
The causes of a miscarriage can be either external influences: a fall, a blow, excessive physical movements, a sharp jump, especially backwards - this often forces the conceiving seed to come out in the form as it is, or some kind of mental suffering, for example, strong anger, fear , chagrin; It also happens from excessively cold or hot air. For the same kind of reasons, pregnant women are disgusted by a long stay in the bathhouse, since it deepens their breathing - after all, the bathhouse, while contributing to miscarriage due to slipping, also contributes to it due to the fetus' need for cold air and the weakness that arises in it, because it is deprived of "" strength and relaxes due to dissolution. The cause of a miscarriage can also be physical suffering: illness, illness, severe hunger, excessive excretion of juices or blood, carried out with the help of drugs or bloodletting, or occurring on its own, for example, with heavy monthly bleeding; The larger the fetus, the greater the harm from bloodletting. Or a miscarriage occurs as a result of large overfilling or frequent indigestion of the stomach, spoiling the nutrition of the fetus or blocking the path to it, as well as from frequent copulations that move the uterus, especially after the seventh month, frequent bathing in the bathhouse and ablutions, causing the fetus to slip out, relaxing the uterus and producing miscarriage, although bathing in a bathhouse leads to miscarriage and due to the relaxation of the fetal strength and the need for cold air, as we said above.

This is one category of reasons. Sometimes a miscarriage depends on reasons emanating from the fetus, for example, its death due to some circumstance that caused death; then the dead fetus becomes disgusting to nature, especially if pus flows from it, which burns and irritates the uterus. The reason may be the weakness of the fetus, due to which it is not retained in the uterus, or some circumstance related to the membranes and scrolls surrounding it. If they rupture or relax, then fluids flow from them, irritating the uterus, and then the expelling force begins to move and also contributes to the slipping out of the fetus. Or the reasons depend on the uterus, that is, the excessive width of its mouth, its small compression, or harmful fluids in the uterus and in the mouths of blood vessels, promoting slippage and burdening. Sometimes a miscarriage occurs due to all sorts of disorders of the nature of the uterus - heat, cold or dryness, as well as due to poor nutrition of the fetus. It also happens from winds at the mouth of the uterus, from tumors, erysipelas, hardening and cancer, and sometimes it occurs from ulcers in the uterus. Most often, miscarriage in the second or third month occurs from winds or from the accumulation of fluids at the mouths of the uterine vessels, which are called notches. From these vessels the vessels of the villous membrane are woven; when they become wet, the fabric woven from them relaxes, and the fruit is thrown out at the slightest movement caused by winds and heaviness. Sometimes this happens due to a disorder of nature - hot, drying, as well as cold, causing hardening.

Another reason for miscarriage early in pregnancy is the semen fluid at its core; in this case, only a weak shell is formed from it, prone to rupture when blood is attracted; in the sixth and subsequent months, the cause may be fluids pouring into the uterus and causing the fetus to slip out. Some people say that this most often occurs from a burning sensation, but the correct words are those that were spoken by us. And after a certain period of time, miscarriage occurs only from malignant weakness.

They say that if a very thin woman becomes pregnant, she miscarries before she gains weight, because her body, for its own good and to restore strength, takes so much food that the fetus has no surplus left for nutrition and it becomes weaker. In countries where the cold is very strong, immoderate, and also in very cold seasons, miscarriages, difficult births and deaths of pregnant women become more frequent. Miscarriages are common in southern countries and in “southern” weather, but in northern countries they are less common, unless the cold is very strong and does not harm the fetus. If childbirth is preceded by a “southern”, warm winter and a “northern”, low-rainy spring, then pregnant women who are supposed to give birth in the spring miscarry for the most insignificant reasons or give birth to weak ones. The pain during a miscarriage is worse than the pain during childbirth, because a miscarriage is an unnatural thing.

Signs. As for the signs of the possibility of a miscarriage itself, the breasts begin to shrink after healthy swelling, and the painful swelling will correct itself, causing shrinking without fear of miscarriage; which breast shrinks after healthy swelling, on that side the baby will be miscarried when pregnant with twins. If the milk flows excessively and constantly, so that the breasts become wrinkled, then this foretells that the fetus is weak and that a miscarriage will occur; the same thing means private pain in the uterus. When the face becomes very red with fever and there is a tremendous chill and heaviness in the head and the woman is overcome by exhaustion and pain is felt in the bottom of the eyes, this indicates that the causes of the miscarriage are completely present and that the woman will bleed and then miscarry. The causes of miscarriage, depending on natural forces, when they are all present, also point to this. The signs of disorder of nature, ulcers, tumors and abundance of fluids are known from what has already been said several times, and miscarriage that occurs due to winds is recognized by the signs of winds: tension without heaviness, movement of the winds and their increase when taking swelling substances. External causes are also recognized by their presence.

As for the death of the fetus, it is indicated by the movement in the womb of something loose, heavy, like a stone, and moving from side to side, especially when the woman lies on her side. Her navel becomes cold, whereas before it was hot, and her chest also becomes cold, and sometimes purulent, fetid fluids flow from it. These instructions are reinforced if pregnant women have had hot illnesses that cause great harm with their heat; if you prohibit food with them, the fetus will die, and if you do not prohibit it, the disease will worsen. Other serious illnesses indicate the same. When the fetus dies or even before that - and this is one of the harbingers, then the eyes of a pregnant woman sometimes fall in and the whites of the eyes become dark; A pregnant woman's ears and the tip of her nose turn white with a red face, and her condition is similar to “meat dropsy.”

Preservation of the embryo and protection from miscarriage. The embryo is suspended from the uterus as a fruit is suspended from a tree, and the greatest fear is that the fetus will fall either during the first time after its appearance, or when it is ripe. Likewise, with regard to the embryo, the greatest fear is that it will be miscarried immediately after conception or just before the approach of childbirth; Therefore, during these two periods, one should beware of the mentioned causes of miscarriage. Laxative medicine is one of these causes and should be avoided before the fourth month and after the seventh, as well as in the interval between these periods, but in the interval it is safer and is resorted to if necessary. Sometimes during one of these periods it is impossible to avoid relaxing and purifying the woman’s blood so that the blood does not spoil the condition of the fetus due to a disorder of nature; then you should loosen carefully and gently. Often, a woman did not have the required amount of cleansing before conception and there was excess menstrual blood left in her, from which she must be cleansed, because if it is not cleansed, the fetus will be spoiled. And here you should cleanse carefully, using soft cleansers that you do not drink, but insert into the vagina. In this case, they are inserted not at the mouth of the uterus, but into the cervix, and what is removed is not brought out at once, but many times.

If they fear that a woman will have a miscarriage due to a disorder of nature, tumors, ulcers, wind, etc., then all this is treated with the means indicated in the corresponding paragraph. When a woman is threatened with miscarriage due to an external reason, then if this is one of the reasons that also affects nature, the latter is balanced, and if it is of a different kind and belongs to those that deflect hot matter to the uterus, and a tumor can be feared, then they are treated with distracting and tumor-preventing agents, and also, possibly, relaxation. When this is not the case and it is feared that an external cause will cause harm or suffering to the fetus and miscarry or kill it, then it should be treated with drugs that preserve the fetus, which we will mention later. As for slippage due to fluids, and this is the reason the fetus slips out most often, then in this case it is necessary to do softening enemas during pregnancy that remove feces, and then use injections and diuretics, as well as enemas that cleanse the uterus.

A good way to do this. It consists of giving the pregnant woman the juice of medicinal roots with castor oil, or a decoction of tribulus and fenugreek with castor oil. Every ten days she is given some stinking pills to drink and given Galena's Iyaraj to drink.

Excellent enema against this. Take satara, juniper berries, ajgon, kachim, dill stems, chamomile, rue, tribulus and fenugreek - a handful of each and boil in three ritles of water until half remains. Take a decoction less than rittl and put in it astar of lily oil, lilies and uskurrajah sesame oil; use this remedy in the form of an enema and give the woman such an enema every day for four days.

Another enema. They take a coloquint, cut a circle from it, remove the seeds, fill the fruit with iris oil and leave it to stand for one day. In the morning, the coloquint is placed on hot ashes and they wait until the oil boils properly, after which it is strained and an enema is made from it in front, while warm; This is a surprisingly good fluid remover. And after such emptying, fragrant oils should be used in the form of rubbing and injection or injected on woolen rags. Strong medicinal porridges and medicines such as sagapen, dahamarsa and shajazaniya are also used every three or five days, as well as musk medicine or seed medicine. Also: they take crushed incense peels and satiate tubers - one part of both, and half a part of myrrh - and boil them in six mannas of water until one quarter remains; The broth is filtered and an enema of four is given every three days after preliminary emptying of liquids.

Good fumigations include bdellium, Nabataean resin, ushshak and nigella - together or separately; Use after cleansing. Sumbul, saffron, mastic, myrrh, sukk, beaver stream, bdellium and the like are also introduced into the vagina with spikenard oil or goose fat on a green woolen rag, and hare rennet is also introduced after bowel movements. Medicines that preserve the fetus in the womb, if there is no damage in the form of disorder or hot nature, hot tumor and the like, are heart medicines, for example, wild ginger, sweetmeal, both bahman, "laughing medicine", musk medicine, mithridate.

Medicine to prevent miscarriage. They take sweetmell, wild ginger, beaver stream, asafoetida, sukkah, musk, melegetian pepper, bamboo concretions - each for a dirham and ginger - ten dirhams and drink this every day, a mithqal in cold water. Hot enemas are also made from medications of this kind and from compositions that include camap, chamomile, fenugreek, dill, azhgon and the like.