Face lifting cream - what is it?


Lifting creams can be used after 35 years as basic care. There is no need to use such products earlier in age. You can even harm your skin by triggering a “withdrawal effect.” This is because lifting products stimulate the formation of collagen, resulting in the resumption of the natural process of skin renewal.

Benefits of using lifting creams

Cream lifting allows you to improve the condition of the skin, its tone, make it more elastic and toned. Cosmetics of this type well moisturize aging skin, so it looks younger.

A cream with a lifting effect must be tested for an allergic reaction. For this purpose, you can take a sample so as not to buy a whole jar at once.

When using lifting creams, it is necessary to take into account the initial condition of the facial skin, its type and other nuances. A rich assortment of anti-aging products allows you to find your own means of youth and beauty, but often the search is based on trial and error. This is explained by the fact that each person has different skin, which means that you need to find the optimal solution, focusing on the effectiveness of the contents of the treasured jar specifically for you. There is no need to use the product that your neighbor recommended; the right solution would be a consultation with a cosmetologist.

The effect of the lifting cream cannot be assessed instantly, but the first signs of improvement in the miracle product appear after 3-4 weeks of use. In this case, you can choose night and day creams, products with a gel texture. You need to apply the products correctly along the massage lines.

Secrets of using lifting creams

The lifting effect when using special creams is ensured due to the inclusion of useful substances in the composition of the products. This is vitamin A, or retinol, which promotes collagen production, hyaluronic acid, which restores the epidermis, a powerful antioxidant, vitamin E, and other components. When aging skin should receive maximum nutrition.

It is often recommended to use lifting creams after chemical peeling or resurfacing to restore the skin. The formulation of these products may contain medicinal extracts. And to make the anti-aging effect noticeable - reflective particles.

Experts recommend paying special attention to the skin of the chest, neck and eyelids; these are the most vulnerable and delicate areas, so it is necessary to select lifting products for such areas.

When using lifting creams, you need to remember that a gel product is optimal for oily skin, and a regular cream is the right choice for dry skin. You can use the cream only after cleansing the skin first. Constant use of lifting cosmetics helps even out skin tone, make large wrinkles less noticeable and remove fine mesh.

Creams with a tightening effect belong to anti-aging cosmetics and have a high goal - to restore elasticity to the skin and clear contours to the face. Thanks to modern beauty formulas, it is quite possible to get closer to the ideal. How? Now we’ll tell you, and at the same time we’ll help you choose the best lifting cream – according to the editors of skin.ru.

  1. Why do you need a lifting cream?
  2. Effect of lifting creams
  3. Composition of lifting cream
  4. How to choose a lifting cream
  5. Application rules
  6. At what age should you start using lifting cream?
  7. Gymnastics for lifting
  8. Rating of the best lifting creams
  9. Lifting face cream: video

Why do you need a lifting cream?

Have you noticed that the skin has become less elastic and lost its tone, and the reflection in the mirror makes you remember physics lessons and the law of universal gravitation? This means that the production of collagen and elastin has slowed down. These are the main structural proteins that make up the framework of the skin, support it from the inside, and give firmness and elasticity. In general, it’s time for you to pay attention to the jars with the inscription Lift.

Cream with a lifting effect improves skin elasticity © IStock

Effect of lifting creams

The main goal of firming formulas is to increase skin density, firmness and elasticity. To achieve results, they work in several directions at once.

Stimulates the production of collagen and elastin

Anti-aging ingredients, through cascade reactions, affect fibroblasts - cells that promote the synthesis of collagen and elastin, which support the skin from the inside.

Accelerate cell renewal

Over time, the process of cell renewal slows down, and along with it, the skin's ability to heal itself decreases.

Increases skin hydration levels

With age, the skin becomes increasingly dry, which affects not only its appearance, but also its ability to accept care. “Even the most powerful and expensive anti-aging cream does not work on dehydrated skin,” says Vichy medical expert Elena Eliseeva.

The body's need for water is physiological, and getting hydrated fibroblasts to synthesize collagen is like asking a very thirsty person to run a marathon. This is why dehydrated skin ages faster: it is simply unable to resist and recover.”

Composition of lifting cream

Here is a list of active ingredients that play major roles in lifting cream formulas.

Hyaluronic acid. Not a single formula aimed at combating age-related changes can do without this ingredient. Due to its ability to attract and retain water, hyaluronic acid fills the skin with moisture, making it more vibrant. elastic and smooth. Dehydration wrinkles are smoothed out.

Ramnoza. A monosaccharide obtained by biotechnological synthesis from white birch, thanks to its small molecular size, has a targeted effect on the dermis, activating synthesis of collagen and elastin. Accelerates epidermal renewal and strengthens the dermo-epidermal junction. The skin becomes elastic, its protective mechanisms are restored, wrinkles become less pronounced.

Lifting creams have an instant visual effect © iStock

Vitamin C. Works as an antioxidant, participates in the formation of structural proteins of the skin.

Proxilan. The patented molecule acts as "pull-up" element at the structural level, increases skin density, stimulates protein synthesis and restoration of the basic substance of the dermis.

Peptides. Protects and strengthens collagen structures.

Tightening polymers And carnauba wax. These substances create instant visual effect a toned face and clear contours.

How to choose a lifting cream

The first thing you should pay attention to is texture. It should match your skin type, be comfortable and pleasant to the touch. After all, the struggle for youth should be fun.

You should clearly separate day and night care, adapting to skin biorhythms and processes that occur at different times of the day.

During the day, the skin performs protective functions.

Daily cream

Supports the skin and protects against external negative factors. Often has an instant lifting effect due to powerful hydration and optical correction.

Night cream

It has a rather rich texture and has a pronounced restorative effect.

Application rules

Lancôme Beauty Institute advises using lifting cream as follows.

Distribute the product over your entire face.

Using the palms of both hands, gently press on the contours of your face from the chin to the ears.

Then press on the skin, setting a vector from the corners of the lips to the tips of the ears.

And finally, the final pressure is from the central part of the cheeks to the temples.

Perform light pressure 6 times, alternating between right and left hands.

The correct technique for applying the cream and a facial fitness complex will enhance the effect of the product © IStock

At what age should you start using lifting cream?

The modern concept of care calls for focusing not on biological age, but on skin condition. However, it is unlikely that at the age of 25 anyone has any reason to buy a firming cream. And here after 35 the first age-related changes become noticeable: the skin may become less elastic, dryness, facial expressions will appear wrinkles, general decrease in tone.

During menopause, when the face changes its shape due to hormonal reasons, a cream with a lifting effect relevant more than ever.

Gymnastics for lifting

Lancôme experts have developed a comprehensive approach to skin care that enhances the effectiveness of lifting products and relieves muscle tension. This simple but effective daily facial fitness program looks like this.

Against the “double chin”

Make a fist with your fingers.

Press it firmly from below onto your chin for 10 seconds. Repeat 3 times.

For eyelid skin

Purse your lips tightly.

Place your palms on your temples and pull back, trying to stretch the skin around your eyes. Close your eyes to enhance the effect.

Stay in this position for 10 seconds, then relax. Repeat 3 times.

For a clear lip contour

Place your middle fingers along your upper lip.

Press your fingers into the skin and slightly stretch your lips.

Hold the position for 10 seconds. Relax. Repeat 3 times.

To relax the neck

Tilt your head to the right.

With your right hand, apply downward pressure on the left side of your neck to stimulate stretching of the muscles.

Stay in this position for 10 seconds, then relax.

Perform the exercise by tilting your head to the left.

Repeat the entire sequence of actions 3 times.

Rating of the best lifting creams

The best lifting creams, according to the editors of skin.ru

day cream care complex

Neovadiol for normal

during menopause, Vichy

Name Action Active Ingredients
Multi-active anti-aging fluid Rénergie Multi-Lift Ultra, SPF 25, Lancôme A multidisciplinary product that fights signs of skin aging such as loss of elasticity, wrinkles, and age spots. Gives radiance, evens out tone and increases skin elasticity. flax extract
Restores skin and helps activate collagen production, intensely moisturizes. proxilan, hyaluronic acid
Anti-aging care, “Active Lifting 45+”, reducing wrinkles, night, Garnier Increases skin tone, strengthening it from the inside, smoothes wrinkles. plant cells of youth, sea buckthorn oil
Day cream Revitalift laser 3x, SPF 20, L’Oréal Paris Corrects wrinkles by strengthening collagen fibers, helps tone and strengthen the skin. Reduces pigmentation. proxylane, lipohydroxy acid
Anti-wrinkle cream for skin elasticity Liftactiv supreme, vichy Provides a lifting effect, strengthens collagen and elastin fibers, visually transforms the skin rhamnose, neohesperedin, caffeine, adenosine

Lifting face cream: video


Women at any age want to look young and attractive. Developments by specialists in the field of cosmetology help achieve this. These can be special procedures or a lifting cream, which can be used to provide health and care for facial skin at home. It is developed using special technology.

Purpose of lifting creams

Women under 30-35 years of age do not yet need facelift products. But closer to forty years and older, age-related changes occur in the body, which have a negative impact on the condition of the skin.

The consequences of these changes are expressed by the destruction of collagen and disruption of water balance in the body. It is at this moment that the skin of the face begins to need support. Problems can be seen by


external signs:

  1. Formation of circles under the eyes.
  2. The appearance of small wrinkles.
  3. Increased skin dryness.

Face tightening cream must be purchased taking into account skin type and age-related changes. The effectiveness of the product will depend on the condition of the skin: if previously a woman took care of her constantly and did it competently, then Effect will be noticeable fairly quickly.

Conventionally, cosmetics with a lifting effect are divided into categories:

  1. Products that stimulate the production of your own collagen.
  2. Products that promote intensive skin hydration and eliminate visible defects.

You can purchase the ideal option that will combine both qualities. Such products do an excellent job of smoothing out small folds on the face and eliminating large ones, tightening the face and improving skin texture and its shade.

Release form and components


Products with a lifting effect come in the form of gels or masks for day and night use. Such funds usually include:

  1. Urea.
  2. Retinol.
  3. Hyaluronic acid.
  4. Vitamins "C" and "E".
  5. Various extracts.
  6. Antioxidants.
  7. Collagen.
  8. Lipids and other substances.

All these components contribute to restoration, moisturizing, softening, and protection. The main component that has an active anti-aging effect is collagen. This unique substance renews senescent cells skin and restores its elasticity.


Another important component of this product is amino acid. Under its influence, metabolic processes proceed faster, which ensures natural protection skin from aging.

Nutrition and hydration are provided due to the presence of various acids and glycerin in the cream. Retinol promotes cell regeneration and rejuvenates the dermis, slowing down her aging.

Excellent food For the inner layers of the dermis, additives from oils are used: sea buckthorn, coconut and olives. These substances suppress harmful bacteria, soothe the skin, eliminate irritation and allergies.

Mode of application

To get a high-quality result after applying the product, it is necessary to apply it correctly. Before applying anti-aging cream, you should first cleanse your face.Best


A cream with a lifting effect for the face is applied to mature skin with smoothing movements, moving the fingers in certain directions. The sequence of application of the product looks like this in most cases:

  1. A small amount of cream is applied pointwise along the oval of the face.
  2. Using smooth movements, distribute it from top to bottom, literally stretching the skin with wrinkles from the center to the edges. The directions of movement go from the forehead to the temples and the scalp line.
  3. After this, begin to apply the cream to the lower part of the face. In these places, wrinkles are smoothed out, moving from the cheekbones down to the chin.


For hypersensitive skin, special sponges can be used when applying anti-wrinkle products. Products with a lifting effect are not recommended to be rubbed into the skin. They are applied exclusively using the point method, using the tip of your finger. It is better to apply them an hour before going to bed. This is done to prevent the occurrence of edema.

The minimum duration of one course is from three weeks to a month. Depending on the condition of the skin, the duration of the course may be increased. To achieve a positive result, products with a lifting effect are sometimes used daily for a long time. To increase the effectiveness of using a long-lasting firming cream, you can re-apply two to three weeks after completing the course.

Contraindications and side effects

Products with a tightening effect have minor contraindications. They are not recommended for use:

  1. While expecting a child.
  2. In case of individual intolerance to the components of the product.
  3. For wounds, burns and inflammatory elements on the skin.
  4. In case of expired date.
  5. In case of non-compliance with skin age criteria.

Side effects are rare and may include itching, burning and an allergic reaction. It is recommended to use the products according to the instructions. With more frequent use, achieving a quick effect is impossible. It is not recommended to use lifting cream together with pharmaceutical ointments for the treatment of skin diseases.

Rating of lifting face creams


Among the variety of cosmetic products, every woman chooses the most optimal option for herself. There are no universal criteria for determining the best lifting cream for the face. To achieve a visible effect, it is necessary to start using such products before the onset of age-related changes on the face.

A cosmetologist can choose a suitable product based on the condition of the skin and the woman’s age. To get a high-quality result, it is advisable to use day and night cream. The complex effect allows you to smooth out deep wrinkles. It is recommended to use a special anti-aging product for the area around the eyes.

When choosing the best option, you should take into account the requirements that cosmetics for women over 40 must meet. First of all, she must:

  1. Effectively reduce wrinkles.
  2. Reduce color pigmentation.
  3. Moisturize and nourish facial skin.
  4. Activate blood circulation.

To provide your skin with such an effect, you need to pay attention to the composition of the face lift cream, which should contain peptides, proteins, and retinoids. These are the substances that mature skin needs.

Leaders in efficiency

It is worth recognizing that an effective product cannot be cheap. Luxury cosmetics are considered the best based on numerous tests and consumer reviews. Among the best lifting creams are:

  1. Chanel. The anti-aging series of creams of this brand is intended for women over 45 years old. The products in this series are produced with a universal, rich and light texture. If in doubt, women can purchase samples of creams to test at a low price. The texture of the cream is chosen depending on the condition of the skin.
  2. Clarins. Day and night creams are available to achieve the best effect. In addition, every woman can purchase a product for dry skin or for any type. The cream increases elasticity, helping to prolong youth.
  3. Lancome. The products of this brand are intended not only for women, but also for men. The choice is so diverse that everyone can choose a product depending on their own preferences and expected results.

Budget options

Mid-price products are slightly inferior to luxury ones in terms of effectiveness, but if you use them in a timely manner and do not give up other cosmetic procedures and lead a healthy lifestyle, then the results from their use will please you. In this category there are:

  1. Garnier. The products of this company are produced for women over 35 years of age. Anti-aging creams are available for day and night use. The daytime option allows you to even out your facial skin and improve its elasticity. The evening option provides nourishment and cleansing to the skin, restoring cells. After 55 years, you can purchase a product from this series for intensive rejuvenation.
  2. L'Oreal. The company produces anti-aging products in the form of creams and serums. In most cases, they are used together to achieve optimal effect. The products can be applied to any skin and regardless of the time of year. Visible results are achieved in a couple of weeks.
  3. Vitex. Various creams from this company allow you to fight age-related changes in facial skin after 30 and 40 years. The cream does not clog pores and reduces the number of wrinkles.
  4. Olay. The company's products allow any client to find a remedy. The anti-aging line is intended for women over 35 years old. The products counter seven signs of aging and preserve the beauty of the skin.
  5. Nature Siberica. This cream is based on substances that resist early aging. The product of this brand not only restores freshness to the skin and cares for it, but also protects against adverse environmental factors. After use, the skin becomes healthy, radiant and elastic. This product can be used after 30 years.

Pharmaceutical products

Effective products with innovative ingredients can be purchased in pharmacies. There are drugs of different price categories and manufacturers:

  1. Evalar. The company produces a cream called "Lora". It contains hyaluronic acid and helps fight wrinkles. Domestic development allows women to see a tangible effect within three weeks. The product moisturizes the skin and prevents sagging. The products can be used after 30 years.
  2. Vichy. The products of this company are able to satisfy the various needs of customers. The new product is intended for women over 35 years of age to prevent and combat the first wrinkles. Hyaluronic acid and retinol are used as active substances.
  3. Bark. The products are intended to correct facial and age wrinkles. The substances in the cream smooth out wrinkles of various origins and stimulate the production of your own collagen. Skin tightening is also achieved through optimal hydration. The unique composition allows you to quickly obtain visible results of skin rejuvenation. You can start using this product after 30 years, in two-month courses. The cream can be used instead of makeup base.
  4. Avene. The product allows you to get rid of the first signs of aging and gives you a radiant appearance. To obtain the desired effect, you should start using the cream after 25 years of age. This product is used for dry facial skin.

Choosing a product to combat anti-aging changes in facial skin is not an easy task. To choose an effective remedy, you should be guided not by the price, but by the quality of the product. If you start using anti-aging cream in time, you can do without the help of plastic surgeons.