Phenomena arising from a scorpion sting

From its bite, a swelling immediately appears, hard and red, and lingering pain; the bitten place either glows or gets cold, and it seems as if lumps of snow are being thrown at it. Suddenly, pain and tingling begins, similar to pricks with a needle, and then cold sweat follows, lips twitch and become cold, vomiting of something viscous begins, congealing on the lips, goose bumps and trembling appear, hair stands on end, limbs, especially those closest to the site of the bite , they become cold, the whole body relaxes, the groins swell, the penis tenses. Sometimes bloating appears in the abdomen, and often the stung person emits wind, especially if the bite occurred on the lower parts of the body. Swellings appear under the armpits and frequent belching, especially if the bite is somewhere above, and the complexion changes.

If the scorpio is very harmful, then the phenomena are very bad and the mentioned symptoms reach the extreme. The bite burns, like cauterization, the whole body shrinks from the cold, the lips become covered with viscous moisture that congeals on them, and liquid also flows from the eyes, and pus congeals in the corners of the eyes. The change in the patient’s appearance intensifies, and a spasm seizes the throat, and sometimes the teeth sit on one another and do not unclench, and this is not a good sign

Says Galen If a scorpion strikes an artery, it leads to fainting, and a sting on a nerve causes spasms, while a sting on a vein causes putrefaction.

This is treated according to general laws, and also with the help of poultices with salt, millet and similar things, the first thing to do is to suck out the wounds, observing the necessary conditions, and take all the measures mentioned to draw out the poison. Sharp medicines that quickly cause inflammation are placed on the bitten area, for example, asafoetida, garlic, saliva, and as for jellyfish, this is the best medicine against a scorpion sting, as well as the kernels of rhitta, that is, Indian nut, and any nut in general. Also good is the herb whose leaves resemble marjoram leaves; they are spread on the ground in a circle and have one span in diameter, they have a viscosity in taste and their taste is the same as the taste of the tart fruits of jujubes, they are drunk with water, and the pain immediately subsides .

Other herbs and trees that we do not know are also named by name, as well as a plant with straight branches rising to a cubit, on which fruits appear that are similar to dates and taste like dates; taking them in a drink immediately soothes the pain.

Laba barbaria is extremely useful in this case, and sea onion works great if you eat it. Teryak al-faruk, mithridat, Ezra's teryak, teryak of the four help with this

medicines and Shajazaniya medicine with asafoetida are an excellent medicine against this, and peresupen and harmala are remedies that have been tested in our time. Wild kurtum, according to Galen, when taken in the hand, soothes pain and is a type of prickly artichoke.

Some people say that if you drink a bisha with a sesame seed, it soothes the pain of a scorpion sting and drives it away, but does not kill a person, because its lethal amount is about half a dirham.

One of the excellent cures for this is a person with wine, and the wine is drunk after taking garlic, after a short time. It is especially useful if you eat it with an equal amount of nuts, both of which are eaten about one ukiyya. After taking garlic and wine, the victim should be wrapped up and placed in a very warm place. If you can put him in such a position that he lies above the steam of hot water, this will be useful - the purpose of this is to cause him to perspire, and perspiration is caused in order to move the juices out. It is very useful for such patients to sweat in the bathhouse, and after leaving the bathhouse, let them drink pure wine.

Description of a good teryak for them. They take long aristolochia, laurel drupes, caper root bark, coloquintus root, Nabataean wormwood, turmeric, and footweed and bind it all with honey.

Another good teryak. They take wild rue seeds, Abyssinian cumin, clover seeds - oxybuff each, vinegar - as much as is needed to knead, gum - enough so that the vinegar becomes viscous and binds other medicines. They give one darakhmi per reception, but not more, because it is dangerous, and if an additional hour is needed, they give another half of the darakhmi.

A good loss from this. Take garlic and nuts - one part each, dried rue leaves, asafoetida, myrrh - half a part each and mix with figs, soaked until soft and become like honey. For one reception they give it three dirhams with wine.

A good loss from this. They take equal parts of beaver stream, white pepper, myrrh, opium and turn them into flat cakes and give three obols with four ukiyahs of wine for the reception. This also helps with tarantula bites.

They also take opopanax, myrrh, galbanum, beaver stream and white pepper and mix it with maya and honey, taken in equal parts.

Medicine from Askar. Here is its description: they take coloquinta root, caper root, wormwood, round and long aristolochia and dandelion in equal quantities, give two danaks to a child at one time, and dirhams to an adult. This is a wonderful, excellent medicine, there is no equal to it