Uvula and tonsils

These organs are sometimes subjected to catarrhs, from which they become so swollen that they impede breathing, and sometimes the uvula relaxes without swelling and needs cold and hot medicines to dry and compress it; It is often necessary to even cut it out. Treatment of uvula is close to treatment of sore throats. At first, the tongue is treated with thick ointments, carefully touching it with a feather: an untimely and careless touch with a finger is sometimes too irritating. If the uvula is enlarged, but slightly inflamed, then tart medicines are used, and for inflamed ones, more cooling ones are suitable, for example, nightshade infusion or rose seeds and its leaves; Both of these drugs have a strong effect. Even stronger in this case are gum arabic, tragacanth and anzarut with g.rovavik in the form of cakes. Or they take two parts of pomegranate flowers and one part of Yemenite alum, sifting them through a silk sieve; This remedy is used on a spoon, the end of which is cut across. Sometimes saffron and camphor are added to this and this composition is used in the form of a thick ointment. They also use galls ground with vinegar, which are spread with a feather, or sour pomegranate juice with astringents, or bloodstone stone and furukhirusl stone in burnt form, and a stone called agratus, and afruja stone, as well as bamboo concretions, printed and Armenian clay, thickly brewed unripe juice grapes, Egyptian thorn fruit, Yemenite alum and rose seeds; from all this the same medicine is prepared.

Fumigation with dill stems is one of the means that strongly compresses the tongue, as well as the squeezed juice of a sweet pomegranate, crushed together with the peel and a sixth of honey, in the form of a thick, viscous composition: this is an excellent ointment, - Along with astringent rinses, rinses should be constantly used hot water. This prepares the tongue for the action of astringents on it, marks it and prevents it from hardening from the astringents. If astringents have given the tongue hardness or caused a painful contraction, then mucus, gum, tragacanth, starch, anzarut, marshmallow seed, bran juice and barley water are used, or the squeezed juice of the ends of buckthorn is concentrated with a fifth of honey or with an equal weight amount of olive oil. , or they take a decoction of rose and sumac with a sixth of honey, boil it, thicken it and smear this mixture on the outside, along with something very drying and astringent, such as, for example, a medicine prepared from galls, Yemenite alum and salt; as they say, this medicine is preferable to others.

For a black gall tumor of the uvula, take one part of immature galls, red sulfate, sumac, each in a part and a third, and twenty parts of hot salt and consume. An excellent medicine under all circumstances and at all times: Yemenite alum three parts, rose seeds two parts, bush one part. It is applied in the form of an ointment using a feather, which is used to lift the tongue. This is an excellent medicine. Or they take squeezed pomegranate juice along with the peel, thicken it with five parts of honey and spread it. Or they take one part of alum, one part and a half of ammonia, two-thirds of unripe ink nuts, and when the disease comes to an end or is close to it, they use myrrh, saffron, saffron and what is similar to them, especially gorse. The flowers of the fragrant rush, branches of the balsam tree, and ushna are used as an ointment, and their juices are used as gargles, especially if gargles are prepared from them with a decoction of licorice root and rose seeds with honey. Almond oil is also dropped into the ear at short intervals. It helps.

If the tonsils and adjacent areas have accumulated pus, then use the solutions mentioned in the paragraph on sore throat, and if the pain continues and does not calm down, use the relaxation again. If this does not work, then use strong solvents, such as squeezed juice of a mad cucumber, sulfur, centaury and red soda, with honey or in pure form. If the tumor has hardened and does not resolve for a long time, then there is nothing better for it than asafoetida, and if it begins to thin in one place and thicken in another, then cut it, but if possible put it off and try to cause the tumor to fall off with the help of ammonia, bringing it to the tumor a spoon in the shape of a bridle is best. Such a tumor should not be cut, unless its root has become thinner: this poses a great danger. A rinse that dries out ulcers from tumors of the muscles of the pharynx and cleanses them: take lentils and pomegranate flowers, five parts each, liquid ointment of horned poppy, saffron, bush, one part each, boil in water; Taking one part of the decoction, mix it with half the amount of thickly brewed mulberry juice and a quarter of honey and rinse.