High heels: which ones to choose?

High heels are so beautiful! Probably every woman has at least one pair of high-heeled shoes, even if she wears them once a year. But it was not women, but men who were the first to appreciate the benefits of such a heel. And of course, these were the French - in the 16th century, shoes with heels were worn to look taller and slimmer, and also to make it more comfortable to ride a horse. As for women, Catherine de Medici was the first to wear shoes with wooden platforms, followed by the rest of the court ladies.

The heel for a long time remained a privilege of the upper class: only high-ranking officials of the state were allowed to wear it. After the French Revolution, everything changed, the rebellious commoners abolished high-heeled shoes as a symbol of inequality.

However, time passed, and at the end of the 19th century, fashion designers decided to remember such an interesting thing as a heel. As it turned out, shoes with heels can greatly expand the boundaries of modeling fashionable clothes; such shoes make it possible to experiment with the length of skirts and trousers, create new models of suits, visually increase height and make the figure slimmer.

Are heels harmful to health?

High heels are definitely harmful. What is considered a high heel? It is generally accepted that this is a heel with a height of more than 8.5 cm. From 6 to 8.5 cm is an average heel, below 6 cm is a low heel. It is precisely this heel height – 6 cm – that can be considered the most acceptable for daily wear. Anything higher is an excessive load on the legs and spine. At the same time, do not forget that the height of the heel should be measured not from the floor, but from the base of the sole located under the toes.

Maybe it’s in vain that fashionistas strive to buy shoes with high stiletto heels? After all, elegant shoes and boots with heels 6 cm high look no worse, and sometimes even better. It is worth remembering that if you constantly wear shoes with heels from 8 to 15 cm, then your feet will never get used to such abuse, and will suffer every time you put an “instrument of torture” on them. If you really need to rise above the others by at least 10-15 cm, then at least choose shoes made of genuine soft leather; the toes of the shoes should not be too narrow.

Is it necessary to suffer in the name of beauty?

Firstly, if pain and suffering are clearly visible on the face of a girl walking in high heels, what kind of beauty can we talk about? Secondly, look at the gait - many women walk in high heels with great caution, fearing to straighten their knees, and this also does not add beauty. It’s nice to look at the flying, light gait that often occurs in young women wearing shoes with medium-high heels - from 6 to 8 cm.

In addition, the habit of wearing heels will inevitably and very soon lead to displacement of joints, pain in the lower back, cramps of the calf muscles... It seems that even for the sake of beauty you should not torment yourself with such diseases. “Stiletto heels” are a direct path to deformation of the feet and legs, poor circulation and cellulite.

Who shouldn't wear heels?

If after wearing heels you feel severe pain in your legs and back, if you suffer from varicose veins, if your legs swell and go numb in the evening, try to stop wearing heels higher than 4 cm every day. I think it’s unnecessary to mention arthritis and arthrosis of the knee joints - understandable. that for these diseases, heels are contraindicated. Otherwise, you will be treated with painkillers and hormonal medications, constant pain in your legs, and in some cases you will even have to resort to surgery.

It is extremely undesirable for women who drive cars to wear high heels: many accidents occur due to the fact that the foot in high-heeled shoes is unable to operate the pedals correctly; the woman may simply not be able to control the car.

How to wear you