Moisturizing facial skin with hyaluronic acid injections

Hyaluronic acid has taken pride of place in fillers for filling wrinkles, cocktails for mesotherapy, creams and serums for home skin care. What is so special about this substance?

  1. Hyaluronic acid: what is it?
  2. Principle of operation
  3. Types of cosmetics with hyaluronic acid
  4. The use of hyaluronic acid in cosmetology
  5. Review of products with hyaluronic acid to moisturize the skin

Hyaluronic acid: what is it?

Translated from Greek hyalos means “vitreous body”. It was in it that, while studying the eyeball of a bull, scientists Karl Meyer and John Palmeri first discovered hyaluronic acid.

In general, it is a polysaccharide, that is, a substance that is divided into several active molecules. Each of them resembles a tiny sponge: it absorbs and retains moisture, saturating the skin and body tissues with it.

Hyaluronic acid largely gives pleasant moisture to the eyes © iStock

Principle of operation

What do we know about hyaluronic acid today?

It is found in almost all organs and tissues of our body. A person weighing 80 kg has about 20 g of hyaluronic acid, about a third of which is broken down and renewed every day. For a long time, researchers considered it an extra substance that does not play a special role in cellular metabolic processes. But about 20 years ago it was discovered that the condition of the skin, joints, and cartilage tissue depends on hyaluronic acid.

Hyaluronic acid has a very high efficiency factor. One molecule of it can retain up to 300–500 molecules of water - 1000 times its own weight. After which something like a jelly is formed, which actively moisturizes the skin from the inside and out.

Thanks to hyaluronic acid in the skin collagen production is activated. The result of this process is obvious: wrinkles are smoothed out, tone is evened out, and the face looks younger.

This relatively inexpensive substance, it is easy to extract and synthesize. Previously, the composition for cosmetics was obtained from the combs of poultry - chickens and roosters. But these molecules were large, could not penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, and the ethical and hygienic side of the issue was also confusing. Then scientists learned to synthesize low-molecular hyaluronic acid, which can penetrate deep into the skin to more effectively combat dryness and aging processes.

Scientists have learned to synthesize hyaluronic acid that can penetrate deep into the skin © iStock

Hyaluronic acid is included in many anti-age products. When choosing a cream based on it, make sure that it contains Sodium Hyaluronate or Hyaluronic Acid.

Types of cosmetics with hyaluronic acid

A very effective product, especially if it contains low molecular weight hyaluronic acid. It penetrates into the deep layers of the epidermis, moisturizes the skin, increases its tone, and makes it more elastic. Cream with hyaluronic acid protects the skin from adverse environmental factors.

It’s good if the cream formula contains an SPF factor, because ultraviolet radiation disrupts the production of your own hyaluronic acid.

A real salvation for dry skin. Use a mask once a week or more often - for example, after a tiring flight or a day spent in the open sun.

According to SkinCeuticals leading expert Elena Lykova, “the most rational use of hyaluronic acid is in serums.” True, you need to apply cream or oil on top of most of them, otherwise they will not work as well as you would like.

The use of hyaluronic acid in cosmetology

Hyaluronic acid injections solve more serious problems. With their help you can, for example, fill nasolabial folds. The effect will be noticeable on average for six months to a year, in addition, the production of its own collagen is activated in the skin.

What to choose: biorevitalization or fillers? © iStock

What to choose - biorevitalization or fillers? To smooth out the network of small wrinkles around the eyes, biorevitalization is suitable - injections of a drug with a small concentration of hyaluronic acid (for example, 15 mg) and a special complex that enhances regenerative processes. And the “anger wrinkle” between the eyebrows can be treated with hyaluronic filler.

Filler is the same hyaluronic acid, but denser and in a higher concentration, for example, 25 mg.

And further. Before making an appointment with a cosmetologist, study the list of contraindications. Injections are not recommended for dermatitis, or if there are problems with blood clotting. There should be no irritation or peeling on the skin, otherwise an undesirable reaction may occur after injections.

Skin aging is a natural process that cannot be avoided. Fortunately, it can be slowed down. It is for these purposes that hyaluronic acid (hereinafter referred to as HA) is used. Injections or application of a serum based on it to the facial area improves the condition of the dermis, providing additional hydration and starting regeneration processes. In addition, preparations with an increased density of HA are used for contouring when modeling the oval of the face and its individual areas.

Operating principle

Hyaluronic acid injections are in high demand due to their ease of use and action. Once in the body, the molecules of the substance attract many times more water molecules, thereby providing enhanced hydration of the problem area. They, in combination with the attracted liquid, provide a lifting effect and slight tension on the skin, which, in turn, leads to a reduction in wrinkles or reduces their depth. It should also be noted that additional HA has a positive effect on the natural synthesis of fibroblasts, collagen formation and the rejuvenation of skin cells in the future.

The principle of action of hyaluronic acid

Areas of application for the face

Hyaluronic acid for the face can be used both in pure form and as part of complex injectable preparations. Today in cosmetology there are three most popular methods of its use:

  1. Biorevitalization or revitalization. Involves injections into the superficial layers of the dermis. The goal is to moisturize the skin and improve its condition. It is carried out systematically in a course of 3 to 7 procedures, the exact number of which is determined for each patient individually. The first changes are noticeable about a week after the first session; the course provides results lasting up to six months. Main indications: dry skin, a network of fine expression wrinkles, flaking, dull complexion, hyperpigmentation. These problems are solved by additionally moisturizing the skin and increasing collagen fibers.
  2. Contour plastic. Injections are made into the deep layers of the dermis. The goal is to fill voids in soft tissues that are caused by age-related changes or that exist initially. The procedure is carried out once, the result lasts for 6 - 12 months. Changes are recorded on the day of the procedure; the full results of the intervention can be assessed after the side effects have subsided. Main indications: deep wrinkles, ptosis, insufficient volume or inappropriate shape of cheekbones, cheeks, chin and even lips;
  3. Mesotherapy. Injections are made into the superficial dermis. In addition to HA, the preparations include vitamins, plant extracts, and synthetic nutrients. The goal is to moisturize and nourish the skin, improve its condition. It involves a course of use (from 5 to 8 procedures), the result lasts up to six months. Procedures of this kind are indicated for dry, dehydrated skin with the first signs of aging.

Among other things, facial skin care with hyaluronic acid is also possible at home. For this purpose, low-molecular creams and serums are produced on its basis. They contain HA with microparticles that easily penetrate the pores. Such cosmetics are used individually or as part of complex therapy.

Video about using hyaluronic acid for the face


To understand whether HA is suitable for your face, you need to clarify the list of indications for its use. Thus, injections of various types are carried out for:

  1. moisturizing dry skin, normalizing the water balance of the local area, eliminating peeling;
  2. increasing skin elasticity and preventing ptosis;
  3. reducing the depth and number of wrinkles;
  4. preventing seasonal or age-related pigmentation;
  5. replenishment of soft tissue deficiencies;
  6. correction of the shape of individual zones and the entire facial contour.

Among other things, HA is used to restore skin after sunburn, to prevent photoaging, and also after rehabilitation after complex plastic surgery.

Indications for the use of hyaluronic acid

Preparation for the procedure

HA injections do not require special preparation. If there are no contraindications, you can get injections directly on the day of the consultation, and then leave the specialist’s office and return to your usual rhythm of life. If you want to achieve better results, following these recommendations will be useful for you:

  1. do not take active sunbathing (a week or later);
  2. do not combine injections with other aggressive cosmetic procedures (break for at least 14 days);
  3. do not take aspirin, vitamin E and other blood thinning medications at least 3 days before the procedure;
  4. give up alcohol and intense physical activity the day before your visit to the cosmetologist.

On the day of the procedure, you should wash your face and refrain from using decorative cosmetics. As for surface serums based on HA, their use does not require special conditions. As a rule, a small amount of the composition is applied once or twice a day to well-cleansed skin.

Carrying out the procedure

Let's consider the principle of using HA based on a procedure such as biorevitalization. In the office before the session, the cosmetologist re-examines the patient’s skin and draws up a scheme for administering the drug. Then he performs a complete makeup remover, treats problem areas with an alcohol composition to destroy bacteria, and applies local anesthesia. 10 - 12 minutes after this, injections can be performed.

Biorevitalization involves working with the superficial layers of the dermis. The drug is administered in a small amount to a depth of 0.5 to 0.9 mm. At the end of the manipulations, many cosmetologists prefer a light acupressure for optimal distribution of the composition under the skin.

Side effects

Violation of the integrity of the skin in 9 out of 10 cases provokes a local response. Its normal manifestations are swelling, reddish bumps, papules, and increased sensitivity of the skin. Within 72 hours, side effects disappear or are significantly reduced; this development of events is a variant of the norm.


In some cases, the procedure can cause more serious complications. Fortunately, the percentage of such situations is negligible. The causes of such problems are:

  1. low-quality or counterfeit drugs introduced into the human body;
  2. incorrectly selected volume of composition, exceeding the norm;
  3. deep introduction of the composition;
  4. non-compliance with contraindications;
  5. violation of safety regulations;
  6. non-compliance with recommendations for the recovery period.

Swelling and hemotomy after hyaluronic acid injections

Serious complications include inflammation, infection of the puncture site, formation of granulomas or fibrosis. All listed side effects should
be observed by a specialist.


After the procedure, the skin needs time to recover and heal. The exact period of rehabilitation is determined by the type of exposure performed and the patient’s body. Biorevitalization requires 7 days, contour plastic surgery - 10-14. To consolidate positive results and prevent complications during the rehabilitation period, the following mandatory recommendations are issued:

  1. Refrain from visiting establishments with high humidity and air temperature (saunas, steam rooms, baths).
  2. Limit physical activity to prevent excessive sweating (sweat is irritating and can cause infection).
  3. Don't sunbathe. The ban applies to solariums and natural processes. Please note that it lasts longer than the recovery period, approximately a month.

On the first day, do not wash your face or use decorative cosmetics. After 24 hours, in the absence of visible inflammation, these manipulations are allowed. In this case, the injection sites are treated with Miramistin every 3 to 4 hours. If necessary, dry ice, chamomile compress, and pharmaceutical cooling ointments are applied to problem areas. They reduce swelling and bruising. After about 5 days, it is recommended to start using cosmetics based on hyaluronic acid to enhance the achieved effect.

Duration of results

Hyaluronic acid is a biodegradable product. This means that over time it breaks down into elements and is eliminated from the body in full. Biorevitalization provides results for up to 4 - 6 months, contour plastic surgery - from 6 to 12 months. The exact numbers are determined by the type of composition and its density.


In certain cases, injections of hyaluronic acid into the facial area may be prohibited. As a rule, the introduction of restrictions is associated with:

  1. Individual intolerance to the substance.
  2. Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  3. Exacerbation of any chronic disease.
  4. Tendency to form colloidal scars.
  5. Low level of blood clotting.
  6. Viral and bacterial diseases accompanied by decreased immunity;
  7. Diabetes mellitus.

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Biorevitalization will cost you 2 - 3 thousand rubles per session, the initial cost of one mesotherapy procedure is 1.5 thousand. The full course of such procedures is usually estimated at 10 - 12 thousand. Contour plastic will cost more, from 10,000 per procedure, but it is usually enough to achieve the desired results.

Among other things, the price of procedures with hyaluronic acid consists of factors such as the amount of the drug used, the manufacturer’s brand, and anesthesia services.

Photos before and after

Photos before and after biorevitalization

Photos before and after contouring

Photos before and after mesotherapy

Injections based on hyaluronic acid help improve the condition of facial skin, they replenish moisture deficiency, stimulate the synthesis of fibroblasts, and add the necessary tone and elasticity. In addition, preparations with increased viscosity (density) are used to correct the cheeks, cheekbones, and chin. With their help you can add volume or change shape.

Our experts:
Elena Parsagashvili, dermatocosmetologist, chief physician of the Estima-Clinic Aesthetic Medicine Clinic, St. Petersburg
Elena Levchuk, dermatocosmetologist, clinic of aesthetic medicine "Klazko"
Irina Abrahamyan, dermatologist, anti-aging therapy specialist, Savannah beauty salon

Mesotherapy and its popular variety biorevitalization are many micro-injections with a syringe containing hyaluronic acid, or rather its high-molecular formula. A little unpleasant, but for six months the skin of the face becomes taut and elastic. The whole trick here is the very low mass of molecules. Due to their micro-size, they are able to penetrate into the dermis and stimulate the production of their own hyaluronic acid. In addition, these babies “lie” more evenly under the skin (the doctor can administer dozens or even hundreds of microdoses) and are used not for local correction of deep wrinkles, but to improve the appearance of the epidermis.

When to do biorevitalization

They say that biorevitalization of the skin is useful at any age - there is never too much hyaluronic acid. But here, as in the case of Botox, existing problems need to be solved. If a cosmetologist has identified your skin as dehydrated, a course of microdoses will not hurt. And hyaluronic acid introduced two weeks before vacation in hot countries will maintain the level of skin moisture.

As for age restrictions, judge for yourself. In the body, this acid is decomposed by the enzyme hyaluronidase. Up to 25 years of age, more hyaluronic acid is produced than is lost, meaning there is no need for supplementation. From 25 to 32 years old - approximately the same. But starting from the age of 35, there is much more hyaluronidase in the body - it is during this period that you can feel a significant lack of moisture in the epidermis. And immediately replenish it with the help of a biorevitalization course.

Procedure time: up to 1 hour
Effect lasts: 6 months

After biorevitalization

Need to:

  1. smear the skin with anti-inflammatory and antiseptic drugs prescribed by a cosmetologist - 2-3 days
  2. use face sunscreen with SPF of at least 30 in any weather – 2 weeks

Not worth it:

  1. apply makeup – 1–3 days
  2. drink plenty of fluids on the day of the procedure (due to possible swelling)
  3. touch your face for the next day
  4. sunbathe – 1–2 weeks
  5. go to the pool, sauna, gym - until the skin is completely healed