Knowledge :: Page - 24

Navel Noble, or Roman


Compositae - Asteraceae (Compositae). Parts used: inflorescences. Pharmacy name: Roman chamomile flowers - Chamomillae romanae flos (formerly: Flores Chamomillae romanae) ...

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Human anatomy


Human anatomy Human anatomy is the science of the form, structure and development of the human body in connection with the functions of individual systems and organs and ...

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Autonomic Nervous System, Parasympathetic Nervous System


The autonomic nervous system is a part of the nervous system that regulates the activity of internal organs, endocrine and exocrine glands, blood and lymphatic vessels, a ...

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Cumin Ordinary.


Cumin Ordinary: properties and applications Cumin (lat. Carum carvi) is a plant of the Umbelliferae family, known for its characteristic smell and taste. It is a biennial ...

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Internal illnesses


Internal diseases: basics of diagnosis and treatment Internal diseases are a group of diseases that affect the organs of the internal human systems, such as the respirato ...

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Cetraria Icelandica, or Icelandic Moss.


Cetraria Icelandica, Or Icelandic Moss Cetraria Icelandica, or Icelandic moss, is a lichen of the Parmeliaceae family, which is distributed throughout Russia, located nor ...

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Chapter 9 Exercise And Diabetes


Chapter 9. Exercise and Diabetes In the past, exercise was one of the main methods of treating diabetes, but after the advent of insulin and glucose-lowering pills, it be ...

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White hellebore.


White hellebore White hellebore is a perennial herbaceous plant of the lily family, up to 1.5 m high. It has a thick vertical rhizome with numerous small roots. The leave ...

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Kuril Shrub Tea.


Kuril Shrub Tea An erect or spreading shrub of the Rosaceae family, 20–150 cm high. The branches are grayish-brown with peeling bark. Young branches are silky golden. The ...

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Ointment "Finalgon"


Ointment "Finalgon" Finalgon ointment has a distracting, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. It is indicated for muscle and joint pain of various origins, tendovagini ...

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