Knowledge :: Page - 31

Conscious Bodybuilding


Mindful Bodybuilding: How Exercise for Kids Can Be the Key to a Healthier, More Mindful Lifestyle In our modern culture, we often associate physical activity and bodybuil ...

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Pimenta Dioecious


Myrtaceae - Myrtaceae. Common names: clove pepper, Jamaican pepper. Pharmacy name: pimenta fruits - Pimentae fructus (formerly: Fructus Pimentae). Botanical description. ...

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Painkillers, Analgesics


Painkillers, Analgesics Eliminate or reduce the sensation of pain. These include medicinal substances with different chemical structures and mechanisms of action. The mai ...

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Robots for Old People: They Wash, Shave and Take You on a Date


Modern medicine has been able to significantly increase life expectancy. In Japan, for example, women live an average of 85 years. But at the same time, doctors have not ...

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Galega Officinalis, Or Goat's Rue


Galega officinalis, or Goat's rue Legumes - Fabaceae (Leguminosae). Pharmacy name: galega herb - Galegae herba (formerly: Herba Galegae). Botanical description. A perenni ...

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Diagnosis of Prostatitis


Prostatitis is a disease associated with inflammation of the prostate gland in men. This problem can lead to serious consequences, including dysfunction of the genitourin ...

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Aspergillosis is a disease caused by fungi of the genus Aspergillus with frequent localization in the bronchopulmonary system. Etiology, pathogenesis. Aspergillus is a wi ...

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Insect squad. Cockroaches are heat-loving, predominantly nocturnal and secretive insects. They feed on organic debris, food and human secretions (sputum, feces). Due to t ...

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Tumors of the Nasopharynx


Nasopharyngeal tumors are a serious condition that can lead to serious consequences if not detected and treated promptly. One of the main histological types of tumors is ...

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Neurasthenia, Asthenia


Neurasthenia is a type of neurosis that manifests itself as increased excitability and irritability combined with rapid fatigue and exhaustion. With neurasthenia, sleep d ...

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