Knowledge :: Page - 26



Nowadays, a large number of drugs are used to treat intestinal diseases; in addition, every year the pharmaceutical industry offers one or two dozen new medications. Ther ...

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Cosmetic Ice


Cosmetic ice: how to use it correctly and which herbs are suitable for different skin types Cosmetic ice is a procedure that can be used to care for the skin of the face ...

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Laryngospasm: symptoms, causes and treatment Laryngospasm is a condition in which the muscles of the larynx convulsively contract, causing the glottis to close and impair ...

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Nutrients That Don't Provide Energy


Eating foods rich in soluble fiber can help you feel full and prevent you from overeating, which can be beneficial for weight management. Vitamins and minerals Vitamins ...

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Improper water balance in the body leads to various health problems, since water is involved in most physiological processes, including digestion, blood circulation, and ...

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Acute Toothache


Acute Toothache: Causes and Treatment Methods Acute toothache can be an extremely unpleasant and sometimes unbearable condition that requires immediate attention from a d ...

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What I see?


What I see? Description of the world through the eyes of a child When we travel by car or bus, we often do not pay attention to the world around us. But what if we look a ...

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Phloem (Gr. Phloyos - Bark)


Phloem (from the Greek word "phloios", meaning "bark") is one of the types of conductive tissue in plants. It plays an important role in transporting organic nutrients up ...

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Organs of the Immune System


The immune system is a complex system of protecting the body from infections, diseases and other external influences. It consists of several organs that are capable of pr ...

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When your little perpetual motion machine has exhausted its energy, adults, returning home in the evening, cannot find it where it usually is. To solve this problem, advi ...

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