Phenomena classified as diseases

There are phenomena that go beyond the limits of diseases, but are comparable to them, namely phenomena that fall within the field of cosmetics. Some of them relate to hair, others - complexion, others - smell, fourth - appearance in general, except for complexion. The types of hair diseases are as follows: loss, climbing, shortness, liquid, section, thinness, coarseness, excessive curliness, excessive smoothness, gray hair, change in color, whatever it may be.

Disorders of complexion fall into four categories: in the category of its change due to a disorder of nature with matter, as in jaundice, or without matter, as in measles, arising due to the predominance of a cold nature alone, and with yellowness, which sometimes appears from the predominance of one only hot nature, in the category of changes from external causes - for example, the sun, cold and wind scorch the complexion; into the category of the spread of bodies of a foreign color on the skin that bears facial coloring, as with black bahak, or their point penetration into the skin, as with moles and freckles. The fourth category is the traces left after the healing of the discontinuity that occurred: these are traces of smallpox and scars from ulcers.

Odor defects are when, for example, armpits smell or other unpleasant odors come from the body. Defects in appearance, in addition to color, are expressed in excessive emaciation or excessive obesity.