Healing Fitness

Healing Fitness (Exercise therapy) – a special technique of preventive, therapeutic and rehabilitation measures for patients through physical education and sports exercises. Exercise therapy is considered the main method of comprehensive pathogenetic and functional therapy, a comprehensive means of preserving the patient’s body in working condition, stimulating its hidden internal reserves and increasing physical activity.

In current conditions, modern human life is associated with low and insufficient physical activity, all kinds of neuropsychic stress, and a negative and unfavorable environment for health. Here are the main ones risk factors the appearance of chronic diseases.

That's why using therapeutic physical culture in comprehensive treatment is for us a much-needed means for the speedy and complete restoration of a person’s health and ability to work. No matter how successfully the evolutionary-ecological adaptation proceeds, many patients need constant dosed physical training to achieve the effect of high-quality restoration and physiological adaptation to various environmental influences. This is why exercise therapy is mandatory component systems of medical and social rehabilitation of sick and disabled people.

Considered to be an inherently natural and biological method, exercise therapy has a wide range of effects on the entire body. The effect of exercise therapy is enormous wide choice adequate funds and varieties of physical training, methods of training, educational and pathogenetic nature, capable of using the bioenergetic, regulating, stimulating and compensatory mechanism of influence on the affected organs, their systems, as well as on the functional reserves of the human body.

At the moment, exercise therapy is successfully combined with drug treatment, even surgical interventions, as well as physiotherapy methods, massage and is used in all medical, therapeutic and preventive organizations (hospitals, clinics, dispensaries, antenatal clinics, maternity hospitals, rehabilitation centers, sanatoriums and dispensaries) .

In general, exercise therapy should be perceived as part of the whole complex preventive, health-improving measures, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, nutrition and rational rest on the one hand, and directly as subtype of physical culture in general, almost the same as aerobics, fitness or bodybuilding on the other hand. But the only difference is that the classes here are aimed at people suffering from various kinds of ailments, and, therefore, the load and control over the progress of the training must be very serious...

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