Rub your face with ice and herbs

2019 Blog about beauty and fashion


Hello, dear readers! This article is about the benefits of herbal ice for the face.

To make your skin look well-groomed, beautiful and attractive, you need to take care of it every day.


One of the facial care products is ice. It is used to massage the skin to cleanse and tighten pores, improve tone, remove oiliness from the face, rejuvenate the skin, and make the face more elastic and firm.

Herbs, in turn, have been actively used in cosmetology since ancient times, when there were no ready-made care products (lotion, cream, masks and others).

Herbal remedies have always helped improve the condition of the skin for the better, get rid of acne, wrinkles, moisturize it, protect it from negative environmental factors, and remove oily shine from the face.

In addition, ice is good for the skin around the eyes.

Ice with herbs is an effective remedy against puffiness, bags, and swelling under the eyes. In the morning, take an ice cube and rub the skin in this area. If you do such procedures every morning, your skin around the eyes will improve and fine wrinkles will disappear. Ice containing parsley will help lighten dark circles.

The benefits of herbal ice


Ice for the face with herbs is easy to prepare at home and this product brings many benefits, namely:

  1. tones, moisturizes, cleanses the face
  2. eliminates oily shine
  3. tightens pores
  4. makes the skin tightened and elastic
  5. smoothes wrinkles
  6. increases blood circulation in cells
  7. restores metabolism
  8. eliminates swelling
  9. normalizes sebum production
  10. penetrates deeply into cells
  11. relieves inflammation
  12. improves facial tone
  13. dries and removes acne

What herbs are good for the face


Each herb has its own beneficial properties and brings the following benefits to the skin:

  1. mint – refreshes, relieves swelling and inflammation
  2. chamomile – soothes irritations, removes inflammation, makes the face matte and more elastic
  3. sage – cleanses clogged pores and tightens them, treats acne
  4. lavender – rejuvenates, activates metabolism in cells
  1. Linden – moisturizes and softens the skin
  2. aloe – moisturizes, has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory properties, neutralizes strong sebum secretion
  3. calendula – has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory properties, relieves acne, soothes irritations
  4. parsley – whitens the skin
  5. nettle – cleanses the face, cares for oily skin

Indications for use

Use an ice facial massage if you have:

  1. dry skin
  2. fat
  3. problematic
  4. fading
  5. tired
  6. freckles, age spots

Indications for the use of herbs for the face


There are a lot of herbs. Different herbs are suitable for each skin type. Therefore, decide what problem you want to cure and then choose a herb from this list:

  1. for oily skin – mint, aloe, burdock, horsetail, nettle, plantain, linden, oak bark, birch
  2. for dry – calendula, thyme, oregano
  3. for problematic acne – calendula, plantain, aloe, St. John’s wort, lavender, chamomile, coltsfoot, string
  4. for aging against wrinkles – chamomile, rosemary, sage, coltsfoot
  1. for skin with pigmentation – parsley and dandelion
  2. for facial cleansing – nettle and rowan



In addition to its beneficial properties, the product also has contraindications:

  1. sensitive skin
  2. if you are sick with the flu or a cold, then you should not use
  3. rosacea
  4. dilated vessels
  5. problems with the thyroid gland (in this case, you should not wipe your neck)
  6. cannot be used in winter an hour before leaving the house to go outside in the cold
  7. irritated, dehydrated skin
  8. microdamages on the face (abrasions, scratches, wounds)
  9. individual intolerance to grass

Correct Application


To properly prepare the product and improve the condition of your skin in a short time, you need to follow the tips for use:

  1. It is best to prepare the product from mineral water.
  2. Pour the prepared infusion into molds and place in the freezer to freeze.
  3. Wait a minute for the ice to melt slightly before using.
  4. You need to wipe along the massage lines (there is a photo below).
  5. Wipe gently and not for long so as not to injure the skin.
  6. Use the product daily - morning and evening.
  7. The shelf life of one prepared product is up to 5 days in the freezer.

Recipes for the face

For oily skin


Mix different herbs (mother-and-ma Czech, kale ndulu, wormwood, St. John's wort, yarrow, horsetail, birch buds or leaves). Take 1 tables. spoon of herbs, pour a glass of boiling water. Wait for the infusion to infuse, strain it and freeze it in molds.

For dry


We will need chamomile, sage, lemon balm, linden, parsley, mint. Take 1 tablespoon of herbal mixture and pour boiling water (1 glass), leave, strain and pour into molds.

For normal

Take one of the herbs to choose from: sage, mint, plantain, St. John's wort, yarrow, valerian.
We will need 1 tables. spoon of herbs and 1 glass of boiling water. Pour boiling water over the herb and wait until the mixture infuses. Next, filter the infusion, pour into molds and freeze.

For problematic

Mix chamomile, oak bark, mint, calendula. We take 1 table. spoon of the mixture and pour boiling water (1 cup). Cool the infusion, strain and freeze in the freezer.


Chop the parsley and pour boiling water (1 cup). Let it sit for 30 minutes. Then strain, pour the infusion into a mold and freeze.

Ice with sage

1 tablespoon Pour boiling water (1 glass) over sage, leave for half an hour, strain. Pour into a mold and freeze in the freezer.

With chamomile

Chamomile soothes the skin, fights acne, relieves inflammation and redness, improves complexion, moisturizes, and tones.

We will need 2-3 tablespoons. chamomile and a glass of water. The mixture should be brought to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes over low heat. Leave for half an hour for the broth to brew and cool, strain it and freeze in the freezer in ice trays.

With linden

Linden moisturizes, tones, softens, makes the skin silkier, smoother, and cleaner.

2 tables. l. Fill the linden blossom with water, bring to a boil and cook for another 5 minutes over low heat, then cool, strain, pour into ice cube trays and put in the freezer.

With mint

To normalize sebum production, refresh your face, cleanse pores of impurities and tighten them, prepare mint ice for your face:

  1. 2 tablespoons Mix mint leaves with a glass of water. We wait until the mixture boils and boil for no more than 5 minutes over low heat. Next, you need to cool the mixture and strain. Pour the broth into an ice tray and place it in the freezer.
  2. To enhance the effect of mint ice, you can add 3 drops of mint essential oil before pouring it into the mold.
  3. Mix 1 tables at a time. spoon mint and chamomile. Pour boiling water, wait until the mixture is infused, strain and freeze in an ice tray.
  4. 2 tables. spoons of mint pour 1 glass of milk (the milk should be hot). Let the mixture sit for 30 minutes, then strain and freeze in the freezer.

With parsley

Parsley ice refreshes the face, tones, improves the tone of the face, brightens the skin, fights acne and wrinkles:

  1. Pour boiling water over the chopped parsley and boil for another 5 minutes over low heat. Cool, strain and pour the broth into a mold.
  2. Chop 1-2 large bunches of parsley. Place the mixture in cheesecloth and squeeze out the juice. You can dilute it a little with mineral water, pour it into molds and put it in the freezer.
  3. Chop a couple of bunches of parsley very finely. Place the mixture in molds and freeze.


Ice is a special state of water, the effects of which are very beneficial for the skin. It helps fight early wrinkles, sagging and dull complexion. Ice prolongs youth and gives freshness to the epidermis. It has a beneficial effect on all skin types and can also replace morning and evening washing.

Read in this article

The benefits of ice for facial skin

Just cold water cannot completely replace washing with an ice cube. It has a stronger effect on the skin. Ice massage rejuvenates, improves tone and improves complexion.

The use of frozen water has the following beneficial properties for the skin:

  1. Upon contact with the surface, melt water appears, which moisturizes the cells much better. It does not cause skin tightness.
  2. All useful substances from the cube penetrate into the layers, especially if the ice has been enriched with extracts, extracts or decoctions of herbs and berries.
  3. When exposed to cold, blood vessels constrict, but then quickly heat up. Therefore, blood flows better to the cells, the supply of tissues with oxygen and nutrients is improved, and metabolic processes are activated.
  4. Increases skin tone, enhances its self-healing properties.
  5. Makes the dermis denser.
  6. Thanks to melt water, dry skin becomes less dehydrated.
  7. Active metabolic processes contribute to the smoothing of wrinkles and increased production of collagen and elastin.
  8. Narrows enlarged pores, thus the work of the sebaceous glands becomes less active. Skin oiliness decreases, the number of rashes and inflammations decreases.
  9. The facial contour is tightened.
  10. Ice has an antibacterial effect on the skin.
  11. The dermis becomes softer and fresher.
  12. With regular use, dark circles under the eyes and swelling disappear. Again, because the density of the skin increases, metabolic processes accelerate, and excess fluid is removed.
  13. Increases immunity and protective abilities of the epidermis.


Despite all the positive aspects and properties, this procedure may not be suitable for everyone. Contraindications to wiping your face with ice cubes are:

  1. cold season - additional exposure to ice will create another reason for stress;
  2. colds, exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  3. diseases and damage to the skin;
  4. inflammatory processes on the epidermis;
  5. increased sensitivity;
  6. dehydrated state of the dermis;
  7. irritation.

Rules for wiping your face

To avoid unpleasant consequences and get maximum benefit, and see results soon, it is important to follow some tips:

  1. Ice must be frozen in a special form, which must be clean. Also, water can be filtered, mineral, settled, you can even silver it. This will have an additional disinfecting effect.
  2. You need to freeze the water for at least 7 - 10 hours.
  3. Wipe the skin quickly. You cannot keep ice in one place for more than 3 seconds.
  4. Do not press the cube too hard into the surface of the face. However, all problem areas must be carefully worked out.
  5. You need to move the ice cube along special massage lines.

Massage lines

You should move from the center of the chin to the earlobe, and so on on each side. Then from the corners of the lips to the middle of the ear. Direct from the upper lip to the upper part of the ear, from the wing of the nose again to the upper point of the ear. Around the eyes you need to move first clockwise, then counterclockwise. After this, the cube moves from the middle of the forehead to the temples, and at the end of the massage from the bridge of the nose to the wings of the nose.

An equally important point is the shelf life of the ice. You can't do this for too long. How to store them depends on the ingredients. If extracts from fruits or vegetables have been frozen, then the ice should remain in the freezer for no longer than four days. Then valuable properties are lost. As for herbal decoctions, they can be stored for no more than a week. But if vitamins have been added to the ice, then it should be used immediately after freezing.

The best solution would be to prepare the cubes overnight to wipe your face in the morning. The procedure is carried out twice a day - morning and evening.

For information on who should wipe their face with a piece of ice and who should not do this, watch this video:

Ice Cube Recipes

The classic option is to simply freeze regular filtered water. But many other components can also be turned into ice. The main thing is not to cook with those to which you are allergic. It is also important to select ingredients based on your skin type.

For example, for oily people, infusions of chamomile, lavender, parsley, hawthorn, kefir or fermented baked milk are suitable. And for dry skin you need to choose with mint, cornflower, thyme, sage or heavy cream.

The following ice cube recipes are popular and effective.

With herbs

The following simple herbs and flowers can be used for preparation:

Chamomile decoction helps soften the skin and refresh it. It has a cleansing effect on dry and normal skin types, and mattifies oily skin types. Chamomile soothes and relieves inflammation on problem skin. In addition, it helps fight minor wrinkles.

You can prepare ice with its decoction as follows: add boiling water to the dried flowers and cook over low heat for several minutes. Then the broth is allowed to cool. Before pouring into molds, it must be passed through a sieve. Then the cells filled with broth are placed in the freezer. The resulting ice should be wiped over the skin twice a day.

Depending on the type of epidermis, you can change the concentration of chamomile. For oily and problematic conditions, brew three tablespoons of the raw material per glass of water, and for dry and normal conditions, brew two tablespoons.

Saturates the skin with vitamins A and C, folic acid. The decoction eliminates imperfections. However, an infusion from the root of the plant is prepared for the cubes, because after heat treatment the leaves lose all their beneficial properties. It is crushed and cooked for half an hour over low heat. After cooling, the broth is passed through a sieve and poured into molds.

You can make ice from parsley juice. To do this, several bunches need to be squeezed out. Pour the resulting juice into molds and freeze. This product perfectly whitens the skin.

You can also finely grind the parsley leaves and freeze them in molds along with the juice and purified water. This type of ice fights acne, wrinkles, bags and bruises, and refreshes the skin.

To combat excess fat content, you need to add tomato juice to parsley juice. Frozen ice has anti-inflammatory properties.

  1. Mint

Suitable for oily skin. This ice refreshes, tightens pores and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. You can prepare it in several ways.

Mint leaves are dried and ground. To prepare the infusion, you need to pour boiling water over them, let them simmer, pass through a sieve and pour into molds.

You can also brew mint infusion with boiling milk. After the mixture has been left for half an hour, pass it through a sieve and pour into ice cube trays. You can wipe dry skin with this composition, as it perfectly moisturizes.

An infusion of mint with coltsfoot and linden flowers is also suitable for her. Brew the collection for half an hour, and after cooling, strain and freeze.

To learn how to prepare cosmetic ice for your face, watch this video:

With oils

Ice with the addition of essential oils has a calming effect, and also smoothes out existing wrinkles and prevents the formation of new ones. The following composition of cubes is effective.

Ingredients: essential oils of rose, mint and geranium.

All essential oils should be added to clean, filtered water, five drops each. Then stir the mixture to distribute the oils and pour into the molds. Freeze overnight. But such ice cubes cannot be stored for a long time.

But you can also choose any essential oils for other purposes. It is important not to exceed the proportions - no more than ten drops per glass of liquid. You can use mineral water.

On tea and coffee

These drinks also have a beneficial effect on the skin. Everyone knows about tea bags for bags under the eyes, but ice cubes do a much better job. They can be prepared from different types of tea and coffee.

  1. Red has rejuvenating properties. This ice perfectly tones the skin. Brew the drink as usual. Then separate the liquid from the tea leaves and pour into molds. Freeze for at least seven hours.
  2. Black tea perfectly evens out the complexion. Ice from this drink also improves blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, which helps eliminate swelling.
  1. Green tea perfectly refreshes, tightens pores, tightens the oval. It can be mixed with elderberry infusion, lemon or cucumber juice, and honey. All this helps to tone the skin, soothe sensitive skin, and eliminate irritation. This ice has a slight whitening effect. In addition, with regular use, you can successfully fight expression lines.
  2. Ice cubes with coffee help remove toxins due to their antioxidant properties, and also eliminate dark circles under the eyes, tighten the oval of the face, and cleanse away dead skin cells and blackheads. However, you need to brew natural ground coffee. To do this, pour two teaspoons of boiling water and let it brew. Then the poured drink is frozen into molds. For dry skin, cubes are prepared from coffee with cream.

Also remember that all the drinks described above are suitable for freezing into ice without sugar.

With juice

Juices of fruits, vegetables and berries are used to prepare this healthy product. You can freeze them directly in their pure, concentrated form. However, it is still recommended to dilute juice from lemon, orange or grapefruit with filtered water one to one.

The following ingredients can be used to make ice cubes depending on their properties:

  1. watermelon tones and refreshes the skin;
  2. citrus whitens, saturates with vitamin C, improves blood circulation;
  3. cucumber cleanses and tightens pores;
  4. cabbage gives elasticity, tightens, eliminates sagging;
  5. potato helps fight acne, cleanses the skin, and also gets rid of swelling and bags under the eyes;
  6. strawberry whitens, mattifies oily dermis;
  7. raspberry softens, evens out tone, increases tone;
  8. carrot perfectly nourishes the skin and gives it a radiant appearance.

For bags and bruises under the eyes

Ice cubes are used in this area to refresh, remove bags and bruises, rejuvenate and smooth out wrinkles. Evening treatments help relieve fatigue from the eyelids.

Under the influence of cold, capillaries and vessels quickly contract and expand, thereby causing blood flow. The supply of oxygen and vitamins improves, and metabolic processes in tissues are improved.

You can prepare ice cubes for the area around the eyes from the following ingredients:

  1. mineral water;
  2. potato juice;
  3. citrus fruits;
  4. green or black tea;
  5. cucumber juice;
  6. parsley leaves;
  7. sage;
  8. oatmeal infusion;
  9. linden flowers and flax seeds;
  10. milk.

Regular use of ice cubes on the face and around the eyes will allow you to enjoy many years of beauty and youth. It smooths out wrinkles, improves tone and elasticity. Components such as juices, decoctions, essential oils improve blood circulation and saturate the skin with vitamins and nutrients. After a while, you will be able to forget about swelling, dark circles under your eyes and signs of fatigue on your face.

Useful video

To learn how to use cucumber juice ice on your face, watch this video:

08/9/2015 Elena Beauty and care 12 comments


Greetings to all, dear readers and guests of the blog!
You must admit, this happens: just on an Extremely Important Day, you wake up, go to the mirror... Alas! Then, when you want to look irresistible, according to the law of meanness, this does not happen. Well, I don’t know, at least that’s how it usually happens for me! Either you don’t get enough sleep, or your face swells (well, how can you combine the advice to drink less fluids at night and the recommendation to drink 1.5 liters of water a day? Mishaps happen...). In general, the result is obvious. And on the face. The best thing that can be in such a situation is ice for the face with herbs! Rubbing the face with ice cubes makes the skin fresh, the circles under the eyes go away and the face is completely transformed

What is good about ice for the face with herbs?

Ice with herbs is an excellent home care product for any skin type at any age! Rubbing the face with ice cubes is a tonic and refreshing massage, and adding herbs to it allows you to carry out a “2 in 1” procedure: massage and rubbing the face with a herbal decoction. Well, I’ll tell you below about which herbs to add to your cosmetic ice.

I started with the fact that this procedure perfectly refreshes the skin in the morning and instantly gives the face a healthy and cheerful appearance. But in general, you can (and should) use ice cubes with herbs on your face and neck not only as an express method, as I do (I’m lazy, oh, I’m lazy, I confess, I don’t really like the touch of cold on the skin) . It is better to wipe with ice regularly - it will help keep the skin toned and even have a slight lifting effect. At least that’s what they say – the problems of aging skin are, fortunately, not familiar to me yet due to my age.


Please note that wiping your face with ice is not recommended for skin damage or rosacea, although such contrast is a good “charge” for the blood vessels.

It would seem like “grandmother’s” method, but scientists assure that it is very effective! The whole point is that:

  1. melt water, which is formed when ice comes into contact with the skin, which penetrates cells better than usual. It is also an excellent “transporter”, delivering related beneficial substances into the cells that you add to your ice - the same herbs, for example, or lemon juice;
  2. facial massage and low temperature instantly tone the skin and improve blood circulation;
  3. Rubbing with herbs helps reduce oily skin, tighten pores, reduce emerging wrinkles, soften the skin and tighten the contour of the face;
  4. ice relieves inflammation and slightly disinfects (an excellent option for skin prone to rashes);
  5. smoothing and improving skin color.

Subtleties of the procedure

So, as you can see for yourself, self-massage of the face with herbal ice has many benefits! Already want to try it? Then read how to do it correctly!

  1. Pour the prepared decoction of medicinal herbs, selected according to the needs of your skin, into ice molds. You can add, for example, a berry, a slice of fruit or a vegetable to each cube.

  2. protirat-lico-ldom-s-travami-oWBJc.webp

    Place the molds in the freezer for at least 8-9 hours. That is, you need to prepare in the evening so that you can carry out an invigorating procedure in the morning.
  3. Rub your face with ice cubes along the massage lines. In my opinion, this is golden advice! ANY manipulations with the skin must be carried out along massage lines, and not “as God puts it on your soul”! Otherwise, we rub the skin the way we want, and then we wonder: where do the wrinkles come from?
  4. Ice for the face is considered a morning procedure, as it is very invigorating, but no one forbids you to use it twice a day, just do it immediately before bed.
  5. The ice massage should not be long - a maximum of 2 minutes, until a tingling sensation appears.
  6. You should not immediately wipe your face with tonic and apply your favorite cream - this should be done after 15 minutes, allowing the skin to dry on its own. This way the frozen herbal decoction will be better absorbed.
  7. Try different recipes. The skin does not get used to natural ingredients as much as to chemicals, but it is still better to try different formulations and decoctions, changing their active ingredients - this way the procedures will be more effective.

Herbal ice recipes for the face

By and large, you can wipe your skin with just frozen water - regular ice is also very effective. However, the use of medicinal herbs helps solve skin problems comprehensively, so why not take advantage of this opportunity?


By the way, I even froze a well-known remedy for removing toxins from the body - water with cucumber, lemon and mint. Why not: lemon and cucumber whiten, mint refreshes and tones! So prepare yourself some water and pour some into ice cube trays - both your body and skin will love this product!

What other herbs will be most effective?

For oily, problematic skin prone to breakouts: calendula, chamomile (decoction or infusion), wormwood, birch buds, coltsfoot, green tea.

For dry, sensitive skin: linden, rose (petals), lemon balm, as well as any red berries (strawberries, rowan, etc.).

For normal and combination skin: St. John's wort, plantain. yarrow, mint, sage, St. John's wort.

For mature skin: black tea, black currant leaves, sage, sea buckthorn, viburnum.

Against freckles and age spots: parsley (and also lemon and cucumber, as I already mentioned, although these are not herbs).


As you can see, there are no exotic ingredients - all these herbs grow in our fields, and they cost pennies in the pharmacy. Well, okay, tea doesn’t grow here, but you probably have it in your kitchen cabinet! Try freezing decoctions of these herbs one at a time or in a composition - your skin will only benefit from it!