Knowledge :: Page - 30

Infectious Diseases, Immunity & Allergies


Infectious diseases, immunity and allergies are closely related concepts that determine human health and well-being. Infectious diseases arise as a result of infection of ...

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A set of methods and techniques for assessing the morphological characteristics of the human body: measuring height, weight, external body shape (skull size, chest circum ...

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Chapter 12. When It's Snowing Outside


Chapter 12. When It's Snowing Outside. When there is snow outside, it can cause euphoria and joy in children. They can run, jump and sled while creating snow sculptures a ...

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Marburg fever


An acute viral disease characterized by a severe course, high mortality, hemorrhagic syndrome, damage to the liver, gastrointestinal tract and central nervous system. Eti ...

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Plantain Flea.


Plantain Flea An annual herbaceous short-hairy plant of the plantain family, 5-40 cm high. Taproot. The stem is erect, branched, and has hairs in the upper half. Leaves a ...

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Nose bleed


Nose bleed Bleeding from the nose can be a symptom of both local damage to the nose and a general disease of the body. The most common causes of nosebleeds are injuries, ...

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Common Raspberry.


Common raspberry: description, cultivation, use in cooking and medicine Common raspberry (Rubus idaeus) is a biennial shrub of the Rosaceae family that grows to 1.5–2 m i ...

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Prodromal Ii (Subclinical)


Prodromal Ii (Subclinical) - this term is used to describe the period preceding the detection of obvious symptoms of the disease. During this period, the patient may not ...

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Fermentation is the enzymatic breakdown of any organic substance under anaerobic conditions, which supplies the cell with energy for other processes. During fermentation, ...

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Pendinka is mainly a “Tashkent” disease, observed occasionally in other places. It starts with a small wound on the nostril, which gradually grows and eats away the entir ...

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