Uterine diseases

The uterus sometimes suffers from all diseases depending on nature, as well as diseases of the instrument and diseases of complicity. Illnesses associated with pregnancy also happen to her, for example, when she does not become pregnant or becomes pregnant and then miscarries, or does not miscarry but gives birth with difficulty and effort, so that the child in her dies. There are purification diseases in the uterus, when it does not secrete menstrual blood or secretes little of it, or secretes bad blood, or it happens at the wrong time and there is too much blood. Diseases that are especially characteristic of it also arise in it, or diseases of complicity, when it participates with other organs, and it also happens that other organs develop diseases of complicity with the uterus, when other organs participate with it, as is the case with "strangulation of the uterus." When diseases of the uterus become more frequent, the liver weakens and becomes predisposed to causing dropsy.