Recovery after chemotherapy at home

Restoring the body after chemotherapy means clearing it of drugs and their breakdown products circulating in the blood. Most of them are excessively toxic to the liver, kidneys, and gastrointestinal tract. During chemotherapy, the cells of these organs died, tissues were destroyed, which led to a decrease in functional activity. Therefore, restoration of the body is vital for preventing the development of serious diseases. For this purpose, after therapy, treatment is carried out with regeneration stimulants, cardiotonics, hepato- and gastroprotectors. Balanced complexes of vitamins and minerals are indispensable for recovery.

Boosting immunity

Strengthening and restoring immunity through hardening and increased physical activity after therapy is not always possible. The body is exhausted, so it does not respond well to such stress. In order to strengthen the defenses, patients are prescribed a course of immunostimulants. This is the name for drugs that stimulate the body’s nonspecific resistance and improve the functioning of the immune system.

These include:

  1. Isoprinosine;
  2. Glutoxim;
  3. Lycopid;
  4. Thymogen;
  5. Bion;
  6. Ribomunil;
  7. IRS-19;
  8. Immunal.

Tinctures of ginseng, eleutherococcus, and aralia also help restore general health. These medicinal plants contain bioactive substances that are not only immunostimulants, but also adaptogens. They increase the body’s resistance to negative external and internal factors and restore its functioning. Eleutherococcus and ginseng are available in tablet form.


Walking in the fresh air, treatment in sanatoriums, swimming, yoga, and therapeutic exercises will help strengthen the immune system and restore the body.

Taking vitamins

Rehabilitation after chemotherapy at home involves a long course of taking balanced vitamin and mineral complexes. These biologically active substances take part in all recovery processes occurring in the body. They are primarily destroyed by the components of antitumor agents. And then an acute deficiency of fat- and water-soluble vitamins, micro- and macroelements, especially iron, occurs in the body, against the background of constant nausea and suppressed appetite.

The use of the following drugs will help restore their reserves:

  1. Vitrum during body recovery

    Vitrum during body recovery

  2. Complivit;
  3. Vitrum;
  4. Centrum;
  5. Multitabs.

The use of special vitamin preparations is required for recovery from muscle weakness, myalgia or arthralgia, memory loss and concentration. These are Milgamma, Kombilipen, Pentovit, which contain riboflavin, pyridoxine, thiamine, cyanocobalamin. These B vitamins restore the transmission of nerve impulses in the body and promote the regeneration of damaged nerve fibers.

Folk remedies

Recovering faster at home after long chemotherapy, as well as after radiation, will be possible through the rational use of products prepared according to alternative medicine recipes. However, it should be borne in mind that after therapy the human body becomes more sensitive to allergic agents. But honey, medicinal herbs, and propolis cannot be called hypoallergenic. Therefore, any folk remedy can be used to restore the body only at the final stage of the rehabilitation period.

The safest recipes from traditional healers:

  1. Squeeze the juice from a glass of fresh or defrosted cranberries and pour into a non-oxidizing container. Place the pomace in a saucepan, pour in half a liter of water, bring to a boil, simmer for 15 minutes. Strain, mix with juice, add sugar to taste. Drink throughout the day.
  2. Pour a handful of rose hips into a thermos, a tablespoon of oats, marigolds and birch buds, and pour in a liter of boiling water. After 3 hours, cool and strain. Take half a glass three times a day, adding flower honey to taste.

Such folk remedies help remove all chemicals from the body after chemotherapy. They restore vitamin reserves, supply tissues with phytoncides, bioflavonoids, and essential oils. All these bioactive substances significantly improve the condition of the body and restore its functioning.

Recommendations for the restoration of individual organs

High-quality restoration of organs after chemotherapy at home involves taking a course of medications, performing physical procedures, and daily physical therapy exercises. After cancer treatment, a comprehensive diagnosis of the patient’s body is performed to identify any complications that have arisen. First of all, the organ that was most damaged by antitumor drugs is restored.

Damaged veins can be restored after chemotherapy using products that strengthen their walls. It is better to use ointments, gels, and creams rather than tablets and dragees that burden the liver. Lyoton, Heparin, Troxevasin and its cheaper analogue, Troxerutin, perfectly restore blood vessels in the body. Among the bioactive supplements, you should choose those that contain extracts of horse chestnut and leech saliva.

After radiation and chemical therapy, these organs are particularly affected. After all, they are the ones who metabolize harmful substances and evacuate them with feces and urine from the body. Kidney restoration after chemotherapy is possible with the use of Cyston, Canephron, and Brusniver tea. And Liv-52, Karsil, Essentiale or Essliver Forte will help regulate liver function.

Filgrastim after chemotherapy

Filgrastim after chemotherapy

Bone marrow damage from leukemia is exacerbated by subsequent use of anticancer drugs. Treatment with Filgrastim or its substitutes (Leucostim, Lenograstim, Granocyte, Granogen, Neupogen) will help remove all toxins after chemotherapy and improve the process of hematopoiesis. The drugs are administered parenterally to the body with constant monitoring of functional parameters of the liver and kidneys.

Following a diet will help restore intestinal function after chemotherapy, but De-Nol, Methyluracil, and special herbal preparations are used to regenerate the stomach. To support a weakened pancreas, patients are recommended to take Mezim Forte and other pancreatin-based products with digestive enzymes. And to restore optimal intestinal microflora after chemotherapy, eubiotics are needed - Hilak Forte, Linex, Bifidumbacterin, Lactobacterin.

Any way to cleanse the blood after chemotherapy will be the beginning of weight loss. The patient's appetite is reduced, he feels sick when thinking about food - under such conditions, weight naturally decreases. So you don’t need to take any fat-burning drugs, you should only increase physical activity as much as possible and eat right.

Detoxifying the body will cleanse it of substances that damage the hair follicles. Additionally, taking vitamin-mineral complexes and rubbing burdock oil with extracts of nettle and (or) red hot pepper into the scalp will help restore hair. The use of shampoos and conditioners without fragrances, parabens and triclosan will restore hair growth after chemotherapy.

To restore potency in men after chemotherapy, Impaza, Viardot, and Tongkat Platinum are used with a gentle effect. If you experience severe erectile dysfunction, you cannot do without taking Sildenafil or Tadalafil.


Hormone therapy will allow you to restore the tissues of the uterus and ovaries and optimize their functional activity.

Recovery duration

Restoring the body after chemotherapy takes no less time than it takes. It's all about the peculiarities of the mechanism of action of drugs that were used to destroy cancer cells and prevent malignant mutation in healthy ones. Each antitumor agent is a powerful cellular poison or toxin. Therefore, the duration of rehabilitation depends on the type of drugs used. The time for complete recovery of the body after chemotherapy varies from several months to 1-2 years.