Conclusions on the symptoms of fevers

Know that the sources for conclusions about fevers are the previous regime, what it was, the circumstances and symptoms at a given time, which we will talk about, as well as the area, time of year, age, nature, pulse, urine, vomiting, excrement, nosebleeds , the quality of the fever in relation to chills and perspiration, the nature of the fever and attacks, the level of appetite and thirst, the state of breathing, as well as associated phenomena, for example, headache, insomnia, delirium, anxiety, etc. Fevers, after all, have symptoms that lead to conclusions about various circumstances. Some symptoms indicate high or low strength of fever - such as the quality and level of heat. The heat is sometimes burning and intense, from the beginning to the end; it happens that it first burns, then weakens and softens due to the dissolution of matter, and sometimes it does not burn at all. In some fevers the heat is moist, while in others it is dry.

Symptoms also indicate the type of fever, such as, say, the symptoms characteristic of a three-day fever - for example, the onset of an attack with tingling and goose bumps and burning heat, while other symptoms - anxiety, delirium, insomnia - indicate its malignancy. Some symptoms indicate the maturity or immaturity of matter, such as the qualities of urine, which we will talk about later, and others - we will mention them shortly - indicate a crisis; There are also symptoms that indicate well-being or the opposite state; We will talk about all this soon. The appearance of the patient also provides a basis for many judgments. For example, when the complexion turns leaden with a white and bluish tint, this indicates coldness of the juices and poverty of natural warmth, or swelling and bloating, as happens in those whose fevers are caused by indigestion. Or, for example, rapid emaciation and sharpening of facial features and thinness of the nose indicate either intense heat or liquid juices that quickly dissipate due to enlarged pores. The patient’s movements, which in themselves have become unusual, or their disorder, as well as other signs that we will talk about later, are also definite indications.

The time for some manifestations of fever, for example, for delirium and stupefaction, is the period of the limit, since the head is then on fire, and the time for others is the beginning, as for example, for goose bumps, cold and a semblance of hibernation, which most often comes at the beginning of the fever due to the weakness of the brain and the deviation of heat inward, where the matter is, and also from the abundance of vapors - they rise due to the excitement beginning in the body until they are dispelled by the blaze of fever. This is facilitated by the coldness of the brain itself and the coldness of the juice, which must rot and become hot.

The signs by which one recognizes what kind of fever and what type it is are the quality of the fever in terms of severity or mildness, the quality of the fever in terms of its occurrence from external or previous causes in the presence of the above-mentioned condition, the quality of the fever in terms of persistence, the possibility of eradicating or weakening attacks , the quality of the fever in the sense of whether it begins with chills, coldness and goose bumps or with the opposite phenomena, and when exactly one or another of them occurs, the quality of the fever in the sense of whether it leaves the patient with profuse or scanty perspiration or without this, as well as the previous regimen, age, appearance of the patient, his craft, time of year, quality of pulse and urine.