines are called massage lines.

6 main directions

Cosmetologists have developed a special scheme for how to apply the cream to the face. It includes the following six areas.

  1. Forehead area. All vectors come from the point between the eyebrows - the bridge of the nose. They are directed towards the hair. Arched lines should appear on the forehead, duplicating the eyebrows.
  2. Area around the eyes. Tender and very delicate area. A special cream is applied to the upper eyelid along an arched line, starting in the inner corner and moving towards the outer corner. In the area under the eye, the movement is carried out from the outer corner and ends near the nose.
  3. The area of ​​the nose and cheeks. Initially, the straight vector slides from the bridge of the nose straight to the tip of the nose. The following massage lines begin on the wings and, drawing arcs on the cheekbones and cheeks, are directed to the ears.
  4. The area above the lip and the lower part of the cheeks. The vectors begin right in the hollow above the lip and end near the earlobes.
  5. Chin area. The movement begins in the center of the chin, slides along the lower part of the cheeks and reaches the tragus of the ears.
  6. Neck and décolleté area. The ascent of the massage lines begins from the chest. The guides go straight up to your chin. Now the vector is changing. The movement gently glides along the sides of the neck, smoothly descends to the shoulders and tends to the collarbones.

Effectiveness of the procedure

If the cosmetic product is applied in the direction of the lymph flow, then the skin receives not only the beneficial substances contained in the cream, but also a high-quality lymphatic drainage massage.

The results of proper use of cosmetics will pleasantly please you.

  1. The appearance of new wrinkles will be reduced. The skin does not stretch. Elastin and collagen fibers, which are responsible for the youth of the epidermis, are not damaged. This helps prevent the appearance of new wrinkles on the face.
  2. Preventing acne formation. Proper application of the cream on the face helps to thoroughly cleanse the pores. A light massage protects them from blockage and improves blood circulation in the tissues. The epidermis is powerfully protected from rashes, acne, and comedones.
  3. The severity of existing wrinkles is reduced. Toning muscle tissue allows you to slightly smooth out longitudinal folds on the forehead, crow's feet around the eyes, and wrinkles around the mouth. The depth of the nasolabial folds decreases.
  4. The skin is tightened. The delicate epidermis under the eyes does not sag. The oval of the face is tightened, the double chin is reduced, and tissue tension in the décolleté and neck area is eliminated.

How to properly apply cream to the face - cosmetologists advise

A few more expert tips will help you understand how to apply the cream to your face and neck. This is what cosmetologists recommend to women.

  1. Preparation . The epidermis must be properly prepared. For high-quality and deep penetration into the dermis, the cosmetic product is applied to steamed skin. Cosmetologists recommend applying a damp hot towel to your face and neck. Five to ten minutes is enough for the pores to completely open.
  2. Temperature . The cream is applied warm. It is recommended to warm it up a little in your hands. The product must reach body temperature. In this form, it is better absorbed into the epidermis and provides maximum benefits.
  3. Delicacy. Be as gentle as possible on the dermis. When applying the cream to the face, use smooth stroking, gentle massaging or gentle tapping movements. It is better to perform them with the pad of your middle finger to ensure softness and ease of the procedure. For maximum air impact, you can use a cotton pad or brush.
  4. Quantity . A thick layer will not provide improved nutrition. The dermis will take exactly as many nutrients as it needs. And the remaining cream will block the access of oxygen to the tissues and will clog the pores. To find out how to apply face cream correctly and in what quantities, you must first determine your skin type. Dry dermis needs more product. Oily skin will be able to absorb much less. If five minutes after the procedure, remnants of the cream remain on the face, then you need to carefully blot the dermis with a napkin and remove the excess.

Features of the use of various types of creams

Many creams have been developed: moisturizing, anti-wrinkle, nourishing, night, day. They all have their own nuances and require an individual approach to use. Cosmetologists explain how to apply different types of creams to the face and neck.

  1. Moisturizing. This cream is recommended not only for those with dry epidermis. Thorough hydration is also necessary for oily dermis. But in the first case, a more generous application is recommended. In the second, only areas of increased peeling are moisturized.
  2. Cleansing. The product is not intended for daily care. It is used up to twice a week. It is used after a deep peeling procedure or thorough steaming of the epidermis over a steam bath. It is better to apply the cleanser exclusively to problem areas.
  3. Bold. This type of cream is contraindicated in case of increased greasiness of the epidermis. Women with oily skin can use this remedy to provoke a deterioration in cellular respiration and completely disrupt the functioning of the subcutaneous glands. Owners of mixed dermis are recommended to apply this product pointwise and only in the areas of the cheeks and décolleté.
  4. For the delicate area under the eyes. This cream is intended for targeted application to the skin under the eyes. A cotton swab can be used to ensure a light touch. The product is lightly driven into the dermis. Only cosmetics intended for this area should be used. Failure to follow this rule will cause severe aging.
  5. Nutritious. Do not apply this product to areas with unwanted vegetation. The beneficial substances contained in it will provoke increased hair growth. For the bridge of the nose and the area above the upper lip, it is better to use moisturizing cosmetics.
  6. For wrinkles. Use the product exclusively on problem areas. Anti-wrinkle cream is not recommended for use on the entire face. Small peas are applied with fingertips to the forehead, nasolabial folds, temples, corners of the mouth, and neck. Then the product is carefully driven into the dermis along the massage guides.

Application technique in 8 steps

Armed with all the recommendations of professionals, you can proceed to the use of cosmetics. The application technique consists of eight steps.

  1. Cleanse your face and wash your hands well.
  2. Warm the cream slightly in your palms and apply it to the bridge of your nose. Gently spread the product over your forehead, moving towards your hairline. Avoid stretching the epidermis.
  3. Place the next pea of ​​cream at the top of the nose and go down to its tip. Gently massage the wings of the nose and cheek area.
  4. Move to the area above the lip. If there is unwanted vegetation here, then the application of nourishing cream starts from the points in the middle of the nasolabial folds. Then smoothly slide along the massage guides.
  5. Focus on your chin, gently massaging the lower part of your face.
  6. Move on to the décolleté and neck area. Don't forget about these areas. After all, it is the neck that often reveals a woman’s true age.
  7. Take cream for the area under the eyes. Use circular motions to apply to delicate areas.
  8. After five minutes, blot the skin with a soft cloth to remove excess cream.

This step-by-step technique is applicable for nourishing cream, day and night products. If the choice fell on cleansing cosmetics or anti-wrinkle products, then remember the features of their application. By mastering the technique of applying cream to your face, you will ensure your skin looks healthy and beautiful and will be able to delay the inexorable aging process for a long time.