Knowledge :: Page - 32

Complications of Abortion


Complications of abortion The risk of complications after an abortion depends on the length of pregnancy - the longer the period, the more likely complications are. There ...

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Enter your name


A personalized stamp makes a wonderful gift. Stamps come in all sizes and styles and can be ordered from a workshop or purchased from office supply or office supply store ...

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Posevnoy Len.


Flax: properties and application Flax (Linum usitatissimum) is an annual herbaceous plant of the flax family, up to 120 cm high. It is cultivated in central Russia, in th ...

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Pepper Bush


Shrub pepper: description, application and properties Bush peppers, also known as cayenne peppers or capsicums, belong to the nightshade family (Solanaceae). This pepper ...

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Incorrect Posture: How to Correct Spinal and Leg Misalignments The Importance of Posture for Health


Incorrect Posture: How to Correct Poor Position of the Spine and Legs The Importance of Posture for Health Everything in the human body is interconnected. Quite often, de ...

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Anorexia Neurogenic


Before moving on to the description of anorexia neurogenic, it is necessary to clarify what kind of disease it is. Anorexia is an eating disorder in which a person restri ...

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Hepatitis Olenticular Degeneration (Hepatocerebral Dystrophy, Westphal-Wilson-Konovalov Disease)


Hepatocerebral degeneration (Wilson-Konovalov disease) Hepatocerebral degeneration (also known as Wilson-Konovalov disease) is a rare hereditary disease characterized by ...

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Common hazel, or hazelnut.


Common hazel, or hazelnut, is a member of the birch family and grows in the steppe and forest-steppe zones of the European part of Russia and the Caucasus. It is a shrub ...

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Thyrotoxicosis: causes, symptoms and treatment Thyrotoxicosis is a condition in which the level of thyroid hormones in the body is significantly elevated. This condition ...

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Osmosis (Gr. Osmosis - Inducement)


Osmosis (from the Greek word "osmosis" - urge) is the process of transfer of solvent molecules from a less concentrated solution to a more concentrated solution through a ...

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