Knowledge :: Page - 29

Purslane Ogorodny.


Purslane Ogorodny: use in food and medicine Purslane (Portulaca oleracea) is an annual herbaceous plant of the purslane family, which is widely used as a herb and vitamin ...

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Lungs' cancer


Smoking is the main cause of lung cancer. Inhaling tobacco smoke introduces carcinogens into the lungs, which cause cell mutations. Men get lung cancer 7-10 times more of ...

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Nasturtium Mayskaya, Or Capuchin.


An annual herbaceous plant of the nasturtium family. The stem is creeping, branched. The leaves are thyroid-shaped, entire. Blooms in July - August. The flowers are orang ...

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Meprotan is a selective psychotropic, neurotoxic drug that has a central muscle relaxant effect. When taking meprotane, side effects such as drowsiness, dizziness, muscle ...

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Vintage Clothes


Vintage clothes A second-hand store may well turn out to be an unusual, but very useful place to purchase gifts for a child's birthday or holiday. In such places you can ...

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Oxygen for Baby


Oxygen for baby The development of the child in the uterus occurs due to substances contained in the mother’s blood. An amazing organ - the placenta, which develops along ...

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What Lips “Say”


"What Lips Say: How Lip Shape Reflects Character and Temperament" It is believed that lips are one of the most expressive elements of the face. The shape of the lips can ...

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Cells-Dashes: a game for the development of logical thinking Dash Boxes is a simple but addictive game that helps develop logical thinking in children of all ages. The ga ...

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Small Basil.


Small Basil: description, medicinal properties, methods of use Small Basil (lat. Chenopodium album L. ssp. album) is a perennial herbaceous plant of the buttercup family, ...

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Quince Oblong.


Quince oblong A tree or shrub of the Rosaceae family, 1.5-8 m high. Old branches and trunks have dark gray, smooth bark. Young branches are woolly-tomentose-pubescent. Th ...

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