How to cover dark circles under the eyes with foundation

The skin around the eyes is much thinner and more sensitive than the rest of the face. It is she who primarily reacts to age-related changes, prolonged sitting at the computer or sleepless nights. And one of the most unpleasant reactions is the occurrence of bruises and swelling, which are very difficult to disguise.


Bruising, puffiness, and dark circles under the eyes can occur as a result of:

  1. heredity;
  2. close proximity of blood capillaries;
  3. age-related decrease in skin tone;
  4. mechanical damage (in the form of hematomas, black eyes);
  5. insufficient sleep and rest;
  6. disturbances in the processes of removing fluid from the body.

To eliminate these consequences, you can disguise dark circles under the eyes using cosmetics.

An eye cream whose action is aimed at hiding bruises and swelling has a beneficial effect on the color and elasticity of the epidermis.

In addition to smearing, it is recommended to use other improvised and cosmetic products or techniques, which include:

  1. patches under the eyes;
  2. cooling compresses (from tea bags, raw potatoes, cucumbers);
  3. ice for bruises;
  4. gymnastics for the face;
  5. massage for the eye area;
  6. vitamin masks.

Gymnastics and massage for the lower and upper eyelids are very effective techniques that eliminate swelling and wrinkles. They normalize the flow of lymph and other fluids under the skin, remove impurities and toxins, and smooth out the epidermis.

If bruises and swelling are a constant phenomenon, then only an integrated approach can mask them as much as possible and reduce the intensity of their manifestation. Modern cosmetology and plastic surgery have developed several methods for eliminating bags and swelling, but these procedures are not always affordable and do not provide a complete guarantee of safety. Therefore, most girls and women resort to foundation and concealers.

Cosmetics for bruises and dark circles under the eyes

If in the morning there is a slight darkening, slight swelling under the lower eyelid, caused by a sleepless night, fatigue or poor health, then you can cope with them with the help of ice cubes and the existing foundation. For more serious, noticeable marks, you should have several concealers in your makeup bag. A prerequisite is that cosmetics must match the type, color of the skin in tone and structure.

To cover up dark circles under the eyes, you will need:

  1. concealer or light corrector;
  2. Foundation;
  3. brush or sponge for shading;
  4. Transparency powder.

Before applying tint, be sure to use a light cream or gel makeup base. The type of such cream should correspond to the skin (oily, dry, combination) and the area of ​​application. The product will serve as a base that will soften and smooth the surface of the epidermis, preparing it for applying cosmetics.

Cosmetologists and makeup artists advise applying foundation and concealer using your fingers and light patting movements. Use brushes and sponges to shade the camouflage layer in cases where it is necessary to eliminate small shadows or when there is a bruise.

Tips for choosing the color and shade of camouflage products

To remove bruises in the eye and face areas as much as possible, you need to choose a shade of corrector that matches your skin color and the degree of saturation of dark spots. To do this, color theory and the color wheel are taken as a basis. According to these nuances, each tone of the color scheme has an opposite that neutralizes and covers its manifestation.

Having carefully studied the existing dark circles, the shade of the tinting agent is selected according to the following color parameters:

  1. pink for fair, pale skin;
  2. peach for dark skin;
  3. beige for reddish or bluish undertones;
  4. pink for greenish tones.

In addition to choosing what color the corrector or concealer will be, it is important to adhere to their harmonious combination with the foundation used.

Technology of applying tinting agents

Camouflaging marks under the eyes begins with cleansing the skin, wiping with toner, and applying moisturizer. It is advised to select a cream with vitamin K in a composition that tightens blood vessels, making them less noticeable under thin skin.

After the cream is absorbed, a corrector is applied that matches the shade of the resulting blue discoloration or impact mark. At this stage, it is better to use light textures aimed at leveling and surface masking. Next, concealer or foundation is applied in a thicker layer.

The following tips will help you quickly hide dark circles under your eyes:

  1. dark circles should be masked after applying pencil, mascara, or eye shadow, so that crumbling particles do not spoil the work done;
  2. for light coverage, use concealer in the area of ​​the inner, outer edge of the eye, and then shade it with a brush;
  3. noticeable black bruises should be removed with a thicker product, applying it with your fingertips;
  4. all movements are directed from the outer to the inner edge, the skin does not stretch or rub;
  5. If you need to cover up small light marks, use a reflective highlighter, which perfectly refreshes and brightens the skin surface.

Bruises and swelling under the eyes are unpleasant cosmetic problems that can spoil the mood and appearance of their owner. But you shouldn’t be upset about them, because there are ways and means that can be used to remove or cover up these skin defects.

A hematoma on the face or a bruise is a problem that is almost impossible to hide from others. Anyone can receive such “decoration”. To do this, it is not at all necessary to get into a fight or fall under the hot hand; it is enough to inadvertently damage soft tissues and disrupt the integrity of blood vessels. If they burst, a cavity with blood will form under the skin or directly in it. The brain will quickly receive a signal about this and start the regeneration process. However, this will not stop the owner of a black eye from undergoing a color transformation. The eye turns blue, after a while it begins to turn green, and after that the area of ​​the bruise will acquire a jaundiced tint. If you don’t want to walk around with such “beauty” all this time, you need to take action. The first step is to find out how to cover up dark circles under your eyes.

What and how best to cover up dark circles under the eyes?

To correctly decide how to cover up a black eye from a blow, you should evaluate the capabilities of the modern cosmetics industry. Among the proposed remedies there are many that will allow you to cope with the acquired “disadvantage”. When choosing how to cover up a black eye at home, you will need to pay attention to the capabilities of different compositions.

Concealer for dark circles under the eyes

This is an excellent assistant in situations where it is necessary to hide traces of an accident and “restore face.” In order to be pleased with the result, it is important to choose correctly and know in advance which concealer to cover up dark circles under the eyes. There are many products on the cosmetic market, but only a few can cope with the task.

This composition has been known to ladies for a long time, but it can be used in cases where the hematoma begins to disappear, and its color becomes not purple and dim blue, but yellowish or greenish. To understand how to cover up dark circles under the eyes with foundation, you should take the advice of professionals. And they recommend using a small brush for this task, applying the cream only with it and carefully spreading it over the surface. This same product can also hide small scars, shallow wrinkles or freckles.

Stick for bruises under the eyes

A special product that is known to all fashionistas on the planet. It is this that allows you to quickly hide traces of a fairly extensive hematoma; it is only important to know how to cover up a black eye from a blow. You can apply the product with light touches of your fingers or use a brush for the same purpose, but you should not apply the composition directly from the stick.

Liquid concealer

When deciding how to cover up a black eye at home, you should pay close attention to liquid concealer. It is he who helps to quickly and effectively remove the consequences of a sleepless night, a fight or one’s own inattention. The liquid composition is able to cope with fairly extensive hematomas, even those that have just “bloomed”.

Pencil for bruises under the eyes

The composition of the pencil has a fairly light and soft texture, which allows you to mask the “presence” of a hematoma on the skin. To learn how to cover up dark circles under the eyes with a pencil, you need to take into account that such a product will cope with masking small defects on the skin. It practically does not mask large bruises.

How to quickly cover up a black eye at home?

Having learned how to properly cover up bruises under the eyes, you should also pay attention to the issues of tolerability of a particular product. When choosing cosmetics for such an important procedure, you must definitely test it and become familiar with its composition. You should not use expired cosmetics or those that raise doubts, as well as ingredients from unknown brands. When choosing what you can use to cover up dark circles under your eyes, you can also turn to old proven methods - camouflage with makeup. To do this, you can use regular foundation and powder. However, such a procedure will require some skill.

It is quite possible that the defect will not be eliminated the first time. You should not apply a large number of layers, which will only emphasize wrinkles. Professionals give tips on how to properly cover up dark circles under the eyes and recommend doing the following:

  1. Tint your eyebrows and apply thick eyelashes. This technique can create an excellent contrast with the skin tone, and therefore will not be visible as much.
  2. Make your eyes visually larger and brighter by using eyeliner. It needs to be made as clear as possible.
  3. With the help of colorful bright shadows and eyeliner, you can distract people's attention and direct it to your advantages.

To achieve an excellent result, you should learn how to cover up dark circles under the eyes using available products, and also divert the attention of passers-by, colleagues, friends and family from the problem area using makeup.

How to properly cover up a black eye?

To do this, you should also understand how best to cover up bruises under the eyes, and then use the product as a disguise. There are several unspoken rules that allow you to effectively solve the problem. To deal with it, just use these tips:

  1. The corrector eliminates only small and stale bruises from a recent injury. The product gives a fairly dense layer. To learn how to cover up a black eye with one layer at home, you should use a product that matches the tone of your skin.
  2. Use a light foundation on previously treated skin. To remove all excess cream from your face, just blot it with a dry cloth.
  3. When deciding how to properly and effectively cover up dark circles under the eyes, use additional powder or blush. These products will create a uniform tone; they should be applied with a wide round brush.

Sometimes, to obtain an even layer, you will need to re-go over light areas of the skin - around the nose and forehead. Cheekbones can be darkened with powder, or matte blush can be used.

How to cover up a black eye from a blow?

If such a nuisance has already happened and a hematoma has appeared, you should find out how to properly cover up bruises under the eyes. This issue is especially important for people with problem skin. You can resolve issues that arise in several ways:

  1. Use special camouflage cream. It can quickly hide not only bruises and signs of fatigue, but also acne, wrinkles, freckles, and age spots. You will need to apply the composition in a fairly thick layer, but this approach will allow you to “camouflage” it.
  2. But how to cover up a black eye at home if you have to treat dry skin? For such purposes, use foundations and concealers that contain moisturizing components.
  3. For those with oily skin, it is important not to acquire another problem after using cosmetic compositions - to prevent the appearance of pimples and blackheads. Cosmetologists will tell you how to cover up dark circles under your eyes with foundation. This product should contain powder particles. It is she who will absorb excess fat and prevent pores from becoming clogged.

When deciding how to cover up bruises under the eyes from an impact, you should choose only proven brands. The world's best manufacturers offer their customers excellent formulations that contain safe components.

Branded cosmetics have all certificates of conformity and do not pose a health hazard.

What concealers can cover up dark circles under the eyes?

Choice of product

Many cosmetologists can tell you which concealer to cover up dark circles under the eyes. When researching the market, you should pay attention to customer reviews. The product from Yves Saint Laurent received a lot of rave reviews. The composition can be used both for applying everyday and holiday makeup, but also to get rid of skin defects. However, other formulations from reputable manufacturers are often used for the same purpose. It is only important to understand what color to cover up dark circles under the eyes. The correct composition should be selected taking into account the tonal characteristics of your own skin. To determine what color to cover up dark circles under the eyes, you should use the following rules:

  1. Test concealer only in daylight.
  2. Do not use pencil concealers on skin with age-related changes - pigment spots, wrinkles.
  3. Test the composition by applying to a vein on the back of the wrist.

The presented tips allow you to find out what color to cover up dark circles under the eyes, but there are a few more subtleties.

What color to cover up a black eye?

When figuring out how to cover up bruises under the eyes from lack of sleep or from a blow, you should take into account the following rules:

  1. A thick yellowish concealer is suitable for disguising bluish halo under the eyes. It often occurs due to fatigue and lack of sleep.
  2. A blue or blue concealer will help disguise problem areas - freckles, age spots, small bruises, and will also cope with visible manifestations of the network of blood vessels.
  3. Orange concealers are an excellent remedy for correction and are an excellent solution for getting rid of blue, greenish, yellowish bruises.

If even after the procedures and after a couple of pictures there are still traces of defects in the photo, you need to learn how to cover up dark circles under the eyes in Photoshop. Adjustment functions should be used. Experienced editors know how to cover up dark circles under the eyes in Photoshop using correction, color application, straightening, highlighting, crease retouching, highlights, and other techniques.

Some additional tips from makeup artists

Professionals know exactly how to cover up dark circles under the eyes and are ready to share tips. Before applying makeup, it is enough to apply compresses to your eyelids for 10 minutes using brewed tea and cotton swabs. You can also make lotions with aloe, and apply patches from Korean manufacturers at night. These are natural remedies that help the body quickly restore its natural tone, and, together with the advice of makeup artists and cosmetologists, also disguise defects.

The problem of bruises and swelling under the eyes becomes especially relevant after a violation of the daily routine (prolonged lack of sleep, lack of adequate night sleep), alcohol consumption, as well as during a cold and vitamin deficiency.

Sometimes it happens that there is no time to eliminate the reasons that led to the appearance of blue discolorations, and you need to somehow disguise these defects on your face in order to look well-groomed.

In such cases, you can resort to decorative cosmetics, namely foundation, designed to even out skin color. We'll talk about how to cover up dark circles under the eyes with foundation.

How to choose the right foundation

Many girls believe that in order for foundation to be suitable, you just need to choose the right shade that completely matches your skin color. This is partly true, but when choosing a cream you should also pay attention to its texture and density.

These parameters need to be taken into account, since our skin has a different structure, moisture content, and everyone has problems to varying degrees (some people have constant rashes on their cheeks and chin, while others may have a single pimple once a month, which the next day it will disappear without a trace).

You should also keep in mind that when you select cosmetics specifically to disguise bruises, its tone should differ from the main tone of the face. This is due to the fact that in order for the foundation of your shade to completely cover the blue, it must be applied in a very thick layer.

And it won't look natural on the skin. Therefore, you should choose a cream with a yellowish or orangeish tint, since the warm pigment neutralizes the blue tint of the skin even when applied in a thin layer.

The texture of the cream should not emphasize peeling, unevenness and skin defects. It is best for the foundation to be light, but if you have severe acne, you cannot do without a cream with a dense structure.

It is preferable to contact a consultant at a cosmetics store who will help you correctly determine your skin color type. If you still want to purchase a toning product yourself, then you need to apply a small amount of it to the skin of your wrist and blend it.

This will help not only to guess the desired shade, but also to check whether there is any sensitivity to this cosmetics. In case of an allergic reaction, rashes, peeling, swelling and, in some cases, severe itching of the skin appear at the site of application. In case of any manifestation of an allergy to a cosmetic product, you must immediately remove it from the skin and rinse it thoroughly with clean, running water.

How to cover up dark circles under the eyes

In order to achieve the best concealing effect and at the same time look natural, natural and fresh, when applying foundation you should follow certain rules.

The following is an algorithm, following which you will be able to achieve good results even on your own at home.

Step-by-step instruction

Step-by-step instructions for disguising blueness under the eyes using foundation:

  1. The first thing you need to do is choose the necessary cosmetic accessories. Since to disguise a bruise you need a foundation with a warm (yellow or orange) pigment, you need to purchase it.
  2. Then you should be sure to cleanse your skin of remnants of previous makeup and other contaminants. It is best to use foams and tonics that will get rid of excess sebum. While washing your face, perform a light facial massage, which will improve the natural color of the skin and remove excess fluid that causes puffiness.
  3. After this, proceed to directly preparing your face for applying corrective cream. To do this, use special makeup bases, and if they are not available, apply a light moisturizing cream to the skin. This step will help remove flaking and ensure a more even application of the foundation.
  4. Then take your regular foundation and apply it all over your face, leaving the area around the eyes free (at this stage you do not need to thoroughly blend the cream). After this warm pigment corrector, begin applying under the eyes so that the product is distributed in the form of a triangle with the base at the lower eyelid and the tip pointing downwards. This technique will help make a smooth transition from the main skin tone, and this is how the face will look most natural (we try to avoid the “mask” effect).
  5. Now the main task is to carefully shade the applied products. To do this, you can use your fingertips, special brushes, beauty blenders and sponges. It all depends on preferences, makeup skills and, of course, on the availability of the necessary tools.
  6. The final step is to apply a makeup fixer (most often produced in the form of sprays) or powder. Powder should not be applied too generously, as this will give the skin a dry and dehydrated appearance. There should be a minimal amount of powder in the area around the eyes, as it will highlight all the small wrinkles and folds, of which there are many at any age.

Mistakes to Avoid

Mistakes to avoid when applying cosmetics to eliminate bruises:

  1. Most often, this mistake is made due to lack of time and it consists in the fact that girls skip the preparatory stage (namely the process of cleansing the skin and applying foundation). This can completely ruin the look, since the corrective product will lie unevenly on dirty skin. Peeling will be emphasized. And, as a result, there is a high probability of not improving, but significantly worsening your appearance. Also remember that the health of your skin largely depends on proper preparation for makeup.
  2. In pursuit of complete camouflage of bruises, girls often apply too thick coverage, which gives the face an unnatural appearance. Remember that makeup should decorate and not spoil beauty.
  3. Often, when applying foundation, the upper eyelid and bridge of the nose are forgotten. These areas are also prone to blue discoloration, so they need to be addressed as well.

The best foundations suitable for this purpose

Each girl has her own preferences when choosing cosmetics, since we are all individual. However, there are cosmetics that are unanimously recognized by girls as one of the best:

  1. Christian Dior Diorskin Forever is a luxury product. It has the lightest weightless structure, good durability, and also protects against ultraviolet rays. The cost is above three thousand rubles.
  2. Max Factor Color Adapt is a mid-price foundation. Many note its unique ability to adapt to skin color. The product provides an even coating and gives a feeling of lightness after application. The price is about seven hundred rubles.
  3. L'Oreal Perfect Fusion will help make your skin healthier and give it a special freshness. This foundation covers bruises well, but does not give a feeling of heaviness due to its light texture. Such a product will cost five hundred to six hundred rubles.

How to choose the right product

The foundations described above are indeed recognized as the best, but still, the selection of cosmetics always requires an individual approach. So, how to choose the right remedy for each person individually:

  1. To figure out which color suits you, apply a small amount of the product to your skin and look at it in different lighting. You cannot rely on the color shown on the packaging, as there is a high probability that the product will differ from the image.
  2. The texture of the cream should be selected based on what kind of skin you have. Those with dry skin and frequent flaking need to choose a product that additionally provides hydration. And girls with oily skin should give preference to products with a light texture and mattifying effect.
  3. You also need to pay attention to whether the cream has protection against ultraviolet rays. This is especially important for those with pale skin prone to sunburn.

What else can you do to disguise dark circles under your eyes?

These days, cosmetics manufacturers are widely introducing many new products that can easily replace or complement foundation. Next, we will look at the most popular corrective agents and methods of using them.

How to Use Concealer to Cover Bruises

Concealer is a cosmetic product that is not applied completely to the entire face, but is used locally in places where there are skin defects (acne, age spots, bruises).

To correct bags under the eyes, you need to take a concealer that has a tone several times lighter than your skin. After preparing the skin, the product is applied to the lower eyelid and then shaded down.

Ultimately, the concealer should lie on the skin in the form of an inverted triangle (this will allow for a smooth transition). After this, you can precisely apply the corrective product to small pimples and blemishes. Foundation is applied to the rest of the facial skin.

How to apply concealer correctly

Concealing dark circles under the eyes with a corrector will be quite problematic, since this product is designed to combat smaller defects (pimples, spots).

This is due to the fact that the corrector has a denser texture and better covers obvious problems. If you still want to apply concealer under your eyes, you need to blend it very carefully to compensate for the density of its application.

How to use powder to cover dark circles under your eyes

Powder alone will not be able to hide dark circles under the eyes well, so it is best to use it as an aid at the last stage of makeup (to set makeup and mattify).

You need to use powder on the skin around the eyes carefully, since if you do it in excess, it will accumulate in wrinkles and folds and make your face look older.

Can highlighter help even out your skin tone?

Highlighter is a product that needs to be used very carefully, as if it is applied in excess to the face, it will create the effect of oily skin.

This cosmetic product should be applied only in strictly defined places (on the convex parts of the face to give them additional volume). Highlighter won't cover up bruises, but if used correctly, it will make your skin glow from the inside out.

How to hide a black eye from a blow (black eye)

The appearance of a black eye due to a blow is not a very pleasant situation, which, of course, you do not want to share with everyone around you. Therefore, in this case, you need to try to do everything possible to hide traces of the injury.

This will be a difficult task, since traumatic subcutaneous hemorrhages look much brighter and more noticeable than just bruises from lack of sleep.

For these purposes, the above-described algorithm for applying foundation is suitable. For a better effect, it is recommended to additionally use concealer. Choose corrective products to disguise a bruise with a denser texture, which will better even out your skin tone.

Before applying makeup, it is recommended to apply cold to the injured part for a few minutes in order to slightly remove the swelling of the tissue.

How can you disguise a man's bruise?

To hide a bruise, men are recommended to use the same cosmetics as women.

However, do not forget that men have more porous skin, so they should pay special attention to blending the foundation or concealer so that it does not appear that something has been applied to the skin of the face.

Secrets of professional makeup artists

  1. Many professional makeup artists advise that before applying a product that will mask bruises, lubricate the skin in the area around the eyes with a special moisturizing cream for the skin around the eyes with a light structure. This will allow other cosmetics to go on more softly and evenly, which will give the makeup a more natural look. This advice is suitable for all those who are afraid that after covering up bruises, their face will look heavy and inorganic.
  2. Some makeup artists advise mixing corrective cosmetics with the same moisturizer. Once you have thoroughly mixed both products to a homogeneous structure, they will be easier to apply and give your makeup a more natural look. It is advisable to select a cream specifically designed for application to the eyelid area (since the skin here is especially thin and delicate and requires special care). If there is no such cream, then you need to take a light cream with a watery structure (daytime types are most suitable).
  3. Another secret that will not allow anyone to even suspect that you were trying to hide the bags under your eyes is that you need to apply the same products to the upper eyelid as to the area under the eye. If this is not done, the skin color will differ significantly and give the face an unnatural appearance.
  4. Most professionals are inclined to believe that to apply any corrective products, you need to use special devices (brushes of the required shapes and sizes, sponges, beauty blenders), which will allow you to evenly distribute the cream over the skin and fill all the grooves and microscopic wrinkles with the product. When smearing foundation with your fingers, this effect is difficult to achieve, and sometimes even impossible.

What needs to be done to eliminate the cause of the problem, and not just mask it

To treat bruises under the eyes, there are many special cosmetics and medicinal products (it is best to buy such cosmetics at a pharmacy). At home, cold compresses with green tea, cucumber or grated potatoes can help treat bags under the eyes.

To prevent the appearance of bruises under the eyes, first of all, you need to establish a sleep schedule (night sleep should be at least eight hours a day). Also avoid stress and excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages.

Watch the video tutorial on how to cover up dark circles and dark circles under the eyes: